04/04/1994-CC-Agenda Packet-RegularCITY COUNCIL AGENDA APRIL 4, 1994 201 BOLIVAR STREET, CITY HALL 7:00 P.M. 1. Call to Order, Invocation and Pledge to the Flag 2. CONSENT AGENDA a). Approve Minutes -Workshop Meeting &Regular Meeting b). Disbursements c). Proclamation #P2-94 - Texas Archeology Awareness Meek, April 9-16th AGENDA 3. Citizen's Input 4. Conduct Public Hearing Regarding Capital Improvements Program 5. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Resolution #R3-94 - Notice of Intent to Issue $2,850,000 Combination Tax and Utility System Junior Lien Revenue Certificates of ObligatioPA58SED1994 1�_ ►� (� 6. Discussion Regarding Multi -Family Zoned, (Triplex), 1002 Church Street - Sherry Lewis 7. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Arson Reward Program - Fire Chief Bill Murrell, Fire Department PASSED V ��-'- 8. Consider and Possible Action Awarding Police Vehicle Bid _ _ 01 PASSED 9. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Ordinance #02-94 - Average Billing Option - Electric 10. Consider and Possible Action Regarding DentonoAu`�n ®e iona Thoroughfare Plan 11. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Upper Trinity Regional Water District Contract 12. City Administration Report 13. Any Other Such Matters 14. Adjournment Rosaiie Chavez, City Se 3/31/94 3:45 p.m. Date & Time_.,pQsted MINUTES: City Council Workshop March 21, 1994, 6:oo p.m. Ill�il_ • PRESENT: Mayor Nei Armstrong, Councilman Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Russell Madden, Councilwoman Margie Braxton, Councilman Jerry Jenkins, and Councilman Jack Richardson OTHERS PRESENT: City Administrator John Hamilton, City Secretary Rosalie Chavez and Electric Superintendent Larry Yoast 1. Mayor Armstrong called the workshop meeting to order. 2. Discussion Regarding Capital Improvements Mr. Hamilton addressed City Council regarding the Advisory Committee's recommendations on Capital Improvements regarding Streets, New Library, Water and Wastewater Improvements. Council discussed the Committee's priority list concerning the street projects. There were some streets they felt should be moved up to the priority list. The Water and Sewer Improvement would be to improve or expand the system for both fire protection and delivery of water capability and sewer for every current resident or business in the City. Options far financing were discussed as to whether to consider a Bond Election or Certificates of Obligation. Council felt if they considered Certificates of Obligations would not require election and work could begin sooner. The mayor requested that staff advertise for another Public Hearing to be held next Tuesday on the 29th. Council also requested that notice A Public Hearing be posted at Post Office, at the Banks, Burrus Supermarket and the Library. 3. Any Other Such Matters -None 4. Meeting adjourned. MINUTES: City Council Meeting March 21, 1994, 7*00 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT. OTHERS PRESENT. Mayor Nei Armstrong, Councilwoman Margie Braxton, Councilman Russell Madden, Councilman Jack Richardson, Councilman Jerry Jenkins, and Councilman Tommy Kincaid City Administrator John Hamilton, City Secretary Rosalie Chavez and Electric Superintendent Larry Yoast, Chief of Police Benny Erwin, Sherry Lewis, Joe Bell, Mark Bulger, Jim McDaniel, Ron and Brenda Nixon, Deborah Hilliard, Betty Robinson, Terry Jenkins, Sally Stratso-Sanger Courier, Steve Day, Bryan Lee, Harvey Anthony & his wife 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order. Councilman Madden gave the invocation which was followed by the pledge to the flag. 2. CONSENT AGENDA a}. Approve Minutes b}. Disbursements Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins and seconded by Councilwoman Braxton to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion carried. 3. Citizen's Input a}. Mark Bulger who resides at 504 S. 10th along with the following residents in that area, Terry Jenkins, Jim McDaniel, Harvey Anthony and his wife, Sherry Lewis, Bryan Lee, were present regarding a building permit issued for Multi -Family on the corner of Church and loth. Mr. Bulger and the neighbors in that part of town were wanting City Council to intervene regarding construction of Multi -Family in that area. They were requesting City Council to intervene and possibly delay the developer from pouring the slab to allow the residents in that area time to investigate and come up with some resolution. Mayor Armstrong advised City Council cannot discuss this matter. She advised Council will take this under advisement. b). Sherry Lewis and Harvey Anthony also addressed City Council on the same issue. CC MIN., 3J21J94, PAGE 2 4. Public Hearing on Proposed Capital Improvements Project Mayor Armstrong declared Public Hearing open. No one present to speak far or against this item. Mayor Armstrong did advise that another Public Hearing will be held on March 29th at Community Center. Mayor Armstrong declared Public Hearing closed. 5. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Ordinance #02-94 -Average Billing Option - Electric Discussion followed concerning City of Denton, Denton County Coop. and Lone Star Gas Average Billing Procedures. Council felt that Lone Star Gas Average Billing Procedure was the best option. This option would always use the current month in their calculation. Item tabled to allow staff to correct the ordinance. 6. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Ordinance #03-94 - ETJ Petition, Joe Higgs Motion was made by Councilman Madden and seconded by Councilman Jenkins to adopt Ordinance #03494, ETJ Petition, Joe Higgs' property, 211.6 acres located on the Denton -Cooke County Line in Denton County. Motion carried. 7. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Resolution #R2-94 -North Central Texas Electrical Examination Program Interlocal Agreement Electric Superintendent Larry Yoast addressed City Council regarding the standard testing for electric competency. Larry advised that this would mean that all the cities who join together will give the same test. The test would be given once every three (3) months. Discussed. Motion was made by Councilman Madden to adopt Resolution #R2-94. Seconded by Councilman Jenkins. CC MIN., 3/21/94, PAGE 3 CITY GF SANGER, TEXAS RESOLUTION #R2-94 That the City of Sanger will participate in a competency testing program for electricians on a regional basis through the North Central Texas Council of Governments; and, That the City of Sanger authorizes NCTCfJG to execute an interlocal agreement with the other participating jurisdictions and NCTCOG signaling participation in this program; and, That the City of Sanger agrees to accept the results of the examinations administered by the approved testing agency through NCTCGG as the applicant's fulfillment of the competency testing component of the City of Sanger electrical license requirements. Motion carried. S. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Authorizing Bids For New Police Vehicle Motion was made by Councilman Richardson to advertise for bids for the larger vehicle. Seconded by Councilman Kincaid. Mayor Armstrong advised Councilmembers that if they just bid for the larger vehicle and it comes above what was budgeted they would have to rebid the smaller one. If they bid for both they can decide between the two. Councilman Richardson amended his motion to advertise for bids on two size police vehicles. Seconded by Councilman Kincaid. Motion carried. 9. City Administration Report City Administrator reported on the following items: a}. Burrus Supermarket has again donated two hundred small trees to the city. These small trees have been planted in a second "tree farm" next to the Community Garden spot on Railroad Avenue. In another year the trees at the Wastewater Treatment Plant Farm will be large enough to transplant and some of these CC MIN., 3j21j94, PAGE 4 trees are Desert Willow. b}. From January 1st through March 15th, a total of nine (9} single family residential permits valued at $446,300 have been issued. Also one triplex valued at $90,000 and one small commercial building valued at $19,200 were issued. c}. Water Department Employee Vince Villanueva resigned effective 3-18-94. d}. Larry Yoast has also posted a position vacancy in his department. e}. Due to Easter Holiday, Friday, April lst, City Hall will be closed. f). Easter Egg Hunt will be held Saturday, April 2nd, at the Downtown Park. 10. Any Other Such Matters a}. Councilman Madden asked about the "white birds." Larry Yoast stated that all the trees have been cut down where they were nesting. The birds usually come in around April, they won't know if they'll continue to come until sometime in April. b}. Sherry Lewis commented about how dark it was on loth Street. Mayor Armstrong advised it would be checked into. c). Councilman Jenkins asked Mark Bulger if the speeding problem had eased somewhat on loth Street. Mr. Bulger stated that people still drive fast through that street. Mayor advised that they will instruct the Police Department to check into that. 11. Meeting adjourned. CITY OF BANGER UENDOR INU NO 15G1 ARM COMMUNICATIONS BATTERIES/RADIOS 34'�5 4�'1. 11�0 4�4.11�� TOTAL AF' OPEN ITEM LIST COMPANY 1�G 3/3O/94 F'AGE i 08ac"3 INU DTE GO NUM DUE DTE LURCH AMT DISC. AMT F'.0. DOX 5G3"c4 116 MAPLE ST ,�/16/S4 141UtG 4/G5/94 5�+8.G� .00 L0.O� 48+�. �� 3300 BAKER � TAYLOR COMPANY G.O. BOX 4160 BOOKS 17355343 3/23/94 14P193 4/05/94 475. �RG� 43. 18 TOTAL 4�3G CASCO INDUSTRIES INCOR. 6+�7 WEST FEND ST. EDUIP. REPAIR-FI 146571 3/�3/�4 1388E 431.11�b� 110.5�+ TOTAL 651�G C�H JANITORIAL SUGF'LIES JANITORIAL SUPGL 181�1 411.01G� 44c. G3�G TOTAL 7575 CONTINENTAL RESEARCH CORD F'ROTECTANT-ALL D 53616 419. Q�3G0 419.�5�G 419. �6G� 41 S. 07GG 415. 110� 419.1�G� 415. EGO 419.�6G@ TOTAL F'.O. BOX liQ�4 3/�3/94 c4.7G 15.9G 3tt2/94 I5. 12 15. 1� 15. 1� 15.1� 15.1E 15.12 15. 1? 15. 12 15.15 9L5G DATA BUSINE55 FORMS, INC. 163-167 HOWELL DATA PROC. SUGPL 133714 3ti5/'�4 411. iS�O 125.3ui TOTAL 1�5G�h DEALERS ELECTRIC SUPPLY FUSEHOLDERlELBOW c1678361 47�. �8�@ F'UC-ELECT. 0177475� 47�. �a�� TOTAL 115G0 DENTEX SUPPLY CO., INC. ADAGTERS/NOZZLES 915Q�8 404. �9�� HEADS/NOZZLES-PA 91873 4C�S. �90� TOTAL 3I15lS4 1+�R. 51 3/?c/94 a3. �� � �� SOO. GG 43. 18 43.18 11�.5G 14G84 4lG5/94 4�.6� G.O. BOX 84L8 14G14 4/G5/94 136.11 136. 11 G.O. BOX 565367 14G45 4/O5/94 1?5.3Q� 125.3Q+ G.O. BOX �676 13675 4/05/94 1Q�c.51 14�4L 4/O5/94 1�26 DUNCAN ST. 3/�8/94 13893 4/�5/94 116.17 3/18/'�4 14C�66 4/05/94 17.76 33a YJL 135.53 116.17 17.76 133.93 ►, . GO 13�Q�Q� CITY OF DENTON, ACC. MUNICIGAL BUILDING L15 EAST MCKINNEY AMBULANCE SERU.- A6G�6 3i84194 14116 4/�5/94 3,075.6E CITY OF BANGER AP OPEN ITEM LIST COMPANY 100 3/30194 PAGE 08.c9 VENDOR INV NO INV DTE PO NUM DUE DTE PORCH AMT DISC. AMT 447.3000 31075.6L TOTAL 31075.6L too 16200 DETCO INDUSTRIES y P.O. BOX 430 CLEANING SUPPLIE 53472 3/24/94 13993 4/05/94 57.71 .00 424.0300 57.71 DEGREASER/LUBE-A 53484 3124/94 14103 4/05/94 e71.33 .00 419.0300 27e 13 419.0500 27e 13 419.0600 27. 13 419.0700 87.13 419, 0800 27e 13 419.0800 27e13 419e1000 27.30 4111100 27.30 4111200 27.30 419,2000 E6.65 TOTAL 329.04 .00 i6E�5 DIAMOND LAKE BOOK CO. P.O. BOX 974 BOOKS/CARD KITS 15912A 3/16/94 13959 4/05/94 69.21 .00 475. 0200 6121 TOTAL 69.21 .00 16526 ELLIOT ELECTRIC SUPPLY P.O. BOX 630610 NACOGDOCHES, TX 75963 COUPLINGS/LOCKNU 19048741 3/21/94 14043 4/05/94 13.85 .00 470e0800 13.85 TOTAL 13.85 .00 165E9 EMORY BOOTY CO. COPIER SUPPLIES- 1495440 3I58/94 14130 4/05/94 85.00 .00 478.1900 85.00 TOTAL 85.00 .00 17700 GALL'S INC. r470 F'ALUMBd DRIVE F'.O. BOX 55L68 WEARING APPAREL- 5752688 3/09/94 1364� 4105/94 157.90 .00 416.1100 157.90 VIDEO CAMERA-POL 57582280 3/14/94 13989 4/05/94 11014.94 e00 418.0300 19014.94 TOTAL 11172t 84 too 19253 GREEN THUMB, INC. TITLE U F'.0. BOX 7898 WORf�,ERS CdMP. CO 13958 3/16/94 13958 4/05/94 100.00 .00 442. 0800 100.00 TOTAL 100e00 .00 ,90350 HARCROB CHEMICALS BOX 419038 DEFT 060 CHLORINE-WATER/S 16000716 3/18194 14090 4/05194 1,740.00 .00 415.0600 870.00 415.0700 870.00 TOTAL 11740.00 .00 20375 HARPOOL FARM & GARDEN CEN 420 E. MCKINNEY STe WEED/FEED-PARKS 10413 3/E5/94 14069 4/05/94 E24.75 .00 415.0900 2E4.75 TOTAL 224. 