04/16/2018-CC-Minutes-Work Session CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS MINUTES: CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION April 16, 2018 - 6:00 PM 502 Elm Street, Sanger, Texas COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Thomas Muir, Councilman Bill Boutwell, Councilman Gary Bilyeu, Councilman Lee Allison, Councilman David Clark, Councilman Allen Chick COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: None The Mayor and all Council Members were present constituting a quorum. STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Alina Ciocan, Acting City Manager; Neal Welch, Director of Public Works; Jim Bolz, Water/Wastewater Supervisor; Ray Vinson Lead Plant Operator; Cheryl Price, City Secretary 1. Call Meeting to Order. The April 16, 2018 Work Session was called to order at 6:00 PM by Mayor Muir. 2. Tour of the Wastewater Treatment Plant and Related Construction Improvements. Mayor Muir advised the meeting was adjourning to the Wastewater Treatment Plant for a tour of the plant and construction improvements. Neal, Welch, Director of Public Works, Jim Bolz, Water and Wastewater Supervisor and Ray Vinson, Lead Plant Operator led the City Council on a tour of the construction improvements at the Wastewater Treatment Plant. The City Council returned to City Hall at 7:07 PM 3. Overview of Items on Regular Agenda. None. 4. ADJOURN. Mayor Muir adjourned the meeting at 7:08 PM.