06/20/1994-CC-Agenda Packet-RegularC- CITY COUNCIL AGENDA JUNE 20, 1994 201 BOLIVAR STREET, CITY HALL CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 7*00 P.M. 1. Call to Order, Invocation, and Pledge to the Flag 2. CONSENT AGENDA a}. Approve Minutes b}. Disbursements AGENDA 3. Citizen's Input 4. Consider and Passible Action Regarding Capital Improvements Projects - Streets 5. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Public Safety Radio System 6. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Request Tmswrtise Bids- �0 1 ` Utility Vehicle - Fire Department 7. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Resolution #R7-94�� i Appointment to Denco 9-1-1 Board a ( Q 8. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Animal Control -Proposed / Adoption Fee 9. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Board/Commission Appointments 10. 11. 12 . 13. Consider and Passible Action Regarding Limb Pick -Up City Administration Report Any Other Such Matters Adj aurnment Rosalie Chavez City Secretary 6/17/94 2:00't s s '�•.: FXAS MINUTES: City Council Workshop June 6, 1994 MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Councilman Jack Richardson, Councilwoman Margie Braxton, Councilman Jerry Jenkins, Councilman Tommy Kincaid, and Councilman Joe Bell OTHERS PRESENT: City Administrator John Hamilton, City Secretary Rosalie Chavez, Public Works Superintendent Chuck Tucker, Electric Superintendent Larry Yoast and Glenn Ervin 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order. 2. Discussion Regarding Capital Improvements Program Financing Lengthy discussion concerning an alternative for financing for the proposed street and library projects. Mayor Armstrong advised that Dan Almon, John and herself had discussed passing a Resolution with the intention to retire the 1986 Street Improvement Certificates of Obligations. The funding for this early payment would be secured through a short-term loan through GNB, Sanger's Depository Bank. Mayor Armstrong further discussed the issuance of the Certificates of Obligations for $1,900,000. Mayor Armstrong proceeded by stating that the plan involves the early retirement of the 1986 Certificates of Obligations issued which is rated Baa by Moody's, would allow the City to proceed with the issuance of new unrated Certificates of Obligations which would be fixed at less than 7%, 15 year term in the amount of $1,900,000 for the proposed street and library projects. Mayor Armstrong continued to state that GNB is willing to work with the City in any way to possibly help the debt structure of the City's Capital Improvement Program. Discussion continued as to the debt service the City would have at the next fiscal budget year. 000001 CC WORKSHOP MIN. 6/6j94, PAGE 2 The proposed debt schedule for the $1,900,000 was discussed at length. Mayor Armstrong also stated that Dan Almon has talked to her and John and has expressed the need for a reserve to be started in the General Fund. Staff also recommended that a debt service of $425,000 to $450,000 for next fiscal year would not be such a strain on the funds. Mayor Armstrong stated that with this type debt service, the City could put at least $50,000 into a Reserve Fund each year and once the City establishes a Reserve in the General Fund, the City would not have a problem with getting a rating at Moody's. Discussion continued with the priority of the street projects. Mayor further stated that there was not any way Keaton Road would be finished this year before school started. With this in mind, Keaton would be started next year, as soon as school was out. Further discussion continued on the proposed street projects. Councilman Kincaid's concern was if the City issued these unrated Certificates of Obligations, can they go back to Moody's and get a rating to borrow more; where does the City legally stand in this type of circumstances? Staff to get an answer from Dan Almon. Mayor Armstrong also stressed that Dan Almon has stated that once a Reserve is in the General Fund, there will be no problem with getting a rating at Moody's. Consensus of Council to proceed with the passing of the resolution at the regular scheduled meeting to retire the 1986 Certificates of Obligations and to proceed with the intent to issue Tax Certificates of Obligation Series 1994 for $1,900,000. Council also instructed staff to advise the bidders that all bids submitted were rejected. Workshop meeting adjourned. OpOQO2 MINUTES: City Council Meeting ( June 6, 1994 MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Councilman Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Joe Bell, Councilman Jack Richardson, Councilman Jerry Jenkins and Councilwoman Margie Braxton OTHERS PRESENT: City Administrator John Hamilton, City Secretary Rosalie Chavez, Electric Superintendent Larry Yoast, and Public Works Superintendent Chuck Tucker, Eddie Branham - Public Works Foreman/Animal Control Officer, Lisa Hardy. Sanger Courier, and Glenn Ervin 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order, gave the invocation, which was followed by the pledge to the flag. 2. CONSENT AGENDA a). Approve Minutes b). Disbursements Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to approve Consent Agenda Seconded by Councilwoman Braxton. Motion carried. 3. Citizen`s Input -None 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Capital Improvements Program Mayor Armstrong explained briefly issues discussed in workshop. Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to rescind #R5-94. Seconded by Councilman Richardson. Motion carried. Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to pass Resolution #R6-94. Seconded by Councilman Richardson. RESOLUTION #R6-94 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, STATING THE INTENTION TO EARLY RETIRE ALL REMAINING CERTIFICATES OF OBLIGATION FROM THE 1986 ISSUE Motion carried. 000003 CC MINUTES 6/6/94 PAGE 2 Motion was made by Councilman Richardson to pass Resolution #R3-94. Seconded by Councilman Jenkins. RESOLUTION #R3-94 DIRECTING PUBLICATION OF NOTICE OF INTENTION TO ISSUE TAX CERTIFICATES OF OBLIGATION, SERIES 1994 Mayor explained now that the City does have a schedule and once they issue this intention, they can proceed with the publications for all proceedings so work can begin on streets by August 1, 1994. 5. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Adopt A -Pet Program Eddie Branham, Public Works Foreman/Animal Control Officer addressed the City Council regarding this matter. Eddie stated he has been in contact with Jeff Pennington, District Manager at Dairy Queen, and he has proposed that they would be willing to be a sponsor and participate in "Adopt A- Pet Program" They will provide " drinks " it is done in their Eddie stated that he has also talked to Dr. Stuckey and he is willing to give a 20% discount on all spay/neuter of pets that are adopted. Discussion. Motion was made by Councilman Richardson to authorize Animal Control Officer Eddie Branham to proceed to work out with any business that is willing to organize and to with the Adopt -A -Pet Program Seconded by Councilman Kincaid. Motion carried. 6. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Transfer of Cablevision Pole Agreement Discussion. Motion was made by Councilman Kincaid that the Cablevision Pole Agreement be transferred to Friendship Cable of Texas, Inc. Seconded by Councilman Jenkins. Motion carried. 000004 CC MINUTES 6/6/94 PAGE 3 7. Consider and Possible Action Authorizing Bids for Library Construction Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to authorize bids for Library Construction. Seconded by Councilman Kincaid. Motion carried. 