75 .00 VENDOR AP OPEN ITEM LIST COMPANY 100 3/30194 PAGE 3 08.29 INV NO INV DTE PO NUM DUE DTE PURCH AMT DISC. AMT LFGVVV HILL -SNIDER GHEV., ING. P. O. BOX 88 FUEL PUMP42 POL 104085 3/03/94 13941 4/05/94 135.71 .00 419.0300 135.71 INSPECTION -ELECT 25165 3/09/94 13944 4/05/94 13.25 .00 419.0800 13.25 TOTAL 148.96 .00 24632 ,IESWOOQ OIL COMPANY P.O. BOX 2026 FUEL PURCHASE-FE 14113 3/22/94 14113 4/05/94 11515.91 .00 414.1000 106.35 414.0300 460.53 414.2600 46.92 414.0500 354.96 414.1100 54.95 414,0600 144.39 4149 0800 26136 414.0700 84.45 TOTAL 11515.91 .00 25062 KIQS QISCOVER P.O. BDX 54204 SUBSCRIPTION 14095 3/23/94 14095 4/05/94 17.95 .00 430.0200 17.95 TOTAL 17.95 .00 26000 NRIZ DAMS CO. F'.D. BOX 2500 COUPLINGS/ELBOWS 326518 3t17/94 14040 4i05/94 749.97 .00 470vO8OO 749.97 CT'S/BRACKETS-EL 326341 3/23/94 14137 4/05/94 516.00 .00 470.0800 516.00 TOTAL 14265.97 .00 31250 MiSSISSIPPI TOOL &SUPPLY P.D. BOX 204 BARRELS/GLOVES�S 057099 3/i5/94 13910 4/05/94 578.80 .00 418.0500 532.25 412.1700 46.55 TOTAL 578.80 .00 31628 NATIONAL WILDLIFE FEQERAT 8925 LEESBURG PIKE UIENNA, VA 22184-0001 SUBSGRIPTIDN 13960 3/16194 I3960 4/05/94 15.00 .00 430.0200 15.00 TOTAL 15.00 .00 32252 OUR DESIGNS, INC. P.O. BOX 17404 BADGES/LETTERS4 102402 3/09/94 13881 4/05/94 321.33 .00 416,1100 321.33 TOTAL 321.33 .00 32775 FARTS COMPANY OF AMERIGA DEFT. 192-824850119 F'IUOT HINGE-SEWE 97024'L74 3/28/94 14078 4/05/94 28.05 .00 421.0700 28.05 TOTAL 28.05 .00 r~ i u` 35000 RADIO SHACK 410 BOLIVAR P.O. BOX 297 RECORDER/SURVEIL 40700013 3/11/94 13987 4/05/94 499.94 .00 472v O3OO 49194 BATTERY -POLICE 40710013 3/14/94 13988 4/05/94 34.95 .00 CITY OF BANGER AR OPEN ITEM LIST COMPANY 1�� 3/3�/94 PAGE 4 08.E9 UENDOR INV NO INU DTE PO NUM DUE DTE PURCH flMT DISC. AMT 4�4. �3�W 34.95 ANTENNA-UEH. MAI 4G740�+18 3/15/94 i4�13 4/Q+5/94 1E.99 .�(� 42�.1 ��+� 1 L. 99 VIDEO EQUIP. -POE 4�8+�A�G1 W/�i/94 13991 4/�5/94 49.95 .�� 47L.�3WG 49.95 BATTERY/CHARGER- 4�88�0�4 �/E3i94 1399R 4/�5/94 i3.98 .�� 424. �3�V+ 1 ?. 98 TOTAL 611.81 .�� 35�s�� RITE -MELD SUPPLY INC. P.O. BOX 1597 PROPANE TORCH -WA 616171 E/E8l94 13843 4/@5/94 7c.4� .O� 41�.060A 7G.4� SAFETY/WELDING S e^533 3lW9/94 1,:,94� 4I�5i94 E5.53 .O� 4��'4. EG�� �5.53 OXYGEN -FIRE DEFT 61888� �/�9/94 1�879 4/�5/94 14.G0 .A�7 4'1.110� 14. A� TOTAL ii1.93 .G� 3535G ROADRUNNER TRAFFIC SUPPLY F'.O.BOX 1�5837 STREET SIGNS 1GL94 3iR3194 139c7 4/�5/94 LQ�1.A0 .�� 43�. 05A� �G1. �� STREET SIGNS i�Cc9,"s 3/S3/94 i.;859 4t05194 i4B.8� .00 4,�8. Q�S�B i48.6� TOTAL ,�49.60 . ��6 4c9�7 STECK-UAUGHN CO. F'.O. BOX c^5A15 BOOI',S/PROCESSING 1�811487 ?�/E?,/94 144�94 4/�5/94 74.7c .00 475. �8�� 74.7E TOTAL 74.7E .�� 4385�+ TEMPLE, INC. P.O. BOX 97G�69 C.T.-PADMOUNTS-E �?551�97 3/�il94 14�44 4/95/94 19�'. ��6 . GO 47A. �+80W 19�. �� TOTAL 19�.0� .�� 50EGG UIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS P. O. BOX 8i9�E�4 OFFICE SUPPLIES- f�5EN48 3/15/94 14A5� 4/�5/94 18.31 41i.i9A� 18.31 TOTAL 18.31 540N� WILLIAMS TESTING LAB S1�b DAMES STREET SEWER ANALYSIS 3�49 3/L4/94 139,sE 4/�5/94 415. �►7�8� 145. W� TOTAL 54�3� WORLD BOOK EDUCATION DEFT. 771?9L ENCYCLOPEDIA -LIB 81941�85 3/e^3/94 475.08G0 559.0� TOTAL 55E85 TEXAS WASTE MANAGEMENT CONTAINER SERV.- 3c45�".4 3/c8/94 447.�4�0 1p�'�F.fic TOTAL 55875 REINERT PAPER & CHEMICAL DOLLY/AB"aORBENT �568 3/15/94 145. G� 145.0� P.O. BOX 77��� 14098 4Jk�5/94 559.�10 �. P.O. BOX G50549 14136 4I��194 1,2L8.6� 1 } c2E. 6L i431 COMMERCE BLVD. 1401E 4/05l94 8E.18 . OA .OG CITY OF SANGER AP OPEN ITEM LIST COMPANY 100 3/30/94 PAGE 5 08;29 VENDOR INV NO INV DTE PO NUM DUE DTE PURCH AMT DISC. AMT 4211200 82.18 TOTAL 82.18 .00 15, 298. 60 .00 TOTAL DUE WITH DISCOUNTS 15,298.60 TOTAL DUE- NO DISCOUNTS 159298.60 G/L DEPARTMENTS ADMINISTRATION-GF 1 24.70 LIBRARY 2 879.06 POLICE 3 2132186 SANITATION 4 1,226.62 STREETS 5 1,279.06 WATER 6 1,129.04 WASTEWATER 7 19169.75 ELECTRIC 8 1195134 PARKS 9 358.68 PUBLIC WORKS 10 133.65 FIRE 11 11201.10 VEHICLE MAINT-GF 12 137.59 PUBLIC WORKS-EF 17 46.55 DATA PROCESSING 19 228.61 VEHICLE MAINT-EF 20 67.30 ANIMM CCJDTRDL-GF 26 62.07 RiBULANCE SERVICE-GF 30 3,075.62 GaTERAL FUND 10,704.01 ENTERPRISE FUND 41594.59 CITY OF SANGER P. O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 MEMORANDUM # 2474 TO: Honorable Mayor &Members of the City Council FROM: Jahn Hamilton, City Administrate DATE: March 31, 1994 7 SUBJECT: Proclamation #P2-94 - fiexas Archeology Awareness Week, April 9 - 16th The enclosed Proclamation was prepared by the Denton County Historical Commission. JH:es Enclosure CITY GF SANGER, TEXAS PROCLAMATION #P2-94 A PROCLAMATION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS. WHEREAS, Denton County has a rich and diverse cultural heritage evident by its numerous archeological and historic sites; which is WHEREAS, preservation of Denton County archeological sites represents a unique and irreplaceable part of Texas history; WHEREAS, many citizens and organizations are striving to preserve and protect the archeological heritage of Denton County; WHEREAS, Texas Archeology Awareness Week offers an opportunity for Denton County citizens to reflect on the unique cultural legacy of Denton County and the contributions archeological studies offer in interpreting and understanding the past; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Nel Armstrong, Mayor of the City of Sanger, do hereby proclaim April 9, 1994 to April 16, 1994, as. TEXAS ARCHEOLOGY AWARENESS WEEK Proclaimed and Signed this of 1994. Nel Armstrong Mayor, City of Sanger ATTEST: Rosalie Chavez City Secretary �r,.••CoVIVj�.••• �' •I I I• • • March 189 1994 Honorable Nel Armstrong City of Sanger P.O. Box 578 Sanger, TX Dear Mayor Armstrong: r MAR 2 4 1994 3 Texas Archeology Awareness Week is April 9-16, 1994. The Governor of Texas has designated this week as a time for Texans to become aware of the importance of archeology in preserving and studying the past of Texas. The Denton County Historical Commission is asking each town and community in Denton County to use the enclosed proclamation to designate the week as Texas Archeology Awareness Week. A member of the Historical Commission would like to be present at your council meeting to receive the proclamation. Other activities are being planned to recognize the importance of Archeology. Many towns are not aware of guidelines and regulations governing excavations. At a later date, the Historical Commission will be forwarding to each city and community a copy of archeology regulations and guidelines from the State of Texas. We believe they will help you in your preservation efforts and in alleviating problems that excavations can bring about. We would like to have the proclamation for your town on or before the week of April 9th. Please contact our office about the date and time you will be able to schedule this event. This will allow us to designate a member of the Historical Commission to attend your meeting and request press coverage for your presentation. Please call our office using the toll free 800 number shown below. Norma Gamble, Executive Director, will be pleased to work with you in planning these activities. Thank you, Leon D. Callihan, Sr. Chairman Denton County Historical Commission cc: file P.O. BOX 2184, DENTON, TX 7F202 1st FLOOR, COURTHOUSE -ON -THE -SQUARE (817� 565-8693 1.800-346-3189 FAX: (817) 382.0845 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF SANDER P. O. BOX 578 SANDER, TEXAS 76266 Honorable Mayor & John Hamilton, City March 31, 1994 3rd Public Hearing Members of the City Administrator-- - Proposed Capital Council Im provement Projects This is the third scheduled public hearing on the proposed Capital Improvement Projects. JH:es TO: FROM: DATE: CITY OF SANGER P. O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 Honorable Mayor &Members of the City Council John Hamilton, City Administrate March 31, 1994 SUBJECT: ConsiderjAction on Resolution #R3-94 -Directing Publication of Notice of Intention to Issue Tax and Utility System Revenue Certificates of Obligation, Series 1994 The enclosed Resolution and support material was provided by the "Bond" attorneys to satisfy legal requirements for the proposed Certificate of Obligation Issue. JH:es Attachment SENT BYv 3-31-94 112*09PM ; MCCALLPARKHLRSTy 918174584180;# 2/ 6 �.�W OIMICE3 MCCALL, PARKHURST & HORTON L.L.P. 31Uo UNt AMI'RtGAN CENTER AUSTIN, TEXAS 767C3!•3234 TE �EPHUNr: 412 478.38CIS TFI,ECOPY� blc e772.0871 TO: John Hamilton 717 NORTH HAf•7WUOf7 NINThI FLOOR DALLAS, TEXA$ 9°3201.5587 FROM: Dan S. Culver" R.E: City of Sanger DA'1 E; March 31, '1.9�4 John: T6�cowona: ,?in ?i 4•GBUU TEIECOwY: 214 '3.�i 3•�77:iQ iC�::� ONE ��vr•,RWALM PLAct 5AN ANTONIO, 7EkA5 782053So3 TELEPnUnel c^t0 225 a3t}�� TcIECQWY: CIO a"2�•3'JA4 'The following language sh,r.�uld be used for the agenda item concerning the Certit`icates of Gbligatiail: The City Cquncil will cx�nsider the adoption of a Resolution Directing 1'ubhcallon of Ngtice of Intention LO issue Lax and Utillty System lm%eVe11Ue Certi[ic•atrs of Obligatinn, Series 1994. I am cnClgsing a copy of I.he Resolution. 'Wc will federal .Fxprrss execution u�pi�:� for Monday delivery. --------------------ry----------91$17�4�84180;# 5/-�---- _ � - ---------------------------------3-31-94 ;12�11PD1 � 1iCCaLLPaRKHL�RST-� SENT BY� � I RESOLUTION DYRECTING PUBLICATION OF NO �C�NiREVENUE ON TO ISSUE TAX ANO UTILI,'TY SY CERTIFICATES OF OBLIGATION, SERIES 1994 TF�E STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DENTON CITY OF BANGER ' '�J'HEREAS, the City deems it advisable to give notice of intention to issue Certificates of Obligation in the amount of $2,850,(}4Q for pay�lg aworks Pnrthe1 City, tow t contractual obligations for the purpose of constructing pu constructing and reconstructing streets t#�roughout th cludin� n w se age all ct�onsline.�d, extensions to the City's waterworks and sewer facilities, m g water distribution lines and water storage facilities, and 1 and en t�neering tees n canntectan Bolivar Street, and for paying legal, fiscal, arcl�rtcctura g1 with such projects; and V�-IEREAS, it is hereby officially found and determined that the meeting 1 ce h nchi this Resolution was passed, 'was open to their d baCh�uter 5�1tiTexastGovernm nt Code. purpose of said meeting was given, all as req y P THEREFORE, $E IT �2,ESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CfT'Y OF SANDER: 1. That attached hereto is a form of the Notice � andt suM� anceisaf whichd �s her 1 y System Revenue Certificates of pbligation, the form adapted and approved. 2. That the City Secretary shall cause said notice to re published in suUstantialiy the form attached hereto, in a newspaper of general cir wl eks the date of the irstppublhadon said City, on the same day in each of two consecutive e , thereof to be at least 14 days prior to the time set for the issuance of such certificates of obligation as shown in said notice. 3. That this Resolution shall become effective immediately upon adoption. v. I* a & q V W� va r a �v..1l r aa�lar�a ala\{aa i\.at\. a WAW4 4 XJWZIWV 7 fT V! V CERTIFICATE FOR RESOLUTION TH.E STATE OF TEXAS • COUNTY OF DENTON CITY OF SANGER We, the undersigned officers of said City, hereby certify as follows: 1. The City Council of said City convened in REGULAR MEETING ON THE 4T'H DAY OF APRIL, 1994, at the City Hall, and the roll was called of the duly constitutcd officers and members of said City Council, to -wit: Nel Armstrong, Mayor +Gerald Jenkins, Mayor Pro Tern Margie C. Braxton Tommy Kincaid Russell Madden Jack Richardson Rose Chavez, City Secretary and all of said persons were present, except the following absentees: __ thus constituting a quorum. 'Whereupon, among other business, the following was transacted at said Mooting: a written RESOLUTION DIRECTING PUBLICATION OF NOTICE OF iN'TENTION TO ISSUE COM$INA I WIN TAX AND UTILITY SYSTEM REVENUE CERTIFICATES OF OBLIGATION, SERIES 1994 was duly introduced for the consideration 6f said City Council and read in full. It was then duly moved and seconded that said Resolution be pissed; and, after due discussion, said motion carrying with it the passage of said Resolution, prevailed and carried by the following vote: AYF,S: All members of said City Council shown present above voted "Aye". NOES: None. 2. That a true, full and correct copy of the aforesaid Resolution passed at the Meeting described in the above and foregoing paragraph is attached to and f�11Uws this Certificate; that said Resolution has been duly recorded in said GSty Council's minutes of said NXeeting; that the above and foregoing paragraph is a true, full and correct excerpt from said City Council's minutes of said Meeting pertaining to the passage of said Resolution; that the persons named in the above and foregoing paragraph arc the duly chosen, qualified and acting officers and members of said City Council as indicated therein; that eacri �f the officers and members of said City Council was duly and sufficiently notified officially and personally, in advance, of the time, place and purpose of the aforesaid Meeting, and that said Resolution would be introduced and considered for passage at said N,feeting, and each of said officers and members consented, in advance, to the holding of said Meeting for such purpose, and that said Meeting was open to the public and public notice of the time, place and purpose of said meeting was given, all as required by Chapter SS 1, 'Texas Uovernment Code. 3. 