05/16/1994-CC-Agenda Packet-RegularCITY COUNCIL AGENDA MAY 16, 1994 201 BOLIVAR STREET, CITY HALL 7:00 P.M. 1. Call to Order, Invocation, and Pledge to the Flag 2. Oath of Office 3. Appointment of Mayor Pro-Tem 4. CONSENT AGENDA a}. Approve Minutes b). Disbursements AGENDA 5. Citizen's Input 6. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Resolution #iPAWEDneral. Fund Reserve 7. Consider and Possible Action Awarding the Street Improvement Program Bid 8. Briefing on Emission Testing on Vehicles - Craig Waggoner 9. Consider and Passible Action Regarding Designation of Voting Representative to North Central Texas Council of Governments 10. City Administration Report 11. Any Other Such Matters 12. Adjournment Rosalie ChaWez City Secretary 5-13-94 2:30 p.m. Date & Time Posted ®k%%littleut®e®® Aw A s®® AS _.. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT. CITY OF SANGER P. O. BOX 578 BANGER, TEXAS 76266 Honorable Mayer &Members of the City Council Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary CQI May 13, 1994 �Ppointment of Mayor Pro-Tem Councilman Jerry Jenkins has served as Mayor Pro-Tem for several years. This is an important _Position as the Mayor Pro-Tem can legally act for the Mayor in her absence. MINUTES: City Council Meeting May 2, 1994 MEMBERS PRESENT. OTHERS PRESENT. Mayor Nel Armstrong, Councilwoman Margie Braxton, Councilman Russell Madden, Councilman Jerry Jenkins, Councilman Tommy Kincaid, and Councilman Jack Richardson City Administrator John Hamilton, City Secretary Rosalie Chavez, Public Works Superintendent Chuck Tucker, Electric Superintendent Larry Yoast, Chief of Police Benny Erwin, Glenn Ervin, Garland Thornton, Joe Bell, Craig Waggoner, Sally Stratso-Sanger Courier, Gary Sluder, Fire Marshall Bob Hagemann, Dan Almon & Matt Peden with Southwest Securities 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order. City Administrator John Hamilton gave the invocation which was followed by the pledge to the flag. 2. CONSENT AGENDA a). Approve Minutes b). Disbursements c). Proclamation #P4-94 - Arson Awareness d). Presentation to Councilman Madden Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to approve Consent Agenda. Seconded by Councilman Kincaid. Motion carried. Councilman Madden was awarded a plaque for his years of service on the Council. 3. Citizen's Input -None 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Ordinance #48-94 - Authorizing Sale of $208501090 Certificates of Obligation, Series 1994 Dan Almon from Southwest Securities and Financial Advisor for the City addressed this item. Mr. Almon spoke in regards to postponing the & indefinitely due to the rating agency's wanting t ale of the bonds CC MIN., 5j2j94, page 2 In Moody's evaluation, they stated that Sanger has the ability to pay, but the willingness to pay is not there. In summary, the City of Sanger did not show a willingness to pay since it relies so heavily on Enterprise transfers to pay for Capital Improvements as opposed to raising taxes. The City has also continued in the General Fund to refuse to demonstrate a willingness to raise taxes and get the General Fund to pay for its debts. Council discussed the issue at length. Mayor Armstrong recommended to Council to have a workshop to discuss alternatives to financing. 5. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Ordinance #t39-94 -Transfer Cable Television Franchise from Galaxy Cablevision, L.P. to Friendship Cable of Texas, Inc. Motion was made by Councilman Kincaid to adopt Ordinance #(19-94. Seconded by Councilman Madden which states: ORDINANCE #99-94 TRANSFER CABLE TELEVISION FRANCHISE FROM GALAXY CABLEVISION, L.P. TO FRIENDSHIP CABLE OF TEXAS, INC. AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR AND APPROVING THE TRANSFER OF THE CABLE TELEVISION FRANCHISE IN THE CITY OF SANDER THE "CITY") GRANTED PURSUANT TO ORDINANCE #83-8, DATED DULY 5, 1983, (THE "FRANCHISE ORDINANCE"); AMENDING THE FRANCHISE ORDINANCE IN CERTAIN RESPECTS; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION OF THE CAPTION; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING THE EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion carried. 6. Briefing on Brazos Electric Contract -Larry Yoast, Electric Supt. Electric Superintendent Larry Yoast addressed Council regarding Brazos' Contract expiring January 1995 after that period its on a one year rollover until either side decides to terminate and then a 36-month notice must be given to terminate. Larry Yoast stressed that the City is in dire need of work to be done by Brazos. The substation last year was rnaxed out and there is definitely a problem. Brazos understands there is a problem and they are planning to work on the substation this summer to hopefully make it last one more year. CC MIN., 5/2/94, page 3 Larry Yoast stated that Sanger needs a new substation and Brazos knows this; however, they do not want to spend about $700,000 to a million dollars without getting a long-term contract with Sanger. If Brazos' contract is extended, they have assured us that in their next year's budget they'll have the money in their budget to build the new substation. Larry Yoast continued to discuss some power bills from TMPA, {wholesale supplier of electricity to Greenville, Denton, Farmersville}. He compared the cost of power purchase from TMPA verses Brazos. Larry noted that Brazos supplies our power at a much lower cost. Discussion. Council decided to set a workshop to discuss this issue. 7. City Administration Report City Administrator John Hamilton reported on the fallowing: preapplication for Library Construction Grant has been submitted. Also, with addition to that document the Architectural Barriers Commission has been requested to make their preliminary review of the building design and also a request for review to the Historical Review for permission to demolish an existing building. b}. City Election is from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of City Hall. c}. Early voting ends tomorrow, May 3rd at 5:00 p.m. d}. Swimming Pool Opening is scheduled for May 28th and Judith Shearmire will be the manager at the pool. Season Passes are on sale - - - - - - - - - - - - $75.QQ for Family and $25.00 for Seasonal. Admission will continue to be $ l.QQ. e}. Chief Erwin reported an the new police radio system. This is a new system that has been installed due to problems they were experiencing awhile back with their radios. CC MIN., 5/2/94, page 4 The committee will be meeting tonight to give recommendations to City Council. S. Any Other Such Matters a}. Councilman Richardson asked what would the cost be to install a blinking red light on the corner of Willow and 2nd. Staff stated they would get him a price on cost. Councilwoman Braxton advised there is a problem. She stated that the Police cannot sit there and watch that intersection all the time for people who fail to stop. 9. Meeting adjourned. MINUTES: Special Called City Council Meeting May 10, 1994 MEMBERS PRESENT. Mayor Nel Armstrong, Councilman Russell Madden, Councilman Jack Richardson, Councilman Tommy Kincaid, and Councilman Joe Bell MEMBERS ABSENT: Councilman Jerry Jenkins and Councilwoman Margie Braxton 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting of May 10, 1994 to order. 