06/04/2018-CC-Minutes-Work SessionCITY OF SANGER, TEXAS MINUTES: CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION June 4, 2018 - 6:00 PM 502 Elm Street, Sanger, Texas COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Thomas Muir, Councilman Bill Boutwell, Councilman Gary Bilyeu, Councilman Lee Allison, Councilman David Clark, Councilman Allen Chick COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: The Mayor and all Council Members were present constituting a quorum. STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Alina Ciocan, Acting City Manager; Jim Berman, Director of Parks and Recreation; Ramie Hammonds, Building Official; Muzaib Riaz, Planner; Cheryl Price, City Secretary. 1. Call Meeting to Order Mayor Muir called the Work Session to order at 6:05 PM. He noted that the presentation by Tatum Whitewood for the proposed events pavilion was a short presentation and would be moved to first on the work session. 2. Presentation by Perkins Engineering Consultants, Inc. on the Updated Water and Wastewater Capital Improvement Plan. David Hawkins, Perkins Engineering Consultants was recognized and presented the updated Water and Wastewater Capital Improvement Plan. He gave a brief overview noting they worked hand in hand with staff and the biggest effort was with the water side. He noted how they researched the projects; and, that operation, maintenance and projected growth are all factored into this. In 2014 they did a report on the supply storage and at that time he used a 5% growth rate and the NCTCOG had it at 4% growth rate. The main discussion with Mike Brice and Neal Welch was how far out do we want to project and 2030 was picked. They did their analysis on the water and he referenced a map of the various waterline improvements which are included in the report in the agenda packet. On the water side there will be replacement of substandard lines. The FM 455 project is going to be a large ticket item and also, the need to upgrade the pump (#8) at the pump station by Public Works and it will need to be done by 2023. Those are the two large projects. On the sewer side they are closing some loops to get better pressu re distribution, and (maps in packet) improvements along FM 455 and scattered throughout and improved service along I - 35. On the wastewater side they will also be replacing substandard lines. For water and sewer, 2023 is going to be getting a lot of the City’s existing system up to standard. In 2030 he noted that it is a guess where everything will be growing and looping in the water system. There is also noted in the report to start working with Bolivar Water system because of the cases where they have the water and the City of Sanger has the sewer. He noted the total cost to do the 2023 improvements is 12.8 million and the 2030 improvements is 16.4 million combined all together water and sewer it totals to 58.3 million. He noted how they calculated t he impact fees. That it is a high cost; but, compared to other cities it is not that much. He noted that Anna currently is around $4,000 to $5,000 just for sewer. He noted that staff could call around and see what some of the other cities are doing. The numbers they used were realistic. Mayor Muir noted that we have to have a plan and that is what this is. There were several questions from the Council regarding various aspects of the plan. He recommended one standard for everyone, but it is the City’s call and discussion ensued on various ways for the funding of improvements and future development, such as a developer funding the development and getting reimbursed. He noted he was willing to help the City in any way he can ; and, that he knows this is a difficult decision. 3. Presentation by Tatum Whitewood on a proposed Event Pavilion Located at Porter Sports Complex. Tatum Whitewood, 2018 graduate of Sanger High School and Valedictorian of her class was recognized. She summarized that she was very involved with FFA and the District 7 Association of Texas and was selected as a Ford Leadership Scholar. They choose 10 Junior students every year to do a service project. She gave a history of how the project came about and the interview process with Ford. She was selected to do a community event project and she chose a large event pavilion in Porter Park as her project. She thought it would make a great place for family reunions, receptions, concerts, school events, etc. The event pavilion is 40’ x 80’ and would have a dark green roof and stone columns to match the rest of Porter Park. She stated that she was not provided any funding by Ford; but, was provided a mentor for the project. She explained all of the work she did working with a build er and the Parks and Recreation Board and she was able to save the city $28,000 versus if the city was to build it. She provided a power point presentation which she presented to the 4B Board who agreed to fund her the $56,000 for the project. She is asking that the City Council help support her project and help make Sanger a better place for everyone. She noted that the rental of the pavilion would generate some revenue. There were some miscellaneous questions regarding the construction of the project and the hours she has spent on the project. She noted that she thought that it would take about a month, depending on weather to complete the project. Councilman Bilyeu asked staff if this has been reviewed. Jim Berman, Parks and Recreation Director noted that it has been reviewed and has been approved by 4B. It is a pre-fab building, the engineering cost comes in for the foundation. It will have electricial but no water to the building. There are no sides enclosed. There will be 10 posts that will be stone columns. Ms. Whitewood noted that the price includes ten (10) picnic tables for under the pavilion. It was noted the roof panel would be the same panel that is on the other facilities in the park. Prompted by Councilman Bilyeu, Ms. Whitewood provided a detailed summary of the time and effort she spent to get to where she is today. She noted the people who were going to donate their time and services. She stated that she didn’t think it was going to be as hard as it was and she is really glad she ca n stand in front of the Council today and that the 4B Board supported her vision and she hoped the Council also would support it. Councilman Bilyeu noted he was impressed. Alina Ciocan, Acting City Manager noted that 4B approved $85,000 for the pavilion. Tonight, it will not be voted on because we have to have two readings of the Resolution, and the first reading will be tonight. At the next meeting we have the second reading and then Council would vote. Jim Berman, Director of Parks and Recreation noted that there would be more information provided during the agenda item. Councilman Bilyeu asked how long it would take. Mr. Berman advised that it would be 60 days from the Public Hearing, if the project is approved on the 18 th. It was noted the location would be by the parking lot. Ms. Whitewood thanked the Council and the Mayor thanked her for all of the effort and all of the work. 4. Overview of Items on Regular Agenda. Muzaib Riaz, Planner was recognized and noted on Item No. 25 that the Preliminary Plat for Arrowhead Estates indicates 14 Lots on the Agenda and it should be 16 Lots. Alina Ciocan noted that Item No. 8 on the Agenda tonight is regarding appointing members to the Fire Code Board of Appeals. She noted that when we adopted the 2012 International Fire Code that we in essence established a board. To this point we have not appointed anyone to the board; however, we recently have been challenged on an interpretation of the code for one of our projects. We are appointing members to the board and per the International Fire Code the members have to have knowledge, training and expertise to issue on matters related to fire. In this instance, board member do not have to live in the City Limits because they are required to have the knowledge and expertise to rule on the matters. Also, they cannot be employees of the jurisdiction. ADJOURN There being no further business, Mayor Muir adjourned the W ork Session at 6:53 PM.