'That the Mayor of said City has approved And hereby approves the aforesaid resolution; that the Mayor and the City Secretary of said City have duly signed said ir'tesolution; and that the Mayor and the City Secretary of said City hereby declare that their signing of this Certificate shall constitute the signing of the attached and following copy of. said Resolution for all purposes. SIGNED ANI7 SEALED the 4th day of April, 1994. City Secretary Mayor SEAL �� . CITY of sAx�ER NOTICE OF IN'CENTION TO ISSUE TAX AND UTILITY SYSTEM REVENUE CERTIFICATES OF OBLIGATION, SERIES I994 The City of Sanger does hereby give notice of intention to issue Tax and Utility System Revenue Certificates of Obligation, Series 1994, in the maximum principal amount not to exceed $2,$50,000 for paying all or a portion of the City's contractual obligations for the purpose cif constructing public works in the City, to -wit: constructing and reconstructing streets throughout the City, making improvements and extensions to the C`iity's waterworks and sewer facilities, including new sewage collection lines, water distribution lines and water storage facilities, and constructing a new la'hrary at Sth and Bolivar Street, and for paying legal, fiscal, architectural and engineering fees in connection with such projects. The City proposes to provide for the payment of such Certificates of Obligation from the levy and collection of ad valorem taxes in the City as provided by law, and from a limited pledge of $1,000 of the surplus revenues of the City's Utility System, remaitling after ptiyment of �E11 operation and maintenance expenses thereof, and all debt service, reserve, and other requirements in connection with all of the City's revenue bonds or other ohligations (now or hereafter outstanding}, which are payable from all car any part of the Net Revenues of the City's Utility System. The City Council intends to consider for passage at a _ Regular Meeting to be held at 7 :00 P.M. on �Y 2 _, 1994, an Ordinance authorizing the issuance of City of Sanger, Texas Tax and Utility System Revenue Certificates of t?l�ligatian, Series 1994, at the City Hall, Sanger, Texas Nel Armstrong, Mayor TO: FROM: DATE. SUBJECT. CITY OF SANGER P. O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 Honorable Mayor &Members of the City Council John Hamilton, City Administrator March 31, 1994 Multi -Family Zoning - 1002 Church treet Ms. Sherry Lewis has requested to be on the agenda to report her objections to the mult-family zoning for the lot at Church and Tenth Street where a triplex is currently under construction. Ms. Lewis has been provided copies of the current zoning ordinance, a copy of the legal notice publication of the entire zoning map from a June, 1987 edition of the Sanger Courier, and a copy of the 1983 zoning map which indicated R-3 (Multi -Family} zoning for the particular tract in question. In addition, staff has spent considerable time researching minutes of minutes and made available for her to review the minute books from the 1982-1987 time period. Staff has also attempted to explain the zoning ordinance and its requirements. Ms. Lewis has not provided any written material or any indication of any requested action. JH:es TO: FROM: DATE. SUBJECT. CITY OF SANGER P. O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 Honorable Mayor &Members of the City Council Jahn Hamilton, City Administrato March 31, 1994 Arson Reward Program - Fire Department The attached memorandum from the Fire Department requests signs for the Arson Reward Program. Fire Department Officials will be present to discuss their request. JH:es Attachments I EFFORT LOWER THE KEY RATE SANGER, RATE,.OWERING THE KEY ♦' ♦PREMIUM♦ NAS DEVELOPED IN THE 1960S. ALSO THIS REWARD HAS NEVER BEEN 61D BE INCREASED TO $1 000,00. PAYABLEi THE ARREST AND CONVICTION OF PERSON OR PERSONS COMMITTING AN ACT OF ARSON WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS. ►_ J t 1HL NDDITIONAL 8 It x 8 It PLASTIC "EDESTRIAN TRAFFIC . AREAS, ENCLOSED IS i COPY OF THE SIGN 3UDGET. THE FIRE DEPARTMENTMLABOR FOR PROJECT.rHIS rHIS TIME ALSO HE WOULD LIKE TO PRESENT ♦ R PLANS ♦ ♦N. iWIA ` oac�az4 ARTICLE 5.400 ARSON REWARD § 5,401 Arson Reward Offer (a) The Mayor of the City of Sanger is hereby required, authorized, and empowered to offer a standing reward of two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00), payable to the person or persons who shall be responsible for the arrest and conviction of any person committing in said City the crime of arson as the same is now defined by the penal code of the State of Texas. (b) Whenever the Mayor shall be informed that any fire occurring in said City was of an incendiary origin, he or she shall call for a report on the same by the City Fire Marshal, and if said marshal shall report that such fire was caused by the commission of said crime of arson, it shall become the duty of the Mayor to offer the reward above prescribed. (Chapter 5, Section 4A, Code of 1982) § 5.402 Notice of Arson Reward The reward offer shall be published in the form of a brief description of the nature of the reward printed on a placard, duly issued by said Mayor and attested by the City Secretary d the seal of the City, and which shall be posted in conspi ancuous places, one (1) of which shall be at the City Hall of said City in accordance with the regulations of the state fire insurance department. (Chapter 5, Section 4B, Code of 1982) § 5.403 Payment of Reward Offer Upon information being given by any person or persons who shall cause the arrest and conviction of such persons so guilty of a specific crime of arson for which said reward shall be offered, and after the final conviction of such person or persons, the person or persons so giving such information shall be entitled to receive from said City the reward offered. The City Council shall be the sole and exclusive judge in awarding the reward. (Chapter 5, Section 4C, Code of 1982) § 5.501 General Prohibition No person may cause, suffer, allow, or permit any outdoor burning within the City of Sanger, except as provided by Section 5.502 of this article. All outdoor burning must be done in accordance with the provisions of the Texas Air Control Board. § 5.502 Exceptions to Prohibition on Outdoor Burning Outdoor burning shall be authorized in each of the following instances: (a) Training of fire -fighting personnel when authorized by the City Council. In cases of repetitive, routine fire -fighting training, a yearly written notification, with twenty-four (24) hour advance notice for each training session is sufficient. (b) Campfires and fires used solely for recreational or ceremonial purposes, or in the noncommercial preparation of food, or used exclusively for the purpose of supplying warmth during cold weather. Such burning shall be subject to the requirements of Section 5.503(g). CITY OF SANGER P. O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 MEMORANDUM # 2471 TO: Honorable Mayor &Members of the City Council FROM: John Hamilton, City Administrator DATE: March 31, 1994 SUBJECT: Bids on Replacement Police Vehicle Budget Allocation $14,�C1a This bid opening is scheduled for 2:3D p.m., Monday, April 4th. All bids will be forwarded for your consideration. JH:es CITY OF SANGER P. O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 MEMORANDUM # 2476 TO: Honorable Mayor & Members of the City Council FROM: John Hamilton, City Administrato DATE: March 31, 1994 SUBJECT: Ordinance #02-94, Average Billing Option This ordinance is presented for your review and possible action. Staff has taken an actual account from a residence on Southside Drive and computed an average billing using actual, average and the average + 10% method. JH:es CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. 02-94 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANDER, TEXAS, AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF SANGER BY ADOPTING AN AVERAGE BILL PLAN FOR RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMERS FOR PAYMENT OF ELECTRICITY BILLS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY OF THIS ORDINANCE; PROVIDING FOR ANY CONFLICTING PROVISIONS; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE FOR THIS ORDINANCE. NOt�V BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER: SECTION I: CODE OF ORDINANCES AMENDED {a} That from and after the effective date of this ordinance, the City of Sanger Code of Ordinances shall be amended to include Article 11.1600.5 to read as follows: "ARTICLE 11.1600.5 AVERAGE BILL PLAN (a} Plan Adopted (1) Qualified residential customers of electrical service may enroll in a plan designed to provide average utility bills throughout the year, such plan to be known as the "Average Bill Plan." (2} Electricity usage will be averaged by the City of Sanger Utility Billing Department in order to determine the amount of the average (monthly) bill payment. The average bill amount is calculated by dividing the current bill and the previous eleven (11) actual billing amounts by twelve (12), and adding ten percent (10%) of the accumulated difference (whether debit or credit) for the previous month. Other charges, such as fuel adjustment and average billing plan arrears are added to the average bill in their entirety. {b) Plan for Electrical Service Only_. The average payment plan is available for the payment of charges for electrical service only. (c) Prerequisites for Participation in Plan. In order to qualify for participation in said plan, potential customers must have an established credit record with the City of Sanger Utilities. The following shall be considered proof of an established credit record as required herein: Y024M/Average Sill Plan Page 2 (1) A minimum of twelve (12) months of timely payment of utility charges; Absence of any utility service termination in the past twelve (12) months, and (iii} Absence of an outstanding balance with the City of Sanger Utilities. (d} Application. Customers interested in participation in the average payment plan must apply by completing an application form as maintained on file in the office of the city secretary. Said application shall be subject to review and denial or approval by the City of Sanger Utilities. (e) Effect of Rate Adjustments. Any rate adjustments imposed during the normal course of business by the City of Sanger Utilities shall be included in the average bill as they become effective." SECTION II: SEVERABILITY That if any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase, or word in this Ordinance, or application thereof to any person or circumstances, is held invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of the Ordinance, and the City Council hereby declared that it would have passed such remaining portions of the Ordinance despite such invalidity. SECTION III. CONFLICTING PROVISIONS That any and all Ordinances shall take effect immediately, from and after its passage and publication of the caption, as the law in such cases provides. PASSED AND APPROVED BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, QN THIS THE DAY OF _ 1994. Mayor Nel Armstrong ATTEST: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary Actual Average Billing Actual Average +1Q Difference Dec., 93 $107.40 $145485 $149.70 Jan., 94 $146.36 $153.61 $154.34 Feb., 94 $228.36 $160.40 $167.2Q March, 94 $ 200o 48 $165. 71 $169.19 April, 94 $ 149.50 _ 163.06 $164.42 Total Revenue $832.1Q $788.63 $804.85 (By Mondays meeting, staff will have a 13 month example. } Figures do not include Sales Tax Today's Signs -Denton 17 38 hIo . 001 P.02 .January ' 93 February 193 March '93 April 193 May '93 June '93 ,July 193 August '93 September 193 sactober 1�93 November 193 Iecember. 