8. City Administration Report City Administrator John Hamilton reported on the following: a). Sanger is continuing to grow with a total of 18 Single Family Permits being issued, at a total value of $881,043. b). The police and fire department will bring their request/ recommendations regarding a new public safety radio system to Council on the 20th. c). Larry Yoast, Electric Superintendent, gave a brief report on electric system improvements. He stated Brazos was at the substation Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday changing a transformer out Electric Superintendent Yoast mentioned there is another house being constructed between Bucklew and Freese where they put in underground primary cable. Also, they replaced Mr. Jenkins' and his three neighbors' service with underground cable. 9. Any Other Such Matters a). Mayor Armstrong stated she received a complaint against the girls in the office. Actually, not really a complaint; however, this resident was somewhat confused regarding our animal control. Mayor stated this man had some puppies that were left at his residence. He called the City Office to talk to the animal control and the girls in the office told him to call the sewer plant. Mayor Armstrong asked Rose to please instruct the girls to take the message for the animal control officer to call them back. 10. Meeting adjourned. 000(305 �' CITY OF SANrER AP OPEN ITEM LIST COMPANY 100 6/15/94 PAGE i 10:59 UF_NDOR INU NO INV DTE PO NUM DUE DTE RURCH AMT DI5C. AMT 175 A-1 RENTAL P.O. BOX 7878 SPRAY MACHINE -EL 14288401 5/17/94 14391 6/21/94 126.44 .00 423.0800 126.44 TOTAL 126.44 .00 �51 ADVANCE CHEMICAL DIST. R.O. BOX 185609 4 DRUMS BLEACH-P 50940607 6/07/94 14518 6/^c1/94 452.29 .00 415.1300 452.29 TOTAL 452.29 .00 1501 ARM COMMUNICATION5 P.O. BOX 50324 116 MAPLE 5T RROGRAMMER-ST/WA 3834 6/09/94 14559 6/21/94 300.00 .00 421.0500 75.00 421.0600 75.00 421.2200 75.00 421.0700 75.00 TOTAL 300.00 .00 2575 BUCKHEAD CHEMICAL COMPANY P.O. BOX 941790 AEROSOL 26286 6/02/94 14550 6/21/94 �6.16 .00 415.0900 45.23 415.2100 45.23 415.0500 45.23 415.0600 45.23 415.0700 45.24 TOTAL 226.16 .00 3300 BAKER & TAYLOR COMPANY P.O. BOX 4160 BOOKS/RROCESSING 27498571 6/07/94 14539 6/21/94 59.34 � .00 475.0200 59.34 TOTAL 59.34 .00 3475 B.F.I. P.O. BOX 543026 STREET SWEEPING- 940500 5/31/94 14628 6/21/94 713.55 .00 447.0500 713.55 TOTAL 713.55 .00 4125 BURRU5 5UPERMARKET P. O.BOX 708 SUPPLIES-REIMB. 14377 5/10/94 14377 6/21/94 26.21 .00 413.1600 26.21 DOG FOOD -ANIMAL 0310000 5/12/94 14378 6l21/94 82.25 .00 444.2600 82.25 SUPPLIE5-REIMB. 14542 5/25/94 14542 6/21/94 32.80 .00 413.1600 32.80 TOTAL 141.26 .00 6500 C&H JANITORIAL SUPPLIES P.O. BOX 1104 PAPER SUPPLIES 18845 5/26/94 14544 6/21/94 36.50 .00 442.1600 36.50 TOTAL 3fi.50 .00 12000 DENTON CENTRAL APPRAISAL 3911 MORSE ST. P. 0. BOX 2816 3RD QTR ALLOCATI 1344 6/15/94 14631 6/21/94 936.28 .00 447.0000 936.28 TOTAL 936.28 .00 00000s CITY OF SANGER AP OPEN ITEM LIST COMPANY 100 6/15/94 PAGE 2 10:59 VENDOR INV NO INV DTE PO NUM DUE DTE PURCH AMT DISC. AMT 13000 CITY OF DENTON, ACC. MUNICIPAL BUILDING 215 EAST MCKINNEY 4TH QTR. AMBULAN A7006 6/09/94 14629 6/21/94 3,075.62 .00 447.3000 31075.62 WATER TESTING 14630 6/15/94 14630 6/21/94 120.00 .0@ 456.0600 120.00 TOTAL 31195.62 .0@ 16425 E.I. SALES CO. P.O. BDX 13067 CHEMICAL RUMP -PO 1742 6/16/94 14614 6/21/94 160.00 .00 421.1300 160.00 TOTAL 160.00 .0@ 16526 ELLIOT ELECTRIC 5UPPLY P.D. BOX 63@610 NACDGDOCHES, TX 75963 LOCKNUTS/STRAPS/ 19062110 6/08/94 14396 6/21/94 70.13 .0@ 470.0800 70.13 TOTAL 70.13 .@@ 1870@ GOHLKE RDQL SUPPLY P.O. BOX 31 POOL CHEMICALS T01050 4/26/94 14224 6/21/94 125.95 .00 415.1300 125.95 POOL CHEMICALS T01258 5/10/94 14376 6/21/94 71.39 .00 415.1300 71.39 POOL CHEMICALS/S T01804 5/31/94 14529 6/21/94 125.35 .00 415.1300 79.95 456.1300 45.40 TOTAL 322.69 .00 20325 HARBOR FREIGHT SALVAGE CO 3491 MISSION OAKS BLUD. P.Q. BDX 6013 CHAINSAWS/CHAINS 497358 5l19/94 14372 6/21194 211.29 .00 424.@500 211.29 TOTAL 211.29 .@0 23000 NDLLINGSWDRTH MFG. CO.. P. 0. BOX 384 STEEL -ANIMAL CON 1994 6l06/94 14590 6/21/94 220.50 .0@ 412.2600 220.50 TOTAL 220.50 .00 235@@ HDTHO & CO. P:0. BOX 9738 ENCYGLDPEDIA 149623 fi/08/94 14595 6/21/94 39.95 .00 475.0200 39.95 TOTAL 39.95 .0@ 24590 INTERSTATE BATTERIES 4802 ALEXANDER P. 0. BOX 560861 BATTERIES -POLICE 099173 5/12/94 144fi4 6/21/94 106.90 .00 419.0500 36.95 419.0300 69.95 TOTAL 106.90 .0@ 25300 .TAGOE-PUBLIC COMPANY R.O. BOX 250 HOT MIX -STREET D 4381 5/31/94. 14505 6/21/94 157.05 .00 431.0500 157.@5 TOTAL 157.05 .00 26000 KRIZ DAVIS CO. P.0. BOX 2500 Oo0007 PEDESTAL-B/O ELE 327163 6/02/94 14039 6/21/94 352.@@ .00 470.0800 352.00 CITY OF SANGER VENDOR INV NO TOTAL 27255 WATER RRODUCTS5 INC. CLAMPS/WRENCHES- 0044901 421.0600 MISC. WATER PART 0043390 421.0600 TOTAL 27555 LAWN LAND WEEDEATER HEADS- 36870 456. @900 BLADES/PLUGS-PAR 37308 456.@900 TOTAL AP OPEN ITEM LIST COMPANY 100 6/15/94 PAGE 3 10:59 INV DTE PO NUM DUE DTE PURCH AMT DISC. AMT 352.@@ .00 P.O. BOX 349 5/26/94 14527 6/21/94 386.84 386.84 6103/94 14517 6/21/94 21195.91 2,195.91 2, 582.75 714 DALLA5 DRIVE 5/10/94 14417 6/21/94 126.10 126olO 5/17/94 14492 6/21/94 61.10 61.10 187.2@ 29825 MGNEILL TRUCKING FLEX BASE -STREET 345 6/03/94 447.@600 826.52 447.2200 826.52 TOTAL 33000 PAYLESS CASHWAYS, INC. PAINT-SANTA FE B 94101004 4/06/94 423.0800 308. @@ LIGHTS/BOX/COVER 94100137 4/28/94 47@.0800 16.79 SCREW GUN -PARKS 94100561 5/03/94 424.0900 134.00 TOTAL 33725 PERRICO TRAILER AND MFG. EXHAUST/HITCH-CH 14560 419.@80@ 419.0500 TOTAL 37777 SANGER OFFICE SUPPLY NAMEPLATE-M/CC 2690 442.1400 OFFICE SUPPLIES- 2724 411.1900 POOL. SUPPLIES-PL 2738 442.1300 TOTAL 38762 SHERWIN WILLIAMS PAINT -FIRE DEPT 3928-1 423. i 10@ TOTAL 42800 SOUTHEASTERN TESTING LAB. TEST DIGGER/BUCK 21165 4194 0800 TOTAL P.O. $OX 358 14515 6/21/94 1,653.04 1, 653.04 P.O. BOX 660333 14390 5/21/94 308.00 14149 6/21/94 16.79 14228 6/21/94 134.@0 458.79 r,y r,y P.O. BOX 738 6/09/94 14560 6/21/94 ifi1.20 .@@ 45.75 115.45 161.2@ . 0@ 3@3 BOLIVAR P.O. BOX 958 5/10/94 14450 6/21/94 12.90 .0@ 12.90 5/24/94 14525 6/21/94 2.97 .@@ 2.97 6/15/94 14634 6/21/94 7.82 .@0 7.82 23.69 .00 1721 CARROLL BLVD. 5/23/94 14441 6/21/94 29.08 .00 29.08 29. @8 .00 P.D. BOX 96 51318Q400 14635 6/21/94 180.00 .00 0 n n� O o 180.00 .00 CITY OF SANGER AP OPEN ITEM LIST COMPANY 100 6/15/94 PAGE 4 10:59 VENDOR INV NO INV DTE PO NUM DUE DTE PURCH AMT DISC. AMT 43701 TECHLINE, INC. P.O. BOX 9249 WIRE/CABLE-ELECT 27925 4/18/94 14145 6/21/94 11868.70 .00 470.08@0 11868970 CUTOUT/BRACKET-E 27964 4/19/94 14145 6/21/94 187.25 .@0 470.0800 187.25 PEDESTAL CONN.-E 28064 4/21/94 14145 6/21/94 279.00 .@@ 47@. @800 279. @@ TOTAL 21334.95 . @0 49650 U.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT P. O. BOX 55900 SUBSCRIPTION -LIB 14540 6/07/94 14540 6/21/94 39.00 .@@ 43@.@200 39.00 TOTAL. 39.00 . @@ 50200 VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS P. 0. BOX 819064 OFFICE SUPPLIES- 811625 6/09/94 14599 6/21/94 44.68 .@0 411.1900 44.68 TOTAL 44*68 .@0 53265 WEBB AUTO PARTS P.O.BOX 355 PLUGS/WIRE-P.WKS 3186 5/04/94 14414 6/21/94 101.25 .@@ 456.0900 10.95 423.1100 29.95 423,1200 15.95 423.1200 15.95 4190 lOOO 28. 45 PLATE LIGHTS -ALL 3214 5/11/94 14460 6/21/94 11.25 .@@ 419.0500 2.25 419.0600 2.25 419.0700 2.25 419.0800 2.25 419.2200 2.25 RING SET-MECHANI 3243 5/18/94 14491 6/21/94 14.30 .00 421.2000 14.30 BULB/FILTER-CHIP 3274 5/25/94 14498 6/21/94 27.55 .@@ 419.0500 18.60 419. @300 8.95 TOTAL 154.35 .@0 54000 WILLIAMS TESTING LAB 2106 JAME5 STREET SEWER ANAL.-APRI 9260 6/14/94 14613 6/14/94 32@.@0 .00 415.0700 320.00 TOTAL 32@.0@ .@0 54060 DENTON CO.BUILDERS SUPPLY P.O. BOX 733 LUMBER -STREET DE 6211 5/04/94 14375 6/21/94 35.18 .00 423.0500 35.18 PAINT SUPPLIES-M 6228 5/05/94 14415 6/21/94 4.48 .0@ 423.2000 4.48 KEYED PADLOCKS-E 6302 5/11/94 14636 6/21/94 342.5@ .00 470.0800 342.50 PAINT SUPPLIES-E 65650800 5/172759414392 6/21/94 22.75 .00470v000009 PAINT SUPPLIES=S 6377 5/18/94 14393 6/21/94 215.00 .00 470.