2. Canvass Votes Regarding City Election Held on May 7, 1994 Mayer Armstrong canvassed the votes of the General Election of May 7, 19946 NAME NO. OF VOTES Nel Armstrong 141 Joe L. Bell 125 Glenn R. Ervin 52 Margie Cole Braxton 146 POSITION Mayor City Council, Place 2 City Council, Place 2 City Council, Place 4 Motion was made by Councilman Madden to accept the canvass of the votes. Seconded by Councilman Kincaid. Motion carried. 3. Pre -Oaths Sworn By Newly Elected Mayor and City Council Members - May 7, 1994 City Secretary Rosalie Chavez proceeded in administering the oath of office for Mayor Nel Armstrong and Councilman Joe Bell. Councilwoman Braxton to be sworn in at the next regular meeting. 4. Meeting adjourned. CITY OF SANGER AP OPEN ITEM LIST R ljCiPAGE 1 PO NUM DUE DTE PURCH AMT DISC. 250 ADAMS EXTERMINATING CO. I TREATMENT-LIBRAR 14345 4/30/94 423.0200 200.00 TOTAL 256 ALTEC INDUSTRIES, ING. DRAWER 0414 PARTS -DIGGER TRU 260620 4/28/94 419.0800 17.94 TOTAL 735 AMERICAN TEST CENTER LADDER TESTING-F 9404260 5/10/94 421.1100 360.00 TOTAL 3786 BQLIUAR SPECIALTY PRODUCT OIL/HYD.FLUID-AL 0501 419.0300 419.0500 419.0600 419.0700 419.0800 419.1100 419.1200 419.2000 419.2200 419.2600 TOTAL OTHER SUPP-SOFT 14071 4i3.1400 413.0100 COFFEE SUPPLIES- 14074 413.1600 SUPPLIES-REIMB a 14296 413.1400 413.1600 DOG FOOD -POUND 14326 444.2600 PAPER/OFFICE SUP 14342 442.0200 GLEANING SUPPLIE 14226 423.1600 DOG FOOD -POUND 2127 444.2600 TOTAL 4230 CASCQ INDUSTRIES INCQR. SWITCH PANEL -FIR 151539 419.1100 SWITCH PANEL -FIR 148560 419.1100 LIGHT BAR/GLOVES 14338 447.1100 416a l lOO 4/13/94 50.27 50.27 50.27 50.27 50.27 50.27 50.27 50.27 50.27 50.22 P. O.aOx 708 4/04194 16.73 16.73 4/05/94 1998 4/19/94 12.10 39.60 4/26/94 23.58 4/27/94 7.79 4/28/94 3.48 4/29/94. 12.60 P.Q. BOX i3 14345 5/17/94 200.00 P.O. BQX ii407 14454 5/17/94 17.94 17.94 r ti P.Q. aOX 288 14256 5/17/94 502.65 14071 5/17/94 14074 5/17/94 14296 5/17/94 14326 5117/94 14342 5/17/94 14^c26 5117/94 14386 5/17194 502.65 33.46 1.98 51.70 23.58 7.79 3.48 12.60 134.59 607 WEST 62ND ST. P.O. a0X 8007 4J28194 14330 5/17/94 98.00 98.00 5/03/94 14332 5/17/94 72.00 72.00 5/10/94 14338 5/17/94 11240.50 895.00 28100 talitl AlROMKIRA1� [�I-ArL Ili l AP OPEN ITEM LIST 419.1100 60.50 TOTAL 6500 C&H JANITORIAL SUPPLIES P.O. BOX 1iO4 PAPER/CLEANING S 18654 4/28/94 442.i600 23.23 442.0100 23.22 TOTAL ANT . / i 442s@800 41130 TOTAL 10550 DEMCO P.O. HDX 7488 CARDS/JACKETS/TA D898649 4/21/94 442.0200 180.23 TOTAL GARBAGE .ri BAGS G5009 /i t' TOTAL 13:21 PURCH AMT DISC. AMT Q 14360 5/17/94 46.45 46.45 P.O. BOX 8428 14146 5/17/94 413.30 413.30 2120 FORDEM AVE. l4132 5/17/94 180.23 0,4 tibba 0 566sO9 . rt 16200 DETCO INDUSTRIES RENETRANT-VEH.MA 1441! 5/05/94 421.2000 71.34 TOTAL 16352 DYNA-MED CORPORATION GLOVES -FIRE DEFT 756824 5110/94 424.1100 60.80 TOTAL 414a2000 R, i 414s2@00 TOTOL P.O. aOX 430 14411 5/!7/94 71.34 7l.34 W si ; WEST HIGHWAY 82 P.O. EOX 717 3/31l94 14169 5/17/94 26.04 26.04 4/20/94 14258 5/17/94 25.20 2120 51.24 16527 EMERGENCY AIR ONE P.D. BOX 89 TEST AIR RACK 2414 5/!0/94 l4337 51i7/94 421.1100 35.00 TOTAL 17764 GENE GDHLKE BUILD. PROD. P.D. 165 FIELD MARKER-C.0 5328 4/26/94 l4223 5/!7/94 421.2100 39.50 TOTAL frj 39.50 20325 HARBOR FREIGHT SALVAGE CO 3491 MISSION OAKS BLVD. R.D. BOX 60i3 CHAIN SAW/HLADES O497358 5/1!!94 14366 5/17/94 207.96 424.0500 207.96 TOTAL 207.96 .00 lvvAAHJjw=Lqail AP OPEN ITEM LIST COMPANY 100 5/12l94 PAGE 3 13a21 VENDOR INV NO INV DTE PO NUM DUE DTE PURCH AMT DISC. AMT 24257 HURRICANE OFFICE SUPPLY 1104 DALLAS DR. STE. 234 COPIER REPAIR-FI 3187 5/02/94 14331 5/17/94 69.71 .00 449.1100 69.71 TOTAL 69.71 .00 24586 IDEANETICS SIMULATOR SYS, 6420 GLENROY ST. SIMULATOR -FIRE D 00516 3/10/94 13880 5/17/94 713.68 .00 449.1100 713.68 TOTAL 713.68 .00 24632 JESWOOD OIL COMPANY P.O. PDX 2026 FUEL PURCHASE 14401 5/02/94 14401 5/17/94 11597.60 .00 414.0300 491.2l 414.2600 39.95 414.0500 1.34 414.1100 92.57 414.0500 286.28 414.0800 284.04 414.0700 76.17 414.0600 156.76 414.1700 169.28 TOTAL 11597.60 .00 25300 JAGOE-PUBLIC COMPANY P.O. BOX 250 ASPHALT -WOOD ST. 16081 4/07/94 14075 5/17/94 342.90 .00 431.0500 342.90 ASPHALT -WOOD ST. 16162 4/08/94 14083 5/17/94 338.62 .00 431.0500 338.62 ASPHALT 13104 4/18/94 14292 5/17/94 247.05 .00 431.0500 247.05 TOTAL 928.57 .00 27255 WATER PRODUCTS, INC. P.O. BOX 349 METER/VALVE BOXE 41500 4/07/94 14076 5/17/94 11097.40 .00 421.0700 143.40 421.0700 150.00 455.0600 804.00 VALVE -WATER DEPT 41499 4/08/94 14077 5/17/94 440.00 .00 421.0600 440.00 MISC. WATER PART 42042 4/19/94 14215 5/17/94 581.32 .00 42l o OGOO 581. 32 MISC. WATER PART 42350 5/11/94 14368 5/17/94 873.48 .00 421.0600 873.48 TOTAL 21992.20 .00 27555 LAWN LAND 714 DALLAS DRIVE MOTOR MOUNT -CHAT 36326 4/28/94 14317 5/17/94 8.82 .00 419.0800 8.82 TOTAL 8.82 .00 32250 OFFICE EQUIPMENT CENTER 625 DALLAS DR. STE 450 COPIER MAINT.-LI 035397 4/27/94 14344 5/17/94 70.00 .00 464.0200 70.00 TOTAL 70.00 .00 32252 OUR DESIGNS, INC. P.O. BOX 17404 AWARDS -FIRE 274728 4/19/94 14327 5/17/94 25.95 .00 CITY OF SANGER VENDOR AP OPEN ITEM LIST COMPANY 100 5/12/94 PAGE 4 13%21 INV NO INV DTE PO NUM DUE DTE PURCH AMT DISC. AMT 421.1100 25.95 TOTAL r 51505a9t TOTAL HOSES-G.WORKS 14315 4125/94 419.1700 11.99 TOTAL 33000 PAYLESS CASHWAYS, INC. LIGHTS/LIGHT KIT 0496513 3/25/94 470.0800 148.95 PINE MULCH -FIRE 094664 3/27/94 423.1100 9.95 PVC/LIGHTS-MEDIA 097108 3/31/94 470, 0800 79.63 LIGHT FIXTURES®M 098411 4/13/94 470.0800 50.97 CONCRETE TOOLS-S 099380 4/22/94 424.0500 165.84 TOTAL 33725 PERRICO TRAILER AND MFG. P.O. BOX 738 SQUARE TUBE -FIRE 14318 4/29/94 419.1100 I, 40 HITCH -CHIPPER 14413 5/03/94 419.0500 45.75 TOTAL 34755 QUILL CORPORATION CALCULATORS -DATA 0877736 5/05/94 411.0800 79,88 41 l o O l OO 7188 TOTAL 37777 SANGER OFFICE SUPPLY 303 BOLIVAR dISKETTES-VEH. M 2670 4106/94 424.2000 9.34 OFFICE SUPP,-LIB 2697 4/13/94 442.0200 45.49 OFFICE SUPPLIES- 2677 4/13/94 411.0100 3.71 COPY PAPER 2679 4/15/94 411.1100 35.00 MAILING SUPPLIES 2680 4/19/94 41loOlOO 3.56 STAMP-M/CC 2684 4/20/94 411, 1500 59.95 TARE -LABEL MACHI 2758 4/21/94 424.2000 5.25 COPY PAPER -FIRE 2753 4/25/94 411.i100 6.39 P.O. BOX 490 14048 5/17/94 5150190 5,505.90 920 B. DALLAS DR. 14315 5/17/94 11.99 11.99 P.O. BOX 660333 14047 5/17/94 148,95 14022 5/17/94 9.95 14139 5/17/94 79.63 14143 5i17/94 50.97 14220 5/17/94 165.84 455.34 1431a 5/17194 1.40 14413 5/17/94 45.75 47.15 P. O. BOX 5900 14422 5/17/94 i59,76 P.D. BOX 958 14165 5/17/94 9.34 14122 5/17/94 45.49 14280 5/17/94 3.71 14287 5/17/94 35.00 14294 5/17/94 3.56 14301 5/17/94 59.95 14259 5/17/94 5.25 14323 5/17/94 6.39 ark CITY OF SANGER AP OPEN ITEM LIST COMPANY 100 5/12/94 PAGE 5 13:21 INV DTE PO NUM DUE DTE PURCH AMT DISC. AMT 4/28/94 14361 5/17/94 5.93 5.93 5/10/94 14336 5/17/94 13.89 13.89 38762 SHERWIN WILLIAMS 1721 CARROLL BLUR. PAINT -FIRE DEPT 2744-3 4/22/94 14241 5/17/94 51.58 421 * 1100 51. 