19S TEL41-317-566-1703 Mar 60,9�1 C,Lw•N R� co. $15o.ao $125900 $ 90.00 $ 60.00 -� $ 85.00 $115.00 $155.00 $170.00 $140.00 - $100.00 $ 80.00 $ 60 jQQ (current bill) $1,330.00 (total of 11 months bi�.ling history plus current bill) $1330.00 .L 12 = $110983 (this would be the average bill payment amount) The next billing would be .January '94. Let's say the bill. is $100.U0.. The January 193 bill for $150.00 would drop off and the current bill for $10o.00 would be included as shown below. February '93 March 93 April 193 stay 193 June '93 July '93 August '93 September 193 October '93 November 193 December 193 January '94 $125.00 $ 90.00 $ 60.00 $ 85.00 $115000 �- $155600 $170.00 $1.40.00 $3,00.00 - $ 80.00 $ 60.00 jam,,, QQ ( current bill) $1280.00 (total of 1,1 months billing history plus current bill) $1280.00 12 = $106.67 (this would be the average bill payment amount) During the summer months (May to November) 10% of the accumulated difference (debit or credit) is added to the average bill payment amount. MEMORANDUM # 2477 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT. CITY OF SANGER P. O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 Honorable Mayor &Members of the City Council John Hamilton, City Administrate March 31,1994 Regional Thoroughfare Plan The enclosed map and letter from the NCTCOG indicates the working rnap far Denton County's Regional Thoroughfare Plan. Staff has noted that the Bolivar/Krum Highway is designated a regional artery and that FM 455 from the west side of Lake Ray Roberts to Pilot Point is a regional artery, however, FM 455 through Sanger is designated as a minor artery. We believe this should be upgraded from Bolivar east to the lake. Any suggestions or comments you have will be forwarded to NCTCOG prior to their April 7th deadline. JH:es Enclosures North Central Texas Council Of Governments TO: Local Governments FROM: Michael W. Copeland Senior Transportation Planner SUBJECT: Regional Thoroughfare Plan DATE: March 25,1994 MAR 2 9 1994 The North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) Trans portatioWDepartment is preparing an update of the 1977 Regional Thoroughfare Plan. This is a long-range thoroughfare plan for the Dallas -Fort Worth Metropolitan Planning Area representing a system of regionally significant thoroughfares. The thoroughfare plan map was developed by NCTCOG staff in conjunction with the Regional Thoroughfare Plan Subcommittee of the Surface Transportation Technical Committee (STTC). The draft Regional Thoroughfare Plan was developed based on the regional functional classification process undertaken by the Texas Department of Transportation, NCTCOG, and local governments in 1992 as part of the requirements of the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 (ISTEA). Facilities classified in this process as principal arterials are shown as regional arterials. Those classified as minor arterials are shown as minor arterials on the Regional Thoroughfare Plan. Additional roadways were added and classified by using local and county thoroughfare plans. The plan contains proposed facilities which do not represent specific roadways alignments. This plan creates a comprehensive framework for city, county, and state planning to respond to the needs of the region. It is not intended. to supersede any local government thoroughfare planning. It is intended to initiate regionwide consistency and continuity, minimize discrepancies between adjoining jurisdictions, and provide a regional basis from which local decisions can be made. Prior to publishing the Plan, staff would like comments from the local governments affected by this plan. Enclosed is a section of the map containing your jurisdiction or the entire map in some cases. Please return or fax to me at (817) 640-3028 any comments or suggestions regarding the draft thoroughfare plan map by 3 p.m., Thursday, April 7. Should you have any questions, feel free to contact me at (817) 695-9279. Thank you. MWC:db Enclosures Michael W. Copeland QOt�033 616 Six Flags Drive, Centerpoint Two P. O. Box 5888, Arlington, Texas 76005-5888 (817) 640-3300 FAX: 817-640-7806 ©recycled paper CITY OF SANGER P. O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 TO: Honorable Mayor &Members of the City Council FROM: John Hamilton, City Admin7 istrator DATE: March 31, 1994 SUBJECT: Consider Revision to Upper Trinity Regional Water District Contract As required by the Upper Trinity Regional Water District, Council has the option to amend the contracted water supply amount. After discussion with Hunter Associates, they (John Mears and Travis Roberts) have recommended staying with the 200,000 gallon per day interim estimate and the 500,000 gallon per day "regular" service amount. The 500,000 gallons would be available in 97/98. The water district needs Council's formal commitment on this contracted amount for their bond funding as construction is underway on the system in the south part of the county. As Sanger's water supply requirements become mare clear as the 97/9$ anticipated service date approaches, the City can negotiate an exact water supply amount. At this time, it is anticipated that a twelve (12) inch treated water supply line will be built from Denton along I-35 to supply the City's water from the District. A possible pump/storage site will need to be determined in 1996 as a receiving site for this water. The motion for this item should be B for 500,000 mgd from the Upper contracted and approved on May 7, Recommend approval. JH:es Attachment ity of Sanger affirms Revised Exhibit "...0 Trinity Regional Water District as 199 2." REVISED EXHIBIT B SUPERSEDES EXHIBIT B IN THE ORIGINAL CONTRACT DATED NOVEMBER 13, 1990 CITY SECRETARY o."NAL COPY MINIMUM AMOUNT OF SYSTEM CAPACITY BEING COMMITTED FOR EACH PARTICIPATING MEMBER IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 4.04 OF CONTRACT A The provisions of this Revised Exhibit B form a part of the Contract and are applicable to the District and to each Participating Member as if set forth in its entirety in the body of the Contract. The provisions of this Revised Exhibit B supersede Exhibit B contained in the Contract between Participating Members and the District dated November 13, 1990. The following quantities constitute minimum Demands in accordance with Section 4.04 of Contract. Said minimum Demands are noted for an "Interim Period" and for "Regular Service". The Interim Period shall apply from date of this Revised Exhibit B until the District implements its permanent plans for Regular Service, after which, the minimum Demands for Regular Service shall apply. Participating Member City of Corinth City of Highland Village Lake Cities Mun, Util. Auth. Town of Northlake City of Pilot Point City of Sanger Minimum Demand (mgd) Interim Period Regular Service 100 2.00 4.00 0.75 0.95 0.10 0.30 0.20 0.35 0.20 0.50 In accordance with Section 4.05 of the Contract, the minimum Demand shown for Interim Period shall apply for first Water Year of the Interim Period. Thereafter, the District may adjust the Demand for any Participating Member by mutual agreement. Furthermore, District and each Member may adjust the Demand for Regular Service by mutual agreement prior to District completing permanent plans for Regular Service. PROVISION APPLICABLE TO HIGHLAND VILLAGE DUE TO SERVICE AREA DISPUTE Portions of the incorporated and extraterritorial jurisdiction of Highland Village lie within an area certificated by the Texas Water Commission to Bartonville Water Supply Corporation. Highland Village is attempting to gain singular authorization to serve all of the areas within its territorial and extraterritorial boundaries that are currently certificated 0958X/68 MEMORANDUM # 2478 TO: FROM: DATE. SUBJECT: CITY OF BANGER P. O. BOX 578 BANGER, TEXAS 76266 Honorable Mayor &Members of the City Council John Hamilton, City Administrator March 31, 1994 le Administration Report 1 }. As a reminder, the Annual Easter Egg Hunt is at la a.m., Baturday morning. 2}. The Annual Chamber of Commerce Rabies Clinic is scheduled for Saturday, April 9th, 9v00 a.m. to 3:D9 p.m. in the downtown park. JH:es John Hall, Chairman Pam Reed, Commissioner Peggy Garner, Commissioner Anthony Grigsby, Executive Director TEXAS NATURAL RESOURCE CONSERVATION COMMISSION Protecting Tezas bq Reducing and Preventing Pollution March 25, 1994 The Honorable Nel Armstrong Mayor of Sanger P. O. Box 578 Sanger, Texas 76266 RE: Municipal Solid Waste - City of Sanger - Permit 1.1 miles NE of I-35 and Dear Mayor Armstrong: Denton County No. MSW-1424 FM-455 int. MAR 2 9 1994 1 k; �a i.; I Sd"ANG,ERa TEXAS On March 17, 1994, Boyd M. Cole, of the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission's (TNRCC) Region 4 office, inspected the subject municipal solid waste disposal site. During this inspection, our field investigator was accompanied by a member of your.staff. At the time of the inspection, the site was in violation of the Commission's "Municipal Solid Waste Regulations" (MSWR). This violation was the same violation observed on November 9, 1993, the corrective action is as follows: 30 TAC 330.254(1): "Post -Closure Maintenance Requirements. (1) For a minimum of the first five years after the completion of final closure, the owner or operator shall retain the right of entry to and maintain all rights -of -way of a closed MSWLF unit or MSW site in order to conduct periodic inspections of the closed unit or site. The owner or operator shall correct, as needed, erosion of cover material, lack of vegetative growth, leachate or methane migration, and subsidence or ponding of water on the unit or site. If anv of these problems occur after the end of the five - years of post -closure care maintenance, the owner or operator shall be responsible for their correction until the executive director determines that all problems have been adequately resolved. The executive director may reduce the post -closure maintenance period of MSW sites if all wastes and waste residues have been removed during closure. REPLY TO: REGION 4 1019 N. DUNCANVILLE RD. DUNCANVILLE, TEXAS 7511fr2201 AREA CODE 214/298$171 P.O. Box 13087 Austin, Texas 78711.3087 512/239-1000 printed on recycled paper using soy -baud ink The Honorable Nel Armstrong, Mayor City of Sanger - Permit No. MSW-1424 March 25, 1994 Page 2 The north side and the center %J the filled area of the site there is ponding water which show leachate stains. Repair and add clay soils to this area to help prevent generation of leachate. The site will be reinspected within ninety days which should allow for the wet areas to dry for the required corrective repairs. In response to this violation, the Commission is preparing to institute formal enforcement action against you which may include administrative penalties of up to $10,000 per day of violation. Accordingly, you are being advised so that you can make an immediate and appropriate response to the area of noncompliance. Post -closure maintenance inspections will be conducted periodically by representatives of the TNRCC at least through.1996. Your cooperation in maintaining this site is appreciated. Should you have any questions, Sincerely, Boyd M. Cole P.E. Municipal Solid Waste Team Leader BMC:cj CC* Central Records, Austin Region 4 you may contact me at 214/298-6171. T E X A S MUNICIPAL LEAGUE March 29, 1994 �� MEMORANDUM ��` TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Attached is meeting. .. ..:� � 6 4.i` � � MAR 11994 •,r..irt.�y TEXA: Chair, Vice -Chairs and Members of the TML Legislative Policy Committee on Community and Economic Development Frank J. Sturzl, Executive Director � �� -- Summary of Actions Taken at March 28, 1994 Meeting a summary of actions taken by the Committee during our March 28 The full Committee will meet again on Monday, July 25. If you have any questions or comments, please call at any time. cc: TML President Fred Guerra, Councilmember, San Marcos TML First Vice President Max Wells, Councilmember, Dallas TML Second Vice President Jerry Dunn, Mayor, Benbrook Intergovernmental Liaisons 000039 211 East Seventh, Suite 1020 • Austin, Texas 78701-3283 `{ iZecyclal t'aF7er �� • (512) 478-6601 rrrrr 'ia"WIKYAL111k j E i10 tuel V WMA1121 U XON1041011 Okyj of 03' Summary of Actions Taken March 28,1994 Annexation 1. The Committee voted to recommend that TML nose any erosion of the existing annexation authority of home rule or general law cities. 2. The Committee voted to recommend that TML support legislation that would authorize cities to negotiate the service plans to be im lemented in areas to be annexed, such negotiations to be conducted with the residents and property owners in the areas to be annexed. Economic Development 1. The Committee voted to recommend that TML nose legislation that would erode existing municipal economic development authority. 2. The Committee voted to recommend that 'TML support legislation that would strengthen the economic development efforts of the Texas Department of Commerce or any other agency of the state. 