04/18/1994-CC-Agenda Packet-Regularit 2. 3. CITY COUNCIL AGENDA APRIL 18, 1994 201 BOLIVAR STREET, CITY HALL 7:00 P.M. Call to Order, Invocation and Pledge to the Flag CONSENT AGENDA a}. Approve Minutes b}. Disbursements c). Proclamation #P3-94 - April, Month AGENDA Citizen's Input 1994 , Sexual Assault Awareness 4. Presentation - Sanger Ladies' Volunteer Fire Department Auxiliary and the Firefighter's, Inc. 5. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Board Appointments to the Beautification Board �. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Galaxy Cable Television - Galaxy Representatives 7. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Ordinance #02-94 -Average Billing Option - Electric k I _ *� PASSED 8. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Ordinance #04-94 - Amending City Code, Section 5.401(a) - Arson Reward �� PASSED ' �\ Z 9. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Authorization to Advertise for Capital Improvements Program, Street Improvement Bids PED 10. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Contract FcirAS" ServSices wi Southwest Securities 11. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Library Gr+A Ds State Library (Preapplication) 12. City Administration Report t`PASSED 13. Any Other Such Matters 14. Adjournment Rosalie Chavez, City 4/15/94 2:00 Date &Time .Posted MINUTES: City Council Meeting (Public Hearing) March 29, 1994 MEMBERS PRESENT. MEMBERS ABSENT: I�THERS PRESENT. Mayor Nei Armstrong, Councilman Russell Madden, Councilman Jack Richardson, Councilman Jerry Jenkins, and Councilman Tommy Kincaid Councilwoman Margie Braxton City Secretary Rosalie Chavez, City Administrator John Hamilton, Electric Superintendent Larry Yoast, Public Works Superintendent Chuck Tucker, Evelyn Shaw, Joe Bell, Jack Armstrong, L. L. Browning, Sally Stratso-Sanger Courier, Mary Bucklew, Mary B. Sims, Eunice Gray, Helen Kirby, Francile Sullivan, Deborah Hilliard, Betty Robinson, Esta Lou Morgan, Laura McNeill, Willard and Helen Bounds, Glenn and Wanda Ervin, Richard and Sherry Muir, Lisa Glenn, Kate Richardson, Lois Gann, Doraldine Beteiro, Shelly Ruland, Sandra and Holland Crozier, and Vicky Elieson 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order. 2. Conduct Public Hearing Regarding Capital Improvements Program - New Library, Improvements for Street, the Water Distribution System, and the Wastewater Collection System Mayor Armstrong declared the Public Hearing open. Mayor Armstrong addressed the citizens of Sanger by giving an explanation of the projects Council felt needed to be done in Sanger. Mayor Armstrong explained that there are so many streets that need to be repaired ar to be redone. A traffic count was done on some these streets to give Council an idea of which street were traveled the most. The Council's intentions are to have a major plan for street constructions. A committee was appointed to review the Capital Improvements Program and to make suggestions on projects that needed to be done. City Council Meeting (Public Hearing) Page 2 Citizens were provided with written material regarding improvements on streets and what has been done in the last few years. A debt schedule was also provided that had been prepared by Dan Almon, City's financial advisor, indicating that if the City borrowed this kind of money (2,850,000) what the payments would be. Councilman Jenkins also addressed citizens regarding the street improvements. City Administrator John Hamilton provided several maps that indicated the streets that would be redone. Mayor Armstrong also explained the financing options. The mayor also indicated that Council was more in favor of Certificates of Obligation, not because they don't want to give the citizens a chance to vote on it, but work can begin as soon as six weeks. Mayor Armstrong then opened the Public Hearing for citizen discussion. Esta Lou Morgan, Library Board Chairperson, spoke of the need for Sanger to have a new Library. Mrs. Morgan also read some newspaper articles regarding the importance of libraries. She also stated that anyone in the community can make contributions whether its $5, $20, $25 or donate books as memorials. The contributions that have already been made has totalled to $20,000.00. Mrs. Morgan asked if anyone in attendance had any doubt that Sanger does not need a new Library; she would be glad to talk to them. Mayor Armstrong also addressed the mportance of the LbraryShe If the City does get these grants, then the money that is allotted in the package for the Library can be transferred elsewhere to possibly to do more streets. Citizens who addressed the City Council were the following. Evelyn Shaw stated a complaint regarding the cut-out on Diane Drive regarding the ditch. She has been having a problem and for seventeen {17) years she has been told it would be corrected. John Hamilton stated when Phase III of the Sargent Addition comes in, it will be addressed at that t0me. City Council Meeting {Public Hearing) page 3 Mayor Armstrong advised that she will instruct the City Engineer to take a look at the problem. Mayor Armstrong and Council went over the maps that indicated street construction, the water and sewer line development or repairs. Mayor Armstrong advised that the Committee had prioritized the street repairs in the following order: Tier I -first which would be Keaton, Brook Glen, Bolivar, Berry, Holt, and Bolivar Street Tier II - '7th, 6th, & 9th Tier III - lOth &Austin, and Willow Tier IV - 7th, llth, 12th, 13th, and Railroad Ave. Council has discussed this and felt that the two streets that could be done right away without relocating utilities this summer is Keaton Road and Willow Street. Council indicated that Willow should be given priority over Keaton since Keaton was chip -sealed just last year Council felt it could last another year. Mary Bucklew felt Austin Street should be priority since it is in such a bad shape. Mayor Armstrong advised Austin is on the list; but, if it was done this summer, it would hurt AV this year. Glenn Shaw and Laura McNeill also felt Keaton should be considered as first priority. Glenn Shaw stated that building permits indicate growth will be going west and that is why he emphasized Keaton should be considered first. Richard Muir also stated in regards to growth, that about a year ago there was talk about a connecting road between McReynolds Road and 455; and since the City has the water tower located in that area, improvement of Willow Street could encourage development in that area. City Council Page 4 Meeting (Public Hearing) Discussion followed concerning direction of growth and what streets to do this summer. Mayor Armstrong also stated that there is a drainage problem on Willow and there are three houses that floods most of the time whenever it rains and it needs to be addressed. In repairing that street, it will take care of the drainage problem. Mayor hopes that maybe both streets, Willow and Keaton can be done this summer. Discussion followed concerning financing of the projects with Certificates of Obligation versus a Bond Election. Mayor Armstrong continued to address any other concerns citizens might have. Mayor Armstrong declared the Public Hearing closed. 3. Meeting adjourned. MINUTES: City Council Meeting April 4, 1994 PRESENfi: Mayor IN el Armstrong, Councilwoman Margie Braxton, Councilman Russell Madden, Councilman Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Jerry Jenkins and Councilman Jack Richardson OTHERS PRESENT: City Administrator John Hamilton, City Secretary Rosalie Chavez, Chief of Police Benny Erwin, Public Works Superintendent Chuck Tucker, Sally Stratso-Sanger Courier, Garland Thornton, Fire Chief Bill Murrell, Fire Marshall Bob Hagemann, Joe Bell and Glenn Ervin 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order. Councilman Richardson gave the invocation which was followed by the pledge to the flag. 2. CONSENT AGENDA a). Approve Minutes - Workshop Meeting & Regular Meeting b). Disbursements c). Proclamation #P2-94-Texas Archeology Awareness Week, April 9-16th Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to approve Consent Agenda. Seconded by Councilman Kincaid. Motion carried. 3. Citizen's Input -None 4. Conduct Public Hearing Regarding Capital Improvements Program Mayor Armstrong declared the Public Hearing open. No one was present to speak for or against this item. Mayor Armstrong declared the Public Hearing closed. 5. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Resolution #R3-94 -Notice of Intent to Issue $2,$50,000 Combination Tax and Utility System Junior Lien Revenue Certificates of Obligation, Series 1994 Motion was made by Councilman Madden to adopt Resolution #R3-94 which states: CC MIN. 4/4/94, PAGE 2 RESOLUTION #R3-94 DIRECTING PUBLICATION OF NOTICE OF INTENTION TO ISSUE TAX AND UTILITY SYSTEM REVENUE CERTIFICATES OF OBLIGATION, SERIES 1994 Seconded by Councilwoman Braxton. Motion carried. 6. Discussion Regarding Multi -Family Zoned, {Triplex), 1002 Church Street, Sherry Lewis Sherry Lewis was not present to speak regarding this item. 7. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Arson Reward Program -Fire Chief Bill Murrell, Fire Department Bab Hageman, Fire Marshall, addressed City Council regarding fire department's recommendation that the reward for arson be increased from $250 to $1,000 which would be payable for information leading to the arrest and conviction of person or persons committing an act of arson within the city limits. Fire Department also would like to past four metal 24 X 36 signs at the entrance to the City and four additional 8" X 8" plastic signs would be posted in high pedestrian traffic areas. Cost far the signs would be approximately $250.00. Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to amend current ordinance and increase the arson reward ordinance to change the amount to $1,000.00 and also to purchase the needed signs to implement this program. Seconded by Councilman Kincaid. Motion carried. 8. Consider and Possible Action Awarding Police Vehicle Bid The following bid was received on 4/4/94 at 2:30 p.m.: Hilz-Snider Chevrolet Sanger, Texas AMOUNT BID {1994 4 Dr., Caprice Classic} $14,386.15 Motion was made by Councilman Kincaid to accept the bid from Hilz- Snider Chevrolet on a 1994 Caprice Classic Police Car in the amount of $14,386.15. Seconded by Councilman Richardson. Motion carried. CC MIN. 4j4J94, PAGE 3 9. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Ordinance 41,02-94 - Average Billing Option - Electric Discussion. Item tabled to allow staff to calculate some bills using the different options on average billing. 10. Consider and Possible Thoroughfare Plan Discussion. Action Regarding Denton County's Regional Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins that staff write a letter to NTCOG Regional Transportation Committee, a strong letter of protest in regards to 455 from the split east of Sanger all the way to Bolivar, that it should be a major thoroughfare. Seconded by Councilman Kincaid. Motion carried. 11. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Upper Trinity Regional Water District Contract Discussion. Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins that the City of Sanger affirms Revised Exhibit B for 500,000 mgd from the Upper Trinity Regional Water District as contracted and approved on May 7, 1992. Seconded by Councilwoman Braxton. Motion carried. 12. City Administration Report City Administrator reported on the following items: a}. City Administrator John Hamilton reported that the Easter Egg Hunt was held on Saturday morning. Mayor Armstrong mentioned that there were slot of kids there at the park. She also publicly thanked Peggy Sanford for the excellent job of coordinating the Easter Egg Hunt. b). The Annual Rabies Clinic is scheduled for April 9, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the park. c}. Within the next couple of weeks the Lions Club will be using the downtown park for a broom and mop sale. CC MIN. 4/4/94, PAGE 4 13. Any tither Such Matters a}. Councilwoman Braxton reported about a problem on East Willow regarding a bridge not being repaired. City Administrator stated that when the contractors put that water line in, they failed to repair it, however, they have been notified. Councilwoman Braxton advised to please let that property owner know the City was not at fault. b). Mayor Armstrong referred to a letter regarding the closure of the landfill. She advised that itt has been taken care of. c}. Mayor Armstrong summarized same of the actions taken by the Legislative Policy Committee regarding community and economic development in relation to alcohol on City property, weedy lots, and dilapidated structures. Councilman Jenkins asked the Fire Marshall a question regarding condemnation proceedings on burned out structures. Fire Marshall Hageman stated there were certain procedures that had to be followed in order to avoid a lawsuit. d}. Councilman Jenkins asked regarding Mrs. Shaw's problem an Diane Drive. Mayor Armstrong advised that Mr. Sargent will take care of the problem when Phase III comes in. He will dig a ditch through his property to allow the water to drain into the street. e}. Councilman Jenkins asked if there was a possible water leak somewhere around Bill Enlow's House. Public Works Superintendent Chuck Tucker advised he would look into it. f). Councilman Richardson asked if there was anything that can be done with the hale that was located an Wayne and 5th. Chuck Tucker advised he has started to patch streets and he will take care of it. CC MIN. 4/4/94, PAGE 5 g). Councilman Madden asked City Administrator status of water leak at Patty Falls. City Administrator advised he had talked to Eddie Branham, Public Works Foreman, about the leak and he had located it; however, he could not report whether it was repaired or not. 14. Meeting adjourned. CITY OF SANDER AP OPEN ITEM LIST WMPHNY 1.00 4/iW/"'4 HHUL 1 09g22 VENDOR INV NO IN1V DTE PO NUM DUE DTE PURCH ANT DISCa AMT 56 AL_TEC INlDUSTRIES3 INC. DRAWER 0414 Pa Oa BOX 114017 HANOLF- ELECT. DE 253861 3/24/94 1417 ' 4/19/94 28a 32 a 00 TOTAL AL l�w' •ryn vJ L. 710A AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOC. 50 EAST HURON! SCREE( MEMBERSHIP LILIES 141.213 4/13r`% 14123 4/19/94 185a00 n'� 9a 0200 125m 00 TOTAL 1 a'S, a}0 too 1501 ARM COMMUNlICATION�S RADIO—STa/WATER/ 3500 421 a 0500 42140600 421 a 0 700 RADIO—STa/PW/WA( 3583 41;v sa 1000 401 a 0500 421. a 060 0 44' 1 a 0700 TOTAL 1785 85N� SI='ORTS T ENi'rdl5 METIWIt�B 86�1910 461 a 2;.100 4c3a1300 TOT AL. P'a Oa BOX J}��L4 116 t��F'LE JT 3/17/94 14015 4f19f94 405a00 135a 00 135a@0 135a 00 4/04/94 14161 4/ 19/94 356a 00 89a00 89 a 00 89a 00 89a00 761 00 n F'a Oa BOX 77�6 3/15/94 13931 4f19/94 396a00 90t 00 306a 00 396a�?0 3300 BAKER € TAYLlOR COMr''AN;`r' F'a Oa BOX 4160 80iOK 044184�5 4/1�'/94 4 7 5 a 04900 12m 65 TOT AL, a,355 CIt�IAS UNfIFORMS UN?II"•ORMF;--MARCH 0850561�: 416a 0500 416a0600 416a 0700 41.61,0800 416a 20010 416n1700 424a 2000 TOTAL 36a 67 61 a 37 e 'G77a 05 i& 93 14n 69 �8a 09 2160 3475 BF Fa It STREET SWEEPING 9403���cj 4/1;-`f94 447a0500 713nc TOTAL u786 BOLIVAR SPECIALTY PRODPRODUCTTRAMS. FLUID/GRE P'00}� 419a 0300 419n0500 4110600 419a 0700 419a 0800 Jf0Sf34 11a71 11a71 11a71 11a71 11,71 i41.35 4f 19/94 1�:a 65 Pa Oa ROX 7 14F:49 4f 1 �/94 570a 40 r_'❑ cc _•�a JJ Pa Oa BOX 088 1�J�TJ 4/19f94 117a 1� a'.n0 C; T TY Ur SAHCER VENDOR INN NO 419, 118�+ 419a C:B��� 419,56� 456a 4%9��1di TClTAL 4i;=5 �LiRRUS SIi�ERt�AR1,ET REIMB. BY PtCa 0310002 413, 1600 REIMBt BY F'a Cm 03100143 413a 1600 CLEANING SUPPLIE 508 t LAWFiLM—COLIC 47 4211 n 0380 TOTAL 65A8 C�H sAP�ITURIAL SUF'k='LIEiJ PAPER SUPPLIES 18557 44,7 0100 442, 1600 442v 0.30 44cm 800 TOTAL AP OPEN ITEM LIST COMPANY 100 4/15/94 FACIE It U DTE PO NUM DUE DTE F'UR,CH AMT DISC. AP T a8� �', Ca FCC 7C�8 31104/94 31a48 3/84/94 23a 87 3/C`9/94 16m26 3/1i09(94 17 a 97 C'a C, FOX 11�4 4191w 94 8m 88 �, 6n 8a 88 8a 86 185A�i HEALERS ELECTRIi:, SU�'ALY UC�SRDa SF°k..ICE: I�,I i r'17R76.3A .:1(v1(94 4 70� 0800 12. 