58 TOTAL 51.58 NUTS/ADAPTERS-EL 32281 4/04194 14i87 5/17/94 1,98 470.0800 1.98 PAINT ROLLERS/TA 32256 4/05/94 14073 5/17/94 126426 4210200 126.26 KEYS/BOOTS/NOZZL 32357 4/12/94 14211 5/17/94 28,18 412.1700 28,18 NUTS/BOLTS-PARKS 32374 4/13/94 14212 5/17/94 2.96 421.0900 2.96 PIPE/LOCKNUT-ELE 32403 4/13/94 14263 5/17/94 5,95 470.0800 5.95 BOLTS/NUTS-ELECT 32213 4/14/94 14138 5/17/94 21.12 470.0800 21,12 WATER RING -WATER 32397 4/15/94 14285 5/17/94 199 427.0600 3.99 CAP -WATER DEPT 32398 4/19/94 14216 5/17/94 4.49 421, 0600 4.49 NOZZLE/BUSHING/C 32478 4/19/94 14217 5/17/94 6,87 4219 0600 6, 87 PACKING/DIGGERS/ 32371 4/22/94 14218 5/17/94 63.72 421.0600 63.72 BITS/PINS/PLUGS/ 32450 4/25/94 14312 5/17/94 57:77 4110500 4.49 419.0300 2.00 456.0900 3.98 419*0800 .32 456.0900 46,09 423.1100 .89 BOLTS -PARKS DEPT 32537 4/25/94 14324 5/17/94 1.58 421,0900 1.58 FLUOR. LIGHT®ELE 32464 4/25/94 14325 5/17/94 46.99 470.0800 46.99 ALUMINUM -STREETS 32546 4/26/94 14328 5/17/94 1100 421*0500 15.00 RINGS/ADAPTER-EL 32469 4/26/94 14327 5/17/94 1098 470.0800 1.98 KEYS -LIBRARY 32601 4/29/94 14385 5/17/94 10.00 411.0200 10000 OTHER SUPPLIES-O 32605 4/29/94 14387 5/17/94 1.38 442,0100 1.38 TOTAL 400.22 42515 SOLOMON CORPORATION BOX 245 TRANSFORMER 44093 4/22/94 14054 5/17/94 235.00 427.0800 235.00 rt; VENDOR INV NO INU DTE PO NUM DUE DTE TRANSFORMERS 44092 4/22/94 14041 5/17/94 427.0800 41930.00 TOTAL 42931 5UNSET PRINTING ADO. MUGS -ARSON AWARE 31862 4/19/94 442.1100 240.01 TOTAL 43701 TECHLINE, INC. METER CAN W/ BRE 28286 4/25/94 470.0800 150.00 TOTAL 44028 TEXAS DEPT. OF HEALTH WATER SAMPLES 14367 5/11/94 456.0600 381.00 TOTAL 45698 GFS PRINTING TRAINING SUPPLIE 3462 449.1100 TOTAL 49210 UNDERGROUND, INC.! SWIVELS -SEWER NA 1558 419.0700 TOTAL 13:21 PORCH AMT DISC. AMT rr� . BOX 98 14236 5/17/94 240.01 240.01 P.O. BOX 9249 14148 5/17/94 150.00 r r�� 22i9 SOUTH LOOP 288 5UITE 100 5/10/94 13974 5/17/94 107.50 107.50 TEXAS UNDERGROUND, INC. 13311 GARDEN ROAD 4/21/94 14260 5/17/94 182.62 182.62 182.62 50200 VIKING OFFICE RRODUCTS TAPE -LABEL MACH. 735340 4/28/94 411.0100 25.98 TOTAL 53265 WEBB AUTO PARTS HOSE5/FILTERS/PL 3063 4/06/94 419.1100 5.89 419.2600 5.89 456.0900 5.89 419,0300 5.89 419.0500 5.89 419.0600 5.89 419.0700 5.89 419.0800 5.89 419.1200 5. 89 419.2000 5.89 FILTERS/BELTS/H0 3094 4/13/94 419.0500 10.40 419.0800 9.95 419.0300 17.52 419.0500 17.52 419.0600 17.52 419.0700 17.52 419.0800 17.52 419.1000 17.52 419.1200 17.52 P. 0. BOX 819064 14358 5/17/94 25.98 NEIVons 14254 5l17/94 160.48 P. 0. BOX 819064 14358 5/17/94 25.98 NEIVons 14254 5l17/94 160.48 CITY OF SANGER AP OPEN ITEM LIST COMPANY 100 5/12/94 PAGE 7 13:21 VENDOR INV NO INV DTE PO NUM DUE DTE PURCH AMT DISC. AMT 419.2000 17.49 BELT/PLUGS/FUSES 3152 4/27/94 14316 5/17/94 46.3l .00 419.1100 18.57 456.0900 7.50 419.0300 7.80 419.0800 12.44 TOTAL 265.69 .00 53450 WESTGATE VETERINARY HOSPI 4501 N. MESA TESTING -DOG POUN 42646 4/29/94 14363 5/17/94 168.22 .00 442.2600 168.22 TOTAL 168.22 .00 54060 DENTON CO.BUILDERS SUPPLY P.O. BOX 733 LUMBER-ST. DEPT 5905 4/05/94 14072 5/17/94 33.50 .00 431.0500 33.50 LUMBER -ELECT. DE 5918 4/05/94 14166 5/17/94 2.00 .00 423.1200 2.00 LUMBER -SEWER DEP 6013 4/13/94 14213 5/17/94 59.40 .00 421.0700 59.40 RAKES -PARKS 6074 4/19/94 14293 5/17/94 47.97 .00 424.0900 47.97 SACKCRETE-C.CENT 6101 4/22/94 14219 5/17/94 27.50 .00 421.2100 27.50 NAILS-C.CENTER 6115 4/26/94 14221 5/17/94 3.56 .00 421.2100 3.56 SACKCRETE-WATER 14222 5/10/94 14222 5/17/94 13.75 .00 421.0600 13.75 TOTAL 187.68 .00 54150 ZIMMERER KUBOTA OF DENTON 5600 N.E. LOOP 820 PULLY/BELTS/CLIP 504927 4/13/94 14253 5/17/54 87.89 .00 456.0900 87.89 TOTAL 87.89 .00 55875 REINERT PAPER & CHEMICAL 1431 COMMERCE BLVD. CLEANING SUPPLIE 4796 4/21/94 14309 5/17/94 54.77. .00 420.2000 54.77 TOTAL 54.77 .00 24,540.93 .00 TOTAL DUE WITH DISCOUNTS 24,540.93 TOTAL DUE- NO DISCOUNTS 24,540.93 G/L DEPARTMENTS ADMINISTRATION-GF i 160.39 LIBRARY 2 639.77 POLICE 3 574.69 SANITATION 4 566.09 STREETS 5 11772.81 WATER 6 3, 403.06 WASTEWATER 7 685.27 ELECTRIC 8 12,078,84 PARKS 9 203.86 PUBLIC WORKS 10 17.52 FIRE 11 31309455 VENDOR INV NO INV DTE PO NUM DUE DTE VEHICLE MAINT.-GF 12 75.68 MAYOR & COUNCIL-GF 14 28.83 MAYOR & COUNCIL-EF 15 59.95 ADMINISTRATIOWEF 16 68.29 PUBLIC WORKS-EF 17 209.45 VEHICLE MAINT-EF 20 265.59 COMM. CENTEMF 21 70v 56 WASTE-WTR COLL�EF 22 50.27 ANIbIAL CONTROL-GF '26 3G0.46 GENERAL FUND 7720.21 i 13m21 PURCH AMT DISC. AMT MEMORANDUM # 25a4 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF SANGER P. O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 Honorable Mayor & John Hamilton, City May 13, 1994 Resolution #R4-94 - Members of the City Council Administrator General Fund Reserve This item is glaced on the agenda pending rating by Moady's in New Yark. Dan Almon and I have spoken to the Moody's Analyst handling Sanger's issue and hope to have an answer either, yes or no, on the rating (Baa) issue. Dan tells me that upon Moody's issuance of the Baa, it will take seven to ten days to arrange the C.O. sale. He further stated that the market is still volatile with ups and downs from day to day. JH:es RESOLUTION #R4-94 THE STATE aF TEXAS COUNTY OF DENTON CImY VE SANGER Concurrent with the proposed sale of $ ,850,000 Certificates of obligation, after obtaining Moody's Investors Service's rating of "Baa" or better, the City Couacil DOES HEREBY RESOLVE... 1) to officially establish and maintain a "Fund Balance" in the General Fund in an amount sufficient to represent a sixty day operating reserve; 2) that the exact amount will. be based on previous years' audited financials, with such amount currently being approximately 1*1.67, 000 a 3) that this fund balance will be maintained as an operating reserve And wi 11 not hp used by r.Apital expenditures; and 4) that such rc�crvc will be c�tablisHed in equal axinuaJ. amounts over a three-year period beginning fiscal year 1995. PASSED AND ADOi�TED by Lice Cil.y CvUl1G11 yr �2ie C.iLy or Sanger, Texas this the day of May, 1994. CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS Mayor City Secretary (City Seal) CITY OF SANDER P. O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 TO: Honorable Mayor &Members of the City Council FROM: John Hamilton, City Administrator Cr DATE. May 13, 1994 SUBJECfi: Bids on Street Improvements, Keaton Road, Willow Street John Mears will be present to discuss the bids received with Council. The bid opening is scheduled for 4 p.m. in the Conference Room. The original estimate on these projects are: Keaton Road - $493,560 Willow Street - $33d,484 TO: FROM: DATE. SUBJECT. CITY GF BANGER P. On BOX 578 BANGER, TEXAS 76266 Honorable Mayor &Members of the i Council John Hamilton, City Administrato May 9, 1994 Briefing - Emissions Testing of Fleet Vehicles Craig t�Uaggoner, Vehicle Maintenance, will be present to review with Council the required fleet vehicle emissions testing program as mandated by the Clean Air Act of 1990. fihe enclosed material was submitted by Craig. JH:es Enclosures ■ MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: JOHN HAMILTON CRAIG WAGGONER MAY 6, 1994 EMISSIONS TESTING FOR FLEET VEHICLES LISTED BELOW IS A LIST OF CITY OWNED VEHICLES THAT WILL REQUIRE EMISSIONS TESTING BEGINNING JULY 1, 1994.THESE TESTS WILL BE DONE AT THE STATE TESTING FACILITY TO BE CONSTRUCTED IN DENTON.THIS FACILITY IS PLANNED TO BE COMPLETED BY AUGUST 1994. 