3. The Committee voted to recommend that 'MAT take no position on legislation that would broaden municipal authority with regard to the economic development sales tax or any other current municipal economic development authority. C. Regulation of Alcohol on City Property The Committee voted to recommend that TML seek introduction and passage of legislation that would amend the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code to clearly authorize cities to regulate the possession and consumption of alcoholic beverages in city -owned parks and on other city -owned property. D. Family Homes 1. The Committee voted to recommend that TML take no position on legislation which would provide that: a. use of property as a family home is a residential use for zoning purposes and shall be permitted in residential areas; b. cities may restrict family homes so long as the restriction doesn't have the effect of prohibiting family homes; c. cities may regulate the spacing and density of family homes; 1 d. cities may restrict the number of children in a family home so long as at least six children per home are allowed, unless the city determines that the number of children must be further restricted for safety reasons; and e. cities may require notification of the opening of a family home. 3. The Committee also voted to recommend that TML impose legislation, other than legislation described in a-e above, that would further erode the authority of cities to regulate family homes. E. County Ordinance -Making Authority The Committee voted to recommend that TML take no position on legislation that would authorize county ordinance -making authority, provided that such legislation protects cities' interests. F. Municipal Utility Districts (MUDsZ The Committee voted to recommend that TML oppose legislation that would prohibit cities from changing municipal ordinances, orders, regulations, or other requirements in adjoining MUDs. G. Regulatory Takings The Committee voted to recommend that TML oppose legislation that would: (1) define certain municipal actions as regulatory takings; (2) authorize a state agency or any other non-mumcipal entity to define certain municipal actions as regulatory takings; (3) require cities to perform "regulatory takings analyses" of proposed municipal actions; (4) require municipal compensation to property owners for regulatory takings; or (5) in any other way, place direct or indirect burdens on cities relative to so-called regulatory takings. H. WeedY Lots and Dilapidated Structures The Committee voted to recommend that TML support leg�'slation that would allow a city to make annual special assessments on the owner of a property on which the city has, at its expense, eliminated weedy conditions, dilapidated structures, or abandoned automobiles. I. Airport Zoning The Committee voted to delayconsideration of this item until the July 25 meeting, at which time the staff will present further information. 2 J. Comprehensive Planning The Committee voted to place further consideration of this item on the July 25 agenda. (Note: this action came after the Committee defeated a motion to recommend that TML seek introduction and passage of comprehensive planning enabling legislation.) K. Planning Services f Bidding Statute The Committee voted to recommend that TML seek introduction and passage of legislation that would exempt planning services from the competitive bidding statute, with planning services being defined as those services which are intended primarily to guide governmental policy for the assurance of the orderly and coordinated development of municipal, county, regional, and metropolitan areas, and the state or portions thereof." 3 %'s-'47t"e•' ,r `.; / k•t//�C//� ��' ���� /} %�.• -_4jf�� t j;=t J�'i�'Yri�1t .., Y_M7-::.r, r„f,.,r • �7 rir/ tfC_Yr • t � � � PURPOSE E,.VIRONM�NTAL ®®d Service E�tabll�hmerlt HEALTH inspection Report Perm" . SERVICES Follow-up Complaint .... Basetl on an ins lion this da ,the Items circled below idenlil the wolatibns In o rations or lacilllies which must be corrected b Investigation .... . pec Y Y De Y Dec D Y D g Y q ry Y P Y Other i... ,,.,._ the next routine ins lion or such shorter eriod of time as ma be s ecihed in writin b the re ulato authont Failure to coin I i with any time limits for corrections specified in IMs notice may result in cessation of your Food Service operelions. - Est. I.D. (1-10] County Dlat. Est.No. Census Tract 11-13 Senit.Code 14-16 17- �. Yr. Mo. Day � p 3 0, Travel Tlme 23-25 Inspt�c.Ttrll� 2s-2e ! G � - `c� t^..� � � I Y U-� - --- � . Owner Name: Establishment Name: _ �% ✓� VS ��� i `-�i `r v 1 � � Address: �I�Y ' ���j A! i � ;,�� �� ,.. �p l/ , f , i "► a :FOOD �1>aiC(^ evf �I. �a'1-� ' � SEWAGE ��r� = )�u4� %?�%�.�_e-�` ",` •y Sewage and waste water disposal 8 67 '93 C�� FOOD PROTECTION �,-�„ •� Potentially hazardous loud meets m nture requirements i 32 dunnq storage, preparation, ibpf ,service transportation •01 Facilities to maintain product temperature 1 33 Ot3 Thermometers provided and conspicuous 1 :r1 a Potentially hazardous food properly thawed � j 1 r (z N, f 35 •0'7 Unwrapped and potentially hazardous food pot re -served 1� 36 a Food protection dunng storage, preparation �dt3pJa � ! 37' service, Iransportatwn r' M Handling of food (Ice) minimized 2 3a 10 In use, food (ice) dispensing utensils properly stored 1 3O PERSONNEL •11 Personnel with infections restricted 6 40 '12 Hands washed and clean, good hygienic practices 13 11 10 Clean clothes, hair restraints 1 12 FOOD EQUIPMENT b UTENSILS 11 Food (ice) contact surfaces: designed, constructed, main- � 13 tained, installed, located 1i Non•lood contact surfaces: designed, constructed, main- 1 � tamed, installed, located 1� Dishwashing facilities: designed, constructed, maintained, = IS installed, looted, Operated 17 Accurate thermometers, chemical test kill provided, gauge 1 � cock ('h" IPS valve) 1t{ Pro-llushed, scraped, soaked 1 17 1f) Wash, rinse water: clean, proper temperature ! IS .� Sanitization rinse: clean, temperature, concentration, ex- 1 IG posure lime; equipment, utensils sanitized 21 Wiping cloths: clean, use restricted 1 50 � Food -contact surfaces of equipment and utensils clean, 4 S1 free of abrasives, detergents � Non -loud contact surfaces of equipment and utensils clean 1 52 + 21 Storage, handling of clean equipmentlutensils 1 53 16 Singlo-servicc articles, storage, dispensing 1 51 1� No reuse of single service articles Y 55 WATER :,Z�I) .'I !� L� � i�Q,.. ,Y�an �P� ��' � •Z7 Water source, sale hot 6 cold under presswe �l� 56 Annwl Health Permit Fee: S a ✓ 1 a way I �-�c..- ��� G'j ' � , (Jr _� ?� �'� I � -� e Critical Items Requiring Immediate Att PLUMBING 2: Installed, maintained 1 S� •3p Cross�connecl�on, back siphonage, backllow � SO TOILET & HANDWASHING FACILITIES !'Y� %��' ,t i e� r„ •31 Number. convenient, accessible, designed, installed 8 130 Toilet rooms enclosed, seliclosing door, fixturae, good 37 repair, clean, hand cleanfer, feni[ary tovwle/ti1WN/hand• : 01 drying device[ provided, proper we�te racaptaclae GARBAGE � REFUSE DISPOSAL � Containers or receptacles, covered. adequate number ; � insecl�rodent proof, hequency, clean 31 Outside storage area enclosures properly constructed, 1 � Clean, controlled incineration INSECT. RODENT. ANIMAL CONTROL ,u Presence of inseclslrodents — outer openings protected, no Dirtls, turtles, other animals 4 ;' � FLOORS, WALLS &CEILINGS � Floorsrconstructed, drained, clean, good repair, covering t. � in Sta113UOr. dustless cleaning methods � Wans, ceiling, atlacne0 egwpment. constructed, good repair, clean, surfaces, dustless cleaning methods f � LIGHTING 70 Lighting provided as required, fixtures shielded �� A VENTILATION � Rooms and equipment —vented as requred 1' tS/ DRESSING ROOMS 10 Rooms clean, lockers provided, facilities clean, located 1 OY OTHER OPERATIONS •11 Toxic items properly stored, labeled, used � 70 Premises maintained Tree of litter, unnecessary articles, � cleaning maintenance equipment grope ly stored. Author 1 71 �" ized Personnel �i ,,Lf� iY 0�2: ��"lriAK� ��� N Complete separation Iroht lmnglsleepinq quarters Laundry. / 72 y1 Clean, soiled linen properly stored 1 73 OLLOW-UP ��� Inspected by: Received by: name Y11Ps lJ�ji"- lh ;i title a-'1Po� C�1�G nr ✓! U , !it•- ' i � G-9t ,'tea u a�� I'Ul�> !�' i'Gt�X) c T� ,'N,J..r1 � •01 Source; sound condition, no spoilage 6 30 02 Onginel container; properly labeled 1 31 on: H-33 GPC•1988 COdi-ity —mist, Est.Nol g i[T]. — rJWnor l9nme: Regular .. 29-1 follow-up ..... 2 Complaint .. .... 3 Investigation ...., 4 Ca:her ... ....... 5 TL-XAS DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Division of Food and Drugs Cunsus Tf�ct 11-93 .�se3nit r�(I��3 94-16AIL Establishment Name: 1 /- Yr. I Mo. ravel ima - it Inspuc..`rinle 1 L~~ 2JJH �Ip ®gin _� ( ased on an inspection this day, the Items circled below identify the violalibns In operations or facilities which must be corrected by Ilia next routine inspection or such shorior podod of time as may be specified in writing by the regulatory authority. Failure to comply with any time limits for corrections spocilled in this notice may rosuli In cossation of your Food SerVICe operations. ITEM Wt. Got NO. WT. cot.. 0 C0* � :iourrr ,can 1 condition no apor!,�g�3 21 Urigfnai contalnur; pmporly latxrlad '03 Potentially hazardous food meets tmnporaulro mquiromonts 32 dulwo Molagll, prap7.11atioll, display, solvfcu if all:t por lift loll � — o" f acimuef to maintain product lomporaluro 4 33 05 1 hurwowelLrs provided and conspiwous 1 34 _ ot Potc ratlal�y ha-udows food proi_clly thawed 3 35 601 Wwrapped and potentially hazardous food not ro-sclvod 4 36 -' 1 oocf I;roloction during slorigo, proparation, display, 2 37 sarilce, trnaspurlatlon tk3 Handling of food (ico) minimized 2 36 —10 In uee, food (ice) dispensing utensils properly stolod 1 39 °11 FOUIPMENT UTENSILS Fersonnel with infections rostricicrf --- -- 5 40 3 timid(I wa Awd and clean good hyglonic pizicticos 0 41 (V Ue;m Clothon, hair r sbiints 1 42 FO Food (Ica) contact surfaces: designed, consiructcd, main- 2 43 in twined, installed, located I Non-food contact surfaces: designed, constructed, main- ' 44 1 ; t(timid ill italiod, located fit Dishy'ishing fac ilitles: dosignod, constructed, maintained, 2 45 lnshtll,d, located, opolalod 17 Accur,00 thermometers, chemical lost kits provided, gaugo 1 40� cock ('/4" IPS valve) — 41 W�-it= Pro Plushod, scrape.,], soaked 47 10 Wash, rinse wator: clean, proper temperature 2 40 °20 �utlbzation V. isoclean, tampufature, concentration, ox- 4 49 posure time; equipment, utensils sanitized - 51 21 Willing cloths_01an, ut mstricted — _ — 50 xs rood contact urfaces of equipment rued utensils clown, 2 A v, Iluo of ablashos, dolorgcllls Dion toed contact such o aqufpmon r1 uleva can 62 24 Storage, handling of clean vqu pmentlutonsils 9 53 _ " f Sjulgle-servica 'aril los, storage, dispensing 1 54 it No ro use of single Service article_-- � 55 —��— _—. 27rVJr.ter >ourca, seta hot 8 cold undal rressuro 5 `� F4 sA TEM C1`���Q1'75-773 A�,TIC�N Yc, 74-i 100 to s weight of + Changn 7d C ho 2 terns wolat veletc ti 'C(lilcal Items Haquumg Immediate Attention. Remarks on bm:k (00-1) {O;iM W). E-2 t/H4 II 2@j Sewage and wa to water disposal `?3�nslliled mainlalnod 1 58 ,hg Crows connur,tlon, back slphonngo, backllow fi 50 °31 Number, convenient, acrassfulo, designed, installed 7d t10 loliat rooms unclosed, telf loving doors a turaj, good ?2 s ropair, clean; hand cleanar�, snitary roc is/ I ,uaslhond- 2 61� drying davlras providod, propor shl to rccupt cles 33 Containers or recoptaclose , covd: adequate number 2 proof, huquoncy, claim 4Outsidn storage area enclosures properly constructed, d652insect/rodont dean, controlled incineration Pwsun<a of In:.aclslrodoni.. -calm oponhlga prolaclwf,, no birds, turtles, other animals / V� Floors, consiructcd, drained, clean, good repair, roverint! 1 65 installation, cfustioss cleaning methods \'Vtllln—c,l)Ilirlg, attached (fqulpilinnt. eeflal(nC(nd, QUed' 80 4y d mparr, olns , surfaces, dl tlescleaning methods d 3� Lighting provided as raqullnd, 9lxluros shielded ! 67 Gt4 TYL�a I lit �_ Hcx�ms and oqulpmonl — virntod as roquhad --�4 00 �3 (3ooln.� clean, lockers provided, 4 entitle rlean localnd--� 9��-�69HER OPEVIATIOWi "41 Tonic, dams prop rly stolod I `lelerf, used � � a 70 — Premises rnaintalned free of fitter, unnecessary article z2 cleaning maintenance equipment properly stored. Author 1 71 ized pufSonnol --� — -- 41 Complain separation from IwmgJ ,looping quarters Laundry. 1 72 8 Clean oiled linen propeflY torad — 7 kj tine �— i y 3.'i Dist. Est. No, ILL will W.4fln®: Ar lCI rd:, S: 4ri�i�■ � ���arY Regular ... 20., FuilcN^r-up 2 Complaint 3 Investigation ..... 4 Other ........... 