@800 215.00 SACKCRETE-STREET 6376 5/18194 14380 6/21/94 l6.50 .0@ CITY OF SANGER AP OPEN ITEM LIST COMPANY 100 6/15/94 PAGE 5 10:59 VENDOR INV NO INV DTE PO NUM DUE DTE PURCH AMT DISC. AMT 431.0500 16.50 TOOLS -ELECT. DEP 6393 5/19/94 14394 6/21/94 27.03 .00 412.0800 27.03 TIMBER/METAL ROO 6386 5/20/94 14373 6/21/94 364.59 .00 474.0500 182.00 423.0500 182.59 SACKCRETE-STREET 6405 5/20/94 14395 6/21/94 109.20 .00 474.0500 109.20 NAILS-SANTA FE L 6431 5/23/94 14522 6/29/44 61.50 .00 423.0800 61.50 SACKCRETE-WATER 6451 5/24/94 14381 6/21/94 109.20 .00 421.0600 109.20 RLYWOOD-WATER DE 6445 5/24/94 14509 6/21/94 103.60 .00 421.0600 103.60 NAILS/SOLDER-P00 6467 5/25/94 14526 6/21/94 9.99 .00 423.1300 9.99 ELECT, SUPPLIES 6476 5/26/94 14543 6/21/94 3.25 .00 423.0800 3.25 RAZOR KNIVES/BLA 6496 5/27/94 14546 6/21/94 4.79 .00 470.0800 4.79 TOTAL 11429.56 .00 54150 ZIMMERER KUBOTA OF DENTON ROLLERS/BOLTS/BL 505417 5/20/94 421.0700 322.89 TOTAL TOTAL DUE WITH DISCOUNTS 17,749.1s TOTAL DUE- NO DISCOUNTS 17,749.13 5b00 N.E. LOOP 820 14520 6/21/94 322.89 .00 G/L DEPARTMENTS LIBRARY- 2 13$. 29 POLICE 3 78.90 STREETS 5 11900. 84 WATER 6 31864.55 WASTEWATER 7 765.38 ELECTRIC 8 41113.13 PARKS 9 377.38 PUBLIC WORKS 10 28.45 FIRE 11 59.03 VEHICLE MAINT-GF 12 31.90 SWIMMING POOL-GF 13 952.79 MAYOR & COUNCIL-GF 14 12.90 ADMINISTRATION-EF 16 95.51 DATA PROCESSING 19 47.65 VEHICLE MAINT-EF 20 18.78 COMM. CENTER-GF 21 45.23 WASTE-WTR COLL-EF 22 903.77 AZ4IBULANCE SERVICE-GF 30 3075.62 ANIMAL CONTROL-GF 26 302.75 TAX SERVICE-GF 00 936.28 322.89 .00 17, 749.13 .00 7,940.36 9,808.77 MEMORANDUM #2512 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT. CITY OF BANGER P. O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 Honorable Mayor & Members of the i Council John Hamilton, City Administrator June 17, 1994 Capital Improvements Projects - Str is John Mears with Hunter Associates, the City's Consulting Engineers, will be present to answer any questions, and discuss bidding the proposed street improvements. For information purposes, if $1,550,000 is used as the street improvements figure, the following estimates are presented: 1). Austin Street - 1600' X $120 = 2) . North 1 Oth - 2200' X $120 = 3). ViTillow - 2400' _ 4}. Keaton - 3800' _ $ 192,000 $1,274,200 Approximately $200,000 would remain as engineering fees estimated would be $76,000 on the estimates. The Electric Department has submitted the following capital cast estimate foI underground service: Austin Street (Freese to Denton) - $19,000 Tenth Street (Pecan to 455) - $35,000 Duck Creek (Keaton to Keaton) - $ l 000 $649000 This can be incorporated into the 94/95 operating budget for Electric Capital Expense. 1 JH:es pOOO11 t'_ JUN-13-1994 0?�42 FROP1 SOUTH�JEST SECURITIES � TO ?18174584180 P.02 Dato 06/06/94 06/16/94 06/22i94 t?6/23/94 06/23/94 Q' 07/O1/94 07i05/94 07/07/94 07/12/94 '� 08/O1/94 08/04/04 08/i i/94 S 1,90Q,000 Certificates of flbligxtion Series l.gg4 � �. � 1 i� � l \. �V� Adopt resolution of notice of intent to issue certificates of obligation First publication of notice of intention to issue cert�icatea Release Official Statement for printing Distribute Official Statement to potential purchasers . ._, . Second publication of natiae of intertian to issue certifcates - Publish Notice of Intent to call Certificates of Obligations, Series 1386 City Council meeting to open bids, award certificates and adapt ordinance authari�ing the issuance of the certificates :• Pay for and cancel Certificates of Obligation, Series k986 payment for and delivet�y of tho bonds oL,-�s, s���Fs �� Co � 000012 CITY OF SANDER P. O. BOX 578 BANGER, TEXAS 76266 MEMORANDUM #2513 TO: Honorable Mayor &Members of the FROM: John Hamilton, City Administrator DATE: June 17, 1994 C� SUBJECT: Public Safety Radio System Council The Police and Fire Chiefs will present their request recommendations for a new radio system for their departments. JH:es Enclosure 000013 T0: JOHN HAMILTON, FROM: BENNY ERWIN, DATE: 5/24/94 SUBJECT: DISPATCH, $00 RADIO CITY M GER CHIEF DENTON COUNTY SYSTEM �i� Attached is a letter from Sheriff Lucas stating Sanger Police Department canpurchase the 800 radios and use the system with them. Sheriff Lucas has no intention at this time to charge for dispatching. This will allow Sanger to purchase the equipment needed for., Police and Fire. I believe this will give us the needed time to pay for the equipment and look at our�own dispatch system in the; future. I feel that Sanger needs to rent one talk .group, at 530.00 a year, this will let the front office personnel call Police or Fire without using the main channel for the County. 000014 0A Dents May 24, 1994 Chief Bennie Erwin Sanger Police Department P.O. Box 578 Sanger, TX 76266 Dear Chief Erwin, tment Per your request, the Denton County Sheriff's Department can accommodate including your department on the 800 Radio System. Based on the results of the Citizens Committee to Set Dispatch Rates, I have no intention of asking the Commissioners' Court at this time to allow this department to charge for dispatch services. If I can be of any further assistance, please feel free to call me. WGL/hm Sincerely, Weldon Lucas Sheriff, Dep on County 000015 127 North Woodrow Lane, Suite 300 •Denton, Texas 76205-6397 • (817) 898-5700.434-1551 (Metro) • (817) 898-5605 (FAX) CITY OF SINGER P. a. Box 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 MEMORANDUM #2518 TO: Honorable Mayor &Members of the City Council FROM: John Hamilton, City Administrator I T DATE: June 17, 1994 SUBJECT: Request to Re -Advertise Bids - Utility Vehicle - Fire Department The low bidder for the new Suburban for the fire dept., James t�i�ood Motors, is not able to deliver the vehicle. Upon checking with the City Attorney, a new bid cycle is necessary. This is a lease/purchase item with an initial purchase estimate of 21,000 with monthly payments estimated at $600.00. A representative from the Fire Department will be present to answer any questions on this item. JH:es Attachments 000016 Legal Notice The City of Sanger will accept bids for the lease purchase of a 1994 or 1995 Utility Personnel Vehicle for the Fire Department until 2 p.m., Monday, July 18, 1994. All bids must be on City of Sanger Bid Specification Forms which may be secured from the Office of the City Secretary, 201 Bolivar Street, during normal business hours. All returned bids must be received prior to the scheduled opening in sealed envelopes clearly marked "Fire Department Vehicle." All bids will be publicly opened and read aloud in the City Hall Conference Room, 201 Bolivar Street at 2 p.m., Monday, July 18, 1994, and presented to the City Council at their regular meeting at 7 p.m. the same date. The City of Sanger reserves the right to reject any and all bids and in any case accept the bid deemed to be in the best interest of the City of Sanger. Rosalie Chavez City Secretary RUN IN SANGER COURIER: 6/23J94 & 6J3Q/94 CITY OF SANGER SPECIFICATIONS 1.0 INTENT: IT IS THE INTENT OF THESE SPECIFICATIONS TO SECURE A 44%2 VEHICLE WITH INSIDE SEATING FOR FIRE PERSONELL TO WITHSTAND THE SEVERE AND CONTINUOUS USE ENCOUNTERED IN EMERGENCY FIRE DEPARTMENT RESPONSE.THE VEHICLE BID SHALL BE A STANDARD ASSEMBLY UNIT EQUIPPED WITH ALL STANDARD EQUIPMENT NORMALLY FURNISHED TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC. 2.0 REQUIREMENTS: THE VEHICLE BID IN THIS SPECIFICATION SHALL BE A NEW MODEL (1995) UNUSED AND DESIGNED FOR HEAVY DUTY SERVICE. ALL STANDARD, OPTIONAL AND/OR SPECIAL EQUIPMENT ITEMIZED WITHIN THESE SPECIFICATIONS SHALL BE INSTALLED AT THE PRODUCTION LINE OR ELSEWHERE WITH ACCEPTABLE EQUIVALENT QUALITY STANDARDS. NON- COMPLIANCE TO SPECIFICATIONS WILL BE JUST CAUSE FOR DISQUALIFICATION OF THE BID. 3.0 EXCEPTIONS: EXCEPTIONS TO THESE SPECIFICATIONS MUST BE NOTED DIRECTLY FOLLOWING THE ITEM IN QUESTION. 