1992 1986 1984 1978 1984 1974 1980 1984 1976 CW. FORD TARUS - POLICE FORD F700 TRUCK - ELECTRIC DEPT. CHEVROLET C70 TRUCK - STREET DEPT. CHEVROLET C30 1 TON TRUCK - ELECTRIC DEPT. G M C PICKUP C20 - PUBLIC WORKS INTERNATIONAL 1600 - TRUCK FIRE DEPT. CHEVROLET C30 1 TON TRUCK - FIRE DEPT. MAZDA PICKUP - PUBLIC WORKS FORD F700 TRUCK - PUBLIC WORKS TEXAS NATURAL RESOURCE CONSERVATION COMMISSION FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE MAY 2, r994 CONTACT: ED CLARK 512/475-2029 NEW VEHICLE EMISSIONS TEST PROGR.�,.`1 FOR iViETROPLEX The Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission has announced details of a new vehicle emissions testing program for the Dallas/Fort Worth area that will provide one-third of the pollution reductions needed by the Metroplex to meet new federal clean air requirements as mandated in the Clean Air Act signed into law by President George Bush in 1990. Congress has mandated that more than 90 communities nationwide, including the Metroplex, reduce volatile organic compounds (VOC), a component of ozone smog. or face the loss of federal highway funds and restrictions on economic growth. The D/FW area, consisting of Dallas. Tarrant, Denton and Collin counties, must reduce VOCs by 27 percent by 1996. Vehicles are responsible for about 40 percent of the VOC pollution in the Metroplex. "The new vehicle emissions testing program not only targets one of the largest pollution sources in the region, but is also the lowest cost pollution reduction option available to the community," said TNRCC Chairman John Hall. "The Metroplex will not be able to comply with the Clean Air Act without these reductions in vehicle emissions." The improved emissions test program, called Texas Air Cart, will begui for the General public in January 1995. It will replace the emissions test currently administered as pan of the annual state safety inspection. The safety inspection, administered by the Department of Public Safety, will still be required for all motorists each year. However, beginning in 1995, the safety inspection will not include an emissions test. As a result, the cost of the safety inspection in the MetropleX will drop back to $10.50. The new emissions test will cost $21 -- but will only be required every other year. The new emissions test will therefore cost motorists a little more over atwo-year period. but will result in five times the pollution reductions. ' "The existing emissions test reduces vehicle emissions by about 12 tons per day --- testing all vehicles every year," Hall said. "The new program will reduce VOCs b�• about 56 tons per day --- testing only half the vehicles annually." One of the reasons why the Texas Air Care program will achieve much larder pollution reductions is because it will be•administered through a network of 25 testing stations located throughout the Metroplex (see attachment}. The stations will be dedicated solely to emissions testing. They will not be allowed to make repairs. -MORE- �� �� � �`����� Act:rtcY COMMUNICATIONS • P.O. Box 13087 • Aus•rtct, Ti:xns ?8711-3087 • 512/475.2029 ,�dprinted on recycled paper using soybased ink lue'stio TEXAS AIRJCARE EMISSIONS VEHICLE TESTING FROG.R..AM Why must Texas have a .vehicle emissions testing program? Texas has four of the more than 90 metropolitan areas across the country that, have excessive amounts of air pollution. Much, of that pollution comes from the cars and trucks we drive. The U.S. Congress requires vehicle emissions testing programs in each of these non - attainment areas to reduce air pollution from gasoline - powered motor vehicles. What are the four non attainment areas in Texas and.what counties do they include? . 1) Houston/Galveston: Includes Brazoria, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Montgomery; Liberty, Chambers. and Waller counties: 2) Beaumont/PortArthur: includes Jefferson and Orange counties. 3) Dallas/Fort Worth: Includes Collin, Dallas, Denton, and Tarrant counties. 4) El Paso area: Includes El Paso -County. How does the vehicle .emissions testing program. work? Each vehicle must undergo an, emissions inspection every other year at the time of registration renewal. Most vehicles will .pass the test and receive the vehicle. emissions certificate required for registration renewal. -If the emissions coming from the vehicle are higher than allowed by federal. standards, it will have to be repaired at the owner's expense. However, there is a limit on how, much the owner has to spend. The. EPA requires that motorists make a reasonable effort to get their vehicles in passing condition: if the vehicle. still cannot pass the emissions test, it can qualify for a waiver. The waiver allows the owner to renew the vehicle registration. Now much must a motorist spend on .emissions repairs before qualifying for a waiver? The amount varies depending on the age of the vehicle and the non -attainment area in which it is registered: Dallas/Ft. Worth (moderate non -attainment area): 1968-1980 model year cars and trucks:.$75 1981-newer model years: $:200 Beaumont/Port Arthur (serious non -attainment area): 1968-1980 model years:'$75 1981-newer model years: $200 El Paso. (serious non -attainment area): . 1968-newer model years: $450 Houston/Galveston (severe non-attainment:area):. 1968-newer model years: $450. Does this mean that l will •be required to spend these amounts if my vehicle fails the emissions test? No, as indicated previously, most vehicles (an estimated 80 percent) will pass the emissions test. If your vehicle should fail, the cost of repairs in most cases will be less than the, figures indicated above. The.. figures above only apply in cases where repairs have been made and the vehicle still cannot pass the emissions testAn that case, the owner inay.apply ,for a' waiver. The EPA requires that before an owner 4can receive a waiver, he or., she must have spent a minimum amount trying to bring the vehicle.into:compliance. The figures above "represent the minimum amounts that must be spent before a waiver can be received.. What types of repairs are needed when a vehicle fails i emissions test? Most often, the tepairs will be minor adjustments and replacement of inexpensive parts. �� printed on recycled paper usingsoy�based ink G1.42 (revised)• FebruaFy 1994 PAGE TWO I&M PROGRAM MAY 2, 1994 The 25 stations will provide a total of 103 vehicle test lanes for the Metroplex. Each station will be open 54 hours per week, including at least five hours on Saturdays and the system will be capable of testing almost 69-thousand vehicles per week or over 250-thousand vehicles per month. The emissions test itself takes an average of five minutes to administer