5 aria NO. rI I XAS DI-PARI MENT Of HEALTH Division of Food and Drugs i CnSI-t : (ract T Establishment Name: Yr. MO* t9ay - 22 T alai.'^I Ti mt3 i3-25 In.,la�c. Tine 2ti-2� n ts. i r jecla n idepon Based on an inspection this day, the items circled blow Identify the violatibns in operations or facilities which must be corrected by lha next routino inspection or such shorter period of time as may be specified In writing by the regulatory authority. Falluro to comply with any time limits for corrections spoc:ified in this notiet.) may result In cessation of your Food Service operations. ITEM WL COI, NO. p� �°+ WT. COL. FC3 ti r1PEWAGE 01 Source; sound condition, no spoil ga 6 30 r'20 Sewage and waste water disposal 4 57 02 Original conlainor, properly MIMIC( °03 Potonnaliy hazardous food meets temperature requirements 6 32 ,furtng loi_rgo, propunrllon, display_wivico (far f+portill loll f04 Facilities to maintain product temperature 4 33 p5 lhermon crs provided and conspicuous 1 34 06 'olentially ha-,.rdous lood profWily thawed a 35 -- °01 Unwrapped and potentially hazardous feed not m ervu:d_ 4 it0- I ood protection during storage, preparation, display, 2 37 sorvice, transportation --_-- t`rCr Handling of food (Ica) minimized— 2 38 —10 In u;:o, food (Ice) disponsing utonsils properly stored 1 38 '11 Personnel with intocfions restricted 6 40 _ —_ ,lands washed and clean, good hyUlonlc praeUcos 6 41 �1 r3 Clean t k thus, halr t"itr,tlntn 1 42 —_ — Food (ice) contact surfaces: designed, constructed, main- 2 43 14 tainod_installed , located Non-food contact surfaces: designed, constructed, malo- 1 44 1F tr,dnod, Installed, locoloct _2 Dishwashing facil!tios: dos!gned, constructed, maintained, 45 }{S installed, located, olxnalod 1T Accurate thermometers, chemical test kits provided, gauge 1 46 cock (1/4" IPS valve) Ifs Pro flushed, scraped, soaked 1 47 10 Wash rinso water: clean, proper temperature 2 111� 4f3 S,iollitallon rinso: clean, for ipornluro, conca r tuition , ox- 4 49 posure time; equipment, utensils sanitized _ �2 f J--- — -- —_ ipingchs. citr,ustrestricted kotni ,_._ 1� 50 Food contact surfaces of equipment and utensils c,lc:an,--- � 51 22 Roo of abrasives, dotorgents _ Non-food contact surfaces of equipment and ututr=Sils clean 1 52 Storage, handling of clean eq lipm r1lWtnsfis� Singlo-service arUelos, storage. dispensing 1 54 Fa No ro-use of smolt service arlicle 55 — _— `27 4'Jator source, safe hot 8 cold under pressure UI A i-6NAn IQC��T$E 7s77 ACTIC}N 74-1 1W loss weight of Changr..7t3-C No - -. `- items violated-� _ Delete . D 'Critical Items Requiring Immediate Attention. Remarks on back i00-1) (.otant tin. E2 4/0 2`3 Installed, malntainad � 5ft ° p1 Cross connucllon, back alphumago, backliow � 6 59 °31 Number, convenient, acco siblo, dt ,rolled, inst a!lad $ &0 Toilet rooms uncle r d, sr;lf ' e hag d sors fixtures,good 32 repair, clean hand cleanse nnnitary to"vis/u ues/hand- 2 61 a drying denies provided, propar vvn to receptacles Containers or recoptacles, covei,A adoquato numbor, 2 t32 insecOfodont proof, floquoncy, clean -- - 34 Outside storage area onclosuros properly constructed, clean, conirollud incinorr:lion � Presence of insucfslrodants —Dolor Openings protcctod,� � no birds, turUos, other animals _"".._IL {FLOORS, WALLS & CEILING o constructed, drained, an, g 1d repair, covering 65 installation, dusitoss cleanin - S 37 Walls, colling, attachod u<luipmont: constructed, flood 1 8Sf repair, cloao, surfaces, dustless cleaning methods ��39 Lighting provided as required, fixtures shielded �� 1 G7 3£i Roomy and equipment wonted as required � � 4 68 �£i Room clean, lockers prorided, IacrhUc.s clean, lecatad � 1 60 '41 Toxic items properly stored, labeled, used v G 70 Premises maintained fret, of litter unnecessary articic.5 42 cicaning maintena Sr rttpralT"1 stored. Author 1J 71 iled pei.sonnol _(� 43 Complete separation from Irvinglsiraping quarters. Laundry. 1 72 --„Ts — 73 44 Cleansoiled Iinon properly stored FteC,nivctt by: llama uue fL'1S�3CtG{� t)y: name title F'.. o trlFy Joist. Est_ No-- ff. _1— Owner Name: /�i;� rCar3s: Ratlular .. .. 27-1 follow up ....... 2 Complahrt .. 3 Invostigalton ..... 4 Other 1.......... 5 TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Division of Food and Drugs C cn gas Tract sanit C06') Yr. Mo. Day Travel 1 irna 11-13l 14-i3 L �tL,— 3""JI__. Establishment Name: itz / // r / n e�N 1 ierSr�c.Tirsln .. 21%2Ei [ ased on an Inspocllon this day, the Items circled below Identify the vlolalibns in operations or facilities whirah must be corrected by tho next rouiino inspection or such shortor poilod of limo as may be specified In writing by the regulatory aulh:uity. [:allure to comply with any timn limits for corrections specified in this notice rnay result In cessation of your Food Servlco operations. ITEM W-1. Cot, NO. PVT. COL. — -- - bt ,ourre �oun1 condition, no spoilage G 30 i1 --- 02 Orlginm container, property Ialwlod 31 Putcnually hazardous food mauls lemfxvaturo mquiremonts f1 32 03 during ,torago, preparation, display, sorvico transportation 4g.4 Facillllos to maintain product temperature 4 33 �(;; Thermometers provided and conspicuous 1 34 tjd Potentially hrVardOUS food propoily thawed 2 35 OT Unwrapped and potentially hazardous food not re-servod 4 36 Food protnclion during slojago, proparalion, display, 2 37 service, transportation 69 Handling of food (Ice) nunlmizort 2 36 y10 In use, food lice,) dispensing utensils property stored 1 36 r"EYtwiONNM,n * it Personnel with infcction3 rostrlctnl t'a 40� Bands wahed and clean good hygienic prc< ticos 5 kt 13 Clean clothes, hair restraints 1 42 e- _ [ nn d (ice) contact SUffaC6S: (ieslg ('(Kl COnStrUCICd, 14 wined installed, located - ----- — Non toed contact surtaces. designee constructed, mafn- 1 44 1G tainnd m tailod located Dish v r shing la( tlitlos: dosignod, e or ,met ° 1 mamlaimK], 2 45 f i Insl l�lcti, located oporat6d ' _ --------^—_-__�' r 17 Aceur do thermometers, chomical test kits provided, gauge cock ('/a IPS valve) r6 Pro flushed, scraped, soaked 1 47 —` 10 Wash, rinso Wolof. clean, proper tongmraluro 2� 48 .',mltization rinse clean, temporature concentration, ox- 4 40 20 I anuu Ilnur, .i it) nn=nl, ulon3i13 nmiIli rnd w �2i _ - Wiping cloths clean, use restricted 1 50 Food contact surfaces of equipment and ulon0s cle n, 2 51 22 iroo of abrasives, detergents 23 Non-food contact surfaces of equipment and uton5lis clean 1 :.2 24 Storago, handling of clean equipmont/ulanslis $ 53 5 Singlo-servica articles, storage, dispensing 1 : 54 20 No ro-uso of single service article.--- 2 55 2/ Nd.,tor source, safe: hot 8 cold under pressure rATmKiOR 75-77 _ nlian(ecTrory LNo� .. 74-1100 less weight of C.78-C ... temp violated S°;3>-�_� J.De... D Cililcnt l;mn,; ltequiring immedlato Aitenticn. Ileinwhs on bark (80-11 F0 9c m I\10- E 2 4/84 2f Sewage and waste water disposal _—_��7 2:7 Instailod, rnalntalnod $ 58 • Cross -connection, back siphonago,_backflow Et 59 •31 Number, convenient, accossibie, designed, installed 4 !)a Toilet morns onclosod, tolf closing doors, fixtures, good 32 repair, clean; hand cleanser, sanitary torArols/tissuos/hand- a26 1 drying devicus provided, proper waste receptacles 33 Containers or receptacles, cover:>.d: adequate number 2 82 insectlrodont proof, frequency, clean Outside storage area enclosures property constructed, $ 63 clean; controlled incineration e-- --- -- -- - - -- --- F IVS��'�� N r RODENT N$NIAus cOH �➢6�i1.. Presence of insects/rodont -- outer openings protected, 4 64 •35 no birds, tertlos, other animals --- - �W 'too• nstruclod, drained clean geed rep Ir, covorin{U r n allab( it dustless cleaningmethods 5 coiling, clot( — 63 „fr( r te surlaces, du Ioso 410dolu rnothrxs .o$ 119TIING -� Lighting provided as roqulnxd, flxlu ns shl i od �� 9 G7 NTILATION ��� Rooms and equipment -vented au required �@ €;6 ESSING ROOMS r}� Room^ clean, lockers provided, faalities clean„ located - •41 Toxic items properly stored, latmiea3, used t5 70 Premises maintained [fee of IiUer, unnecessary articles, cleaning maintenance equipment properly stored. Author 9 71 !zed personnel 43 Complete separation from living/sleeping quarters. Laundry. — $ 72 44 Clean, soiled llnon properly stored $ 73 Flcceiweci b y iurSp�s�tC-at by: TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Division of Food and Drugs EsL. Cnzertfy Q Dist. Est, No-� Ccns�ts T•ar S,asaif Mo. �iay Ttgvci Time I — I!(�jl a1-13 9�-1i 22IVDF Y / ram, ®b' or Name: lal�cirass: Rog,tlar 29-1 Follow-up .... 2 Complaint . 3 investigation ..... Other ..........1 4 5 Estabiislimont Name: N e r t�f nw �; Oki e p o r I —Inrop)cc.Tim� 2 s 2=8 ed on an inspection this day Bas, the Items circled below Identify the vlolatibns In operations or facilities which must bo corrected by iho next rouiine inspection or such shorfor period of time as may be specified In writing by the regulatory authority. Failure to comply with any time limits for corrections specified in this notice may result in cessation of your Food Service operations. I1 FF/ ITEM I10. WT. C01 NO. WT. COL. "Ot Source; sound condition, no spoifago �62 Original Container, property labeled Potentially hazardous food meats temperature requirements 32 03 curing storago, preparation, display, sorvlc<r transportation 5 II °@a Facilities to maintain product tomperature 4 33 � �05 lhurmomelers provided and conspicuous 1 34 (' (otonte Il!y ha and os food proiwily thawod 2 35 01 Unwrapped and potentially hazardousfood not rc sea-ved 4 36 I ood pratachon dining storage, pler,:uahon, display, 2 37 service, transportation (N Handling of food (Ice) minimized 2 38 yV10I In use, food (ice) dispensing utensils piopuriy stomd 1 39 iviUt Infections 2 �—Rersonncl Hands wn:,hod and clean, good hyglonic pra�llcos 9 ui 13� Clean clothes, her restcilnts 8 42 --� food (Ice) contact surfaces: designed, constructed, main- 2 43 14 lalnod, Installed, located n Non-food contact surfaces: designed, constructed, main- 1 44 15 tamed, insfaliod, locntsd— Ltlf Dishwashing facilities: designed, constructed, maintained, 2 45 In3tallod, located, opoialod 17 Accurate thermometers, chemical lost kits pruvided, gauge 1 46 cock (r/a" IPS valve) -18 - Pre flushed, scraped, soaked 1 47 �10 Wash, rinso water: clean, proper tompeiaturo 2 4a 'd0 Sanhizallon ilnso: clean, tompufatum, concentration, ox- 4 49 posuro time; equipment, utensils sanitized 21 4Wping cloths- cloon, use iostrlclad 1 5o _f12 Food contact surfaces of equipment and utensils chain,— 2 51 hue of abmavo+ dolurgont3 23 Non-food contact surfaces of equipment and utensils clean 1 52 24 Storage, handling of clean equipment/utensils 1 53 55 Singlo-service articlos, storago, dispensing 1 54� F2d No ro-use of smulo service articles 2 55 --_—� 7�'later erase, safe: hot &cold under pressure ^e Sewage and waste wator disposal —� 4 57 [JFlEnstLail(A. maintained 1 58 • -connection, back siphonago, backfio%v 6 59 °31 Number, convenionl, accessible, designed, installed Toilot rooms oncio od, eslf closing doors flxturost good ?2 repair, clean; hand cleanse sanitnry tar nls/tissuo;/hand- 2 61 drying device® providod, pnrpol wa t) loceptoclos 33 Containers or rocaplaciec, cove::)d: adequato numbor 2 82 insectlrodont proof, froquoucy, clean Outside storago area onclosures property constructed, 1 63 clean; conliollod Incineration Pmsuncu of insnctslrodonls -- outer openings protoctad,� d � no birds, turtles , other animals — Floors, constructed, drained, clean, good repair, covorinq I 1 85 installation, dustless cleaning methods Coll ing, at acho(f equtpuu nt: constructed, good E6 �° oai�laan. sudaco� dustless cleaning molhodV) 49 fighting provided as roquirexl, fl torus shlold�____ 1 7 RM MEW � Hewms and oqulpmont — vontoU as mqulrod -�--�1 68 ESSING ROOMS &! Room c.lu�n, lockers provided, fncilitie:; dean, lor.aled 1 89 MUM TRINUHMME '°41 Toxic items properly stored, labeled, used 6 70 Premises main ee �I1iLl&C, unnecessary articles, leaningmaif c aaui ran atninrn-e I toted. Author- 1 75 odpersonnel r 43 Complete eparation from Irvinglsleopin quarters. Laundry, 1 72 Clean soiLid linen prop rly stomf--`------ 1 73 �)eCE361if."Ct by: nam rli L.�@IF II4�il g C 7sn LDo CTION Yes ...... 74.9 title 100 loss weight of nge.7t3 C No 2items violated - ete .... D InspectcA by: nan 'Critical Items Requiring immediate Attention. Remarks on back I60-1) litle Fol�OA Alm E-2 It/8d WK TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Division of Food and Drugs J?. ` rot, C ooll —Dist. EsI.Nc�• C onsus Traci Sanit.t:, t��tti� - -- - 11il13 - 14 9__��.__22 �_ Yr. N9o. flay 17- ,q lit C)=4 Name: •__-- —_�—� Establisl�R1 Rt Name: Atoiu l O,,i c3: €�`URPOS Rogular . 