15 TC TA[_ 165��n Fi�JERFY �3A5 CCimr'AttY KERC�EtSF(�'RC�F'A�?E 6C`448 414, 0800 414 a '2000 PROPANE 6L475 431 a 8500 PROPANE 65508 414a 5080 TOTAL 17088 FORD, FILL LITTER ARFa ulTf�'Ll.1r �� 673�: 419a050A FILTER —ELECT. DF. 6856 419aW8A FILTERS —ELECT. D 000192 419m 0800 ROTORS /FADS —FOOL 1000" 613 419m 01300 MOTOR MOUNT- POUT 008843 4110300 TRANSMISS10WPOL 14898 4110300 TOTAL 13955 4(19f94 v,1a4A f.41��9 4(19f94 F'3a 87 1 ��878 4/19/94 16m 36 13986 4(19(94 17a97 14189 4(19/9'; 35,5�?� �'a iJm 9U( L'676 14161+ 4(19/94 1��`a 15 1F`, 15 TEST HICHUAY 23t1 UNIVER8ITY DR, pCk U �'/;�3/94 13838 4/19/94 1�'1A 77 m 88 1E1,77 2f 21 5 / 9 4 13841 4/19/94 1L.16 �? 15m 16 '101/94 13847 4/19/S4 15m02 15a 021 3(14/94 14007 4/19/94 39444 480. 9a 44 3/ 18194 14018 4/19/94 0, 55 o ��. l 3/ERl9'—; 141% 4/ 19/94 918; 8�21 , R1S 918a 8;v i . 386, 96 cE B CITY OF SANGER VENDOR INV NO AP OPEN ITEM LISI COMPANY 100 4i15f94 D'AGE v 08a- n L.J INV DTE PO NUM DUE DTE PORCH AMT DISCa ANTI 173�?�0 G � G TRACTOR COa HYD_ HOSE —ELECT. 86432 3/02114 419,0800 8148 TOTAL Ic30 FT. !WORTH DRIVE 13940 4fi9f94 89.48 COO 89,48 a 00 18700 GOHLEtiE CHLORINE AOOL SU�'�'LY —SW. POO T00 G4 3/08/94 D'a Oo 1389�2 4f 19f94 BOX �? 115a 95 n 00 41j.1300 TOTAL 115m95 115, 95 0O c4505 INDUSTRIAL GOVERNOR—STIREET DISPOSAL SUPPL 86908 4110500 TOTAL. 4f1021f94 528e�5 PvOa 14244 4J19f94 BOX 8175 JcBm75 528n75 a00 a00 �a4590 INTERSTATE BATTERIES 480�� ALEXANL�ER D'a O. BOX 5G08G1 BATTERY —FIRE DER' 4866 Wf t5f 94 14008 4f 19f 94 ;°9= 95 0 � 41901100 3195 TOTAL 39e95 400 =G000 KRX iPViS rEg F', Oa BilX e=5L�0 HIRE —ELECTS DEFT 3s='G53G 31c4i94 14045 4f19I94 4ckt.1 00 V& O800 4ac 00 TOTAL. 4c0a 00l ;0 ;=`7510 r_A4�Si1N F'ROtLfCTS INCs �' i�1 BOX �,:`�it�01c CABLEfNUT518OL.T5 O,c41010 3fc3f94 1410c 4f19f°94 13Ga40 ®00 4r24a ;-'00 0 78= 92 +19�01300 6a391 4116 0500 6a 39 19A 00 Gm 39 41% 0700 Ga39 419, 0800 & 39 419.1100 G939 41931200 Ga 39 419a 20VA01 FJZ 39 41.9t 2600 Ga J6 TOTAL 136t 40 .00 7555 LAWN LAND 714 DALLAS DRIVE !�lEEDEATER SLIR'�'r..i 3?90G 3f 14f94 13895 4i19i94 11G, 03 a 0{0 4102440900 11G�03 TOTAL 116a03 4a90 9'8275 LIBRARY STORE pane BOX 9E4 BOOl�SfSUF'D'LIES—L 131G5,01 4f05f94 14131 4f19f94 107a0G .00 44.'a 0;='00 I07.OG TOTAL 107m0G �0 3250« PADDACK FEED & FERTILIZER P.O. BOX 4161 t=!EED „ILLER—F'AR!'. 44108 3f1;f94 i4�11 41'1'9f94 114,70 a00 415a0900 114n70 TOTAL 114a70 a00 3 3725 PERRICO TRAILER AND MFG. PoOn BOX 738 TRAILER FLO�iR°-Et_ 14157 ,fc9f94 14157 4f 19f94 .309a •"8 = 00 C I TY OF SANUt r VEN00R 114V NO 4192 0800 TOTAL Arn OPEN .11CM LIST COMPANY 100 4/15/94 r'AGE 4 INV BTE PO NUN DUE DTE 309. A 0Ba 23 CL�RCH ANT DISC, AmT 309m 38 34000 r'ITNEY B041ES �'OBOA 5107 MAINT, AGREE. —r'OS 393305 4/1,®/94 14246 4/19/94 141t 00 4111900 141rCOO TOTAL 141,00 35001 RAY FI�lE MARKETING 1110 Se 3R% STr BACK BRACES —ALL 139E 3flur`94 14097 4r19/94 7c5.35 44E'e 1700 I45r 07 442, 1000 145, 07 4425 06zl0 145, V 442x 0700 145e 07 442n 0600 145p 07 TOTAL 725o 35 35135 MOVIES 4 SALE 500 Ni-;I#�1BALL RL�. SLATE 103 VIDEOS —LIBRARY 1151 4/05/94 14133 41119194 193o10 475o 0E010 193010 TOTAL 193G10 �C"64 R � R MOTOR 5Ur'F'L,/ 51E Pdm LOL:UST WHItt( R'i qr'—FIRE` 41069 3r10f94 14020 4fI9/94 E °x50 419> 1100 621. 50 Tc � AL 50 ® 6c. , 37777 SANGER OFFICE SUPPLY 303 BOLIVAR r' O, BOA 958 OFFICE SUPPLIES— E664 3/04/94 I3961 4f19f94 664° 411. 1400 6e 4B OFFICE SUr°r'LIES— 2638 3/09/9' 13957 4/19/94 3n37 411e0200 137 OFFICE SUPPLIES 2864 3f11f94 1403E 4/19/94 IM0 411. 1900 12v 90 32 OFFICE SUPPLIES— 22642 /15/9'� 140019 4/19/`�'' 213 494, 2000 ; 6 v 32 CLIPBOARD—AN.CON 2667 �;31/94 I4177 4/19/94 1133 411e'600 SaI3 E9I TOTAL 00 38500 BANGER DRUGSTORE r'a Oo BOX 958 FILt1--ANIMAL CONT 14156 3r30r94 14156 4f19f94 5195 A44o 2600 SI ¢ 9p: TOTAL 51 a 9E M 3 752 SARGENT—SOW LLg INco LOCKBOX 911494 TUBING—COUNTER—S 33LY;630 3/25f94 13934 4f19/94 37aI4 421,0500 37A14 TOTAL 37414 46000 SMITHS S COUNTRY STORE Pt 0. BOX. 9l,.:8 STRAPS —ELECT. 31912 3/03,'94 13950 4/19/94 6400 470e0B00 6Q00 BOLISrKEY—STREEI 31978 3/04/94 13953 4/1°9/94 1m65 421a0500 I.25 r'ULLEY/FILIEME JI92f off/94 1396 4/19/04 6�i4?i a00 CITY OF SANGER AP OPEN ITEM LIST COMPANY 100 4/15/94 PAGE 5 VFNDOR INV NO INV DTE PO NUM DOE DTE PORCH APT DTSCc ANT 465.0700 8a98 CHAIN/I rJ4TING/BOO 21943 3114/94 13894 4/19/94 E4e 72 00 43:1 4 0600 7, 79 4E 1 m 0600 .99 470, O800 13i. 94 STRING—P. WORKS 31954 /15/94 13896 4/19/94 t 9 e&0 41170g0 I 99 I_t9kll 5 EE_Eo i e 31957 3116r94 14H8 4(19/94 15r 80 too 4706 0800 15, 8O STAPLE i9UN/'9TAPL 31951 3/16/94 14054�.' 4/19/94 25.48 400 412m 0800 25m 48 TFE/NIPPLES—WATE 32052 3/16/94 14056 4/19/94 5 17 00 4E'1e0600 5e 17 PVC PIPE/TLESWA 32054 3/171194 13897 4/19/94 2w'8z85 00 21e OGOO 28d, 85 PAINTrFIi'TIP�GIRO 3070 3/18/94 14064 4/19/94 8p36 t00 421, OGOO 8u 3G, DRILL/ANCHORS—EL 32106 3/ 6/94 14111 4r19/94 3, 9m 00 4lot 0800 TOPS —STREET DEFT 36110 3/22/94 14110 4/191194 1469 m00 431a0500 In69 INSULATION—ST. D 3E173 3/84/94 14118 4/19/94 5a98 c00 4 ti;, 0500 5e 98 CONCRETE —WATER 321/7 3/25/94 14121 4/19/94 32o90 200 431 « 0600 31�90 TEFLON PAS TE—Cx C 38196 3=/88/94 ILI29 4/19/94 7 e 97 s 00 4 2'1a 8100 7 w TFE/ADAPTER/COUP 3021E 3/29/94 14079 4/19/94 136 t00 4L1.0600 9,1�U DRILL BllT ELECT. 3E145 3/30/94 14184 4/19/94 10g`9`9 .00 470.0800 10,99 COUPLING WATER D 32E31 3/30/94 14158 4/19/94 1e77 z090 4L 1 m 0600 1277 TWINE/NAIL-S—C. CE 32936 3/31/94 14178 4/1`9/`94 El or CEO 44:4c 21100 61 06 TOTAL 12,0Ge 61 o 00 4E964 STEWART & STFVEN50N INCo PnOa BOX E00441 REPAIR41RE TRUC 0405204E 3/14/94 1401E 4/19/94 1,0�30a34 MOO 411, 1100 15 0P'0e 34 TOTAL 1, 030, 34 00 43701 TECHLINE, INC. Pal 80X 9c'49 BULBS ELECTRIC D 27i �62 3/� 4r�z d +0 €6 4119/ 4 39 y 60 .00 470t O80O 35;ti`o 60 TOTAL 350a60 a00 43718 TAM AUTO PARTS 117 No MORRIS PLUGS/PATCHES/GL 14106 3/20/94 IhIO6 4I19/94 Ho% a00 A19V0300 4010 419,0500 4e10 4110600 4P 10 � 419e 0700 , a 10 4110800 4=10 419.1100 4e10 419,1200 4o10 CITY Or SAfMGER VENLIUR IHV 1W AP OPEN ITEM LI51' COMPANY 100 4/15/94 FAGE 6 08ac3 IhdV DIE PO NUM DUE DTE PURCH AMT BISCu ANT 419. C. 0 4m 1. 419e 600 Ak 18 FUNNELS/LUBFS T R 14099 .3/_222; 94 ' 409`3 4/19194 12,77 , 00 454e 2'000 4r '78 4113s 0500 7,99 TOTAL 49e 75 00 44028 tT-XAS DEFT. OF HEALTH 1100 WEST 49TH STREET LAB TEST4JATER 14081 4/07/94 14081 4/19/94 713n00 400 656r KOO 713e 00 TOTAL 713c00 a00 45000 vlEXAS METER & SEWER CO. HWYo 380 EAST F� Oa BOX 1040 FARTS —WATER DEPT 52795 3/01 /94 13919 4111'9/94 15 516s 11 MOO O 475 EC00 17331a76 42:1 m 0600 184,35 WRENCH/COUPLINGS 53557 35118/94 14067 4/19/94 129c 64 too 4F' 1 2 0600 159.64 CLEANER/SHOVELS/ 53239 3/c4/94 14117 4/19/94 117954 ,00 421 t 0600 31484 421 a 0600 1120 41F'r 0800 66250 LII1/AOAFTERSfCOU 53438 3i31f94 14186 4/19/94 .270c82 14 455, KOO 164a 95 421s0600 105090 COUFLIC Gc=WA T ER 53061 4/ 13/94 1420 4/19/94 162a 48 m oki 4'1. 0600 162g 48 HOSES/BUSHINGS/E 53 207 4 1,219 14080 4/19/94 w=�4 :rA 419n 1100 57F'. 84 TOTAL ;d, 761 Q = CW 50MO VERNER CHEMICAL CORP. 110 ST. LEZEES DRIVE CHE MI CAL, SUFFL_ i E 7311, 1,107/94 136VA2 4/19/94 44'1, 85 , 00 4152 2200 421. 85 FIRE: ANT KILLER 7136 4/08/94 14C985 4/19/94 1422100 sJ,0 415e 0900 142g OO TOTAL 563,85 tO0 502'00 VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS Pg Oc BOX 819064 BAI`A PROCESS, SU 681351 3/30/94 14153 4f19/94 35.73 .0O 441a1900 35g73 TOTAL 35473 aC40 51515 G.F.S. R'RIPTIP+C 2519 c LO191' 288 S I E 1C0 PORCH, ORDERS —AL 3369 4/12/94 14245 4/19/94 134.50 00 411 v 1 900 3 a 6 4114 0 VAO 3163 4i1s0800 suc63 411<1700 33n61 TOTAL 134m50 400 53565 WEBB AUTO FARTS FGO,BOX 355 TOOLS/FILTERS—ME 2952 3/02; 94 13938 4/19/94 94s1O a00 4F'42 ='0001 64 90 4E'4m 2,000 5 .00 ='1 ;r'rhi90 10s 95 CITY OF SANSF_R uUV4a AF' OPEN ITEM LIST COMPANY 100. 4/15/% FACE 7 IN4' NO INV I}TF c°O NIJN AUE IUTE 08.G3 'LIRCH ANT DISC. AMT 419a0800 13a30 421 a 5000 7a 025 FILTERS-ELFCIa/F 2949 4110800 3/09/94 14 0 4t19/94 211aGel 51a05 411 1100 29a45 CABLFS/BULBS/Dl,c 3035 3/310/94 14159 4/19/94 132a70 A224a 2000 10a 95 424a 12000 419a KOO 3190 81 r 85 Tiw€ I C:77e 85 54000 55 !#ILLiA�iS TFSTINr LAA SEWER ANALYSIS—M 1418 �1AE ,7At<iE5 STREET 4/13/94 14505 4/19r94 210a00 415a0700 TOTAL 210a00 10a 54060 BENTON CO. BUILDERS SUPPLY Pe Oa BOX 733 FAUCET —CITY HALL LUMBER/TAPE 5487 hol 1600 5505/05 3/01/94 89e99 3/02/94 1 3916 13985 4/19/94 4/19/94 093'99 28.®®54 LUMBER STREET 1?F: 5525 3/04f94 I39GE' 'f/ 19/94 44a 010 UIMBFRIRFET BF 4 ®'' e 0500 5606 4213v0500 4a 00 3/11/9A 6a05 14027 4/i9/94 Fjt,05 SAGK.CRE Tr—! A I ER LUMBER—SANTA FF 561.1 421 a 0600 5632 / 11 /94 e m 10 3/14/94 14028 14031 4; 4/19/94 19I94 *350 14& 54 SACKCRETE—WATER SACKCRETE—CATER 42'3a 0500 5662 4e 1 a 0600 5678 140e 54 3f16/94 3/16r94 14053 14058 4/19/94 4/19/94 1175 5tii CONCRETE—ELFCT,D SACKCRFIE—ELEI Ic 4E1a0600 5685 470a0800 �681 1 a75 3/17f94 55e.00 3/17f94 14063 14 6 4/19/94 4/19/94 55e00 8La•50, SHELF UNITS—MECH STAKES —STREET 17E 4 70a 0800 5777 4' ,1E00 5876 82a J o/c4/94 119a98 3r31/94 14101 14175 4`19194 4/19/94 11�a98 1150 431a ocjo } TOTAL 19a 50 771 55 , _,8C TEXAS i�Utr1F'SlERS�LA�dUF1 ��'9.��4 4it�f94 447a 0400 8, iff'C`.3. 6C' TOTAL TiiTAL BLIE ��ITH MISCOUNTS TOTAL. MUE— NO M I SCOiJC! T S 16�893e9�:� I='a 0. BOX 650549 14�'48 4119/94 L� �:�3e 6Gm •-,U 62 16,893a93 SrL DEPARTMENTS AMh11 t� I STRAT I ON-1�F LIBRARY °OL: 16�893e9�:� I='a 0. BOX 650549 14�'48 4119/94 L� �:�3e 6Gm •-,U 62 16,893a93 SrL DEPARTMENTS AMh11 t� I STRAT I ON-1�F LIBRARY °OL: CITY OF SANGER �!C-:MDiCR IM6' h�O SANITATION STREETS WATER WASTEWATER ELECTRIC frARKS' PUBLIC WORKS FIRE VEHICLE MAINIT GF SWIMMING FOOL —SF MAYOR & COUNCIL—GF ADMTNTSTRATIOM—EF PUBLIC WORKS—EF DATA PROCESSING VEHICLE MAINTI—EF COMM. CENOTER—GF WASTE—WTR COLL—EF ANIMAL CONTROL—GF GC=MERAL FUMD E�lTER�'RISE F(_��dD AP OI=M ITEll L151 CCi�1�-'HNY IIDV9 f W/ J FHO" n Its'J i}TE F'O C�Uii DC1E DTE 4 2,223.62 G75a 91 C EDz 1 843W 71 S 364a 46 10 234, O 7 11 1 763, 64 ter 14Ee 18 13 421, q 14 6t 46 16 946 14 17 206a 7G eG 616� 10 21 104. 