and stations must ensure that the average customer wait time per day does not exceed 15 minutes. "There will be a station located within 12 miles of 95 percent of all residents, said Bob Miller, President of Teas Testing Technology, the contractor hired by the TNRCC to build the test stations and provide overall management of the system. "The test stations will be operated by local citizens and businesses and will have numerous checks and balances to make sure they provide quality testing with the least inconvenience to the public." One question that has been raised is why the new emissions test will not be conducted at the same locations that provide state safety inspections. "By using the 25 dedicated test -only facilities, the state of Texas gets twice as many pollution credits from,--:: ,,, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency as would be awarded if the current system of facilities were .. u . utilized," Hall said. "This is because dedicated test -only facilities allow better . quality control and, ; oversight." In addition, the new emissions test requires about $150,000 worth of equipment per lane. With 25 dedicated test facilities, the cost of that equipment is spread over a much greater population of,vehicles. This keeps the cost of the test as low as possible. "If you had hundreds of facilities buying that equipment the EPA estimates the price of the emissions test would be $50 - $75 per inspection, versus the $21 motorists will be paying," Hall said. Also, if the current system of numerous testing locations. were used: there would be another significant problem. 'If the current system were used, the EPA would be less lenient towards vehicles which, after repairs, still could not pass the new emissions test, said TNRCC Commissioner Pam Reed. "Under Texas Air Care, motorists may receive a waiver after a reasonable effort is made to bring their vehicle into compliance. Without the ability to receive waivers, motorists would be forced to bring their vehicle into compliance no matter what the cost. That would be an unreasonable hardship." Because the new test is more sophisticated, the new program is also much less prone to incorrectly fail a vehicle. "Approximately 80 percent of the vehicles are expected to pass the test," said Russ Baier, Director of the TNRCC Mobile Source Division. Basically if a car is well maintained in good running condition, it should pass. And research indicates that the majority of vehicles that fail can generally be brought into compliance with minor repairs such as a tuneup or the replacement of minor parts." -MORE- PAGE THREE I&M PROGRAM MAY 2, 1994 Also, older model cars will not have to meet the same performance standards as newer models. "The new test is designed to determine whether a vehicle's emissions control equipment performs at the specifications to which that equipment was manufactured, minus allowances for normal wear and tear" I3aier said. "In other words, emissions control equipment on a 1982 model year car must perform to 1982 standards, but not to tht standards of a brand new 1982 vehicle but rather to one that has been well maintained over ttie years." The Texas Air Care system is also expected to increase the number of vehicles complying with the emissions testing requirement. Under the new system, motorists will not be allowed to renew their license plates without proof of passage of the new emissions test or of a waiver. As indicated, the new emissions test will only be required every other year for a vehicle. Odd -year model vehicles must be tested in odd years and even -year model vehicles must be tested in even years. In the test years for a vehicle, license plate renewal requires a certificate showing the emissions test has been completed or waived. In between test years, license plate renewal of a vehicle will not require any paperwork on emissions testing. Hall says the Metroplex cannot achieve the federally -mandated pollution reductions by 1996 without the vehicle emissions reductions. "As we indicated, the new emissions tesdn� progr�nn will reduce VOCs by about 56 tons per day," Hall said. "If we placed controls on alp. of t!.. .:mall businesses we have considered in the Metroplex --- togethet.iey would provide only about s Eons per day in pollution reductions and at many more times cos ;;r ton." should the D/F'W four -county area not achieve the VOC reductions required by 1996, the EPA could require additional reductions, place further limits on new business;;, ;;ad could expand all requirements to a nine -county area of thy, region rather t :nn the current four. "The plan for the Metrolex was developed over a�extensive period of timC: in close consultation with the leadership of the community and local citizela," Half said. "It gives citizens the biggest possible reduction for every dollar they spend and every effort the :ire asked to make. But failure to meet these federal clean air requirements will put the region at a significant disadvantage in terms of economic growth and new jobs." While the new emissions test begins for the general p;iblic January 1995, the TI\LCC expects to begin testing some city, county, state and federal fleets at completed test stations as early as July, 1994. -30- (Q Di O(D O(Dm�(D (DOQ' (D COO Q O D=*lp (D a p ((DD (D Q (D "' =:t: < � Z -' O (D n O (D N = n �D 3 (D 6 cry, z3 3 O O (� O O =1• (D m O O =8 (D O CA Q-+ •G C) (D Q Denton:1. 2. McKinney: Metro Park Drive, off McDonald, Hillside3. Lewisville* Drive, in the Hill8ide Off ice Park bn Mill Street 4 4 1 TEXAS 4. • �igital Drive off Plano Parkway, east of Coft%Road 5. Valwoo'd Parkway* Valwood Parkway, between Luna and lH 35 r AIR CARE 6. Carrolltons• of • • of • 7. Richardson* Arapaho Road, just east of Greenvllle*Avenue 8. N. G 0 arland*-Commerce St., one block east of the Country Club 9. S. Garland.a Wall St., just east of the light at Garland Avenue a9d Leon 1Forest.• of Abrams block east of i(Loop 12), just north of 1 12. Irving: Southeast corner of Irving Boulevard and Pioneer Drive 13. Love Feld: Harry Hines just south of Northwest Highway 14. Motor: Motor Street., between Harry Hines and Maple Avenue 15. Hawn Freeway: North feeder of. Hawn Freeway, just west of Jim Miller Road 16.Oak Cliff: Hansboro Street, off Westmoreland, south of Illinois Avenue FORT WORTH 17. North Richland Hills: Davis Boulevard, north of College Circle • 18. Meacham: Northwest corner of Mark IV Parkway and Meacham Boulevard 19, Euless: Royal Parkway, just south of Hurst Blvd. (SH 10), west of 157 20, Highway 80: W. Normandale St., north of Highway 80 2). Eastchase: Bridge St., In the northwest quadrant of East Loop 820 and IH 30 22. Altamesa: Northeast corner of Hulen Street at Kingwgods Drive 23. Forest Hill: Southeast corner of Mansfield Highway and Parker Henderson Road 24. Grand Prairie: Forum Drive; just south of Arkansas Lane 25. South Arlington: S. Commercial, *east of Cooper, south of Sublett 01 OF TEXAS AIR CARE VEHICLE EMISSIONS TESTING PROGRAM CONTACTS TNRCC Jim Daggers -- 817/732-5531 TNRCC Arlington Region Office Candy Garrett -- 512/239-1489 Program Manager Michael Fahy -- 512/239-1490 Technical Assistance Tejas 'Testing Technology Brad Laughlin -- 214/243-6444 Why do tha repair expenditure levels vary from area to area for . different vehicle model years and . why are they higher in the. NoustoNGalveston� and �EI. Paso. � . .areas? � � . . The model year repair levels are set to yield the amount " of pollution reductions required in each non -attainment area. Higher repair requirements have been set for areas , with a more serious pollution problem. This is because greater pollution reductions mustbe achieved .from ' • .