20-1 Follow-up ..... 2 Complaint 3 Investigation ..... 4 Other ........... 5 IT EDA — NO.— !'000 t Travol'Iime 2.3-25 0C � gerne.. � � 0 e, IRsFrtfG.TiRte 2E1 C asod on an utsl>uctlon this day, fhu Items circled b<.Iow irlonllly the vlolatibns In otx�njllons or tacilliies which moot bo corcactod by the next routine inspection or such shorter period of time a^. may be specified in writing by the regulatory authority. Failure to comply with any limo limits for r orrer speahod uc this notice may result In cessation of yo,ir Food Sorvice operations. ITEM WT.Cot NO WT. COL. SEWAGE �— n no s olla a 6 30 iO�Sowago and waste water disposal —1 57 01 re sound nonditlo you p p t12 Orliflnnl CoMalner properly latxrlod 1 31 ) •03 Potonlially hazardous food meets lemporatura requirements 32 during storago, preparation, dtvplay, sorvico transportation 5 ^•04 Facilities to maintain product temperature 4 33 — �05 Thenrxm,olers provided and conspicuous 1 34 06 Pclunbal.y hliz3rdeus food properly thawed 2 35 y60T Unwrapped and potentially hazardous food not re -served 4 30 —06 Food protection dwinp stoutgo, proparation, display, 2 37 serrice, transportation — (30 1Lmdling ul food (Ico) rnlnlmized 2 39 10 In uve, food lien) dispensing utensils properly stored 1 39 ER.°_7Olp�NE�. 11 Personnel with infections restricted 5 40 ° . a Hands v ( trod and clean, flood hygienic practices 5 41 A Clean clothe hair restraints 1 42 9" Fnod (ice) contact so aces: dasipr(d, constructed, 14 tainad installed, located — Non-food contact surfaces: designed, constructed, main- 1 44 twined, installod, located Dishwashing facilities. designed, constructed, maintained, 2 45 1,1 urst ell rd, located oporate S -- __ _ ._ — — -- ---- Accurate lhermo-leters, chomicai test kits uruvid,d, Jaupo @ 17 s 9 1 4$ cock ( IPS vtlrol ! __—__.--- ---- —_. le Pre flushed, s raped, soaked 1 47 10 Wash, rinso water: clean, proper tornperaturo 2 48 "20 Sanllizatlon rinso: clean, tomparature, concentration, ox- 4 49 posure lima; equipment, utensils sanitized 21 Wiping cloths. clean, use" rush toted 1 50 Food -contact surfaces of equipment and utensils cleen,- 2 Si ben of abresivos, datargonts 22 Non -toed contacts rrfaces of equiprr.ant and utensils 06an 1 52 2"4 to ado handling of cluan equlpmor ttult'n ils 1 53 25 Smglo servica ariiclos, storage, di pcila ng 1 EA u5 No ro-use of single service articleWATER "?7 Water Sowco, safr+: hot &cold under pressure EN0' _LLAT10arm less weight of (� ge 78 .... items violated g,. e.._ l3 �i lip . 'Critical Items Requiring Immediate Attention. Hernarks on back [fill--1J %rorn41,01. E-2 m/ 8, x 20 Installed, malntotned .___ — 1R59 1Cross-connection, back siphonago, backfiow 5� °31 Number, convenient, accessible, designed, Installed 4 80 Toilet rooms enclosed, ralf-closing doors, fixtures, good 32 repair, clean; hand cleanser, sanitary towels/tissues/hand- 216 1 (frying devicus provided, proper waste roeeptaelos �;iAf1H3A@�dE �`i3 REFUSE a.,W., DISPOSAL SECT. RODENT. ANIMAL CONTROL 33 Containers or receptacles, cove,sd: adequate number 2 02 Insect/rodent proof, froquenCy, Clean Outside storage Brea enclosures properly constructed, 03 cloan; controlled incineration — '35 Presence ofinsncts/rotten(-- outer openings protected' 4 ^. no birds, turtles, tither animals" .JI n _ oor^"constnuacd, drained lea ,goad regale, co In0 •i 85 � lmr stallation, dustless cleamnrr hods — 37 Walls, tolling, attachod rrquipenont: constructed, poocf repair, clown, surfare3, dustless cleaning methods Lighting provldud as ruqulrrtd, Itnfu,us shielded ���Rooms anti ortulprnont_ vented-rxs r<xtuircd $�Y8f3 �� Rooms clean, loci(ers provided, facilities clean, located -t � 59 — � "41 Toxte item plops rly motor J Izbeh, i used— � ?0 z Pninu.,c,s rnaintuu,<.d Irco of tiller, unnncc.,.,ary article.,>, cleaning maintenance equipment properly stored. Author- i %t irod personnel r n3 Complain separation from livinglslooping quarters. Laundry. i 72 24 Clean, soiled Ilnon pre vty sloux] 1 73 FlecelVet9 i7j/: Warne title TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Division of Fond and Drugs F Coicnty Dist, EsteNooD Census' fact 1()l ii i3 1 l C}wnnr Ctomo: Regular 5?9-1 Follow-up . 1.... 2 Compltflw . _ 3 InveS i'. rt ..... 4 Outer ..........1 5 17EFA NO. C stars ishrs)Etnt 11af3 Yr. 0. Ci�y Cnr t e.-t'inle _ R L1 a One 0 [A eOrl Eased on an inspoctlon this day, ills items circled below icJonllfy the vlolatlbns In op;raliomt or facilities which must be corrected by the next roulino mspectiim or such shorter perlod of thno as may be specified In writing by the regulatory authority. Failure to comply with any time limits for corrections specified in this notice may result in cessation of your Food Service operations. ITEM NI, clot NO. - WT. COL, FOOD 01 Source sound condition, no spoilage 6 30 02� Orlglnnl container, properly labeled — 1 �31 Potentially hazardous food meets ter poraluro requiremonts 5 32 03 dufll g raltoll, degllay, nmvico Imns3portatlon _pwp — a04 Facilities to maintain product lomporature 4 33 ~O5 7 honnometers provided and conspicuous '---- 1 34 G:i Potentially hcvaidous food properly thawed 2 35 007 Unwrapped and potentially hazardous food not re -served 4 3s Food ptotectlon during stomgo, pioparation, dlr:play, 2 37 Lit eerii transportation U( Iiondihtti of food flee) rnlnhniz(xt— 2 0 10 In a e: food tic) dispensing utonsil prop<t ly ntomd 1 30 _^ 611 Personnel ;vith infections estrcted s 40 0l1 Hn11Js \ra:.11ed and clean, good hygraille piacticeJ i) 41 i3 Clean clothes, h ur n ;Ir unts 1 a2 —2 fool free) contact surfaces. desiq ed, consiruct<;d, main- d 43 14 rained installed, located If —1 —1 Non-food contact surfaces: designed, constructed, main- 44 J tarn ii in.;lallod, located Dlshw.,;hing facilitios: designed, constructod, maintained, 2 45 cd Instnllod,locatod_oparalud f7 ( Accur to thermometers, chomical test kits provided, gauge 1 4B 1 cock (1/1" IPS vaiva) €~F'rotlushrd, .+1 �~7@ scraped, soaked — 47 10 Wash, rinsa water: clean, proper temperature 2 49 ~aa ` u111izalion rinse: clean, temperature, concentration, ox- 4 49 posure time; equipment, utensils sanitized 21 Wiping cloths: clean, us© restricted 1 _ 50 _ood-contact surfaces of it and 2 51 (tee of abranlvon, detargar 7:�r 23 Non-food contact surfaces of c Ipnrcnt lls clean 1 52 24 Stoiagn, handling of clean cquipmertlutenalis 1 53 Single service arllclos, storage. dispensing TiEA o ro-use ofsingle service article. ter4ATER _ ( 21 t VVator ;ouice, solo: hot &cold under pressure ��ra FAO 100 less weight of �� Char gr..7ft C ITo . ... ........ 2 onus violated ¥`3 'Critical Items Hequirinq Immediate Attention. Remarks on back (00-1) NO. L 2 i/tN rr2L2 Sewage and wasto water disposal 57 � Inslaliod malnlainod 59 ,0 sip -'foss-co nnnctlon back honago, backflow B 50 _.._-._.---___L____ '31 Number, amvontont, accessible, designed, Installed 4 80 oilet rooms on osod, IUZlosin� rs, fixtures, good 32 epair, clean; hand cieanwr, ary tow•elshissues/hand- 2 c t vj3 (lying dovicas provided, proper Iva,oin rocoptac:lorf f — — — —tPOSAL Y SECT, RODENT, ANMIAL GOTATROL Containers or mceptacles c +>,-°d adequate number 33 In3ec ltrUdord proof, ficxluoilcy, cliwil 34 Outside slorade ,-sea onclo tiro s properly constructed, 1 83 c.lram, cmrtrollod mcinonition Proaanro of lnsc c i �Jfmdanl ou,cr openings prolocted, 4 64 no biids, turtlos othor amm 1, ^,, cunstruc tcd d aln d ti scud repair , , vor"n installation, dustless cleaning othoda ---- — 1 65 m 31 Wnlls coiling, attached ctdulpnlmvl: constructed, good t repay clean, sudacos, dustless cleaning methods 643 39 Lighbng provided as r�ulrexi, Ilxtu us shlc*Ida:d 1 67 RM i � Houma and oqulpmont —vented as ruqulrod �� 80 ESSING ROOMS f � Rooms clean, lockers provided, facilities -,lean, located 1 69 f c71 Toxic items properly stored lab --lei, used � TO Prernw c s maintained free of litter, unnecessary articles, cleaning maintenance equipment properly stored. Author- 9 71 ized personnel 43 Complete separation from living]sleoping quartors. Laundry. 1 T2 91 Clean oiled linon properly Mused 1 73 6T`iCit:Pl'1T'C b3/: name_d'+.----- title Curt-t732AG-d by: nanli title Est; Co inty Dist. I.D• t tEiMo. —�- � Follow-up ....... 2 Cornplalnt ....... 3 Investigation ..... 4 Othor .... ... .. 5 II( M No. F00r) Yr. Mtn. C1xay `i Travol lime 23-2J� In 0CATirno uza TFXAS DEPAR-i MENT OF HEAL] H Division of Food and Drugs Census Tract 11-13 Sanit t: o€3r 14 stablishmont Nan Pasecf on an inspection this day, the items circled below identify the clola116ns In operations or facilities which must bo corrcctad by Iho next routine inspuction or such shoitor palled of thno as may M+ specified In writing by the ropulalory authorlty. Failure to comply with any limo limits for corrections specified in this notice may result In cessation of your Food Service operations. ITEM WI. (:Of NO. WT. COL. SEWAGE v1 uurre; sound condlllon, no spoilage G 30 — - 02 Original container; property laWled--------- 1 31 - Puleulr dly haraniou, Idxxl manta tomf +ate is requiromonts � �y t 03 rburing storago, preparation, dwplay, sorrlce th:r,rportallon 3 004 FaCllltles to nulntain product tumpomturo 4 33 vi---- ~05 1hormometers providod and conspicuous 1 34 - Ott Potentially he;allous food propoily thawed--`— 2 35 007 Unwiappnd anti potentially hazardous food not ro sowed 4 30 — Food protection during storago, preparation, display, 2 37 servii;o, haimportalion -- ----� li'E` Handling of food (ice) minimized 2 :i8 -10 bi a e, toed Uce) disponsung utmrsils properly to�cd 1 39 t 11 Personnel with inloctions fWAricte f hands wa:hod and clean, good hygienic practices 0 41 �I �3 Clean ci rlhos hill( rratcrints 1 42 jj f naf (ice) contact sudacos: design xf, constructed, main- 2 43 14 ainad installed, located Non-food contact surfacos: designed, constructed, male- 1 44 95 taimtd, i u5lallod, located 1fi Dlahwashing factlltfos: designed, consUuctod, maintained, 2 45 nstalled, located, opolatud t7 Accmato thermornotors, chemical lost tilts pruvidnd, gaugo 1 440 cock. (1/4" IPS valve) - tF Pro flushed s rtpwf, soakod 1 47 1G Wash, rinso water: clean, proper lcnipeiaturo 2� 48 °20 S,'nlhIatlon rinso clean, tomperaturo concontrallon, ox-.- 4 49 posura time; equipment, utensils anlr¢ed �21 Wiping cloths. clean, use rostrict!,A 1 50 — Food contact :uriacos of equipment and ulonsils cirsan, 2 J9 x� !roe of abrasives, detergents 2s Plon-food contact surfacos of equipment and utcsuiis clean 1 52 24 to age handling of clean cqulpmo t1Wcn3il3 1 53 t 5A 25 mgio- on,ire art' los, torago, disp r mg _ s"0 No it, a 5o of , Angle service articic `y 5 ��t�ATE 6e7 rWJatd.r source safe: hot FL cold unxioir nm>sura 10� CS ��s�+TI�i�aS,"A Lj �� 7�-77 AC1iC}N cs ... 74.1 100 less w�.ight vl (: Change 113 C items vrilrh,I� •Gltical L'ems Requiring Immediate Atirntinn. Rt•marhs on bank f00-11 (i FO;,M W.1. iz-2 Q/c3 r2? Sewage and waste water disposal —� 4 57 In tailed mnlintalned uJ Gross donnadliun back olphonago, backflo:v g 50 °31 Number, convonlonl, accessible, designed, Installed 4 80 Toilet rooms enclosed, self closing doors, fixturos, good Y01 32 repair, clean; hand cleanser, sanitary towels/tissues/hand- 2 —drying devices provided, proper waste receptacles � fr ,�5.ECT RODENT ANIMAL CONTROL Container,^, or mcaptacfes, cuvri d: adequate number 2 02 insucllrodont proof, froquency, clean Outside storage area enclosures properly constructed, 1 03 clean, controlled incineration Prosunco of InsoctslrodontLi -- color openings protected, d no birds, turtles, other animals ORS WALLS & CEILINGS 39 Floors, constructed, drained clean, good repair, covering 1 05 installation, du_tloss cleaning methods 37 Walls, coiling, attachocf equfpmonC constructed, good 1 r66 epair, clown, sultanas, dustless cleaning methodsiaTING �,� '_fighting provided as roquirod, fixrir:os shlelderJ � � t - 87MM r Rooms and oqulprnent � �ntod as roqulrod -�$ � 08 (4rJ Room clean, lockers provided, faaldte ; cic n7, located 1 B0 Toxic item proprrlJ tared I r6r,ied a e1 �--��6� 70 ,"41 Premises rnaint un direr >I litre;r unnece 3ry arlici� s, � cicaiturq m rinicnanc.e u.fr,�g,merrt prcpr 1y torr•d. Author-� 1 71 3 Complete coparation from living! :lekring qk rtera Laundry. 1 72 Clean soled! linen properly �(ored 1 73 44 Fdeceavecf by: namr IUr812�CtC� hy: narn title p; Co�iifty [Fist. Esli.No• _ In TJ �Wrtor I°:€ Regular .. 25-1 Follow-up.... ... 2 Complalnl ... 3 Invostigation ..... 4 Olhor .... 