4.0 SAFETY: THE UNIT WILL SUPPILIED WITH ALL SAFETY, EMISSION. AND NOISE EQUIPMENT REQUIRED BY FEDERAL LAW AND THE STATE OF TEXAS FOR THESE TYPE VEHICLES INCLUDING SEATBELTS FOR EACH PASSENGER. 5.0 GENERAL: THESE SPECIFICATIONS ARE INTENDED TO BE GENERAL IN NATURE TO GIVE ALL SUPPILIERS EQUAL OPPORTUNITY. 6. DESIGN: VEHICLE WILL BE A SURBURBAN TYPE THREE QUARTER TON 4X2 1995 MODEL. 7.EXTERIOR: YES 1. 6 INCH X 9 INCH MINIMUM, LEFT AND RIGHT LOW MOUNT,OUTSIDE MIRRORS. YES 2. CHROME FRONT AND REAR BUMPERS YES 3. HUB CAPS YES 4. TINTED GLASS THROUGHOUT. YES 5. TWO LEFT AND TWO RIGHT DOORS WITH ROLL DOWN DOWN GLASS. YES 6. LEFT AND RIGHT SIDE REAR QUARTER PANELS WITH FIXED GLASS. YES 7. TWO VERTICALLY HINGED REAR DOORS WITH FIXED GLASS. YES 8. SOLID BRIGHT RED COLOR. 8. INTERIOR: YES 1. DAY/NIGHT INSIDE REAR VIEW MIRROR YES 2. CIGARETTE LIGHTER YES 3. DOME LIGHT YES 4. LEFT AND RIGHT SUN VISORS YES 5. LEFT AND RIGHT ARM RESTS YES 6. BUCKET STYLE VINYL FRONT SEATS YES 7. BENCH SEAT DIRECTLY BEHIND FRONT SEATS YES 8. FULL COVER VINYL FLOOR MAT YES 9. FACTORY INSTALLED AIR CONDITIONER WITH INTEGRAL HEATER AND DEFROSTER YES 10.REAR AIR CONDITIONER YES 11.FULL INSTRUMENTATION ( GUAGES ) YES 12.STANDARD CONSOLE BETWEEN FRONT SEATS INTERIOR COLOR SHALL BE THE MANUFACTURERS STANDARD MATCHING THE BRIGHT RED EXTERIOR. 9. WHEELBASE: 129 INCH MINIMUM WHEELBASE NCH l0.GVWR: 8600 POUNDS MINIMUM GVWR POUNDS 11.ENGINE: FUEL. INJECTED (TBI/EFI)GASOLINE, 5.7 LITER MINIMUM 8 CYLINDER MAKE MODEL CID AND RATED HP 12. ENGINE COOLING: HEAVY DUTY MAXIMUM CAPICITY RADIATOR, PERMANANT ANTIFREEZE SHROUDED FAN AND COOLANT RECOVERY SYSTEM. DESCRIBE 13. TRANSMISSION: 4- SPEED AUTOMATIC WITH HEAVY DUTY COOLER. MAKE 14. AXLES: MODEL 1. 3,800 POUNDS, MINIMUM RATING FRONT AXLE DESCRIBE 2. 5,600 POUNDS MINIMUM RATING REAR AXLE DESCRIBE 3. 3.73 REAR AXLE RATIO MINIMUM, LOCKING DIFFERENTIAL. DESCRIBE 15. SUSPENSION: HEAVY DUTY, FRONT COIL AND REAR COIL OR LEAF WITH SHOCK ABSORBERS. MAXIMUM AVAILABLE FRONT AND/OR REAR STABILIZER BARS. FRONT TYPE LBS RATING REAR TYPE LBS RATING 16. BRAKES: HEAVY DUTY, FADE RESISTANT, VACUUM OR HYDRAULIC BOOSTER EQUIPPED FRONT DISC AND REAR DRUM. FRONT TYPE REAR TYPE 17. TIRES: BELTED MAKE_ SIZE FACTORY INSTALLED LT235/85R16, BLACK SIDEWALL,STEEL RADIAL MUD AND SNOW TREAD . TYPE 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. WHEELS: 16 INCH X 6.5 INCH MINIMUM, WHITE DISC ONLY. DESCRIBE STEERING: HYDRAULIC POWER STEERING. DESCRIBE ALTERNATOR: MAKE BATTERY:DUAL MAKE 100 AMP MINIMUM. ( 2 )600 CCA EACH AT 0 DEG. F MINIMUM. FUEL: 35 GALLON CAPACITY MINIMUM DESCRIBE 24. RADIO: AM/FM STEREO AMP DESCRIBE 25 CONDITIONS: THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY CERTIFIES THAT HE/SHE UNDERSTANDS THE SPECIFICATION ITEM AND HAS READ IT CAREFULLY AND WILL DELIVER THE UNIT FURNISHED WITH ALL EQUIPMENT DESCRIBED (UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED) IN THIS SPECIFICATION. WE DO ( ) DO NOT ( ) , MEET ALL REQUIREMENTS LISTED IN THIS SPECIFICATION. SIGNED DATE BID PRICE LEASE PURCHASE INTEREST RATE TERM OF NOTE FIRM NAME SUBMITTING BID AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE PRINTED NAME DELIVERY DATE (DAYS)* TELEPHONE NUMBER *IF THE DELIVERY DATE EXCEEDS 120 DAYS THE CITY OF SANGER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO COMPLETELY REJECT THE ENTIRE BID PROPOSAL. LEASE PURCHASE INFORMATION. THIS UNIT SHALL BE PURCHASED THROUGH A LEASE PURCHASE AGREEMENT.PLEASE DIFINE THE TERMS AT THE END OF THE SPECIFICATION. THIS COMPANY IS ABLE TO PROVIDE LEASE PURCHASE FOR THIS UNIT FOR THE CITY OF SANGER. YES( ) NO( ). s Pw On BOX 578 . TEXAS•P& TC7: Honorat�le Mayor &Members of the City Council FROM: Jahn Hamilton, City Administrato DATE: June 17, 1994 SUBJECT: Appointment to Denco 9-1-1 Board Resolution #R7-94 The enclosed requests your consideration for an appointment to their Board of Directors. Enclosure CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS RESOLUTION #R7-94 A RESOLUTION APPOINTING ONE MEMBER TO THE BOARD OF MANAGERS OF THE DENCO AREA 9-1-1 DISTRICT. wTHEREAS, Article 1432e, V.A.C.S. provides that two voting members of the Board of Managers of an Emergency Communications District shall be appointed jointly by all cities and towns lying wholly or partly within the District; NOVV THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS: Section 1 The City of Sanger hereby appoints as a member to the Board of Managers of Denco Area 9-1-1 Emergency Communication District. Section 2 That this resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage and approval. PASSED AND APPROVED this day of 1994. ATTEST: Rosalie Chavez City Secretary Nel Armstrong Mayor DENCO AREA 9 - 1 - 1 DISTRICT 250 S. Stemmons, Suite 260, Lewisville, Texas 75067 Phone/TDD (214) 221-0911 FAX (214) 420-0709 TO: Mayors, City Managers, City Secretaries FROM: Mike Pedigo, Executive Director DATE: June 10,1994 RE: Appointment to Denco Board of Managers The legislation creating the Denco Area 9-1-1 District requires the appointment of two members to its board of managers from the cities participating in the district. The current term of John McGrane expires on September 1, 1994. Mr. McGrane has asked to not be reappointed to the Board of Managers due to his relocation. The current members of the Board of Managers are as follows: George R. (Randy) Corbin Lewisville Fire Dept. John McGrane City of Denton Olive Stephens City of Shady Shores Jim Ferguson Lewisville Dr. Allen Groff Pilot Point Melvin Willis Term EY�ires llenton County Fire Depts. 9/1/95 Cities 9/ 1 /94 Cities 9/1/95 County 9/ 1 /94 County 9/ 1 /94 Advisory The Denco Area 9-1-1 District asks that you place the appointment of a representative to its board of managers on your council agenda as soon as possible and send us a written notice of your choice. Enclosed is a sample resolution that you may wish to use. Thank you for your help in this matter and if the Denco Area 9-1-1 District can be of assistance in any way, please call us al (214} '121-0911. �A N�40w� Town of Trophy Club 00al POLICE DEPARTMENT Don Franklin, Chief of Police June 14, 1994 Mayor/Manager City of Sanger F.O. Box 578 Sanger, TX 76266 Dear Mayor/Manager: I have recently learned that the Denco Board has received a resignation from longer desires to serve. As an active 9-1-1 service area, I would appreciate replacement for this vacated position. J U N 16 1994 : E'� `U e Area 9-1-1 District a board member who no participant within our your endorsement as a As the Director of Police and Emergency Medical Services for the Town of Trophy Club, I have become very familiar with our local area 9-1-1 from its inception to its present day makeup. I consider it very important to appoint someone with a historical background of this nature as well as a person who can look to the future with a proactive approach. I have over 20 years experience in the public safety arena, more especially as it relates to law enforcement. I possess the highest credentials awarded to peace officers by the State of Texas. I hold a Master's Degree in Public Administration with 10 years public safety management experience. I recently graduated from the Management Institute of 'Texas, and I teach criminal justice courses on a part-time basis for Dallas Baptist University. I also serve as an elected Trustee for Northwest Independent School District. I am very active in serving my community and the local area and in improving the public safety professions. Working and living in the southern most part of our 9-1-1 district, I would li]te to ensure equal representation throughout the district, especially since this area is growing rapidly and will become a vital link to emergency services in the near future. Being a Chief of Police and an EMT, with some firefighter training, I believe I can provide some insight into present and future emergency services fog( � our district. `� ' G €' 25 Serving as Chairman of the Denco Area 9-1-1 Consolidation Task Force, I have had the opportunity to work with the many 100 Municipal Dr. Trophy Club, Texas 76262 0 (817) 430=191 1 r;ities and ad�ni.ni.st�at�o�:rys R�rhich male .