� vehicles in those areas. Why does testing begin., with 1968��� model. year vehicles? �� � . Testing begins with 1968 model year vehicles because the .first air pollution control equipment began appearing on 1968 model year dehicles: � :, . . Do older vehicles have to meet the same performance standards as newer vehicles? .. No, the program will have different passing scores for. older vehicles than for newer modetyears. These passing scores, or cut=points, for the different model years do, not exceed the federal emissions standards set for that � �, . vehicle year: In other.words.thepnllution control equipment on each model year must reduce emissions to the federal standards set for that model year. . . • r ... When .will testing begin? '� ' Vehicle emissions•testingbegins July'1, 1994 in thee. � �• Dallas/Ft: Worth and Beaumont/Port Arthur areas Eor certain fleets such as. city, county, state and federal . government fleets. For most of the, Dallas/Fort Worth, Beaumont/Pori ,Arthur and.Houston/Galveston areas;' public testing will' begin January 1, 1995 for 1968 and newer, gasoline= '� � powered vehicles: In Liberty, Chambers.and Waller counties, however; emissions testing will not begin until January 1, 1997.. In El Paso, the vehicle emissionsaesting program will be gradually phased in so that in 1995, testing will .begin.on just 1988 and newer gasoline -powered vehicles. Begin-, ning January 1,:1996,.a11 1968 and�•riewer vehicles will be tested. ' Note: In all four areas, diesel -powered vehicles and' . motorcycles are not required to be tested at this time.' Now will l.know when to get my. . vehicle tested? � � � � , . . You will receive a, registration renewal -notice from the . Texas Department of Transportation that will indicate whether or not your vehicle. is scheduled for an emis= � • sions test. You will not be able to renew your vehicle ,registration until it passes the emissions test or receives a waiver, ' : � . '.. Even model yearvehicles�will.be tested.in even years and odd model year vehicles will be tested ir► odd years. In all affected.counties except El Paso County, for example, :' .• -.the following model year vehicles will be tested in 1995: 1969 • . 1975 • 1981 � � .1987.: � 1993 . 1971 1977, `1983 .. � 1989 � �:1995* � ' 1973 ' � 1979 � � .19$5 1991 .. ' . *In all counties, new 1995 model year vehicles thaf are:.. , _ . registered for the�firsC time.will have two years before they must undergo an emissions test:. �. . �. >. How much• will the emissions. test � ; `� cost? � � . .For the Houston/Galveston,,pallas/Fort Worth and El :� _ . ' Paso areas, the cost should be lessahan-$25. In die � ' Beaumont/Port Arthur area, the cost should be less than_ � . �• $16. Final cost figures will depend �on the total cost necessary.to operate the program. • Where will the � emissions :feat be� � •� . done? .: � � :: ... Special; new_emissions testingstations will be built in .: each.non-attainment�area. The stations will be placed so . � .. that one is located within five miles•of 80 percent of the population and within 12 miles'of 95 percent of the: �' • ..population.. The Texas Naiural Resource Conservation Commission:.. (TNRCC) has selected two managing contractors to: build and operate the testing stations. The managing �. • contractors will lease each station to.a local contractor, . thus .providing business opportunities for -local citizens. , Preference will be given to.small local companies and historically underuEilized businesses as defined by Texas law (House Bi112626). • The number of inspection stations �in each non-attain-� meat will be: • Houston/Galveston:28 � � �. • Dallas/Fort Worth:.25 . • El Paso: 4 F��� �. • Beaumont/Port Arthur: 3 � � � � �„� � • Now long will testing .take? On average, the test should take about five minutes. For the, convenience of motorists, inspection facilities will be open at least 481:.: sirs per week, including at least five hours on Saturdays. Each testing facility will have a . . digital display sign indicating the estimated wait time for inspections. Contractors may be fined by. the TNRCC. if wait times exceed 15 minutes on more than three days per month. What if in vehicle fails the emissions test, but 1 do not feel the test, was accurate? Referee facilities will be available in each non=attainment area where motorists may have their vehicles.re-checked to ensure the accuracy of the original test results: Where -can I.go to obtain emissions. repairs• that apply toward a.waiver? Any facility or repair technician can perform emission related repairs,. However, for emission repairs to count toward a waiver requirement, they must be performed by a TNRCC certified emission repair technician of Texas. (CERTT) at a TNRCC. certified emission repair facility of-. Texas (CERFT). The certification program is designed to ensure these repair facilities have qualified personnel to perform emission repairs:. . Only mernissionmorelated repairs will apply toward a, . . waiver. Warranty repairs. (which are, no -charge to the motorist) and repairs to fix emission compo- . nents that have been tampered with will not be counted. How will I. be protected . from inspection fraud? Vehicle emissions program facilities that conduct emissions testing will not be allowed to perform vehicle repairs. In. addi- lion, each testing facility will provide motorists with a list of CERFTs in the . community That list will 01 include'performance stabs - tics to help motorists find reliable repair facilities. n .000 What if 1 have a complaint about one of the .inspection stations? Testing stations -will have procedures for resolving triotorist complaints. The. TNRCC will, investigate complaints not resolved by the inspection facility. In addition, inspection activities will be recorded by a closed-circuit monitor and .all recordings will be stored. . for review by the TNRCC. Finally, managing contractors are required to install and . staff a toll -free public` information hotline to answer any questions the public may have about the program. What if 1 cannot afford .the cost of vehicle repairs? After their first emissions inspection, qualified low- . income residents will be given. two years to get the emissions repairs that may be needed for a waiver. The . definition of low-income must still be set. Efforts are underway to assist these citizens with repair costs. Do l still, need:to, get a safety inspection,.or my.vehicle?. Yes, emissions inspection facilities will not perform safety.inspections. Vehicles must still pass the annual safety inspection administered by the. Texas Department .. of Public Safety. J J IF Who do 1 contact for more (after April 1, 1994) : Tejas Testing Technology. information on the veh�cie 11233 F. Crown Park Drive emissions testing program? Houston, TX 77067 713/872-6444 Individuals or companies interested in becoming an TNRCC Regional Office (Houston) operating contractor or.who-need more.information on 5555:West Loop; Suite 300 the emissions program should contact the following Bellaire, TX 77401 ' TNRCC staff:. 