03 HE' 15 G. (El 26 71130, 9,437.15 08 a O:3 O'kJRCH AMT DISC. AMT CITY OF BANGER P. O. BOX 578 BANGER, TEXAS 76266 MEMORANDUM # 2488 TO: Honorable Mayor &Members of the City Council FROM: John Hamilton, City Administrator 11 DATE: April 15, 1994 SUBJECT: Proclamation #P3-94 The enclosed proclamation was requested by the Denton County Friends of the Family. JH:es Enclosure CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS PROCLAMATION #P3-94 A PROCLAMATION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS. WHEREAS, sexual assault affects every person in the county of Denton either as a victimjsurvivor of sexual assault or as a family member, significant other, friend, neighbor or co-worker; and WHEREAS, this year's theme: "Sharing the Secret, Surviving the Silence" reflects the efforts of Denton County Friends of the Family's work with survivors and their loved ones by allowing survivors the freedom to choose when, where and how their healing begins; and WHEREAS, many citizens of Denton County are working to provide quality services and assistance to sexual assault survivors; and help staff 24-hour hotlines, respond to emergency calls and offer support, comfort and advocacy during medical exams and criminal justice proceedings; and WHEREAS, Denton County Friends of the Family's volunteers and staff promote sexual assault awareness and avoidance by offering educational programs to schools, churches and civic organizations, as well as professional training to medical, mental health, law enforcement, education and criminal justice personnel regarding sexual assault issues, and WHEREAS, Denton County Friends of the Family, and other sexual assault programs, and other professionals and advocates of non -violence have joined together as the Texas Association Against Sexual Assault (TAASA) to support each other in our work and to provide Denton County and the State of Texas and our citizens with a central source of information on sexual assault; and WHEREAS, during the month of April Denton County Friends of the Family will be intensifying efforts to promote public understanding of sexual vialence and victims of sexual violence and Denton County Friends of the Family will be emphasizing the need for citizen involvement in efforts to reduce sexual assault through public education and changing public attitudes; and WHEREAS, Denton County Friends of the Family will also be working to publicize their servicesI increase community support for their agency and increasing awareness of the healing potential for survivors; THEREFORE, I, as Mayor of City of Sanger, do hereby designate April, 1994, as SEXUAL ASSAULT AWARENESS MONTH in Sanger, Texas. Proclaimed this 18th day of April, 1994. Nel Armstrong Mayor, City of Sanger ATTEST: Rosalie Chavez City Secretary Friends of the Fam i iy, inc. A UNITED WAY AGENCY P.O. Box 640 Denton,Texas 76202-0640 April 7, 1994 Mayor Armstrong City of Sanger P.O. Drawer 578 Sanger, TX 76266 Dear Mayor Armstrong: APR 13 1994 -' 7 n rn Governor Ann W. Richards has proclaimed April 1994, Sexual Assault Awareness Month in Texas. To increase public awareness about the problem of sexual assault and to encourage citizen involvement, the Texas Association Against Sexual Assault and The Texas Department of Health have adopted the theme: "Sharing the Secret, Surviving the Silence". Denton County Friends of The Family is pleased to be coordinating Denton County first annual observance of this awareness program. This joint effort epitomizes the cooperative spirit which is so necessary to reducing this serious threat to all the citizens of Denton County. A copy of a proclamation similar to the one Governor Richards has issued as well as a copy of the proclamation that we are asking the mayors in Denton County to make are enclosed for your review. We would like to ask if you would arrange for the proclamation to be issued publicly at the city council meeting, commissioner's court, or other appropriate forum as soon as possible. Please contact our office as soon as possible with your commitment to support this event. In the meantime, if you have any questions, or require further information, please do not hesitate to call Donna Clayton at 817-387-5131. Yours truly, Debra S. Ross Volunteer UUU020 Denton Outreach 817/387-5131 . Metro 214/219-2829 . Fax 817/383-1816 24-Hour Crisis Line 817/382-7273 or 1-800-572-4031 TO: FROM: DATE. SUBJECT. CITY OF SANGER P. O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 Honorable Mayor &Members of the City Jahn Hamilton, City Administrator April 15, 1994 Presentation to City Council The Ladies' Volunteer Fire Department Auxiliary and the Firefighter's Inc. have a presentation to make to the City. JH:es MEMORANDUM # 2490 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT. CITY OF SANGER P. O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 Honorable Mayor & John Hamilton, City April 15, 1994 Board Appointments Members of the 'ty Council y Administrator - Beautification"Board Estes Ashcraft, Chair of the Beautification Board, will be present Monday to requestjrecommend replacement members be appointed to this Board. One member, Dorothy Clarkson, has resigned and the Board has not been able to meet in 1994 for lack of a quorum. JH:es MEMORANDUM # 2483 TO: FROM: DATE. SUBJECT: CITY OF SANGER P. O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 Honorable Mayor & Jahn Hamilton, City April 15, 1994 Sale of Galaxy Cable Members of th ity Council Administrato Television Galaxy Cable representatives will be present to request your approval of the transfer of their franchise to Friendship Cable of Texas, Inc. Galaxy has provided several documents for your consideration been forwarded to the City Attorney for review and comment. JH:es Enclosures which have •qwcaviewsion CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Hon. Neil Armstrong, Mayor City of Sanger P. O. Box 578 Sanger, TX 76266 Dear Mayor Armstrong: March 10, 1994 u � �E Clili' ©F SAiVG�in1 p� MAR 2 4 1"4 }rd l� E C E I V E As a follow-up to my letter of November 3, 1993, Galaxy Cablevision, L.P. has entered into an agreement to sell our cable television properties to Friendship Cable of Texas, Inc. which is owned by Buford Television of Tyler, Texas. Friendship Cable of Texas, Inc. is a Texas -based company that currently owns and operates cable systems in communities similar to yours. Information about Friendship Cable of Texas, Inc. is enclosed. Galaxy Cablevision, L.P. hereby requests the transfer of our cable television franchise to Friendship Cable of Texas, Inc. of Tyler, Texas. As the franchise agreement requires City approval, we have enclosed a "Consent to Assignment", "Assignment of Franchise" and "Transfer Ordinance". We anticipate completing the sale in June, 1994. In the near future we will contact you to request that this matter be placed on the agenda for the City. At the meeting, we plan to introduce a representative of Friendship Cable of Texas, Inc. and discuss any questions you may have in this regard. We look forward to working with you, and appreciate your assistance in this matter. TLGjr:jhl Enclosures Sincerely, Tomm`Y7 Gleason, J President 1220 North Main Street • Sikeston, Missouri 63801 • (314) 471-5022 ANNEX 1 CONSENT TO ASSIGNMENT The undersigned hereby consents to the attached Assignment from GALAXY CABLEVISION, L.P., a Delaware Limited Partnership ("Assignor") to FRIENDSHIP CABLE OF TEXAS, INC., a Texas corporation, ("Assignee"), of the cable television franchise of the City of Sanger, Texas, represented by Ordinance No. 83-8 dated July 5, 1983, assigned to Galaxy Cablevision, L.P. by Resolution dated March 1, 1987, in the manner and form of the Assignment hereunto attached. The undersigned hereby certifies that said cable television franchise is valid and binding and in full force and effect, and that the Assignor is the present franchisee thereunder and is in full compliance with said franchise, without default thereunder, and that there are no impediments to future renewals. This consent shall be effective on the date of the closing of the sale of said cable television system to the above -named Assignee. Dated , 1994. City of Sanger, Texas By: Mayor/Council President/ Presiding Officer ATTEST: City Secretary/Clerk �� ����.�� ASSIGNMENT OF FRANCHISE THIS ASSIGNMENT OF FRANCHISE is made and entered into this day of , 1994, by Galaxy Cablevision, L.P., a Delaware Limited Partnership ("Seller"). WHEREAS, Seller and Friendship Cable of Texas, Inc., a Texas corporation ("Buyer"), are parties to that certain Asset Purchase Agreement dated February 21, 1994, (the "Agreement"), providing for the sale, transfer, assignment, and conveyance to Buyer of all the Assets (as defined in the Agreement) relating to the operation of those certain cable television systems serving certain cities and towns located in the States of Texas, Louisiana and Arkansas listed in the Agreement in accordance with and subject to the terms and conditions set forth therein, and WHEREAS, in the Agreement it was agreed, subject to the granting of the necessary consents by the franchising authority for the City of Sanger, that Seller would assign to Buyer the Franchise; and WHEREAS, the franchising authority has authorized the assignment of such Franchise from Seller to Buyer. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the payment by Buyer of the purchase price pursuant to the Agreement, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, and in further consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements contained in the Agreement, and pursuant to the terms of the Agreement, Seller does hereby assign to Buyer and its successors and assigns all of Seller's right, title and interest in and to the Franchise issued by such franchising authority. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has caused this instrument to be duly executed, and its corporate seal affixed, as of the date first written above. GALAXY CABLEVISION, L.P. By: Galaxy Cablevision Management, L.P., its managing general partner By: Galaxy Cablevision, Management, Inc., its general partner Bv: Tommy L. Gleason, Jr. President ORDINANCE An ordinance providing for and approving the transfer of the cable television franchise in the City of Sanger (the "City") granted pursuant to Ordinance No. 83=8, dated July 5, 1983, (the "Franchise )rdinance"); amending the Franchise Ordinance in certain respects; providing for publication of the caption; providing for severability; and providing the effective date. WHEREAS, by the Franchise Ordinance, the City has granted to Galaxy Cablevision, L.P., as assignee of Star CAN Investment Corp., the right, among other things, to operate a cable television facility within the municipal boundaries of the City; WHEREAS, Galaxy Cablevision, L.P. has requested that the City approve the proposed transfer by Galaxy Cablevision, L.P. to Friendship Cable of Texas, Inc., a Texas corporation, of the Franchise Ordinance; and the City is willing to consent to such transfer. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE FRANCHISING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY. Section 1. Transfer of Franchise Ordinance. Pursuant to Section 14 of the Franchise Ordinance, consent and approval by the City of the transfer of the Franchise Ordinance from Galaxy Cablevision, L.P. to Friendship Cable of Texas, Inc. is hereby granted. The Mayor, Council President, or Presiding Officer of the City and any person designated by the Mayor, Council President, or Presiding Officer are hereby authorized to execute all instruments, documents and agreements in the name of and on behalf of the City which are necessary or desirable in connection with the sale from Galaxy Cablevision, L.P. to Friendship Cable of Texas, Inc. of the cable television facilities serving the City, including, without limitation, the Consent to Assignment attached hereto as Annex 1. -Seetio Ordinance Affirmed. All terms and provisions of the Franchise Ordinance shall continue in full force and effect, except the term of the franchise which shall be extended for an additional fifteen (15) years from the date of closing of the sales transaction from Galaxy Cablevision, L.P. to Friendship Cable of Texas, Inc. Section 3. Effective Date, This Ordinance shall be effective upon the closing of the sale from Galaxy Cablevision, L.P. to Friendship Cable of Texas, Inc. of the cable television facilities serving the City. Section 4. Inconsistency. In the event any of the terms and provisions of any other ordinance or regulation of the City are inconsistent with the terms and provisions of this Ordinance, the terms and provisions of this Ordinance shall govern and control. Section 5. Publication, The City Secretary/Clerk is hereby directed to publish the caption of this Ordinance at least once in an official newspaper in the City, as authorized by Statutes. Signed on this the ATTEST: City Secretary/Clerk day of , 1994. City of Sanger, Texas By: Title: Federal Communic>tlions Commission WasAin�lon, D. C. 2055♦ FCC 394 APPLICATION FOR FRANCHISE AUTHORITY CONSENT TO ASSIGNMENT•OR TRANSFER OF CONTROL OF CABLE TELEVISION FRANCHISE SECTION 1. GENERAL INFORMATION Approved br OMB 1060-05 i 1 E'p� 08/11/96 FOR FRANCHISE AUTHORITY USE ONLY DATE 1. Community Unit Identification Number. TX 0659 2. Application for: Q Assignment of Franchise 0 Transfer of Control 3. Franchising authority: CITY OF BANGER 4. Identify community where the system/franchise that is the subject of the assignment or transfer of control is located: BANGER TX 5. Oate system was acquired or (for systems constructed by the transferor/assignor) the date on 3-2-87 which service was provided to the first subscriber in the franchise area: 6. Proposed effective date of closing of the transaction assigning or transferring ownership of the system to transferee/assignee: 6-30-94 �• Attach as an Exhibit a schedule of any and all additional information or material filed with this application that is identified in the franchise as required to be provided to the franchising authority when requesting its approval of the type of transaction that is the subject of this application. N/A PART I-TRANSFEROR/ASSIGNOR t IndGefn ri,n :C.. �.Idr ..d lele.. {... ... {.e n� •Ln H r.eiarn•/e ee:onnr Exhibit No. legal name of Transferor/Assignor (if individual, list fast name first) Gal Cablevi.sion, L.P, Assumed name used for doing business (if any) Gal Cablevision Mailing street address or P.O. Box 1220 North Plain Street City State ZIP Code Telephone No. include area code) Sikeston MO 63801 314-471-30�0 2.(a) Attach as an Exhibit a copy of the contract or agreement that provides for the assignment or transfer of control (including any exhibits or schedules thereto necessary in order to understand the terms thereof). If there is only an oral agreement, reduce the terms to writing and attach. (Confidential trade, business, pricing or marketing information, or other information not otherwise publicly available, may be redacted). ro) Ooes the contract submitted in response to (a) above embody the full and complete agreement between the transferor/assignor and the transfereelassignee) tf No, explain in an Exhibit. Ezhit�jt No. e9 - ■ Exhibit No. PART 11- TRANSFEREE/ASSIGNEE .L_ .. ,a:..e �drlvaec nnrl telephnne numher of the transferee/assienee. Legal name of Transferee/Assignee (if individual, list last name first) Friendship Cable of Texas, Inc. Assumed name used for doing business (if any) Mailing streef address or P.O. Box P. 0. Box 9090 City, State ZIP Code Telephone No. (include area code) ler Zx 11 - - q!w tu/ mulcaic u.c na.nc .64414166.,....v.. ..., ...._ ._._ ..