��p aur_- district-o � also .now Mike Pedigo and his, staff and -t e members of the Denco ��-�-1 Board. 1 have a good working relationship with all of them. Also, I understand the personalities and philosophies A our diverse district. n I co��a,ider• �rlq�.��elf r��*er�-re�ind�=.d Frith � pc`��i.-i 5..ve? af.ti_tur_l�, arrr� a pu} lic servant with a c itipJen o i_erated emphasis. I am dedicated to providing professional '.mE':t:gencYy se.v:Lces, includimu ng communications It would �c ��r� honor tc5 sit on t�;.e irer�co �rcr� �~-1..-2 Dist�•.ic•u Board and to work with the many outstanding people who are a part of it. I would appreciate your consideration. �.fm?�p�'GtfLi�.�ey r oil Frank] _Ln, CII ga_re:vtoxof Bolice/E�`i�� �.;c � Chief Ra�id�� C`o�•l�irz, Chairman De��co area 3-1 _.l Di stx•,�.ct CITY OF SANGER P. O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 TO: Honorable Mayor &Members of the ty Council FROM: John Hamilton, City Administrator DATE. June 17, 1994 SUBJECT: Animal Control - Proposed Adoption ee Animal Control Officer Eddie Branham has requested that the City enact a fee for animal adoptions from the shelter. He is recommending a minimal fee of $5. If the fee is too high, it could discourage adoptions. The $5 fee is recommended as a "token of sincerity" by people seeking to adopt. Staff recommends approval, JH:es Attachments CITY OF SANGER P. O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 MEMORANDUM TO: John Hamilton, City Administrator FROM: Eddie Branham, Animal Control Officer DATE: June 14, 1994 SUBJECT: Adoption Fee I would like to suggest a $5.60 Adoption Fee for adopting an animal from our animal shelter. EB:es U00028 TO: FROM: DATE. SUBJECT. i W P On BOX 4 e R TEXAS 1 •6 Honorable Mayor &Members of the Ci Council John Hamilton, City Administrator June 17, 1994 Board/Commission Appointments The attached reflects the positions on the various City hoards and commissions that are scheduled for consideration. Attachments June 16, 1994 PLEASE BE INFORMED THE FOLLOWING HAVE CONTACTED THE OFFICE AS TO WHETHER THEY WOULD LIKE TO SERVE/NOT SERVE AGAIN: Parks Board, Place 1 - Sam Burros - would like to serve again Parks Board, Place 2 - Steve Day - can not serve again Parks Board, Place 3 - PARKS BOARD, PLACE 3 - Beautification Board, 6 - Beautification Board, 5 - BEAUTIFICATION BOARD - Burl Bourland - resident outside of City CARROLL CADDELL - MOULD LIKE TO SERVE Teresa Calvert - would like to serve again David Gray - Place 5 GALINDA POWELL - WOULD LIKE TO SERVE Parks Board - Karen Lambert - not serve again on the Parks Bd. --- would like to serve on P & Z Library Board - Nancy Smith - would like to serve again Library Board - Joe Skiles - would like to serve again Library Board - Garland Thornton - would like to serve again P & Z Commission - Freddy Inman - Place 4-not serve again P & Z COMMISSION - RUSSELL MADDEN -APPOINT FOR PLACE 4 P & Z Commission - Glenn Shaw - would like to serve again P & Z Commission - Mike Rosenberg - would like to serve again P & Z Commission - Joe Bell - Place 5 will need a new appointment P & Z COMMISSION GLENN ERVIN = APPOINT FOR PLACE 5 Parks (Wed.StudyClub) - Margye Henry Term 92-94 "WED STUDY CLUB REP. 94/96 - Mrs. W. H. (Ciuida) Anderson,_ 1203 Meadow Ridge, Denton, TX 762a1- (817)591-1241, WED. LIT. CLUB Parks (Local Minister) - Pastor James Huse Term 92-94 Per Barbara Spinks, Mgr., Sullivan Senior Center - new boardmembers for the Sullivan Senior Center listed below: Hazel Martin, Rt. 1, Fox 262, Sanger, TX 76266 Margye Henry, 202 Carolyn Dr., Sanger, TX ?6266 Leslie Frowning, 513 Peach, Sanger, TX 76266 Joe Thomas, 613 Marshall, Sanger, TX 76266 ( F City Council City of Sanger 7/94 Mtg. Date: 1st & 3rd Monday of Mo. Name, Telephone nu�rnlaer, & Address iVel Armstrong, Mayor 216 Diane Dr. Sanger, Tx. 76266 ( Jack Richardson, Councilman, Place 5 800 S. lst Street Sanger, Texas 76266 ( Jerry Jenkins, Councilman, Place (Mayor Pro-Tem) 219 Diane Dr. Sanger, Tx. 76266 { Tommy Kineaid, Councilman, 603 Houston, P. C3. Sox 421 Sanger, TX 76266 ( Term �xgiraton iy •i « «1 iy 94-May «« May 93-May 95 3 1985-1987 1987®1989 1989-1991 199 1- 1993 May 93- May 95 Place 1 May 91- May 93 May 93- May 95 City Council cone: Joe Bell, Place 2 May 94- May 96 2503 Duck Creek Road P. O. Box 1330 Sanger, Texas 76266 ( Margie Braxton, Place 4 199Q - 1992 2Q8 S. 2nd May 92 - May 94 P.O. Sox 564 May 94 - May 96 Sanger, Tx. 76266 ( Packets go to John Hamilton, City Administrator Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary Agendas to all Dept. Heads NUMBERS --------------- Danny Spindle, City Judge ( Robert W. Hageman ., Fire Marshall Edgar Barrow - ( Bill Murrell, Fire Chief Keith Newton, Fire/Training IMPORTANT NUMBERS Cont: Dr. Richard Perry, City Physician 400 Bolivar, Suite 304 P. O. Box 228 Sanger, TX 76266 (817)458-4774 Ron Neiman, City Attorney 386 W. Main P.O.Box 777 Lewisville, Tx. 75967 (W) 214436-1558 Council &Board Agendas to: (93-5/94} Elaine Schad - Ft. Worth Star Telegram 615 Krahl Rd. Valley View, Tx. 76272 Sanger Courier P.O. Box 68 Sanger, Tx. 76266 All Dept. Heads STAFF: City Administrator, Jahn Hamilton ( (W)817458-7930 City Secretary, Rosalie Chavez ( (W)817-458-7930 Chief of Police, Benny Erwin ( (W)817-458-7930 Public Works Supt. Chuck Tucker ( (W)817458-7930 Eddie Branham -Public Works Foreman ( Hunter Associates Consulting Engineers J. Travis Roberts, President 8140 Walnut Hill Lane One Tenn Lakes Suite 500 Dallas, Texas 75231 (214) 369-9171 D. R. Chronicle FAX #214434-2400 Phone #817-381-9593 P. O. Box 369 Denton, Texas 76202 Glenn Ervin 208 N. lOth St., Sanger, TX (817)458-4813 Electric Supt. Larry boast ( (W)817-458-7930 Planning and Zoning Commission City of Sanger 7/93 Mtg. Date: 211 4th Tues. of Mo. �, Address Glenn Shaw, Place 2 ?01 Cherry Sanger, Texas ( !. Joe Bell, Place 5 2503 Duck Creek Road P. 0. Box 1330 Sanger, Texas 76266 ( Mike Rosenberg, Place 6 ?.06 Southland Dr. Sanger, Texas 76266 ( Peggy Haskins, Place 7 3va willow Drive Sanger, Texas 76266 ( Mary Bell Sims, Place 3 711 S. 5th P.0. Box 548 Sanger, Texas 76266 ( Andy Garza, Place 1 7a9 Houston Sanger, Texas 76266 ( Freddy Inman, Place 4 217 Diane Drive Sanger, Texas 76266 ( Term exx�iration 7J6/92-1994 7/ 1J93-1995 7/6/92-1994 7j 1/93-1995 7/ 1/93-1995 1989-1991 1991-1993 1993-1995 7j2Qf92-1994 Planning and Zoning. Comm. cont Agendas to. Mayor rmstron6 John Hamilton, City Adm. Rosalie Chavez, City Sec. Elaine Schad Ft. Worth Star Telegram 615 Krahl Rd. Valley View, TX 76276 Sanger Courier P. O. Box 68 Sanger, Texas 76266 P. O. Box 369 Denton, Texas 76292 f Beard of adjustment City of Sanger 7/93 {2 Yr. Term. } Alen Svaeeney 295 Southside Drive P.O. Box 1038 Sanger, TX 76266 Betty Jenkins 113 Diane Dr. Sanger, TX 76266 Francile Sullivan 205 Hillerest P.O.Box 975 Sanger, TX 76266 i i Sanger, • 76266 Yeatts 312 Cherry Sanger, TX 76266 817A58- 95 Sanger Parks Beard City of Sanger 7/93 Mtg. Date. 2nd Tues. of I�IIo. Name, Address & Telephone No. Sam Burrus, Place 1 (Vice -Chair 3/93) P. 4. Box 707 