07-10-00-Resolution-Applying for Telecommunication Infrastructure Fund Board Grant Library-07/17/2000RESOLUTION 07-10-00 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SANDER, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING THE SANDER PUBLIC LIBRARY TO APPLY FOR A TELECOMMUNICATIONS INFRASTRUCTURE FUND BOARD GRANT WHEREAS, The Sanger Public Library realizes the importance of the future of telecommunications as a learning tool and, WHEREAS, The City of Sanger recognizes that the Sanger Public Library is the best place in which to make this educational tool available to the most people, and; WHEREAS, funding can be sought from the Telecommunications Infrastructure Fund Board, and; WHEREA,. The City of Sanger is aware of the understandings and assurances contained in the grant, and; NOW, THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE OF SANDER, TEXAS; That the City Manager is hereby authorized and directed to submit an application to the proper authorities for funding by the TIFB grant for telecommunications. Passed and approved the hT'h day of July 2000. Tommy Kin aid, Mayor ATTEST: k4 %4014 ti a' rf no > ". t r