---- --------- - - -- Name of contact person (list last name first) Kay Monigold Firm or company name (if any) Buford GrotrP, Inc. Mailing street address or P.O. Box P. 0. Box 9090 City State ZIP Code Telephone No. (include area code) Tyler ' (c) Attach as an Exhibit the name, mailing address, and telephone number of each additional person who should be contacted, if any. NONE (d) Indicate the Street address i� s will Exhibit No City I State I ZIP Code Tvler( T xa4 7S7n� 2. Indicate on an attached exhibit any plans to change the current terms and conditions of service and Exhibit No. operations of the system as a consequence of the transaction for which approval is sought. None at this tune . FCC 393 (Pane 2) October 1993 SECTION 1. TRANSFEREE'S/ASSIGNEE'S LEGAL QUALIFICATIONS 1. Transferee/Assignee is: Corporation Limited Partnership Genera! Partnership a. jurisdiction of incorporation: d. Name and address of registered agent in jurisdiction: b. Date of incorporation: c. For profit or not -for -profit: a. )urisdiction in which formed: b. Date of formation: c. Name and address of registered agent in jurisdiction: a: Jurisdiction whose laws govern formation: b. Date of formation: Individual Other. Describe in an Exhibit. Exhibit No. 2. List the transferee/assignee, and, if the transferee/assignee is not a natural person, each of its officers, directors, stockholders beneficially holding more than 576 of the outstanding voting shares, general partners, and Limited partners holding an equity interest of more than 5%. Use only one column for each individual or entity. Attach additional pages if necessary. (Read carefully — the lettered items below refer to corresponding lines in the following table.) (a) Name, residence, occupation or principal business, and principal place of business. (If other than an individual, also show name, address and citizenship of natural person authorized to vote the voting securities of the applicant that it holds.) list the applicant first, officers, next, then directors and, thereafter, remaining stockholders and/or partners. (b) Citizenship. (c) Relationship to the transferee/assignee (e.g., officer, director, etc.). (d) Number of shares or nature of partnersihp interest. (e) Number of votes. (0 Percentage of votes. (a)Robert P. Buford Geoffrey R. Buford Kay Monigold Dallas, TK Tyler, TX 75703 1819 Bent Tree CEO & Chairman of Board Vice Chairman Tyler TIC 75703 Vice Pres. of Adninistratior (b) United States United States United States (`) President & Director Vice President & Secretary Assistant Secretary (d) (e) 1000 (f) 100% fCC 794 (►ale J) October 199� SECTION 1. TRANSFEREE'S/ASSIGNEE'S LEGAL QUALIFICATIONS 1. Transferee/Assignee is: Corporation Limited Partnership General Partnership a. Jurisdiction of incorporation: Texas d. Name and address of registered agent in jurisdiction: Kay bni.gold b. Date of incorporation: 7-12-88 P. 0. Box 9090 Tyler TX 75711 c. For profit or not -for -profit: Profit a. Jurisdiction in which formed: b. Date of formation: c. Name and address of registered agent in jurisdiction: a: Jurisdiction whose laws govern formation: b. Date of formation: Individual Other. Describe in an Exhibit. Exhibit No. 2. List the transferee/assignee, and, if the transferee/assignee is not a natural person, each of its officers, directors, stockholders beneficially holding more than 5% of the outstanding voting shares, general partners, anties partners holding an equity interest of more than 5%. Use only one column for each individual or entity. Attach additional pages if necessary. (Read carefully — the lettered items below refer to corresponding lines in the following table.) (a) Name, residence, occupation or principal business, and principal place of business. (If other than an individual, also show name, address and citizenship of natural person authorized to vote the voting securities of the applicant that it holds.) list the applicant first, officers, next, then directors and, thereafter, remaining stockholders and/or partners. (b) Citizenship. (c) Relationship to the transferee/assignee (e.g., officer, director, etc.). (d) Number of shares or nature of partnersihp interest. (e) Number of votes. (0 Percentage of votes. (a) Friendship Cable of Texas,Inc Buford Television, Inc. Buford Television, Inc. P. 0. Box 9090 of Lufkin of Tyler Tyler TK 75711 P. 0. Box 9090 P. 0. Box 9090 (b) (c) Parent (Joint) Parent (Joint) (d) 1, 000 614 386 (e) (f) rcc 79a chtte n OctobN 1997 3. If the applicant is a corporation or a limited partnership, is the transferee/assignee formed under the ® Yes No laws of, or duly qualified to transact business in, the State or other jurisdiction in which the system operates? If the answer is No, explain in an Exhibit. N/A Exhibit No. 4. Has the transferee/assignee had any interest in or in connection with an application which has been ❑ Yes No dismissed or denied by any franchise authority? If the answer is Yes, describe circumstances in an Exhibit. N/A Exhibit No. 5. Has an adverse finding been made or an adverse final action been taken by any court or ❑ Yes No administrative body with respect to the transferee/assignee in a civil, criminal or administrative proceeding, brought under the provisions of any law or regulation related to the following: any felony; revocation, suspension or involuntary transfer of any authorization (including cable franchises) to provide video programming services; mass media related antitrust or unfair competition; fradulent statements to another governmental unit; or employment discrimination? If the answer is Yes, attach as an Exhibit a full description of the persons and matters) involved, Exhibit No. including an identification of any court or administrative body and any proceeding (by dates and file numbers, if applicable), and the disposition of such proceeding. N/A 6 Are there any documents, instruments, contracts or understandings relating to ownership or future ❑ Yes No ownership rights with respect to any attributable interest as described in Question 2 (including, but not limited to, non -voting stock interests, beneficial stock ownership interests, options, warrants, debentures)? 'lf Yes, provide particulars in an Exhibit. N/A 7. Do documents, instruments, agreements or understandings for the pledge of stock of the ❑Yes ® No transferee/assignee, as security for loans or contractual performance, provide that: (a) voting rights will remain with the applicant, even in the event of default on the obligation; (b) in the event of default, there will be either a private or public sale of the stock; and (c) prior to the exercise of any ownership rights by a purchaser at a sale described in (b), any prior consent of the FCC and/or of the franchising authority, if required pursuant to federal, state or local law or pursuant to the terms of the franchise agreement will be obtained? If No, attach as an Exhibit a full explanation. Exhibit No. SECTION 111-TRANSFEREE'S/ASSIGNEE'S FINANCIAL QUALIFICATIONS 1. The transferee/assignee certifies that it has sufficient net liquid assets on hand or available from committed resources to consummate the transaction and operate the facilities for three months. 2. Attach as an Exhibit the most recent financial statements, prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, including a balance sheet and income statement for at least one full year, for the tranfferee/assignee or parent entity that has been prepared in the ordinary course of business, if any such financial statements are routinely prepared. Such statements, if not otherwise publicly available, may be marked CONFIDENTIAL and will be maintained as confidential by the franchise authority and its agents to the extent permissible under local law. SECTION IV -TRANSFEREE'S/ASSIGNEE'S TECHNICAL QUALIFICATIONS Set forth in an Exhibit a narrative account of the transferee's/assignee's technical qualifications, experience and expertise regarding cable television systems, including, but not limited to, summary information about appropriate management personnel that will be involved in the system's management and operations. The transferee/assignee may, but need not, list a representative sample of cable systems currently or formerly owned or operated. . .' Of KC 394 (Rage 4) October 1993 Exhi � No. Exhibit No. 5 No SECTION V - CERTIFICATIONS Part I - Transferor/Assignor All the statements made in the application and attached exhibits are considered material representations, and all the Exhibits are a material part hereof and are incorporated herein as if set out in full in the application. Signature 1 CERTIFY that the statements in this application are true complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief anc� are made in good faith. WILLFUL FALSE STATEMENTS MADE ON THIS FORM ARE PUNISHABLE BY FINE AND/OR IMPRISONMENT, U.S. CODE, TITLE 18, SECTION 1001. Prim full name J. Keith Davidson Check appropriate classification: Ind'cvidwl General Partner Q p Cor�Tide) cer Other. Explain: Chief Financial Officer Part I I - TransfereelAssignee Atl the statements made in the application and attached Exhibits arc considered material representations, and all the Exhibit; are a material part hereof and are incorporated herein as if set out in full in the application. The transfereeJassignee certifies that he/she: (a) Has a current copy of the FCC's Rules governing cable television systems. (b) Has a current copy of the franchise that is the subject of this application, and of any applicable state taws or local ordinances and related regulations. (c) Will use its best efforts to comply with the terms of the franchise and applicable state laws or local ordinances and related regulations, and to effect changes, as promptly as practicable, in the operation of the system, if any changes are necessary to cure any violations thereof or defaults thereunder presently in effect or ongoing. 1 CERTIFY that the statements in this application 'arc true complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief an� are made to good faith. 1 i , / 1/1 AC W / h Date v WILLFUL FALSE STATEMENTS MADE ON THIS FORM ARE PUNISHABLE BY FINE AND/OR IMPRISONMENT. U.S. CODE, TITLE 18, SECTION 1001. Print full name Check ropriate classification: Individwl � General Partner ® p ►ante Trde) Oti�er. Explain: rcc su �,K s: ocw4w tfl7 EXHIBIT 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENT Galaxy Cablevision, L. P. (Galaxy) and Friendship Cable of Texas, Inc. (Friendship) entered into an Asset Purchase Agreement on February 23, 1994 whereby Friendship agreed to purchase certain cable systems from Galaxy as listed on Schedule 1. Section 1. Purchase and Sale of Assets. Galaxy shall assign, transfer, convey and deliver to Friendship the assets that constitute all the assets owned and used primarily in the operation of the cable systems. Friendship does not assume any liabilities unless specified. The anticipated closing date is June 30, 1994. Closing procedures and post - closing adjustments and prorations are included in this section. Section 2. Representations and Warranties of the Seller. Galaxy has made representations and warranties relative to the following: 1) organization and good standing, 2) the authority to enter into and perform this agreement$ 3) third party consents required in connection with the execution and delivery of this agreement 4) title to assets; 5) real estate, 6) basic information relative to the systems; 7) licenses, franchises, permits and necessary contracts; 8) taxes, 9) litigation, 10) carriage of signals; 11) employee benefit plans; 12) financial statements; 13) changes, 14) undisclosed liabilities; 15) contracts and agreements; 16) compliance with laws; 17) condition of the systems; 17) employees; and 18) copyright. Section 3. Representations and Warranties of the Purchaser. Friendship has made representations and warranties relative to the follows: 1) organization and good standing, 2) the authority to enter into and perform this agreement; 3) Litigation, and 4) third party consents required in connection with the execution and delivery of this agreement. Section 4. Certain Covenants and Agreements. Galaxy and Friendship agree that from and after the execution date of this agreement to and including the closing date that they will comply with the following covenants: 1) access to information, 2) make reasonable efforts to obtain all consents required; 3) jointly plan public announcements; 4) operate the systems in*the ordinary course of business SCHEDULE 1 LIST OF SYSTEMS THE CABLE TELEVISION SYSTEMS LOCATED IN: A. AREA KNOWN AS THE "FAIRVIEW REGION" - ALL IN TEXAS QUINLAN WEST TAWAKONI EAST TAWAKONI SOUTH TAWAKONI CASH CADDO MILLS LONE OAK TIOGA GUNTER CELINA PROSPER LITTLE ELM LAKEWOOD VILLAGE OAK POINT SANGER PILOT POINT AUBREY KRUGERVILLE LOWRY CROSSING NEW HOPE BRANCH CULLEOKA HEATH HAPPY COUNTRY HOMES ECTOR RRUM LUCAS FAIRVIEW SHERWOOD SHORES POTTSBORO ANNA hiELISSA WOLFE CITY LADONIA CUMBY CELESTE LEONARD BRINWOOD SHORES PANORAMA ESTATES ROLLING OAKS WACO BAY ESTATES SEIS LAGOS DOVE CREEK (aka GORDONVILLE) ESTATES SCHEDULE 1 LIST OF SYSTEMS B. AREA KNOWN AS "EAST TEXAS REGION" - ALL IN TEXAS ARP EAST SHORE OMEN OVERTON . NEW LONDON TROUP TURNERTOWN RUSK OAKLAND DIALVILLE LAKE CHEROKEE LAKEPORT ELDERVILLE TATUM BECKVILLE GUSHING VAN HAWKINS BIG SANDY ALTO TIMPSON TENAHA GARRISON LANEVILLE NEW SUMMERFIELD WELLS C SCHEDULE 1 LIST OF SYSTEMS C. AREA KNOWN AS "SIBLEY REGION" - SYSTEMS IN LOUISIANA AND ARKANSAS LOUISIANA SYSTEMS: SIBLEY DOYLINE GIBSLAND COTTON VALLEY SAREPTA JUNCTION CITY BERNICE DUBACH RINGGOLD ARKANSAS SYSTEMS: JUNCTION CITY STAMPS STEPHENS NORPHLET SMACKOVER LEWISVILLE BUCKNER EMERSON CALION TAYLOR `E� �k � � � ,�. �'. .,j ». SCHEDULE 1 LIST OF SYSTEMS D. AREA KNOWN AS THE "COLFAX REGION" - ALL IN LOUISIANA COLFAX MONTGOMERY KOLIN ECHO KROTZ SPRINGS BOYCE LE COMPTE GLENMORA FOREST HILL MC NARY WOODWORTH CHENEYVILLE COTTONPORT PLAUCHEVILLE MOREAUVILLE SIMMESPORT MELVILLE NATCHEZ CLOUTERVILLE LAKE BRUIN NEWELLTON ST. JOSEPH WATERPROOF LAKE ST. JOHN LAKE COTILE CLAYTON EXHIBIT 3 The Pledge agreement for the stock of Friendship Cable of Texas, Inc. which is held as collateral for its loan provides that: A) Upon the occurrence and the continuance of a default, the collateral agent (or its nominee) may at any time and from time to time exercise any and all voting rights relating to the collateral as if it were the absolute owner thereof; B) In the event of a default, there will be either a private or public sale of the stock; and C) Prior to the exercise of any ownership rights by a purchaser at a sale described in (B), the collateral agent is authorized, but not obligated, to take such actions, give such notices, obtain .such consents, and do such other things as it may deem required or appropriate in the event of sale or disposition of any of the collateral. 