Sanger, Texas 76266 ( Steve Day, Flace 2 (Chair 3/93} 1004 Church Sanger, , TX 76266 ( Burl Bourland, Place 3 705 N. 5th Sanger, TX 76266 Peggy Sanford, Place 4 (Secretary 3/93} P.0. Box 430 Sanger, TX 76266 Randy N. Petterson, Place 5 206 Diane Dr. Sanger, TX 76266 l�aren Lamt�ert, Place 6 911 N. 7th Street Sanger, Texas 76266 ( Ruth Ellis, Place 7, 211 Diane D r. Sanger, TX 76266 ( Term Expiration 2/ 17/92-1994 1990-1992 7/6/92-1994 1989-1991 1991-1993 1993-1995 1991-1993 1993-1995 7/6/92-1994 Sanger Parks Board cant: Mrs. Margye Henry 292 Carolyn Drive Sanger, Texas 76266 ( ;President, Wednesday Study Club James Huse Pilgrims Way Baptist Church P. 0. Box 101 Sanger, Texas 76266 ( Agendas to: Mayor IVel Armstrong City Adm. Jahn Hamilton City Sec. Rosalie Chavez Elaine Schad Ft. Werth Star Telegram 615 Krahl Rd. Valley, View, Texas 76272 Sanger Courier P. O. Box 68 Sanger, Texas 76266 D. R. C. P. Ci. Box 369 Denton, Texas 76292 2J5J92®1994 9/ 22/ 9 2� 1994 Sanger Beautification Board 7/ l/93 Mtg. Date: 2nd TueCP. of PJIo. Name, Address & Telephone No. Chairperson, Etashcraft Place 1 Box 476 1992-1995 Sanger, TX 76266 ( Teresa Calvert Place 6 Box 941 1992- 1994 Sanger, TX 76266 { Eddie Branham Place 3 411 S. 7th Street, P. 0. Box 311 1994-1996 Sanger, TX 76266 JoAnn Bell ;'lace 4 Rt., Duck Creek Rd. 1993-1995 P.0. Box 1330 Sanger, TX 76266 Mr. Doug Payne Place 2 6QQ Peach, P. C7. Box 41 1994� 1996 Sanger, TX 76266 Linda Hewlett Place 7 F.U. Box 1Q 11 1993-1995 Sanger, TX 76266 David dray Place 5 2Q3 Jackilu 1993-1995 Sanger, TX 76266 Sanger Public Library Members City of Sanger 7/93 Mtg. Late: 2nd Monday of Mo. Name, Address & Telephone No. Esta Lou Morgan, Place 1, Chairperson 215 Hillerest P.O. Box 258 Sanger, TX 76266 ( Nancy Smith, Place 2 Rt.2 Box 1990 Sanger, TX 76266 { Helen Bounds, Place 3 742 Peach P.O. Box 52 Sanger, TX 76266 ( Garland Thornton, Place 4 GNB-Sanger P.O. Box 128 Sanger, TX 76266 ( Jae Skiles, Place 7 P.O. Box 418 Sanger, TX 76266 ( Term Expiration 1989-1991 1991-1993 1993-1995 199Q-1992 199la- 1994 199a-1992 1992s 1994 Dorwin Sargent, Place 6 Rt. 2 Box 2255 Sanger, TX 76266 ( Sherry Muir, Place 5 P.O. Box 8 Sanger, TX 76266 { Agendas to: John Hamilton, Nel Armstrong, Rosalie Chavez, Vickie Elieson, City Adm. Mayor City Sec. Librarian 1990=1991 1991-1993 1993-1995 1989-1991 1991- 1993 1993a 1995 Terry Jones, Library IIevelopment Committee Chair P. O. Box 958, Sanger, TX 76266 Judy V4Tebster, P. O. Box 218, Sanger, TX 76266 Elaine Schad Ft. Worth Star Telegram 615 Krahl Rd. Valley View, Texas 76272 Sanger Courier P. O. Box 68 Sanger, Texas 76266 II. R. C. P. O. Box 369 Denton, Texas 76202 Sanger Library Development Committee Members City of Sanger 7/93 Mtg. Date: Called Meeting Name, Address , Telephone No. Judy Webster Rt. 2, Box 2125 Sanger, TX 76266 Burl Bourland 705 N. 5th Street Sanger, TX 76266 Richard Muir P.U. Box 8 Sanger, TX 76266 Debbie Tucker P.U. Box 572 Sanger, TX 76266 Jack Biggerstaff P.U. Box 851 Sanger, TX 76266 Dr. Charles Bittle P.U. Box 507 Sanger, TX 76266 Patsy & Dorwin Sargent Rt. 2 Box 2255 Sanger, TX 76266 Sam Burrus P.U. Box 707 Sanger, TX 76266 « . MBox 982 nger, TX 6« Betty Cunningham Rt. 1 Box 583 J Sanger, TX 76266 Georgia Royal 203 Willow Sanger, TX 76266 Rev. Skip McNeal First Baptist Church P.U. Box 117 Sanger, TX 76 266 Chairperson, Sanger Drug P.U. Box 958 Sanger, TX Agendas to: Mayor Armstrong & C.A. & C.S. Elaine Schad, Fti W. Star Telegram, 615 Krahl Rd.,Valley Sanger Courier, P. U. Box 68, Sanger, TX 76266 D. R. C., P. U. Box 369, Denton, Texas 76202 Terry Jones Store View, TX 76272 Sullivan Senior Center Beard City of Sanger 7/ l/9S Mtg. Date: Called Meeting by Board at Center 1LTameddreu: Mrs. Hanel Martin, Chairperson Rt. 2, Box 262 Sanger, TX 76266 Mr. Leslie Browning, Board Member 513 Peach Sanger, TX 76 266 Lynn Wilson, Board Member rJir�. Erma Feller, Alternate P.O. Box 54 Sanger, TX 76 266 Ms. Margye Henry, Sec./Treasurer 292 Carolyn Sanger, TX 76266 Ms. Rope Rehm, Alternate 110Q AuOtin, Apt, # 3 Sanger, TX 76266 Fire Code Committee 1993 1}. Councilman Jerry Jenl�ins 219 Diane Drive Sanger, Texas 76266 2}. Jim Conley � Fire Inspector 1016 Bolivar Street Sanger, Texas 76266 3}. Sill 1Vlurrells Fire Chief 143 Terrace Sanger. TX 76266 (817) 458A985 4}. Benny Ervin s Police Chief P.O. Sox 578 Sanger, Texas 76266 Industrial Development Board Mtg. Date: Called % e% i 6_ N el Armstrong 216 Diane Dr. Sanger, TX 76266 John Hamilton P. Q. Box 578 Sanger,TX 76266 Qarland Thornton 3NB- Sanger P.Q. Box 128 Sanger, TX 76266 Charles Fenoglio P.Q. Box 1108 Sanger, TX 76266 Jerry Jenkins, Councilman 219 Diane Drive Sanger, TX 76266 Agendas to: Appt. 11/5/9Q Appt. 11J5/9a Appt. 1992 Elaine Schad, Ft. V�Torth Star Telegram 615 Irahl Rd. Valley View, TX 76272 Sanger Courier P. Q. Box 68 Sanger, TX 76266 D. R. C. P. Q. Box �69 Denton, TX 762€12 t 3° Y UP Sarluntx Pa Os BOX i. tNGER, Honorable l�lIayor � �Jlen�bers of the City Council �7ohn Hamilton, City Administrator dune 17, 1994 Limb Pick -Up Staff is seeking direction from the Council regarding liml Crews. This is becoming an increasingly costly endeavor resources and time, and clarification of your thoughts on be appreciated. JH:es F removal by City for the City, both in this matter would TO: FRONT: DATE. SUBJECT: Pa OnBOX 578 kNGER, TEXAS, 6 Hanarable ayor I�/Iembers of the City Council Jahn Hamilton, City Administrator June 17, 1994 Administration Report 1). At the request of several residents, Lane Star Cos is in the process of extending natural gas service to customers along Railroad Avenue and Janes Street. �}. The City of Sanger is an the FAX network and does receive Ozone Alert Notices. A twelve minute video tape from the NCTCOG entitled "Your Future Is In The Air" has been placed in the library that speaks to this air pollution problem. S}. The 1�35 progosed budget for the Denton Central Appraisal District is available for your review. If you would like a copy, please let us knew. JH:es memos\tracy.wpf �6(� DENTON CENTRAL APPRAISAL DISTRICT 3911 MORSE STREET P.O. BOX 2816 ITON, TEXAS 76202-2816 817-566-0904 n I 9VT.A 1 �. J U N 14 199 June 9, 1994 Dr. Clayton Downing Superintendent Lewisville ISD P.O. Box 217 Lewisville, Texas 75067 Re: DCAD's Southern Regional Office Dr. Downing: You had written the district expressing your concerns about the plans to close the district's southern regional office. The DCAD Board met in special session on June 6th to acknowledge your concerns and to further discuss the future of the southern office. After reconsidering the matter the Board decided to affirm the earlier decision to close the office. The information that follows should explain and support that decision. During the 1995 budget work sessions, one of the major items of discussion was the southern regional office. The office was opened in 1990 to serve as a tax collection point, a public access area, a limited service area for the general public and an office for the appraisers to use when in the southern part of the county. The general public picked up and dropped off various forms at the office. They would also get miscellanous questions answered. The appraisers would use the office to access information from the computer in Denton via terminals and modems. In 1993 the Personal Property Department was transferred to the office due to demand for floor space in the Denton office. With the recent developments in tax collections, the Board must be prepared to reduce the collection's budget by at least 75�. This necessitated the review of the continued operation of two offices. It appears that DCAD will no longer be collecting taxes for the jurisdictions in the southern part the county. When the tax collection function