713/666-4964 Michael Fahy 512/239-1490 James Bryant-512/2391,,1145 1 Beaumont/Port Arthurarea: Fax 512/23971500 w I (before April 1, 1994) Tejas Testing Technology For more information on the emissions program in 2000 Bering, Suite 850 your area, call: Houston, TX 77057 IF 713/496-6444 Dallas/Ft. Worth areas (after April 1; 1994) (before April 1, 1994) Tejas Testing Technology Tejas Testing Technology T1233 F. Crown Park Drive 12404 Park Central Drive, Suite 235 IF Houston, TX 77067 Dallas, TX 75251-1819 713/872-6444 0. 214/991-6444 (after April 1; 1994) TNRCC Regional Office (Beaumont) 3870 Eastex Freeway, Suite 110 Tejas Testing Technology - 2445 Melver Lane Beaumont, TX 777031830 Carrollton, TX 75006 409/898 3838 . 214/243-6444 El Paso area: TNRCC Regional Office echnologies Marta T 6421 Camp Bowie B1vd.;.Suite 312 10737 Gateway West, Suite 4104 F Fort Worth; TX 76116 El Paso, TX 79935. 817/732-5531 915/590-0005 1louston/Galveston area: TNRCC Regional Office (before April 1, 199I.4) 1200, Golden Key Circle,. Suite 369 . Tejas Testing Technology El Paso, TX 79925 ' 2000 Bering, Suite 850 915/591-8128 Houston, TX 17057 IF 713/496-6444 O00 IF TEXAS 2 /07V now" I . amNATURAL J D (: INS R ESO .URCE 2 - �► CONSERVATION - - COMMISSION D d °W4 P.O. 'Box 13087 b `Austin, TX 78711 �p . IF, I IF IF IF The TNRCC is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the basisOF of race, color, religion, sex national origin, age or disability iri employment or in the provision of services, programs or, activities. (iliv) rrogram 104 6 �►� tollS -119 of'r I CIO .ra' .>• .a_ r:t. .� :t :r:<, ct rsn'• "r.: ,.r., rt ai4:�. ✓g x+;.� f: ..v;.R xU. > -t: !r. .a:• k. .t a r 4, i . fi"`w t t "i i rat'" ,.t. ••." i, : O�ix z:., t {f c,+ 'flit,. �r+f }. f t { < .e .•.a.# ..c.r "f e x S. a ..f • . s¢,�X` . 0AI F -f't f r .;,xCt f„e- .� 44 < <. t'-.i { :t t ct i1 tt Sr tx• S. tI �.xS > c ti w ct }. i�. S.. s ,�k r IF 2 c .: f E t t t a ;:-..i�'�: r3 +, t .i 2 .y zc `z a ! t S. a [ tk tAt . _ Y ^t, All f :A of 4 -r tit t't{s1�4 in nl. Fit %sac- t . . r k.�It tin ►cles in 1919.�Diesel vehi1 i I : I I w I I I 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 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N to l 5 S t >S� 2{tti t1 3t S { Il 1 I'e t �.1 ,2 �i.5�11.. tf,i}.� .. .. ... .. .. ,. y. ,�. ,,. .�..?e ., ii i ... ..... onving stance to 80% ofpopulation witnin 5 miles 95% ofpopulation 'les 99% of population test fees .......... Dallas Fo Worth - Test Fees olop Test Fee - $2100 S F c P(F l� -ASS iS B 1.. s® 3t z { c; Ec t 1 t t -tt.. s , ` �: , ° .:: irvR" t. � °{ c ';i t t st t t..i,t. "1 ,F..ai: tt i t x , t£ .tt.. II �AII: .Ar I I4II*4II� I :I I : ! I%II :IIII 48I;: 10I I 'IkII: :�II . :IFI IIIIIII a:I � I: 2 I-.F II� I �I -II:. :: IIIIAv :6 I 4 I � IIrIII II I I rI II11I II%I1 I �k.*I .II0% 41I.I.I0I I� I11I V.I .IIIA II 1IIZI. I I 1 IVII 1'1I.IIII4I t 0IAi � II1I 1 I 0II II II I II II .I I0I"II 4�*�- II " I :!'mI , I fII1'I iiI. II I% :I��.I lI:Pp1I IIIII EIi1I III II.I.I I C1 I III IIIIII� .I IN: ', NAI%AI;I I I.*I:?(NI , 7 I!A Io , gI :p�;I,II.% I I II =II��r I vI 1.4FSI .Ik7 *I ,AI.1A I III&I *ININ.Il:Fh.IN�I �I 4'#I I 1kI;�1.I I I �!�I1I y I ,'I . 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I'V , : Sr [ t+r ,t .. t .c ,t. „E„ t,,., t-- . v tx II t, it2:3 :if:;ts 3E.,,d 1 ,S' t vjr s, ;i.{, st t c'i . t,cc :f• f c "ir {.. , f.. t t t t i t,t, t, :t. .,.Err t t -• t .:F:Citt:'.• lt' t' t! '•1 -t. 4 . ( / 4 2,, } ;IS�i:'{t [ i 1 3 •;ir•e•:l2t, .a:- t t {. t Su t I t . r s.; e. t! t t t . t Y- t t r_.y t Er s. t '! x :i. ,E t- ti.�.., :. ?i 3 ,�'.:. ..f ct . `•: ..3 :tc. sAItAAI ' �' (,.i ta# .< a4SC q s'r' s.2 . , I ,:tx t t t' i t t ..r.-f,i:f. .4%c V t 'yt.# � ( A4AI ` 4 .a ..t Y s , EV at c': '1t ,I , c(„ - st..:k t .•i i. ::2:.. ..t.a.. ,a. r ...'.. } U �x t,i ii tip Ss S i s { t F :tx t -. . '.. .. . . .... '1 .. : .. .. :'.. .:. .. .:.. - . .. ... .. :. .. .. .. . : .. -. : .. f ._ ti . . 1 Y tt: r, it Z xt t x t - ` - i t s [ x t3 ;i c r r- .. ........., c i 5 E . € re€r. , s.rt tF tj t(Iti ft 2f t s it }f 'et 'Lr i t ? t.t r . fr1 t: I4 II II'r II Ir 'ft' { : ' :'....II .. ':' .. $i.:< t ttt S {Y 4 t x 'r t t :i t t t _ t -. >t.tt"ry t? Stttlt .i=ttt it4 t 3t;iiri a Yf ?F'J 1. , , . tt t..t t c ttt t t . A ,.., t tt t.. i.. ,;., t.7.. dr. .. ... ... ..,. t..... ,., . .. s t onaay oo. TuIeSday 9 aM s.6 p -M 9 . m-6 pm Federal and Exempt -Titled Fleet Survey The Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission (TNRCC) would like to allow you the opportunity to comment on the proposed Inspection/Maintenance (I/M) fleet testing plan. Mobile Source staff have developed the following survey which addresses issues related to fleet testing and compliance. Please answer all questions and either mail or fax the completed form no later than one week after the fleet workshop to. Greg Moore Mobile Source Division Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission P.O. Box 13087 Austin, Texas 78711-3087 Fax: (512) 239-2050 1. Name and address of fleet manager and facility: County: Telephone #: Fax #: 2. Staff have proposed four methods of payment. Please which method would be most convenient for your fleet additional comments on any of the proposed methods: a. Prepaid Vouchers. Fleets would purchase vouchers prior to testing vehicles. These vouchers would be redeemed at facility upon inspection. b. Prepaid Account System: circle and add their the Fleets would estimate how many vehicles where to be tested and prepay for tests in advance. This bulk purchase would result in a "credit balance" in the fleet's name. Each emission test would automatically debit the fleet's account. c. Early Issue Vouchers. Vouchers would be issued in bulk, to the fleet, accompanied by an invoice. This method would include surcharge to cover additional costs associated with billing. T-May 94 1 0 d. Cash: Fleets would purchase each test with cash at the point of sale. e. other: (please explain) 3. To allow the I/M program to be as convenient for fleets as possible, the program contractors are required to work with fleets to develop a fleet testing schedule. This schedule will allow fleets to be tested at optimum hours and will permit fleets to be staggered so testing facilities will not be overwhelmed at any one time. The I/M emissions testing facilities operational hours for the Houston/Galveston, Beaumont/Port Arthur, and Dallas/Fort` Worth areas are as follows: Monday gam - 6pm Tuesday 9am - 6pm Wednesday 9am - rpm Thursday 9am - 6pm Friday 9am - 6pm Saturday Sam - 4pm Sunday Closed How many vehicles, that have the ability to operate on gasoline, comprise your fleet? (do not include diesels, motorcycles or off -road vehicles) What month/s would be most advantageous (budget and convenience wise) for testing your fleet? What days of the week would be most convenient? T-May 94 2 What hours of the day would be most convenient? Would you be willing to "pre -schedule" (set appointments for) your tests? 