5 .. EXHIBIT 4 (CONFIDENTIAL) FRIENDSHIP CABLE OF TEXAS, INC. BALANCE SHEET DECEMBER 31, 1993 ASSETS Current assets: Cash and cash equivalents Accounts receivable from subscribers Other accounts receivable Prepaid expenses Total currents assets $41,448 7451498 1729 1877 999, 552 Property, plant and equipment, net 17,837,410 Other assets, net 3,455,480 Total assets $221292,442 LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY Current liabilities: Accounts payable $117,342 Accrued expenses 5441138 Unearned revenue 597,532 Total current liabilities 1,259,012 Stockholders' equity: Paid in capital 23,785,612 Retained earnings (2,752,182) Total stockholders' equity 21,033,430 Total liabilities and stockholders' equity $22,292,442 (CONFIDENTIAL) FRIENDSHIP CABLE OF TEXAS, INC. INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1993 Cable television revenues Operating expenses: Distribution and operating costs Salaries, wages and employee benefit costs Depreciation and amortization Total operating expenses Operating income Other income (expense): Interest income Loss on disposition of assets Total other income (expense) Income before income taxes Income taxes Net income $7,071,426 3,230,937 999,351 2, 644, 992 6,875,280 1963146 2,171 (14,627) (12,456) 1831690 0 $183,690 TECHNICAL QUALIFICATIONS Friendship Cable of Texas, Inc. (FCT), a subsidiary of Buford Television, Inc. (BTI), was established in 1988 to primarily build small rural cable systems in Texas. FCT currently owns and operates 55 cable systems serving approximately 18,500 subscribers throughout the eastern and southeastern portions of Texas. In addition, BTI owns an additional 128 small cable systems located in Arkansas, Missouri, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Tennessee, and near Dallas, Texas. These systems serve approximately 66,500 subscribers. BTI is a family owned company based in Tyler, Texas that was originally founded in 1950. Robert P. Buford, Chief Executive Officer, lives in Dallas, Texas and Geoffrey R. Buford, Vice Chairman, lives in Tyler, Texas. Initially, BTI was primarily a radio and television broadcast company until it diversified into the cable industry in 1970. Some of the properties BTI has owned include KLTV-TV in Tyler, Texas and KTRE-TV in Lufkin, Texas, which were sold in 1989. - In the late 1980's, BTI started buying and primarily building small cable systems and clustering them into larger operating groups to provide efficiencies. BTI currently has. regional offices in Balch Springs, Texas, Beaumont, Texas, Cabot, Arkansas, and Columbia, South Carolina. The Galaxy cable systems are very closely located to BTI's systems in Texas and Arkansas. BTI has a strong management team with many years of cable experience. Ben Hooks, President, has over 20 years of technical and operating experience in the cable industry and has been with BTI for 10 years. Ron Martin, Chief Operating Officer, has been with BTI for 20 years and has recently assumed operating responsibilities for all cable subsidiaries. Dick Green, Vice President of Engineering, has over 20 years of cable engineering experience and has been with BTI for 10 years. Kay Monigold, Vice President of Administration has been with BTI for 12 years and is responsible for FCC compliance, accounting, legal, and acquisitions. Tom Seale, Chief Financial Officer, has been with BTI for 8 years and is responsible for sources of financing and acquisitions. In addition, Steve Lowe, Vice President and General Manager of Friendship Cable of Texas, Inc., has over 20 years \ of technical and operating experience in the cable industry, having owned and operated his own systems in 3 states. He has been with BTI for 6 years and is responsible for system operations in Texas. Arl Cope, Vice President and General Manager of Friendship Cable of Arkansas, Inc., has over 20 years of technical and operating experience in the cable industry and has owned and operated his own systems. He has been with BTI for � years and is responsible for system operations in Arkansas and Missouri which consists of 75 systems serving 30,000 subscribers. Ron Kam, Vice President and General Manager of Friendship Cable of the Southeast, has over 20 years experience in the cable industry and has been with BTI for 5 years. He is responsible for the system operations of 49 cable systems serving 29,000 subscribers in Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina and Tennessee. Jan Calongne, General Manager of Friendship Cable Limited located in Balch Springs, Texas has been with BTI for 7 years. She is responsible for system operations of 4 systems serving 8,000 subscribers near Dallas. Each regional office employs local engineers that are responsible for the day to day technical and service requirements of each system. Customer service is centralized at each regional office to better serve our customers. MEMORANDUM #2482 TO: FROM: DATE. SUBJECT. CITY OF SANGER P. O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76 266 Honorable Mayor &Members of the City Council John Hamilton, City oil April 15, 1994 Average Billing Plan The enclosed six examples are actual system customers that indicate their: 1). Actual Usage Billing, 2). "Lone Star" Average Bill, 3). "Lone Star" Average Bill using the 10% method, and, 4). Eleven Month Average using the TPPA/City of Denton System with the 12th month as a "settle -up" month. If these customers are indeed an example of typical electric users, the TPPA/City of Denton Plan would be most advantageous to both the customer and the City. If Council desires to adopt an average billing plan, staff recommends ordinance designated Option A. JH:es Enclosures CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. 02-94 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF SANGER BY ADOPTING AN EQUAL PAYMENT PLAN FOR THE PAYMENT OF ELECTRICITY BILLS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY OF THIS ORDINANCE; PROVIDING FOR ANY CONFLICTING PROVISIONS; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE FOR THIS ORDINANCE. NQt�V BE IT QRDAINED BY THE CITY CQUNCIL OF THE CITY QF SANGER: SECTION I: CODE QF ORDINANCES AMENDED (a} That from and after the effective date of this ordinance, the City of Sanger Code of Ordinances shall be amended to include Article 11.1600.5 to read as follows. "ARTICLE 11.1600.5 {a} Plan Adopted EQUAL PAYMENT PLAN (1) Qualified customers of electrical service may enroll in a plan designed to provide equal utility bills throughout the year, such plan to be known as the "Equal Payment Plan." (2) Electricity usage will be estimated by the City of Sanger Utilities in order to determine the amount of the equal monthly payment, Estimates will be made based primarily on past usage by the customer at the present address. Said payment shall be made monthly, subject only to changes in the twelfth month or due to rate adjustments, as provided for herein. (b} Twelfth Month Adjustments. Equal payments shall be made for eleven (11} months. In the twelfth month, any difference between the estimated amount and the actual month shall be settled. If monthly payments are less than the charges for actual use, the twelfth month bill will show the balance due, including this difference. If monthly payment have totalled more than the charges for actual usage, any difference will be refunded to the customer. Payments in first eleven (11) months must be consistently made, regardless of any credit accruing during said eleven (11) months. (c } Plan for Electrical Service Only. The equal payment plan is available for the payment of charges for electrical service only. #02-94,page 2 {d) Prerequisites for Participation in Plan. In order to qualify for participation in said plan, potential customers must have an established credit record with the City of Sanger Utilities. The following shall be considered proof of an established credit record as required herein: (i) A minimum of twelve (12) months of timely payment of utility charges; (ii) Absence of any utility service termination in the past twelve (12) months; and (iii) Absence of an outstanding balance with the City of Sanger Utilities. (e } Application. Customers interested in participation in the equal payment plan must apply by completing an application form as maintained on file in the office of the city secretary. Said application shall be subject to review and denial or approval by the City of Sanger Utilities. (f} Effect of Rate Adjustments. Any rate adjustments imposed during the normal course of business by the City of Sanger Utilities shall be included in the average bill as they become effective." SECTION II: SEVERABILITY That if any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase, or ward in this Ordinance, or application thereof to any person or circumstances, is held invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of the Ordinance, and the City Council hereby declared that it would have passed such remaining portions of the Ordinance despite such invalidity. SECTION III. CONFLICTING PROVISIONS That any and all Ordinances shall take effect immediately, from and after its passage and publication of the caption, as the law in such cases provides. PASSED AND APPROVED BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANDER, TEXAS, ON THIS THE DAY QF _ 1994. ATTEST: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary Mayor Nel Armstrong CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. kj2-94 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF SANGER BY ADOPTING AN AVERAGE BILL PLAN FOR RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMERS FOR PAYMENT OF ELECTRICITY BILLS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY OF THIS ORDINANCE; PROVIDING FOR ANY CONFLICTING PROVISIONS; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE FOR THIS ORDINANCE. NOVtT BE IT dRDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL dF THE CITY dF SANGER: SECTION I: CODE dF dRDINANCES AMENDED (a) That from and after the effective date of this ordinance, the City of Sanger Code of Ordinances shall be amended to include Article 11.1600.5 to read as follows: "ARTICLE 11.l�iDt�.S AVERAGE BILL PLAN {a} Plan Adopted (1) Qualified residential customers of electrical service may enroll in a plan designed to provide average utility bills throughout the year, such plan to be known as the "Average Bill Plan." (2) Electricity usage will be averaged by the City of Sanger ULiiity Billing Department in order to determine the amount of the average (monthly) bill payment. The average bill amount is calculated by dividing the current bill and the previous eleven (11) actual billing amounts by twelve (12), and adding ten percent (10%) of the accumulated difference (whether debit or credit) for the previous month. Other charges, such as fuel adjustment and average billing plan arrears are added to the average bill in their entirety. {b) Plan for Electrical Service Only. The average payment plan is available for the payment of charges far electrical service only. {c} Prerequisites for Participation in Plan. In order to qualify for participation in said plan, potential customers must have an established credit record with the City of Sanger Utilities. The following shall be considered proof of an established credit #02-94JAverage Bill Plan OPTION B Page 2 record as required herein: (1) A minimum of twelve (12) months of timely payment of utility charges; Absence of any utility service termination in the past twelve (12) months, and (iii) Absence of an outstanding balance with the City of Sanger Utilities. {d} Application. Customers interested in participation in the average payment plan must apply by completing an application form as maintained on file in the office of the city secretary. Said application shall be subject to review and denial or approval by the City of Sanger Utilities. (e } Effect of Rate Adjustments. Any rate adjustments imposed during the normal course of business by the City of Sanger Utilities shall be included in the average bill as they become effective." SECTION II: SEVERABILITY That if any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase, or word in this Ordinance, or application thereof to any person or circumstances, is held invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of the Ordinance, and the City Council hereby declared that it would have passed such remaining portions of the Ordinance despite such invalidity. SECTION III. CONFLICTING PROVISIONS That any and all Ordinances shall take effect immediately, from and after its passage and publication of the caption, as the law in such cases provides. PASSED AND APPROVED BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANDER, fiEXAS, ON THIS THE DAY OF 1994. Mayor Nel Armstrong ATTEST: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary OPTION C CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. 