01/22/2019-CC-Minutes-RegularCITY OF SANGER, TEXAS MINUTES: REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING Tuesday, January 22 2019, 7:00 p.m. 502 Elm Street, Sanger, Texas COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Thomas Muir, Mayor Pro Tem Gary Bilyeu, Councilman David Clark, Councilman Lee Allison, Councilman Bill Boutwell COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: Councilman Allen Chick The Mayor and Four (4) Council Members were present constituting a quorum. STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: City Manager Alina Ciocan; City Secretary Cheryl Price; Finance Director Clayton Gray; Interim Director of Public Works Jim Berman 1. Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Muir called the Regular City Council Meeting to order on Tuesday, January 22nd, 2019 at 7:02 p.m. Councilman Boutwell gave the Invocation and Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu led the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Citizens Input: (Citizens are allowed 3 minutes to speak. The Ci ty Council is unable to respond or to discuss any issues brought up during this section). There were no citizens who approached the podium wishing to speak on items not on the agenda. 3. CONSENT AGENDA: a) Approval of Minutes 1) Work Session Meeting Minutes, January 7, 2019 2) City Council Regular Meeting Minutes, January 7, 2019 A motion was made by Councilman Clark to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boutwell. The motion carried unan imously with a 4-0 vote (Councilman Chick absent). 4. Consider Any Items Removed from Consent Agenda. No items were removed from the consent agenda. REGULAR AGENDA 5. Consider, Discuss and Possibly Approve Issuing a Request for Proposal (RFP) on Bank Depository Services. Clayton Gray Finance Director was recognized to summarize. He advised that it is time for the City to issue an RFP for banking services. The Local Government Code allows for cities to enter into contracts with banks for a period of not longer than five years. It is common for an RFP to go out and state that it will be a two to three-year contract with one- year renewals up to the five years. In the past the City has had two years with three one- year renewals. We are looking at this contract for three years with two separate one-year renewals at the end. This allows us to keep a good banking relationship with the bank that is selected at the beginning. He noted that it would be issued (as it has been in the past), to the four banks operating within the City limits. We are required to advertise and notice will go in the Denton Record Chronicle. We have been with our current bank since 2006 and have not had any problems. We are required to go through this process. The RFP is ready to go and can be issued as soon as the Council gives approval to do so, and the submissions would be due back on February 20th, 2019. He summarized the timeline. There were some questions from Council and it was noted that the criteria for the RFP was basically for rates and services and financial stability and that they have a location within the City limits. We are currently in a no fee situation right now and he summarized current services. It was noted that if the bank changes, that this RFP is basically for banking and savings. CD’s are considered investments and we can keep them at the current bank. There was miscellaneous regulatory discussion. It was noted that bank collateralizes everything we have; and, pledges collateral so we don’t have to worry about going over the FDIC limits. This is a requirement in the RFP. The five-year contract with the single year renewals versus a straight five-year contract was discussed, if there were any advantages. It was noted that it would be easier to change banks if we were not in a five-year contract, along with the possibility of any changes in interest rates which could be a reason to change banks. The City Charter does have a minimum requirement of a two (2) year contract. A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu to approve issuing a Request for Proposal (RFP) on Bank Depository Services. The motion was seconded by Councilman Clark. The motion carried unanimously with a 4-0 vote (Councilman Chick absent). 6. Consider, Discuss and Possibly Act on Resolution No. R-01-01-19 – Master Interlocal Cooperative Purchasing Agreement with the City of Grand Prairie, Texas; And, Authorize the City Manager to Execute Said Agreement. Interim Public Works Director Jim Berman was recognized to summarize. He noted this agreement is being brought forward because in using interlocal agreements with other cities (particularly ones that are larger), allows us to buy at the same bu ying power that they have. This also allows us to get certain services that they already have under contract and we would not have to go out to bid for those services. The City of Grand Prairie has an asphalt contractor that does a very good job and has been their contractor for years. The contractor is located in Lewisville. He used this same contract when he was employed with another city. It is a mutual consent and is also on the City of Grand Prairie’s agenda tonight. This does take a resolution by the Council to put this into motion. There was minor discussion regarding the contract and the services and benefits it would offer. It was noted that there was no commitment that the contractors would have to service the City. A motion was made by Councilman Boutwell to approve Resolution No. R-01-01-19 – Master Interlocal Cooperative Purchasing Agreement with the City of Grand Prairie, Texas; and, authorize the City Manager to execute said agreement. Councilman Clark asked why this agreement has to be approved since it is just a purchasing agreement. City Manager Alina Ciocan noted that all interlocal agreements have to be approved by City Council and it was noted that this type of item is usually on the Consent Agenda. She also noted that this has item was reviewed by Legal Counsel. Councilman Clark noted that he was all for it, but was just curious as to why they had to approve it. The motion was seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu. The motion carried unanimously with a 4-0 vote (Councilman Chick absent). 