07-06-00-Resolution-Awarding Contract to Grant Works regarding Texas Community Development Program projects-07/17/2000RESOLUTION 07-06-00 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING THE AWARD OF SERVICE PROVIDER CONTRACTS FOR THE TEXAS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM (TCDP) CONTINGENT UPON THE RECEIPT OF A PROGRAM YEAR 2001, 2002, OR 2003 TCDP GRANT. WHEREAS, the TCDP has determined that the request -for -proposals (RFP) process used to select service providers may cause a significant delay in the implementation of TCDP grant contracts; WHEREAS, the TCDP shall award five (5) points to TCDP applicants that complete the RFP process for applications submitted under the Community Development Fund prior to the August 24, 2000, deadline for the Program Years 2001/2002 biennial funding competition; WHEREAS, these five (5) points may be vital in determining whether or not the application is selected for funding; and WHEREAS, the TCDP has determined that the RFP process, including selection of service providers will be valid for Program Years 2001, 2002, and 2003, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: Section 1A: That Grant Works be awarded a contract to provide TCDP project -related administrative services for TCDP Program Year 2001, 2002, or 2003 grant(s); Section 2: That any and all contracts or commitments made with the above -named services providers are fully dependent on the actual award and receipt of a TCDP Program Year 2001, 2002, or 2003 TCDP grant(s). PASSED AND APPROVED, this 17th day of Julx, 2000. ATTEST: r AYO CITY SECRETARY