02-94 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF SANGER BY ADOPTING AN AVERAGE BILL PLAN FOR RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMERS FOR PAYMENT OF ELECTRICITY BILLS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY OF THIS ORDINANCE; PROVIDING FOR ANY CONFLICTING PROVISIONS; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE FOR THIS ORDINANCE. NOVV BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER: SECTION I: CQDE OF ORDINANCES AMENDED (a} That from and after the effective date of this ordinance, the City of Sanger Code of Ordinances shall be amended to include Article 11.1600.5 to read as follows. "ARTICLE 11.1600.5 AVERAGE BILL PLAN (a) Plan Adopted (1 ) qualified residential customers of electrical service may enroll in a plan designed to provide average utility bills throughout the year, such plan to be known as the "Average Bill Plan." (2) Electricity usage will be averaged by the City of Sanger Utility Billing Department in order to determine the amount of the average (monthly) bill payment. The average bill amount is calculated by dividing the current bill and the previous eleven (11) actual billing amounts by twelve (12). (b) Plan for Electrical Service Only_. The average payment plan is available for the payment of charges for electrical service only. (c) Prerequisites for Participation in Flan. In order to qualify for participation in said plan, potential customers must have an established credit record with the City of Sanger Utilities. The following shall be considered proof of an established credit #02-94/Average Bill Plan OPTION C Page 2 record as required herein. (1) A minimum of twelve (12) months of timely payment of utility charges; Absence of any utility service termination in the past twelve (12) months; and (iii) Absence of an outstanding balance with the City of Sanger Utilities. (d) Application. Customers interested in participation in the average payment plan must apply by completing an application form as maintained on file in the office of the city secretary. Said application shall be subject to review and denial or approval by the City of Sanger Utilities. (e } Effect of Rate Adjustments. Any rate adjustments imposed during the normal course of business by the City of Sanger Utilities shall be included in the average bill as they become effective." SECTION II: SEVERABILITY That if any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase, or word in this Ordinance, or application thereof to any person or circumstances, is held invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of the Ordinance, and the City Council hereby declared that it would have passed such remaining portions of the Ordinance despite such invalidity. SECTION III. CONFLICTING PROVISIONS That any and all Ordinances shall take effect immediately, from and after its passage and publication of the caption, as the law in such cases provides. PASSED AND APPROVED BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANDER, TEXAS, ON THIS THE DAY OF _ 1994. Mayor Nel Armstrong ATTEST: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary CUSTOMER UTILITIES COMPUTED ON OPTIONS (ORD#02-94) MONTH ACTUAL. AVERAGE + 10°l0 DUAL CUSTOMER # 1 MARCH, 94 $129.76 $122.50 $121.77 $133.63 X 11= FEB., 94 $175.42 $124.11 $118.98 JAN., 94 $231.10 $121m 12 $110.12 DEC., 93 $149.03 $114930 $110583 NOV., 93 $130.78 $113.58 $111.86 OCT., 93 $70.40 $109.09 $112.96 SEPT., 93 $106.59 $108080 $109.02 AUG., 93 $120.19 $105.48 $104.01 JULY, 93 $104.85 $103.48 $103.34 JUKE, 93 $94.10 $102.97 $103.86 MAY, 93 $64.56 $100.23 $103.80 APRILh 93 $93.18 $99.79 $100.45 TOTAL $1, 469.96 $ 1, 325.45 $ 1, 311.00 $1, 469.93 CUSTOMER #2 MARCH, 94 $58.89 $88.87 $91.87 $96.95 X11= FEB., 94 $62.02 $89.38 $92.12 JAN , 94 $66.64 $89.29 $91.56 DEC., 93 $72.04 $89.36 $91.09 NOV., 93 $58.58 $89.51 $92.60 OCT., 93 $85.44 $89.48 $89.88 SEPT., 93 $131.25 $88.73 $84.48 AUG., 93 $138.44 $86.89 $8 L73 JULY, 93 $152.85 $85.83 $79.13 JUKE, 93 $108.29 $83.07 $80.55 MAY, 93 $70.29 $80.60 $81.63 APRILh 93 $61.73 $80.17 $82,01 TOTAL $1, 066.46 $1, 041. 18 $ 1, 038.65 $1, 066.45 UT CUSTOMER ACCOUNT OPTIONS PAGE 2 MONTH ACTUAL AVERAGE + um0 EQUAL CUSTOMER #3 MARCH, 94 $146.83 $152.89 $153.50 $181.18 X11= FEB., 94 $188.82 $169.60 $167.68 JAN. , 94 $ 234.40 $167.77 $161.11 DEC., 93 $145.27 $163.06 $164.84 NOV. , 93 $141.36 $163.40 $167.80 OCT., 93 $129.53 $162.72 $169.36 SEPT. , 93 $167.43 $164.11 $163.78 AUG., 93 $186.67 $164.94 $162.77 JULY, 93 $158.27 $165.37 $172.47 JUNE, 93 $175.90 $170.90 $170.40 MAY, 93 $152.55 $169.56 $171.26 APRII..s 93 $165,98 $166.12 $171.61 TOTAL $1,993.01 $1,980.44 $1,996.58 $1,992.98 CUSTOMER #4 MARCH, 94 $149.50 $163.06 $164.42 $177.88 Xl 1= FEB., 94 $200.48 $165.71 $162.23 JAM , 94 $ 228.36 $160.40 $153.60 DEC., 93 $146.36 $153.61 $154.34 NOV., 93 $125.38 $150.36 $152.86 OCT., 93 $107.67 $148.25 $156.37 SEPT., 93 $195.47 $147.59 $142.80 AUG., 93 $196.43 $142.92 $137.57 JULY, 93 $182.92 $128.01 $122.52 JUNE, 93 $163.31 $137.49 $134.91 MAY, 93 $133.39 $132.40 $132.30 APRIlm4 93 $127.45 $127.73 $127.79 TOTAL $1,956.72 $1,757.53 $1,741.71 $1,956.68 UT CUSTOMER ACCOUNT OPTIONS PAGE 3 MONTH ACTUAL AVERAGE + lU% EQUAL CUSTOMER #5 MARCH, 94 $70.63 $115.36 $119.83 $125.84 X11= FEB., 94 $84.42 $114.88 $117.92 JAN., 94 $80.81 $ l l6.48 $120.04 DEC., 93 $57.87 $115.79 $121.58 NOV., 93 $84.97 $117.01 $120.21 OCT., 93 $129.06 $124.23 $123.75 SEPT., 93 $187.17 $121.29 $114.71 AUG. , 93 $190.33 $115. 58 $108011 JULY, 93 $181.63 $109.54 $102.34 JUKE, 93 $156.29 $105.05 $99.93 MAY, 93 $87.60 $98.25 $99.31 APRII.493 $73.49 $96.98 $99.32 TOTAL $ 1, 384.27 $1, 350.44 $1, 347.05 $ 1, 384.24 CUSTOMER #6 MARCH, 94 $41.51 $64.01 $66.26 $69.83 Xl 1= FEB., 94 $44.55 $64.15 $66.11 JAN., 94 $51.60 $64.04 $65.28 DEC., 93 $45.89 $64.13 $65.95 NOV., 93 $41.43 $64.40 $66.69 OCT., 93 $58.42 $65.92 $66.67 SEPT., 93 $93.97 $63.60 $60.57 AUG., 93 $94.24 $61.25 $57.96 JULY, 93 $94.62 $61.07 $57.72 JUNE, 93 $102.87 $60.66 $56.64 MAY, 93 $58.98 $61.21 $60.78 APRII.s 93 $40.06 $62.65 $63.17 TOTAL $768.14 $757.09 $753.80 $768.13 "NOTE: ONLY 11 PAYMENTS PER 12 MONTH PERIOD. CITY OF SANGER P. O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 MEMQRANDUM #2481 TQa Honorable Mayor &Members of the City Council FROM: John Hamilton, City Administrato DATE: April 15, 1994 SUBJECT: Qrdinance #a4-94 -Amending City Code, Section 5.4Q1(a) - Arson Reward This ordinance amends the amount paid for Arson Rewards from $25a.09 to $1,000.96 as requested by the Fire Department. JH:es Enclosures H 1"'K- .?- 9Y I IJC 1 0 J L 1.. IJ Y t JCR Y a 4G H1-.C1`I4 1 L a `t .:7Y L a d 70 r a rl CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BANGER, TE7�AS, AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF SANDER BY RAISING THE AMOUNT OF THE REWARD OFFERED FOR INFORMATION LEADING TO TiIE ARREST ANIO CONVICTION OF ARSONISTS IN THE CITY; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY OF THIS ORDINANCE; PROVIDING FOIL ANY CONFLICTING PROVISIONS; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE FOIL TIIIS OItDZNANCE. NOW BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS: SECTION I: CODE OF ORDINANCES AMENDED ' That from and after the effective date of this ordinance, Chapter $, Section 5.40Q(a) of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Sanger, Texas, regarding the reward offered by the City for the provision of information leading to the az�rest and conviction of any persons) committing arson in the City shall read as follows: "(a) The Mayor of the Ciry of Sanger is hereby required, authorized, and empowered to offer a standing reward of one thousand dollars ($,t,000.00), payable to the person or persons who shall be responsible or the arrest and conviction of any person committing in said Ciry the crime o,�arson as the same is now defined by the penal code of the State of Texas." i 1 `� �i%� ���� �� ���i� That if any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase, or word in this Ordinance, or application thereof to any person or circumstances, �s held invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of the Ordinance, and the City Council hereby declares that it would have passed such remaining portions of the Ordinance despite such invalidity. BECTION III: cONFLiCT_rNG FROVTSIONS That any and all Ordinances of the Ciry of Sanger heretofore adopted which are in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby expressly repealed insofar as the saxne are in conflict therewith. SECTION IV: EFFECTIVE DATE That this Ordinance shall take effect immediately, from and after its passage and publication of the caption, as the law in such cases provides, Page 1 of 2 APR- 5-94 TUE 16:32 GOVOT SERVICE AGENCY 2143421996 P.11 PASSED AND APPROVED BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIDE CITY OF SANGERo TEXAS, ON THIS THE DAY OF 1994s ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY : + ' Page 2 0� 2 MEMORANDUM #2485 TO: FROM: DATE: CITE' OF SANGER P. O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 Honorable Mayor &Members of the City Council John Hamilton, City April 15, 1994 Administrator SUBJECT: Advertise Bids -Capital Street Improvements Improvements Program - The enclosed bid announcement was prepared by Hunter Associates to seek bids for Keaton Road improvements from FM 455 south to Duck Creek Road and Willow Street from 5th, east to the City Limits. The bid opening is scheduled for May 16th. This time schedule has been established in order to have street work this summer. For information, the last day of school is May 26th (Thursday) with classes reconvening on August 16th (Tuesday). The preliminary cost estimates are: VVi11ow Street - $493,56Q - $330,484 These estimates include drainage and engineering. JH:es Enclosure APR-13-19'3� 09�©2 BLCTTQN A P.02 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BrDS Sealed proposals addressed to the Mayer and Gity Council of the City of Sanger, 201 Bolivar Street, Sanger, Texas, �6265, will be received at the office Qf Mr. Jahn xamilton, City Manager until 4: oo n.m_� on �ondRy. May 16,,_1994 , fdr the fallowing project: �+AVING � DRAYNAGE IMPROVl'.MENTB KeatOri Road (F.M. 455 to Duck Creek Rd.) Wiilaw Street {Loop 138 to Jones St.) eidde�rs must submit with their bids a Cashier's check in the amount of five percent {5�} of the maximum amount bid, payable. without recourse to the City of Sanger ar a Proposal Bond in the same amt�unt from a reliable Surety company as guarantee that the Bidder will enter into a contract and execute bond and guarantee forms provided within ten (10} days after notice cif award of contract to him. The successful Bidder must furnish performance and payment bonds each in the amount of lOQ percent {100�} of the contract price from an approved Surety Company holding a permit from the state of Texas, to act as Surety and be acceptable according to the latest list of companies holding certificates of authority from the Secretary of Treasury of the United States, or ether Surety or Sureties acceptable to the Owner. All unit prices must be stated in bath script and figures. The c7wner reservers the right to reject any ar all bids and to waive formalities. In case of ambiguity or lack of clear»ess in stating the price in the bids, the Owner reserves the right to consider the most advantageous construction thereof, ar to reject the bid. Unreasonable or unbalanced unit prices will be considered sufficient cause of rejection of any bid or bids. Only original signatures will be accepted. Bidders are expected to inspect the site of the work and to inform themselves regarding local conditions and conditions under which the work is to be done. Attention zs called to the provisions of the Acts of the 43rd Legislature of the state of Texas and subsequent amendments Concerning the wage scale and payment of prevailing wages specified. Prevailing wage rate will be as established by the City of Sanger fQr this project. Instructions to Bidders, Proposal Forms, Specifications, Plans and Contract Documents, etc., may be examined without charge, ar may be obtained at the office of Hunter Associates, Inc., Consulting Engineers, $140 Walnut Hill Lane, Suite 500, Dallas, Texas ?5231, far a fee of Thirty-five Dollars ($ 35.OQ}, non-refundable. ATTESTS r= CITY of BANGER, 'TEXAS Nel Armstrong, Mayor City of Sunset 1794011E ��E. TOTAL P.02 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT. CITY OF SANDER P. O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 Honorable Mayor &Members of the City Council John Hamilton, City Administrato April 15, 1994 Contract For Services - Southwest ecurities The enclosed contract for services Capital Improvements is presented calculations are correct, their total June 9, 1994 when the Certificates on the progosed issue of $2,850,C100 for for your consideration. If my fee would be $19,640 and be due on are delivered. Southwest Securities may be compensated from the Certificate Revenue. As a point of explanation for these funds, a separate account for the $2,850,000 will be established at the City's bank depository, GNB, with the bank pledging securities to protect the deposit. JH:es Enclosures UNDI I ZUUITIES April 5, 1994 Mr. John Hamilton City Manager City of Sanger P. O. Box 578 Sanger, Texas 76266-0578 RE: $2,850,000 City of Sanger, Texas Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obli ag tion, Series 199t Dear John: i CIY OF `4 !APR 8 1994 f F =, R, TEXAS For consideration at the next City Council meeting, we enclose two original copies of our Financial Advisory Contract. Upon execution please retain one copy for your files and return one copy to us. Also, we enclose a suggested schedule of events for the issuance and sale of the certificates of obligation. Please call me if you have any questions or comments. DAA/pw Encl. _ Sincerely, Hen A. Almon Senior Vice President MEMBER: NEW YORK STOCK EXCNANOE 1201 ELM STF±EET, SUITE 4300, DALLAS, TEXAS 75270 (214) 851-1800 CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation, Series 1994 Suggested Schedule of Events 04/04/94 City Council meeting to adopt resolution stating notice of intent to issue certificates 04/11/94 Submit financial and statistical data to Southwest Securities, Inc. 04/11/94 Commence preparation of Official Statement 04/ 14/94 First publication of notice of intention to issue certificates 04/15/94 Submit draft of Official Statement to insurance companies, rating agencies and all parties for review 04/21/94 Second publication of notice of intention to issue certificates 04%21/94 Release Official Statement and offering documents to print 04/22/94 Mail Preliminary Official Statement to potential bidders 04/28/94 Receive ratings