7. Discussion on Potential Street Reconstruction Projects for FY 2019. Interim Public Works Director Jim Berman was recognized to summarize potential street reconstruction projects for FY 2019. It is proposed that we move forward with street reconstruction of 11th Street from Elm to Hughes, 12th Street from Elm to Bolivar, 13th Street from Bolivar to Hughes, and Hughes from 10th Street to the service road (below). He noted it is in our budget to do these projects and the roads that are proposed are in horrible condition and have hardly any asphalt on them. There is no drainage in the area. This part of the community is flat and we are not proposing to put in drainage ditches. He did note that on 11th Street there is a small drainage ditch on one side. Mr. Berman proposed we go in and mill them up and put two inches of asphalt on them and move onto the next project. Mr. Berman noted that Hughes Street would not be a complete reconstruction. He is proposing doing repairs and overlay on only a portion of Hughes because it has a thick base and is not falling apart. We do not want to go in and tear it up if we don’t need to. There was miscellaneous discussion regarding the drainage. These roads will not last forever, but should last seven to eight years with proper maintenance, crack sealing, etc. Mayor Muir noted that he and the City Manager Alina Ciocan have discussed the roads. There are some roads that will have to have the infrastructure under the road (water and sewer) replaced and there are some roads such as the ones on this list that need something on them. It is important to weigh the utilities and where they are at, but we can not always let them hold us up on doing some kind of improvements to the roads if they need it. Mr. Berman noted that what he proposes for the future is to come back during the budget process with a pavement management s ystem. This would be after he has had the opportunity to go and do tracking accounts and check out the conditions of all of the asphalt/concrete or gravel streets and put them in categories. There are streets that are not bad streets at this point but if no maintenance is done on them, they will turn into bad streets. Mr. Berman proposed that for the next budget year City Council will be able to look at the lists and have the costs to maintain and/or replace the streets and make the choices as to which ones to do and when. He noted that when he was in Seagoville and Midlothian, he got a lot of mileage by putting the list online. Mayor Muir noted that this is the plan that has been discussed in the past, so that the residents can know where they are on the list. City Manager Alina Ciocan noted that when the plan is being considered for next budget year the City Council will know exactly what will be fixed with the amount of money being requested. Mayor Pro Tem Bilyeu noted there are many issues in the community but one that covers the spectrum is the streets and if we have this plan, then the people can see progress. Councilman Boutwell brought up discussion regarding Plum being an alternate route for FM 455 TxDOT construction traffic. City Manager Alina Ciocan noted that Plum was something that Mike Brice had thought about in the Budget and that it would be a full reconstruction with water lines, sewer lines, and pavement. The approximate estimate was close to three million dollars. The project would most likely have to be bonded. We were also exploring the idea of using Peach. From 2nd street to 5th street it is already in good shape, so we would only have to improve it from 5th to 10th. This may move Peach ahead of Plum. Staff is looking at this and weighing these options with our Financial Advisor as to what can be bonded, how much and will come before City Council with the findings. There was additional discussion regarding what projects would be included in the bond. The outflow pipeline, and the Railroad lift station, moving the utilities on FM 455 and reconstructing Plum, or Peach are all projects that are coming up timing wise in the next few years. To do the whole reconstruction of the streets requires some serious funding. Mayor Pro Tem noted that this is another 12 to 15 million and asked where we are in the bonding capacity. Mayor Muir noted that in the meeting with the Financial Advisor that some of the debt falls off in 2021. As we get larger bonds the cost of units is cheaper and we could accelerate some things and structure some things with interest etc., so that things could happen. Mayor Muir also noted that, as they are looking at the planning, he would love at some point to have, in the Old Town quadrant from the area on the board to 5th Street north to FM 455, that portion of the City, curb and gutter with asphalt instead of concrete in between. He noted with the curb and gutter it would help the drainage and create a street appeal and the homeowners would have more pride in their property. Interim Public Works Director Jim Berman noted that he was going to take videos of the whole area before any improvements are made. There was discussion regarding the construction of the street with Mr. Berman and Councilman Allison. Councilman Allison suggested that three inches of asphalt would work better than two inches. Mayor Muir asked what was left in the budget to do maintenance. It was noted there was still other monies in the street budget for maintenance. Councilman Clark asked when the project would start. Mr. Berman noted that he does not have that answer at this time. He would have to schedule it with the asphalt company, contact everyone including the school, and take videos of the area. Councilman Boutwell asked if staff could be sure that these improvements are posted on social media. He noted that any way we could get the word out would be great. Staff noted that they would be putting the information out to the public. There was no further discussion. 8. INFORMATION ITEMS: a) December 2018 Disbursements. b) All American Dogs Report. No discussion on information items. 9. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: (The purpose of this item is to allow the Mayor and members of Council to bring forward items they wish to discuss at a future meeting, A Council Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. Items may be placed on a future meeting agenda with a consensus of the Council or at the call of the Mayor). a. Confirm Calendars - City Council Strategic Planning Retreat – Thursday, February 28, 2019 – 12:00 Noon to 5:00 PM Councilman Bilyeu was not at the meeting when the date changed and noted that he could make the meeting and has it on his calendar. He noted that he would be at the first meeting in March (March 4th) but would not be at the second meeting in March (March 18th). There was brief discussion regarding the City’s first GIS Interactive Map online for public use. City Manager Alina Ciocan pulled the map up and gave a brief summary. It was noted that the map would have more layers as we build our data. 10. ADJOURN. There being no further discussion, Mayor Muir adjourned the meeting at 7:58 PM.