stops, so will the revenues used to partially fund the office. It costs approximately $108,231 annually to fund the office. This of Letter, Clayton Downing, June 9, 1994, Southern Office Page 2 amount includes personnel costs, telephone expense, data line expense, and office space. The tax collection function had contributed approximately 554,080 annually toward the total annual cost, with the appraisal operation contributing the other 554,151. If the office continued to stay open, the appraisal operation would have to fund the tax collection share. A review of the situation suggested that the primary use of the office by the public has been tax collection related. Glith tax collections no longer relevant, it became questionable if the benefits of keeping the office open were equal to a cost of 5108,231 annually. The Board decided to close the office and move the Personal Property Department back to the Denton office. This action meant that not only would the district not have to fund the additional 554,080, which had been previously contributed by the tax collection operation, the budget would actually be cut by 554,151. As to the general public's need, we are also concerned that they are served well (the ma�ority of the Board is from southern Denton County). The County has offered to keep a supply of the standard forms and information sheets at both the Carrollton and Lewisville Tax Offices. In addition we are adding the district's metro number on all our notices and we will install additional lines if the call volume exceeds our current capacity. In analyzing the use of the office, all people were required to come to Denton if they had detailed real property appraisal questions because the files and the people to answer them are there. We all hope we are able to have a full service office in the southern half of the county in the relatively near future. With your board's continued support of our budgets, we hope we are able to add the technology that will allow us to even have Appraisal Review Board meetings in southern Denton County. This is .the single largest public contact the district makes every year. As much as we'd like to do these things, we are in many cases chained to our physical files. Jntil we have the systems and all our documents, pictures, and maps imaged into the computer this functionality is not possible. In closing, I would emphasize that much thought was put into the closing of this office. In the end it was a cost/benefit decision. The benefits dust were not sufficient to warrant keeping the office open. However, if in the future, the public in the southern part of the county demand a facility in the geographic area and are willing to fund same, the district will certainly consider opening another facility. Sincerel G � Tracy linto Chairman, Denton cc: All Taxing Jurisdictions ..::cabtevision June 9, 1994 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Hon. Nel Armstrong, Mayor City of Sanger P.O. Box 578 Sanger, TX 76266 RE: Notice to Certified Franchises Dear Mayor Armstrong: a JUN 13 1994 �rEWE%r SANGER, TEXAS We are certain you are aware there is a new cable rate law in effect. This new law requires regulated cable systems to recalculate allowable rates and restructure the current charges using either a "new benchmark" rate or a "cost -of -service" showing. The FCC has advised us, through our attorneys, that we may defer refund liability under the new rules until July 141 19941 and rely on a cost -of -service justification. Accordingly, we will be filing our cost -of -service justification with you no later than thirty (30) days after the "restructuring date" of July 14, 1994, which is August 13, 1994. The new forms dictated by the FCC for compliance with the new rate regulations are quite complicated. By the FCC's estimates, each form will require twenty (20) hours to complete. Since there are three forms required for each franchise, we hope you can appreciate our dilemma in trying to service each of our franchise authorities in a timely fashion. We wish, as always, to cooperate with our franchise authorities so any changes will go as smoothly as possible. Sincerely, ZV onald M. Payne Controller 1220 North Main Street • Sikeston, Missouri 63801 • (314) 471-5022 JUN 6 1994 CURT[S TUNNELL EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TEXAS HISTORICAL COMMISSION P.O. BOX 12276 AUSTIN, TEXAS 78711-2276 (TELEPHONE) 512463-6100 (FAX) 512463-6095 (RELAY TX) I400435-2989 (TDD) NATIONAL REGISTER DEPARTMENT May 27, 1994 Victoria Elieson, Library Director Sanger Public Library P.O. Box 578 Sanger, Texas 76266 Re: Sanger Public Library, 301-309 N. Fifth, Sanger, Denton County (Department of Education, N20) Dear Ms. Elieson: The State Historic Preservation Office [SHPO] reviewed the federal undertaking referenced above under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act, 36 CFR 800. The SHPO's National Register Department reviews properties to determine their historical significance. The National Register Department has conducted a review of the following properties by applying state and federal criteria for historical designation: * 301-309 N. Fifth, Sanger These properties are eligible for the National Register of Historic Places under Criterion A, due to their local significance as early 20th-century commercial buildings on a primary business route through Sanger. These buildings appear to retain their historic and a rchite^.tl,.�.''al integrity. Please contact Lisa Hart Stross with the Department of Architecture for a determination of effect. She may request architectural drawings, specifications, work write-ups, and a complete set of photographs showing all the areas that the proposed work may affect. Photographs should be labeled and keyed to the drawings. For questions about eligibility contact Jamie Wise, the National Register Department and for questions about effect contact Lisa Hart Stross, Department of Architecture. You may reach them both at 512/463-6094. It is possible, however, that buried cultural materials may be present in the project area. If such materials are encountered during construction or disturbance activities, work should cease in the immediate areas work can continue in the project area where no cultural materials are present. 2�ie State agency for �-fistoric Preservation t Page Two May 27, 1994 Re: Sanger Public Library, N20) 301-309 N. Fifth, Sanger, Denton County (Department of Education, Please contact the SHPO's Department of Antiquities Protection at 512/463-6096 to consult on further actions that may be necessary to protect the cultural remains. Thank you for your interest in the cultural heritage of Texas, and for your compliance with this Federal review process. (James W. Steelyj J es ..Steely, DSHPO Na i Register Departm cc Lisa Hart Stross, THC Department of Architecture Leon Callihan Sr., Denton County Historical Commission JWS/JLW �N{:;Eii. �'� 7���6 gratefully acknowledges the gift of City of Sanger 'eJUN 1 6 19 : `' �A� sF� �5{-y� In Memory Of Mrs. Jo Carr All memorials are acknowledged to the family. Your gift is tax-deductible. $25.00 Judy Webster Treasurer June 16, 1994 3 f R � �� �� �► "r. C�tu of June 16, 1994 Mr. Bryan Charigar Yo U. S. Tobacco 190 W. Main, Suite 100 Lewisville, Texas 75057 Dear Mr. Charipar: The City of Sanger is nearing the community's goal of constructing a new Municipal Library Facility for the area. The site has been acquired and is debt free. The facility has been designed and accepted. During the last three years, the Library Development Committee has raised over $20,000 and the City has furnished $45,000 to the project. The City Council has 5000 sq ft building on the (Fifth Street). Construction completed during 1994. now pledged $350,000 to construct the new square at Bolivar Street and I-35 Business will begin this summer and is scheduled to be Any contribution your company could make to help complete and furnish the new Municipal Library would be appreciated. If you me know. JH:es have any questions or concerns regarding this project, please let Si John Hamilton lty Administrator c c: Honorable Mayor &City Council Members Library Board Members Library Development Committee PROPOSED - DENTON COUNTY TRUNKING USAGE CHARGES RECURRING CHARGES Fixed -end Maintenance Fee per radio on system (Does not include the maintenance of mobiles, portables, or control stations) Telephone Interconnect Access per radio [optional] (Denton calls free, all toll calls billed at County's cost) Lease of Private Talkgroup NON -RECURRING CHARGES Activation Fee per radio (Covers programming &activation of radio onto system) Radios 1 - 2 Each additional SYSTEM radio $ 3.50 $ 42.00 $ 530.00 ONE TIME FEE $ 10.00 $ 5.00 These fees are proposed only. They have not been adopted by Denton County Comm(ssioners Court. 