and insurance qualification OS/02/94 City Council meeting to award sale of the certificates and adopt ordinance authorizing the certificates OS/09/94 Mail final Official Statement 06/02/94 Receive Attorney General Approval 06/09/94 Payment for and delivery of the certificates Ap6l S, 1994 SOUTHWEST SECURITIES FINANCIAL ADVISORY CONTRACT The Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Sanger, Texas Ladies and Gentlemen: 1. We understand that. you contemplate the authorization and issuance of approximately $2,850,000 of tax and revenue certificates of obligation and that in connection with the authorization, issuance, sale and delivery of such certificates, you desire this proposal from us to perform professional services in the capacity of Financial Advisors for your City. 2. By this proposal, we offer our professional services and our facilities as Financial Advisors and agree to perform the following duties normally performed by such advisors, and to perform such other duties as, in our judgment, may be necessary or advisable: a. We will make a study of the debt structure of your City, the trend of the assessed valuation, its taxing power and the present and estimated future taxing power and the present and estimated future taxing requirements. If the revenues of a system or facility are to be pledged to repayment of the securities in question, the study will take into account any outstanding obligations which are payable from the net revenues thereof, additional net revenues to arise from any proposed rate increase and the additional net revenues as projected by your consulting engineers as a result of the improvements to be financed by these securities in question; and on the basis of such study, to devise and recommend for your approval, a plan of financing to cover the proposed certificates. Such plan shall include a maturity schedule and other terms and conditions, such as options of prior payment and the like, as will, in our opinion, result in the issuance of certificates under terms and conditions most advantageous to your City, consistent with a minimum effective interest rate. MEMBER: NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANQE 1201 ELM STREET, SUITE 4300, DALLAS, TEXAS 75270 (214) 651-1800 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Sanger, Texas Page 2 b. We will assist you in obtag competitive bids for services rendered from such other parties associated with the issuance, sale and delivery of the certificates. c. We understand that you have retained, or expect to retain, McCall, Parkhurst & Horton, L.L.P, a firm of recognized municipal bond attorneys who will prepare the proceedings and advise the steps necessary to be taken in the bond election, if required, the legal issuance of the certificates, the final delivery of the certificates and who will issue an opinion approving the legality of the certificates. The fee of said firm to be paid by the City. We will maintain liaison with this firm of bond attorneys and shall assist in all the financial advisory aspects involved in the preparation of appropriate legal proceedings and documents. d. If a bond election is required, we will assemble and transmit to the bond attorneys such data as may be required in the preparation of the necessary petitions, orders, resolutions, notices and certificates; and will assist your governing body in the expeditious handling thereof. We will arrange for the delivery to such official as you may designate such sets of election supplies, including ballots as are required for each polling place. The cost of such supplies is to be paid by the City. e. We agree to assist in the preparation of the Official Notice of Sale, Official Bid Form and Official Statement or Prospectus containing official data and other information of the nature and to the extent ordinarily required in bidding on certificates of this type, all of which we are to furnish in a sufficient number of copies to permit mailing to prospective bidders, a list of which we agree to provide. The cost of printing such Official Statements to be paid by the City. f. We will advise you of current bond market conditions. forthcoming bond issues and other general information and economic data which might normally be expected to influence interest rates or bidding conditions, so that the date for the sale of any certificates in the open market can be set at a time which, in our opinion, will be favorable. Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Sanger, Texas Page 3 g. We agree to conduct and handle the sale and delivery of the certificates. h. We will arrange for the printing of the certificates with the cost to be paid by the City. 3. We will consult with you on the matter of bond ratings for the proposed issue and, when so instructed, will direct the preparation of such information, as in our opinion, is required for submission to the bond rating agencies. In case it is considered advisable for a personal presentation of information to the bond rating agencies, we will be available to accompany those representing the City to New York, New York for such presentation. All costs of such presentation, including any fees or charges of the rating agencies and the cost of travel by our representative, shall be at your expense. 4. If appropriate, we will direct the preparation of such information as, in our opinion, is required for submission to the municipal bond insurance companies for consideration to qualify the proposed issue for municipal bond insurance. The cost of such insurance to be paid by the successful purchaser of the proposed issue. 5. We agree to direct and coordinate the entire program of financing herein contemplated and to assume and pay our own travel, communication and out-of-pocket expenses. It is specifically understood and agreed, however, that this obligation on our part shall not cover payment of any local election expenses; nor shall it cover the cost of publication of notices in newspapers or other publication costs, the fees of the State of Texas Attorney General or the expenses of any litigation. 6. As consideration for the services rendered by us and as reimbursement for the expenses which we are to incur, it is understood and agreed that your City is to pay and we are to accept, a cash fee for such professional services in accordance with the fee schedule set forth on page 4 herein. Such fee shall become due and payable simultaneously with delivery of the certificates to the purchaser. Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Sanger, Texas Page 4 FEE SCHEDULE IF THE AMOUNT OF BONDS DELIVERED TO PURCHASER IS: AND NOT MORE THAN MORE THAN THE FEE IS MIN][MUM FEE 11 111 11 111 11 111 111 111 � 111 111 11 111 1,500,000 2,500,000 11 111 111 111 111 111 1 111 111 1 111 111 1 111 111 20,000,000 No Limit 4,500 plus $12.00 per $1,000 for all over $100,000 9,300 plus $6.00 per $1,000 for all over $500,000 12,300 plus $5.00 per $1,000 for all over V,000,000 14,800 plus $4.00 per $1,000 for all over $1,500,000 18,800 plus $2.40 per $1,000 for all over $2,500,000 24,800 plus $2.10 per $1,000 for all over $5,000,000 35,300 plus $1.80 per $1,000 for all over $10,000,000 53,300 plus $1.40 per $1,000 for all over $20,000,000 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Sanger, Texas Page 5 7. In the event this proposed financing is not consummated, then the fee due us shall be nothing; however, should the same or similar proposition again be considered within twenty- four (24) months from the date hereof then, at our option, the agreement covered by this proposal shall apply to any certificates authorized. 8. It is further understood and agreed that we reserve the right to submit a bid for any certificates offered for public sale. 9. This agreement shall be terminated by the delivery to the purchaser of the certificates covered hereby or by the elapse of twenty-four (24) months from date of your acceptance hereof, whichever shall first occurs however, should it be advisable to extend this contract, it is further understood that this may be done by mutual consent. 10. This proposal is submitted in duplicate, and when accepted by you it will constitute the entire agreement between your City and the undersigned for the purposes and considerations herein specified. Your acceptance will be indicated by the signature of your Mayor, attested by your City Secretary on both copies, and returning one executed copy to us. Respectfully submitted, SOUTHWEST SECURITIES, INC. By Dan A. Almon, Senior Vice President ACCEPTANCE ACCEPTED pursuant to resolution adopted by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas on this the day of , 19 ATTEST: Mayor City Secretary TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF SANGER P. O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 Honorable Mayor &Members of the City Council John Hamilton, City Administrator April 15, 1994 reapplication -Public Library Construction Grant The enclosed Library Construction description and grant application is presented for your review. If funded, the actual start time for construction could be delayed till Septemberlst. Staff requests permission to submit the preapplication paperwork. NOTE: Currently, we are working with Architect Gerald Stone to have a bid advertisement for the Library available for your approval at one of the May meetings with a bid opening tentatively scheduled for June 6th. This could be adjusted if the project receives the $100,000 grant. JH:es Enclosure 71 TITLE II TIMETABLE April 29 Two copies of the signed Preapplication due at the Texas State Library by the end of the business day (5:00 p.m.). May Preliminary recommendations for funding mailed to all applicants. Applicant's response, if any, due at the Texas State Library. June Successful applicants submit Title II application. Texas State Library forwards recommended projects to Washington. July Texas State Library and Archives Commission approves all grants. August Contracts between the Texas State Library and grant recipients issued following approval by the U.S. Department of Education. September 1 Projects begin. PREAPPLICATION CHECKLIST While it is important to provide all the information requested on the Preapplication and the Guidelines, failure to provide the minimal information listed below could result in rejection of the Preapplication. Narrative Should Include -- gross square footage of existing public library buildings) owned by city or county -- square footage of the proposed library building -- all in -kind and actual cost estimates clearly differentiated -- project timetable -- name of state senator and state representative Project Cost Estimates Cost estimates should be realistic to ensure that the library building can be completely constructed, furnished, and equipped for opening day. Preapplication Submittal TWO (2) signed copies of the Preapplication submitted to the Texas State Library. The Preapplication should be signed by an official authorized to enter into agreements binding on the city or county. Please note that the Preapplication references the assurances found in the Guidelines, Part XI. Additional Steps to Take The Guidelines, Part VIII.A., lists additional steps that you must take at this time. TEXAS STATE LIBRARY, LSCA TITLE 11 PREAPPLICATION Page 2 1. Does this assistance request require State, local, regional or other priority rating? Yes X No 2. Does this assistance require State or local advisory, educational or health clearance? Yes X No 3. Does this assistance request require State, local, REGUNAL or other planning approval? X Yes No 4. is the proposed project covered by an approved comprehensive plan? Yes X No 5. Will the assistance requested serve a Federal installation? Yes X No 6. Will the assistance requested be on Federal land or installation? Yes X No 7. Will the assistance requested have an effect on the environment? Yes X No 8. Will the assistance requested cause the displacement of individuals, families, businesses, or farms? 9. Is there other related assistance for this project previous, pending, or anticipated? Yes R No PART I11- PROJECT COST Q Q El TOTAL ACTUAL IN -KIND COST PROJECTCOST 1. Land Acquisition 55,000 5 5, 0 0 0 2, ArChilteMral/Engineenng Fees 20,231 201,231 3. Construction 337,175 337,175 4. Furniture/Shehring/Equipment 6 2, 4 61 62,461 5. Other Costs (Site preparation, Soil tests, etc.) ` a o 0 TOTALS 474,867 474,867 • TEXAS STATE LIBRARY, LSCA TITLE 11 PREAPPLICATION Page 3 The brief narrative of the proposed construction project should include the following minimal Information: 1) the gross square footage of the existing library building$ 2) the gross square footage of the proposed building (if the proposed building is a branch, include the gross square footage of all owned library facilities); 3) list by source, the total amount of local project costs on hand at the time of preapplication submittal; " 4) a brief project time table; I* 4p pool too t ' . 5) the name of your state senator and state representative. A state chartered, non-profit Library Development Board has purchased an 80' X 120' lot, located at the northwest corner of Business I-35 and Bolivar Street, in downtown Sanger as the site for the new library. The purchase of the site was completed in December, 1993 using private donations collected by the Library Development Board and $35,000.00 contributed by the City of Sanger. In December, 1993, the new library site was donated by the Library Development Board to the City of Sanger. In February, 1994, the City Council of Sanger appointed a Citizens Advisory Committee, and began conducting public hearings to receive citizen's comments on a proposed $2,850,000 Capital Improvements Program for 1994 which addresses the need for street, water and wastewater improvements as well as allocating $350,00 for the construction of a new library facility. At their regular meeting of April 4th, the City Council passed a resolution authorizing the issuance of Certificates of Obligation to finance the improvements including the construction of a new library. The proposed library has been designed and plans drawn, by the Architectural Collective, Inc., 1300 N. Locust, Denton, Texas - 76202. Their architect, Gerald Stone, has began work on preparing a bid document for the authorization of the City Council with the bid opening for construction scheduled for June 6, 1994, unless this grant application is successful, and the time schedule is amended to correspond with your requirements. CITY OF SANGER P. O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 MEMORANDUM #2486 TO: Honorable Mayor & Members of the C FROM: John Hamilton, City Administrator DATE: April 15, 1994 SUBJECT: Administration Report Council 1). Early voting begins Monday, 4/ 18 and continues through Tuesday, 5/3. Early voting is conducted in the City Secretary's Office during normal business hours. 