08-11-02-Resolution-Submission of the 2003-2004 Texas Community Development Program Application-08/19/2002RESOLUTION 08-11-02 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING THE SUBMISSION OF A 2003-2004 TEXAS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM APPLICATION TO THE OFFICE OF RURAL COMMUNITY AFFAIRS FOR THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FUND; AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO ACT AS THE EXECUTIVE OFFICER AND AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE IN ALL MATTERS PERTAINING TO THE PARTICIPATION IN THE TEXAS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM. WHEREAS, the City desires to develop a viable community for all its citizens; WHEREAS, certain conditions exist in the community which represent a potential threat to the public health and safety; and WHEREAS, it is necessary and in the best interests of the City to apply for assistance through the Texas Community Development Program; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: Section 1. That a Texas Community Development Program application is hereby authorized to be filed with the Office of Rural Community Affairs for funding consideration under the Community Development Fund; Section 2. That the application be for up to $250,000 of grant funds to carry out project construction, administration, and engineering activities for this water and sewer system improvements project; Section 3. That the Mayor is designated as the Chief Executive Officer and Authorized Representative to act in all matters in connection with this application and participation in the Texas Community Development Program; Section 4. That cash and ind matching funds in the minimum amount of $82,350 will be provided for this project. PASSED AND APPROVED, August 19, 2002. ATTEST: Mayor City Secretary