12-28-00-Resolution-Supporting Amendments to Upper Trinity Regional Water District Legislation-12/04/2000CITY OF SANGER RESOLUTION # 12-28-00 A RESOLUTION APPROVING AND SUPPORTING AMENDMENTS TO UPPER TRINITY REGIONAL WATER DISTRICT LEGISLATION. WHEREAS, the Upper Trinity Regional Water District (The District) was authorized in 1989 by an Act of the Texas Legislature (the Act) to allow the citizens of Denton County to utilize the District to work with, plan and provide a wholesale system of water, sewage treatment and solid waste disposal for the citizens of this fast-growing County; and WHEREAS, the District has carried out the Legislature's mandate and the desires of its constituent Cities and Districts in its contracts with the District; and i 'VHEREAS, the District's Board of Directors has voted unanimously to request our legislative delegation to introduce legislation to amend the 1989 Act by amending sections dealing with Director's authority to promulgate membership rules, to exercise the power of eminent domain within the boundaries of non-members, and to approve environmental regulations pursuant to Contracts with its member constituents; and WHEREAS, the proposed legislation has been reviewed carefully and the City (Town) Council desires to go on record in favor of the proposed legislation. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY (TOWN) COUNCIL OF THE City of Sanger Section 1: That all matters stated in the preamble are found to be true and correct and are incorporated herein as if copied in their entirety. Section 2: That the City (Town) Council does hereby approve and support the proposed legislation and does urge its legislative delegations to sponsor and support the legislation. Section3: That a copy of this Resolution shall be sent to the office of the legislative delegation that represents Denton County and the area encompassed by the District's members respectfully requesting their support of the proposed legislation. PASSED AND APPROVED this 4th day of December , 2000. of Sanger 0 APPROVED AS TO FORM Legal Counsel