4. The federal requirements dictate that fleets provide proof of compliance to the TNRCC. To ensure this compliance, staff will match the emissions test results database with the vehicle information received from fleet owners. Fleet owners will be notified if any vehicles are determined to be non -compliant. How often would you prefer to report additions or deletions of vehicles to your fleet. Annually? Semi- annually? Quarterly? 5. Please identify any additional comments or suggestions you may have. Thank you for completing this pertaining to information in (for exempt -titled fleets) at (for federal fleets) at (512) survey. If you have any questions this survey please call Cindy Haynie (512) 239-1907 or Thomas Vinson 239-1305. 3 MEMORANDUM # 2503 TO: FROM: DATE: CITY OF SANGER P. O. BOX 578 BANGER, TEXAS 76266 Honorable Mayor &Members of the City Council John Hamilton, City May 13, 1994 Administrato SUBJECT: Designation of Voting Representative to North Central Texas Council of Governments This annual item is presented for your consideration. In the past, the mayor has been designated as the vo i g representative to the NCTCOG's General Assembly. JH:es NORTH CENTRAL TEXAS COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS Designation of Voting `RepresentativeIII As a member of the North Centra► Texas Council of Governments, the r :Y i ti } 9. Y f 4;] r Ai �s �{ )� q Ii `I I ' I hereby designatesIf ,IN,� (county, city, school district, special district) a ` �TII ,I S) 7 3 tr t 1 ! 3TIN it 4 trae I i v If I If IAN 4 3; 7 le r a i 7 i w .� t t i w� NameAT AT Title ,�t� i t It �N i t r ar si +' 1, 7,, ;Nt., s x ;) is ,Al7 i + , y f f .�Al y � i , j ,r�..x., �d 7I t FIJI S;. ,!BAN t* i it IN IN+ `� T t ? A Net a Ord t 3 iz �: I ININIF t Il Al t% ��-, t. t a ( i-[s )c 2 s� !. 3 4 9., i �' ° t 11 it i t folAN ?T'llll t s III II 31� Sn if I' Nei �� I tie 1 - s i A INi x ��s -' i i'tie N At ���'t`' � ,j�tIt 17 't i' Y a� sE i to iIF A �I �9."Fl�` , ' (Vialling Addfess ' AN d x i as #�t I 1, All S �, t t t p+ t� 9 i t, t t t e i 1fiTt fAvr +,R a PNJ I pi :a {� k. Al ANN r if ilf 3 h �t-Jr ' 1 i �- fa }.. tTIN-i ,; 7 C, d -� y y � 5t I I IN IN If IIN t t x � Title ' ��)� �; �IN I f,q I r (y� - ? G . ii # ,„s 411 t + f ! 1. t t �' + 9 rs, y' I}s ty �t t��x °�� {t' t t' i, I, AI � t IF e �' , I Tie : N `� ' � iI s ` �r-'. F A ' ! � °, .3 : � 'fix 1 a-.d s�;.f,, ' � n s IN II r r' ..;u_6' .liJ IN x r�,�s: (, t ? 1 'ar€ Ili _ # ' z, ;_,s^ } `r 7 t z"��,'� s f'�t , r I ,Iil MINA Telephone t 'PY ;7tAT rti, i a +2�g`5 ,�, f,ziPir' 1S n 7f- r4'' t:�k�'j is `?,rs,r��i' *'`g ,r� �' � } i r3 ITT if ' U t�viti 't ° '� gidE! r�f7it" t't f, x '. ,7 a zs iti,.t+7 to iAil {f� ,� �if '£_ `. it r a Tier Y a_ 7 F { 3 7 z J',(, d at2 } .i j '. -`� y .ri -h' .. [' L >-#," 7 ,d, •'"§,F�w;y 7ri rA Y, 5 a „5 11AII :M t s+ s� i, ,I t, .+` r',a z''a a"�x�'::t 4'}�x �Y ,I to'serve as itts; voting reprII- ntafive toy NCTCOG's General Assembly, 4 3 AA tSNil IN AN 4� 5 1' r tt .� i y Si a-S+„ r tIN. I t cd�i! a t y. 5 4 t %i �( �1'; .>.. �k5 L Jt41 i I �lI 3 i 5 i' t,,-„ a a 1'p P t� t 1 a�xt is" �� a a, t t r r}r dr J b i t ,� {'" q 53 g T � r A, rt t } t r' i }1 �F t i,{) F l it ).'1 }S i � ' ), A 3 5 i Date ATTAIN NNI x ' } 4l Y IFA w� i n'` ` i i ' ;A If [� 1. ,A< I IN ; A IN f 'I, f% s ;_ '+ All4i 4 4 , . Under the .Bylaws of the North Central Texas Council of Governments, each member government` Is entdled to one voting representative on -the Genera) Assembly. The representative must be an elected official selected from ;the governing , t i body of, the member=g'overnment. The voting_representative served as liaison betweenthe local.'govem 11 nt;and the' , ' Council of Governments,•'receives,ispeciat:,p'ublioations and announcements from NCTCOG;'and is'i,eligible;to vote `on ; _ proposed Bylaws amendments and .for, candidates to serve on, the, Executive Boardive Bodocountyll, i iai must , I a ' r { I designed voting`'representatrve in ortler to be considered for service on. the Execut s , .{ Since some voting representatives' may have retired fromoffice = or some member governments may wish to select a ' different representative from the ;one'now serving - It has been NCTCOGt;,practice to attempt to re certify voting representatives on an annual basis. This Is usually accomplished immediately following the municipal elections (pending any necessary runoffs). Therefore, we are requesting the designation of your`official voting representative to NCTCOG. The ,y option is available to list your existing representative — without formal reappointment ,", unless he or she is no longer In office Please return form to: NCi, ITCOG , P. O. Box588t3` Arlington, TX ?6005-5888 "` TO: FROM: DATE. SUBJECT. CITI OF SANDER P. O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 Honorable Mayor &Members of the City Council John Hamilton, City Administrator May 13, 1994 City Administration Report 1}. If any member of Council would like a copy of the Denton Central Appraisal District's Audited Financial Statements, please let Etta know. 2}. JH:es Monday, May 30th, City Hall will be closed far Memorial Day. y9 f CITY OF SANGER P.O. BOX 578 SANGER, TX 76266 TO: John Hamilton, City Managers QW/ FROM: Rose Chavez, City Secretary DATE: May 5, 1994 SUBJECT: Billing for 4-20-94 Total Water Gallons Total Sewer Gallons Total KWH El"ectric Billing Water Billing Sewer Billing Sanitation Billing WATER METER 1302 ELECTRIC METERS 1659 RC: es 11,a23,5a0 11,023,500 1,663,810 138,999.03 34,994.76 24,147.7 2 15,144.99 � 213,286.50 1646 FUEL ADJUSTMENT � 2�f • a • 1358 146 146 CALCULATED FUEL ADJUSTMENT OLD: 0.01457 NEW: a.0184011 �!� 94-80 T0: JOHN HAMILTON, CITY M/�1�GER FROM: BENNY ERWIN, CHIEFr DATE: 5/11/94 SUBJECT: TAGGED VEHICLES Here is the list of vehicles that officer Amyx has turned into me. A list of mowing is in process and I will turn a list in shortly. UUU04`7 1 r ` M Ay 5 1994� 4.K. -rCvnr Mr. John Hamilton, �CLffff/ On behalf of the Sanger Vol. Fire Dept. Ladies Auxiliary, I would like to thank the City for allowing us to promote the "VIAL OF LIFE" program. Over 3,500 residents have participated. This concern for the residents of Sanger could save a life. A special thank you to Etta Stogsdill for her assistance in making copies & allowing us to leave a display of vials at City Hall. Thank you for your support in making the "VIAL OF LIFE" campaign a success! Sincerely, President -Ladies Auxiliary