12-10-93 05:52AM FR041 MO'i0R0I.A CJSfi, CONTI, 'FO �9181745841 �'�� .. .. ........... �.::...ia,�<Rifh'''>aiv: A'�n�fi �b3s:Y t>:::r" �`"":i F:. .-:if:...:.i?t0. :��. .............,�.,. � ....... ....�.... �......, ..........s......< <......,....... ... .. . Sa.r�,�or, Ci�.y of Police Department 'TOROLA proposal I:)000mbor l0, I993 L�A,.SIN� l�P'�'i�1�1S '"*IN'I'1$N}�)l;l) I�'t)R AUC)trlS 1'ARY PURIrt)fil�fi --i)t) Nt)'1' RI�,I>itl;,tiF,,V'1' A I� [NAN(.'IN(; t;t)M141I'i'M1�;N7' ', NCB 1)t�WNPAYM�+aN"1'-.(�R1)N:R 1't��r�AiJI��Nr, $2�7�3.pA S Y'E R FINANCING 4PT[ONS(S Annual Payments): I�;t �►yment tart n� Upon r cr t'Ixcelnt✓nt-C�.4�/r� n.P.i�.--�(,7:;1.15 I st Paymel�t I Year In Al•redrs-G.4°l° A,i?,h'.•-:y;7 ! 74.RQ �— YEAR FINANCIN�CaP_TION (i Annu�il P�tymenl�): 1 t payment tdrtin—� Upon d re Piacel�nent-G.25��� A.1'.R -- � . 1 tit Payment Starting 1 Year [rt ArI•ears -G.25% ,1,fa.t�.--,�;1 ! 21 C� 25�x.�t) r-wr■rrrrrrr....rr-rrrrrrrrgwrrrwrrrrrrrrrrrr--■rrrrrrrr- wr.wr..--�.rrrrrrrr..r.rr__..--- rrr-r 1U% U�WNPAY'MI+;N'C'-- Approximately �'30(iO,tJ() 'S Annual Payments); IacElnc�I�t-6.4�lc;f1.P.R.--'�t�t),52.2 i I yr I'�ayrnent Starting I Yer}r In Awed ,�-6,4°Ir:A.P.R.--�C?4S 1.13 cH •IlvRlv(:1NCi ()PT S(3 Annual P�iymenC4). tit �l<yrnent t��Irtln� pan r er IaceRient-6,ZS�I:A.P.R.--,��)47.5.�.5 1 Ott P�Iyrnent Starting; 1 Year [n Arl�earti-G.2,5°In--� I OOK�1.t)Z Lease Arrangements can be �ustr�mr d�►�igrned tc meet your spacial needs. � Please pall for additional information. t;ustomer Connection/ Miry ��ithbun= I-R<7(')-;�67.;?.3�(� c�x�.4f�4(? J'im Manto,►=214-RRR-6703 rt�tiented bv' MARV Rn�'ut�l rr`t � rr�►,r �,, � ��:,�;:.; __... June 20, 1994 To: Mayor Armstrong and Members of the City Council From: Peggy Haskins RE: SPEED PROBLEMS ON WILLOW STREET AND JONES STREET ��: t�i i � aF �t�i11�c� �- ,�UN 2 0 1994n. r'� �, � ; 1 ,f. ;;' � �r� � During the past few years, our community has made a number of complaints about the speeding problems in our neighborhood. The main area of concern 'is Willow Street. Since the County has resurfaced part of this road, the speeding problem has grown tremendously. The Police department has tried on some occassions to monitor the area,. but the problem still exist. This street literally bisects our community and children are constantly crossing the street or riding bikes down it. We have seen several incidents where people have practically been run, over on this street. The corner of Willow and Jones is very dangerous because grass grows up too high on the corner and you cannot see a vehicle coming until you are practically in the street. I personally witnessed an incident on Friday ,June 17'�in which a. pick-up traveling at least 60 MPH nearly rear -ended my sister's car after she had backed out of a driveway on Willow St. Several others in the community also witnessed this and 'a complaint was made to the Sanger Police Department. Several. members of our community gathered to discuss this problem Friday night and we have decided that we would like to address the City Council as a group and try to find a solution to this problem. We would like to see speed bumps placed in this area if at all possible. We feel there is no other solution since patroling periodically has not proved successful. We cannot afford to wait until some is killed before the problem is taken care of . This area also has a Church that has made complaints regarding the fact that on Sunday's they have had problems leaving the street next to the church to cross Willow Street. Traffic comes thru so fast that you risk your life pulling out on to Willow Street or simply turning onto or off the street. Please let us know when this issue can be addressed ASAP. Sincerely, Peggy Haskins John Hall, Chairman Pam Reed, Commissioner Peggy Carner, Commissioner Anthony Grigsby, Executive Direelor TEXAS NATURAL RESOURCE BANGER, CITY OF Po sox 578 BANGER, TX 76266 Dear Permittee: T, b-i�: �i�1P OF �Ai�9G�i�� t �� �JUN 2 0 1994 �(' CONSERVATION (3�M��I�!dA, Protecting Texas by Reducing and PreUenting Pollution Date: DUNE 17, tgg4 Failure to plan and construct adequate wastewater treatment capacity to meet existing and future needs is a major factor leading to hydrau- lic and organic overloads affecting wastewater treatment and effluent quality. The Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission (TNRCC), realizing this to be a major problem affecting permit compliance, promulgated rules which were felt to be necessary in order to preserve and protect the quality of the state water resources. On June 19, 1986 the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission adopted 30 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) Chapter 305 entitled "Consolidated Permits". Section 305.126 states in pertinent part, "Whenever the average daily flow reaches 75 percent of the permitted average daily flow for three consecutive months, the permittee must initiate engineering and financial planning for expansion and/or upgrading of the wastewater treatment and/or collection facilities." Section 305.126 further states, "In the case of a wastewater treat- ment facility which reaches 75 percent of the permitted average flow for three consecutive months, and the planned population to be served or the quantity of waste produced is no.t expected to exceed the design limitations of the treatment facility, the permittee will submit an engineering report supporting this claim to the exec- utive director. If in the judgement of the executive director the population to be served will not cause permit noncompliance, then the requirements of this section may be waived. To be effective, any waiver must be in writing and signed by the director of the Watershed Management Division of the Texas Natural Resource Conser- vation Commission and such waiver of these requirements will be reviewed upon -expiration of the existing permit. However, any such waiver shall not be interpreted as condoning or excusing any violation of any permit parameter." In order to implement Chapter 305 cited above, a review of your waste- water treatment facility flow records was conducted for the time period Jul 1993 through Sep t993• Your self monitoring report records show that the daily average flow reached or exceeded 75% of the design capacity (permitted daily average flow) of the wastewater treatment plant for each of the three months based on the following information: Permit Number WQ0010271-001 P.O. Box 13087 • Permitted Reported Month F 1 ow (MGD) F 1 ow (MGD) Jut 93 0.�$0000 0.3 000 Aug 93 0.480000 0.464000 Sep 93 0.480000 0.441600 Austin, Texas 78711-3087 512l239-1000 i