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08/01/1994-CC-Minutes-Work SessionMINUTES: City Council Workshop
August 1, 1994
PRESENT. Mayor Nel Armstrong, Councilman Tommy Kincaid,
Councilman Jerry Jenkins, and Councilman Jack
ABSENT: Councilwoman Margie Braxton and Councilman Joe Bell
PRESENT. City Administrator John Hamilton, City Secretary Rosalie
Chavez, Public Works Superintendent Chuck Tucker,
and Glenn Ervin
1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order.
2. Discussion -Proposed 94/95 Budget -Public Works' Departments
Discussion proceeded with Public Works Departments. The following
line item expenses were discussed on the following departments:
Wastewater Collection -City Administrator explained that one
employee will be budgeted out of Wastewater Collections.
Public Works Department's Capital Expense was discussed regarding a
new pickup.
Line item expense was discussed on Pagers.
Parks Department and the Community Center were also discussed
Street Department -Councilman Jenkins asked what is being
expensed out of 478.D5 (Other Equipment) since it has no budget
amount this year.
Staff advised there was probably something expensed out of that line
item incorrectly; it will be researched and corrected.
Sanitation -Mayor asked Rose to call TML and ask if our landfill
attendant could be classified under another worker's compensation
CC workshop Minutes
8/ 1/94, page 2
Listed below are Public works Departments which will be discussed
at the next Budget workshop.0
water, wastewater Collection, wastewater Treatment, Swimming Pool
and Animal Control.
3. Meeting adjourned.
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