03-08-03-Resolution-Participating in the Texas HOME Program-03/17/200303-08-03 RESOLUTION BY THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS WHEREAS, the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA) has notified the public of a funding availability to benefit lower income residents of Texas communities through the 2002/2003 Texas HOME Investment Partnerships Program; and WHEREAS, the Texas HOME Program has identified signcant housing needs in the City, particularly for the rehabilitation and reconstruction of owner occupied housing; and WHEREAS, the City wishes to assist our lower income homeowners while simultaneously enhancing the health, economic, and aesthetic quality of the community: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED ONE, the City Council authorizes that a 2002/2003 Texas HOME Program —General Set -Aside application for Owner Occupied Housing Assistance up to an amount of $520,000 be prepared by GrantWorks, Inc. and submitted to TDHCA. TWO, the City Council authorizes that a 2002/2003 Texas HOME Program —Special Needs Set -Aside application for Owner Occupied Housing Assistance up to an amount of $520,000 be prepared by GrantWorks, Inc. and submitted to TDHCA. THREE, the City Council commits $49,900 of in -kind, donated, and cash match contribution to cover program -related costs for waiver of inspection and permit fees; utility reconnection fees, and infrastructure to replace water and sewer lines for those households assisted through the 2002/2003 Texas HOME Program — General Set -Aside for Owner Occupied Housing Assistance, if funding is approved by TDHCA. FOUR, the City Council commits $49,900 of in -kind, donated, and cash match contribution to cover program -related costs for waiver of inspection and permit fees; utility reconnection fees, and in, to replace water and sewer lines for those households assisted through the 2002/2003 Texas HOME Program — Special Needs Set -Aside for Owner Occupied Housing Assistance, if funding is approved by TDHCA. FIVE, the City Council designates the Mayor as the person authorized to sign all forms related to the preparation of these applications and to execute any HOME agreements. SIX, the City Council commits funds in the amount of Fifty Percent (50%) of the total grant requests or amounts awarded to be extended as cash reserves to pay program costs before reimbursements are received from the State of Texas HOME Program. Adopted this 17th day of March 2003 by the City Council of Sanger, TX Mayor Attest: City Secretary 41 •i, d'alil6i iEs + '1 t ty Attorne T