2}. The new dump truck and police patrol car are in service. 3). Sprint -Centel has forwarded the City's request for EAS telephone service to Denton and beyond to their Kansas City Headquarters. Mr. Rick Brown, their Economic Development Manager, will keep us advised as to Sprints response. 1). Mayor Armstrong received a request to contact Lone Star Gas regarding extending natural gas service to residents on the far east side of the City. As a result, Lone Star Gas representatives will be at City Hall, Monday, 4/ 18 at 9 a.m. to discuss options with neighborhood residents. Staff will report any results. JH:es City of Sanger Housing Type 1994 Population Estimates Estimated Housing Units l/1/94 Occupancy Rate 1/l/94 Average Household Size 1!1/94 APR 8 1994 � Group Quarters 111/94 Estimated Population 1/l/94 Single Family 1096 0.930 2.86 2910 Multi Family 149 0.812 2.40 291 Other 183 0.699 2.79 357 56 Total 3614 The 1994 Population estimate will be reported as Revised 1993 Population Estimates City of Sanger Estimated Housing Housing Units Type 1/1/93 Occupancy Rate 1/l/93 Average Household Size 1/1/93 Group Quarters 1/l/93 3600 Estimated Population 1/l/93 Single Family 1077 0.930 2.86 2860 Multi Family 149 0.812 2.40 291 Other 183 0.699 2.79 357 56 Total 3564 The 1993 Revised Population estimate will be reported as 3550 CiTY OF SANGE 7 ; APR 13 1994 APRIL 7, 1994 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN:' RE: PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF CHURCH STREET AND TENTH STREET (SANGER,TEXAS) WOULD YOU PLEASE PROVIDE COPIES OF THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION?: IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO DO SO COULD YOU PLEASE EXPLAIN WHY YOU ARE UNABLE TO DO SO, IN'.-vWRITING.' 1.) ORIGINAL ZONING ORDINANCE FOR PROPERTY. �.) PLANNING & ZONING MAP PRIOR TO 1980 3.) PLANNING AND ZONING MINUTES FROM JULY 14, 1987 AS WELL AS ANY OTHER P & Z MINUTES REGARDING THE SAME PROPERTY. 4.) CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FROM JULY 201 1987. 5.) COPRIES OF PUBLIC NOTICES POSTED AT THE TIME BETWEEN JUNE 1, 1987 AND AUGUST 1, 1987 REGARDING ZONING CHANGES IN THE CITY LIMITS OF SANGER. THANK YOU, CONCERNED CITIZENS OF SANGER c c 600 S. 10th STREET SANGER, TEXAS 76266p.,:027 080 820 *Tm UNITEO STATES POSTAL SERVICE 0000 THE CITY MANAGER OF SANGER MR. JOHN HAMILTON BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 U.S. POSTAGE PAID SANGER.TX 76266 APR 12.-99 AMOUNT �2.�9 00092229 April 13, 1994 Concerned Citizens of Sanger 600 South loth Street Sanger, Texas 76266 Dear Concerned Citizens: In regard to your letter dated April 7, 1994, and received at City Hall on April 13, 1994, any and all items requested are public record and available for inspection and photocopy at $.25 per page. As previously discussed with several interested individuals, the property in question has been zoned for Multi -Family Residences for many years. Addressing your specific five (5) questions: this time, the earliest zoning February 3, 1964 which speaks time, no corresponding zoning dinance oron file is dated to a zoning map; however map has een located. b 2). The earliest existing Zoning Map is dated 1983 researching ordinance 82-1, Sec. 3(q), appears the Zoning map of 1983 is essentially the same 1964v at this as and through to indicate that adopted in 3). The requested minutes from July 14, 1987 are available for review and copy. 4). The requested City Council minutes are available for review and copy. 5). A copy of the Sanger Courier publication of the 1987 Zoning Map has been provided. s:�-4Ss-'7930 ss7-aS�4sao FA7[ Concerned Citizens 4/ 13/94, page 2 Your request has been forwarded to the Consulting City Attorney, Neiman and Barnes of Lewisville and been discussed with the General Counsel of the Texas Municipal League (TML). It is our attorneys opinion that all building permits were issued in accordance with City requirements; and therefore, the City could not deny the permits for the project without exposure to liability. Specifically, the TML legal staff cited Sec. 481.143(a), Texas Government Code (Vernon 1990) which provides: "The approval, disapproval, or conditional approval of an application for a permit shall be considered by each regulatory agency solely on the basis of any orders, regulations, ordinances, or other duly adopted requirements in effect at the time the original application for the permit is filed. If a series of permits is required for a permit, the orders, regulations, ordinances or other requirements in effect at the time the original application for the first permit in that series is filed shall be the sole basis for consideration of all subsequent permits required for the completion of the project" Please let us know if you would like to examine any of the documents you requested that are available. Sing John Hamilton City Administrator JH:es Cc: Mayor Armstrong & City Council Members C' it" of Michael `JV. Copeland Senior Transportation Planner North Central Texas Council of P.O. Box 5888 Arlington, Texas 76005-5888 Dear Mr. Copeland: pri Al 5, 1994 Governments At their regular meeting of April 4th, the Sanger City Council unanimously voted to request consideration to upgrade F.M. 455 from Lake Ray Roberts to F.M. 2450 from a minor artery to a regional artery. - This would connect two regional thoroughfares. for this growing area. In addition to residential and commercial growth within the City of Sanger, many residences are being constructed in the surrounding areas and a new $4,000,000 marina is under construction on the west side of Lake Ray Roberts on F.M. 1190 that will significantly increase traffic east from Sanger on F.M. 455. Also, the Sanger Fire Department serves the largest area fire district in Denton County and thoroughfare improvements would increase response times for public safety. Your consideration of amending the Regional Thoroughfare Plan to change this mentioned section of F.M. 455 to a regional artery is appreciated. S'ncerely, i r.- 67- o in Hamilton v Administrator cc: Mayor and City Council Public Works Fire Department CITY OF SANGER P.O. BOX 578 SANGER, TX 76266 MEMORANDUM TO: John Hamilton, City Manager�� FROM: Rose Chavez, City Secretary DATE. April 6, 1994 SUBJECT: Billing for 3.20-94 USAGE Total t�Vater Gallons Total Sewer Gallons Total KWH BILLING Electric Billing Water Billing Sewer Billing Sanitation Billing 1670 RC:kw 8,Q00,100 8,0000100 1,740,443 TOTAL 14o,4Q5.4Q 28, 527.26 21,734.12 15,097.74 $ 205,764.52 $70,967.65 NO. OF METERS IN SERVICE FUEL ADJUSTMENT .01840 1345 151 133 CALCULATED FUEL ADJUSTMENT OLD: 0.0653 NEt�tl: 0.0184011 to tt ro as k'o.s�,D .moo Pt� --- ---T-�2�i�'' ��n0G.--_7_�A�------TUB _ _Buy' 77h4?' Al �1�1-r' , itoart_ ova _ - - WAS lbzAase - of 9l/ h,*Vv , metsoo - wacc,e ReLp ws, _ w�--2ecEzv &,, f OENTON COUNTY ELECTRIC April 11, 1994 Dear Member; APR 13 1994' l r ILL, According to our By -Laws, members who live in a district where a Director's term expires are to be notified of this fact prior to the annual meeting. Please consider this letter as your notice. Nominations for a director from your district may be made by submitting the name of a candidate on a petition signed by not less than twenty-five members residing within the district to be represented. Please note that only one signature per membership can be used; i.e., both husband and wife cannot sign a nomination petition. Petition forms are available from the Cooperative office. Nomination petitions must be accompanied by awritten consent from the nominee stating a willingness to serve on the Board of Directors if elected. The petition and attached consent statement should be submitted to the Cooperative's office no later than 5:00 p.m., May 6, 1994, in order to have the nominee's name printed on the ballot. Additional nominations maybe made from the floor at the annual meeting. If you have questions about the election process, please contact me for further explanation. We hope you will plan to attend this year's annual meeting on Tuesday, June 7, where you may take part in the election of directors, enjoy the meal, and visit with friends and neighbors. Very Truly Yours, Bill McGinnis General Manager 3501 FM 2181 •Corinth, Texas 76205 Metro (817) 430-1195 • Wats (800) 274-4014 •Fax (817) 497-6525 John Hall, Chairman Pam Reed, Commissioner Peggy Garner, Commissioner Anthony Grigsby, Executive Director ��(� �, d il:i f�iTi OF' �A�iG ''�' r--�. � AP R 5 1994 .-:�� .. �� . , :. �--� TG-vr1. TEXAS NATURAL RESOURCE CONSERVATION COMMISSION Protecting Texas by Reducing and Preventing Pollution To: State Agencies, Local Governments, School Districts, Councils of Governments, and Landfill Operators From: Patti Ever`����Ivianager, Office of Pollution, Prevention and Recycling Date: Mazch 29, 1 Re: April 1 Ban on Disposal of Oii Filters in Land�ills On April 1, the ban on disposal of used oil filters in landfills that has been in effect for commercial enterprises will be extended to do-it-yourselfers who change their own oil. Beginning April 1, it will be illegal to dispose of any used oil filter in a landfill. I am asking for your help in the smooth implementation of this ban. Your organization is involved with implementation of this ban because you operate collection centers, have a fleet of vehicles that generate filters, coordinate local solid waste planning or operate landfills. I wanted to let you know what the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission (TNRCC) is doing to inform Texans about the ban and let them know how they can legally dispose of their used oil filters. Over the next two months, TNRCC will: ■ Work to establish used oil filter collection across Texas with retailers and used oil collection centers who agree to accept used oil filters from the public; ■ Provide funds for used oil filter equipment at public collection centers; ■ Build a data base of all used oil collection centers that also collect used oil filters, and make this information available to the public through the CLEAN TEXAS 2000 Information Center hotline, 1-800-64-Texas; and ■ Distribute news releases about the used oil filter ban statewide and conduct a major public education campaign with public and private organizations in mid -May. Texas is the first state to implement such an extensive ban to protect our ground water, rivers and streams. Only through our combined, cooperative efforts can this ban be smoothly and successfully implemented. If you are now or plan to accept used oil filters from the public at your collection center, retail outlet, or landfill, please fill out the attached form so that we will know what services aze available to the public in your geographic area. If you have questions or suggestions, please call me or TNRCC's Manager for Used Oil Outreach, Kit Seay at 512/239-6'762. P.O. Box 13087 Austin, Texas 78711-3087 512/239�1000 printed nn recycled Daper using wy�baaed ink consistent with past and current practices up to the closing date, 5) make the appropriate filings; 6) comply with the Workers' Assistance and Retraining Notification Act of 1989; and 7) make appropriate maintenance and repairs. Section 5. Conditions to Purchaser's Closing. The representations and warranties shall be true and correct, the appropriate consents shall have been obtained, and no material adverse change or litigation shall have occurred. Section 6. Conditions to Seller's Closing. The representations and warranties shall be true and correct, the appropriate consents shall have been obtained; and there has been no adverse litigation. Section 7. Documents to be Delivered at Closing. Galaxy shall deliver: 1) bill of sale, 2) officer's certificate; 3) legal opinion; 4) consents, 5) noncompetition agreement; and 6) appropriate schedules. Friendship shall deliver. 1) payment, 2) officer's certificate, 3) legal opinion; 4) consents; and 5) appropriate schedules. Section 8. Survival. All representations and warranties shall survive the closing. Section 9. Indemnification of Purchaser. Subject to certain limitations, Galaxy shall indemnify and hold Friendship harmless. Section 10. Indemnification of Seller. Subject to certain limitations, Friendship shall indemnify and hold Galaxy harmless. Section 11. General Rules Regarding Indemnification. This section outlines the rules to be following to receive indemnification under Section 9 and 10. Section 12. Risk of Loss. Galaxy shall bear the risk of loss between the date of this agreement and the closing date. Section 13. Failure to Close because of Default. The parties shall have and retain all of the right afforded them at law or in equity by reason of that default. Section 14. Termination Rights. This agreement may be terminated if the closing has not occurred by September 30, 1994, if either party defaults and the default has not been cured; if the conditions precedent to closing have not been satisfied; or by mutual written consent. Section 15. Miscellaneous Provisions. This section covers expenses, amendments, notices, assignments, counterparts, headings, entire agreement, waiver, governing law, no third party beneficiaries, and arbitration.