02-05-03-Resolution-Federal Add-Off System Bridge Replacement McReynolds Road and Ranger Creek-02/17/2003RESOLUTION # 02-05-03 At a regular meeting of the City Council of City of Sanger Texas, held on February 17, 2003, the following order was adopted$ WHEREAS, the State Department of Highways and Public Transportation has designated the bridge on McReynolds Road and Ranger Creek, respectively as a part of the Federal Aid Off - System Bridge Replacement Program; and WEREAS, the State Department of Highways and Public Transportation has requested that a `Construction and Maintenance Agreement for Bridge Replacement of Rehabilitation Off the State System" be executed by City of Sanger as the local "Governmental Agency;" and WHEREAS, said agreement requires that the Governmental Agency agrees to provide 10% of the actual construction cost of the bridge replacement or rehabilitation project, and agrees to acquire, at its expense, any additional right-of-way and move utilities, if required; and WHEREAS, the State Department of Highways and Public Transportation has estimated that the cost of this project is $241,880.00 for McReynolds Road Bridge with the City's share being $24,188,00, respectively, not including right -of --way costs; and WHEREAS, it is recommended that the attached Agreement be approved as written and that the City Council authorize execution thereof by the Mayor. IT IS, THEREFORE ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND AGREED that the Mayor of the City of Sanger, Texas is hereby authorized and directed by this City Council to execute said Agreement of behalf of the City of Sanger. SIGNED this 17th day of February, 2003 Place 1 City Council, Place 2 ju06