5 1 L XAS DEI'AR-1 MENT OF HEALI 11 Division of Food and Drugs Census rj Canit Cado - 93 —94-911 Yr. Ita9Ezl� 9rgg7t��- %, TFavol Time 23-25 J1 !s �Iml`Tinie 2v-2E10 %p}, �r Lased on an inspeclion this day, the Ilems circled below idontify the vlolailbns In operations or facilities which must be corrected by Iho next rouhnca inspa:hf,n of Much shoilte pollod of Nmo ,ei may bo ;puriliod In wtiling by the rogulatoiy authority. Failure to comply with any time limits for COrreo110115 specified in this notice, may result In cessation of your Food Service operations. Itr-tA IIFM NO. VIL COL N0 W✓L COL. I_01 owral soon condition, no spoilage 6 30 20 Sowage and wasto water disposal 57 02 Original container, properly Ialwlod 31 00D PROTECTION Pulalually harudous food m_anls ion perrature roqufrmnonis G 32 fy duf! lu storage, prepafation display, soivice bansportallon Ox I acllllfos ton ,, main product tompataturo 4 33 ihelmometers provided and conspicuous 1 34 — m05 Gk; Potentially hazardous food properly thawed 2 35 607' Unwrapped and potentially hazardous food not ro-soived 4 36 —� Food protection during storage, preparation, display, 2 37 sarvico• trruaspuriallon 09 Handling of food (Ice) minimized 2 36 —10 In a Ac, food (ice! disponsing utensils properly stored 1 39 _ — I�LF��;�'�m�Elm _ °it Personnel with infections rostrictod 5 40 Hands wa;had and clean, good hyglanic pfacllces 5 41 —^ — —' �3 Cslean dodicls, lair [�'Af'lfnte 1 42 0 � � 6'� 5 `�i,.� @ it 1 h�7$ @:.,r r @� S @ l+ 6' 4.7 l� 4-i5 o,� r--� (ice) contact surface -. dosigrrd cons1ructcd1 main- n 43 td dFood ammo installed, located I — _ Nnn load contact inl:ices dosignad conatfuctecl maim 1 44 i5 ( mail in lallod located fit 0Ishwx,hlnp fsclilllos designed, consbud(A, maintained, 2 45 Installed, located, op tatod 17 Accuralle thetmornotom, chemical lost kits provided, gaugo 1� 46 cock ('/a" IPS valve) 16 Pie flushed, scraped, soaked 1 47 16 Wash, rinse water: clean, proper ternperaturo 2 46 .a0 S,7nitizalion iln o. clean, toropurat re, micentiatlon, ox- 4 49 pOsuro time; cquipmcnl utensils sanitized �21 Wiping cloths: clean, use tastricted 8 50 - _412 Food -contact surfaces of equipment and utensils clown— 2 51 free of abrasives, detergents y 23 Non-food contact surfaces of equipment and utensils clean 1 52 �24 `storage, handling of clean equipment/utenslls 1 53 ° Single-servica articlos, storage, dispensing 1 54 _.._�_55 No ro use of ainglo servico articios — 2 "27 Water source, .,ate: hot 8 cold under pressure 5 56 CC�!_LO111�up RATING'SWRE75 7 FGTN i W less weight f 8 CNo terns vlokl¢u1 -- q. F�_- Critical Items RequirMg immediato Alionlion, Remarks on bark [110-1) 4/84 29 Installed, maintained .� 1 58 °3g Cross -connuction, back elphonago, backflow _ _ 6 �59 '31 Number, convenient, accossiblo, designed, Installed 4 60 Toilet rooms enclosed, self -dosing doors, fixtures, good 32 repair, clean; hand cleanser, sanitary towrols/tissues/hand- 2N drying devices provided, proper waste receptacles (�AnBAr.%.E REFUSE DISPOSAL Containers or tacoptaclo cove!: ac u nun 2 82 insectlrodent proof, frequ , clean Outside storage area onckiwancs property constructod, 1 63 dean; controlled incineration Presence of insectslrodant -- color openings protected, 4 �� no buds forties, other animals O- CEILINGS ORS, WALLS & ffeam5'4constructed draln d Via" g d re at , c !ng n.l nstrtion, du limas cla nipg molhods — 65 x7 Walls culling, attached constructed, good 1 � tape!(, slum, surfacus, dun duns cleaning methods HE Mof r '19 Lighting provided as required, 9lxluros shielded — 1 Fi7 Rooms and aqulpmont •- vented as rrrqulrad -�--�4 66 ESSING 4x`) � Rooms clean, lockers provided, facilities clean, located -_.�-1 E9 °41 Toxic items properly sterehd, labeled, used 6 70 hhh Premises tter unnecessary articles, cicaninq main 6C.,f (qt�i nice po rly stored. Author ; �rY�t`w-4--- 1 75 ized personnel Al4 I t : 6� � Cornploto separation froon0livinglirlooping quarters. Laundry. 1 72 44 Clean, soiled linen properly s1srod 1 73 Weceived 17y: tine 11.gS[lg3C$G4i hy: norm [.&t: Coo ity DISC. I✓:.�t. KC-t. i'��- rlot TEL�L.� 1. Owner Name. Ate I Q%10: rollow-up ....... 2 Connplaint .. ... 3 Investigation ..... 4 Other ........... 5 11 C fn NO TL XAS DEPART MEN] OF HEALTII Division of Food ;nd Drugs Consu Tract .0 nit s' ct3cj Establishment Name: -Travol T irno 3- 51 ---. lrisl lr. Tinle C epon 6 Pried on an inspection this day, the Items circled below identify the violatibns In operations or facilities which must be corrected by the next routine inspection or such shorter poriod of time s 1 may be specified In writing by the regulatory authority. Failure to comply wlih any limo limits lot cormcttons specified in this notice may result In cessation of your Food Service operations. ITEM W L Col NO. WT. 6'EAGE Ol Source; sound condition no spoil rgu 6 '0 20 Sov✓age and waste water disposal 8 57 (12 Original conlalner, proporly Iawlod 31 Potentially hazardous laved moots lomp;araturn roquiroments 19 32 03 d 111lllg sl Oltagel, pfopatatloll, detplay, :101Vh:e fmll_apel(agelt o 0@ f actllhcs to maintain product tompemhInD 4 33 05 Thermometers plovidod and conspicuous 1 34 ti I'ottllm Illy h,vanlous food prcglolly t1wwoll 3 35 01 Lh wl•appod and potonlia ly hazardous food not to served 4 36 Food protection during stotago, ploparetion, display, 2 37 service, transportation I's6 I landling of food (iro) minimized 2 30 —1I, In uses, food (ico) dispensing uton it ; pro{narly staled 1 30JERSONINiEL 4 11 Personnel with inrechcns restricted 5 @0 Fonds w a Aied and clean good hyglomc I,racticos 1 �t3 Irian clothes, hair mslr ants 144 --2 WATER Food (ice) contact surfaces: designed, constructed, main- 2 43 t4 talned, installed, located Non-lood contact surfaces: designed, constructed, malrt- y 44 gg tainod, lnslallod, located srlw-ashing facilities: designed, constructed, maintained, 2 45 f j uasl til sd, locatod_o(xiratod 17 Acrurato thermometers, chemical lost kits provided, gauge 1 40 cock ('/a" IPS Vlllvo) -1 �IE Pro-flushod, scrapaf, snaked 47 _ 16 Wash, rinse water: clean, proper temperature 2 4aT 020 .anitization rhlso: clean, lomparatum, concentration, ox- 4 49 posure lima; equipment, utensils sanitized 2.1 Wfphag clogls cioan, use tostrIctai �,� Food contact surfaces of equipment and utonsils cir',ar 2 51 hue of abluslves, dotergents 23 Non-food contact surfaces of equipment and utensils clean' 1 52 2A Storage, handling of clean equipmentl utensils 1 53 5 Single -service arliclos, storage, dispensing 1 54 cf No ro-use of single corvico article::— 55� s<alo_hot 8 cold undo( i essure�— k UI_l Cl�l�Ud� HATING SCORE 75-77 ACTION 11A1 loss weight of ` �� l�r< Chunpo !f3 C No ...... ....... 2 items wolatr L_ Delele Cnbcai ilolns 13oquiring Immediate Attention. Remad(s on b:-ck p-i) FIX Nl foot E-2 .a COL. 2 inslail-- r C<+cna canner on baClt siphonago, turckllow_--- 59 °31 Numbor, convm,wnt, acconsiblo, dosioned, installed 4 80 Toilot rooms onclo ed, self iaosing doors, fixtures, good 61 Z2 n p:,ir, clean, hand la,nnser, sanitary tov;afs/ussuos/hand- 2 r rilyinii devlcos plovldad, proper wssta rocoptectas--� — E�1f9 @.A 8-�24{tE €8 REFUSE DISPOSAL Containers or mcoptaclos co✓rred: adoquato numMr 2 62 3 insectlrodent proof, froquoncy, clean oul lido ,storaon : rea onclosuros proporly conatructrl, 1 �63 dean, controlled incineration �34 E�3S�'C'�"a R(7UEN"�, �3��GiL CO���f�OL 35 Presence of Insec.tslrodont,:--outer openings protected, 4 nobirds tunnies, other animals OORS, WALLS & CEILINGS , constructed, drained, goo repair �ij ering j1 65 installation, dustless cleaning mothodr r f��r (J 37 Wallis, colhng, attached oquipnlonl: construclod, good 1 60 repair, cioan, surfaces, dustless cleaning methods — "s� L(ghting provided as required, 9lxlures shielded � 1 67 � moms and nqulprnonf -_vented as rc;qulrod - �1 00 �J Room a cioan, lorkurs provided, facilities Kean, Ior:aU:d t 60 `4'i Toxic items proporly stored, la_bcfad, used 5 TO Prem+ cs maintained tree o ecessary articles, cleaning rnaint non qulpmer � stored. Author 9` Tt ized pe r sonnet �3 Complete separation f )in living . Icoping quartow. Laundry. 1 72 Clean, solicit linen proporly stoned 1 73 �lE'Ce3ldCit by: Warne thin TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Division of Food and Drugs F"ID CodtntyEst.No. Census Tract sanit.Csdra Yr. IiAo. D 174 ._ 11131 _ 14 131^ 22 � `- _ ITT _ 1. Owner Name . _ .—__ -) ablishrnent Name: idl Rot7ular ....... 29-1 Follow-up ....... 2 Complalnt 1...... 3 Investigalion ..... 4 Othor ....1...... 5 ITEM 1140. 00D Travail I me 23-2511 In pec.Time 21?-28 Eased an inspection thl s day, the Items circlet below identity the vlolatibns in operations or facilities ,vhich must be corroetad by the noxt roufino inspcotlon of such shortur porlod of tlrno as may be spoclfiod In writing by the regulatory authority. Failure to comply J�ith any time mils for corrections specified in this notice may result in cessation of your Food Service operations. /'. C62 _04 - !K ITEM L Wl Got. NO. --- WT. COL. 01 Source; sound condition, no spoilage 6 30 02 Original container; properly labour 1 31 Pulonbaliy havardous food nu,ols Ion,lwoalut0 roqulromonls rr 32 �M03 outing storage_ preparation, display_sorvico transportation e04 1 acllltlos to nminlaln product lomporaturo A 33 (III �05 1hermomrlers provided and conspicuous 1 34 06 Potnnhally hazardous food properly thawed 2 35 -401 Unwiapp_,d and potentially hazardous food not ro-sorvod 4 36 rood pintoctlon during stomao, piewmation, display, 2 31 setvi.o, tcrospotlallon — Crrj Handling of tood (Ico) minim076d 2 i 36 _ 10 in u e, food lice) dispensing utensil properly to 3d 1—x 30 _ ' 11_ 1''orsonne I with Intochons Hants w shod and clean good hyglonic practices f4 41 —� _--� 13 Clean clothes halt restraints 1 42 1'""._s't�kA 6®"ca4P6t•��'�ti�T 6ki UTENSILS f-Oaf (i .e) contact sudac03: desig tad, ..Ons'fUkac:d, main- 3 43 14 ialnod, installed, located 1 No d contact surfaces: design nstnrc main- 1 44 15 inslailod, located -no - - Dishwushinp Pacllltlos: dos! od, construclxJ, maintained,3 45 f 4 Installed, located, oporatod _1, t7- Accut.de Iho(mornetors, chamlcal test kits pntvldctf, gaugo 48 cock f'/n IPS valva) l6 Pro hu7had, s n,ixrd, so"lkod i 47 10( Wash dnae water: clean, propor tcmporaluro 2 46 µ°20 S nitizallon rinso: clean, temperalum, concentration, ox-- 4 49 posuro time; equipment, utensils sanitizad �2,1 Wiping cloths: clean, use rc3tdcted— 1 50 — W Food -contact sulfacos of equipment and utonslis clra n— x 51 oe of abrasives, detergents on -toed contact surfaces of equipment nrd utta,slia clean 1 Fat 24 Slomge, handling of clown cquipmont/utonrrlis 1 53 g o-servica articlos, storage, di pens n 2t4 it 1 No ro use of single service articlon 2 55 �°27 Water source, sale^hot 8 cold undor_prOssuro R�`�Il�C6�7 n f (` Ves .... _.... 7a-1 100 less weight Of �— -- Ctru,ge.7t;-C t i No ..... .. 2 items violated Y1 ncleto + •Clitical Items Requiting Irnmocfiato AUontion, Remarks on bark (no-i) ' FARM N0, E-2 4/84 2la Sewage and waste water disposal 5� 29 Installed rn�lntainacl 11 _ ----`_ g1 Cross connoc.tion, back siphonago, backflow 6 50 -- ET O! H,f-9N®�V A.ai T11iVG FtllrILITll�.S •31 Number, convenient, accosslble designed, installed 4 60 ilat rooms enclosed, clo ' rs, fixtures, good 32 pair, clean; hand cleanser, sanitary towahl/tissuos/hand- 2 1 drying devy;as proddad, proper wasto recaplaclos _ct r �gw�- + r ggv�� ��r++� 33 Containers or receptacles ccvr r'd: adequate number v 2 62 insect/rodent proof froquency. clean Outside storage area uncle ures properly constructed, 1 63 clean, controlled mcinor lion SECT r RODENT, 6�'���tlUr��F`SL CONTROL 35 Presence of Insect 'refers outer opening,�pruiectod,� I 4 1 no bird turtios other an s als & q Floors construciod drained, rlenn^good ropau% covering installation, dust -.s creanlnyr nothods YYEf 37 Wails calling, attached equipment: nen t: co r str r.t .d, good — f rn pair c Ir an, ; u Ir ca i, dw>tias3 c1 caning Fill Ja a3 Lighting providodaa rcrtuir<,d, flttiures shielded 1 67 1 Rooms and oquipmoni - v3ntod rxs requ(red ____ 1 6S ESSING ROOMS k0T Rooms clean, lockers provided, facilities clean, located 1 60 °41 Toxic hems property sictretf, labOlorl, used 6 70 emises maintains tr�Ir ee s ry articles, c caning maintenan o� r>}er) loper y prr�i. Author ed personnel / fit'_ - C 1 71 Comploto separation from Ilarr,glnkoping quariors. Laundry. --- i 72 44 Clean, soiled linenproperlysicced 73 �'ry Received by: name title Ilnspaa;9e�i by: name title �. , Coiaflty Dist. E t. No, wner Name: Tr !�fr4r�t:�s. Follow-up ... 2 Complaint ... 3 Invo!;l ludtloll ..... 4 Other ........... 5 N E IA NO. TC_XAS DEI'ARTWNT OF i-IE!`,'__TH Division of Food and Drugs Census Tract sarlit.lccr&)— C1a1u JT 14A6 1 1 Yr. Igo. Clay 22 t __ Travol 'mime 23-25 IfaS xc,Tlm4 2S 2€3 2 P Service �i �h m n s; p al c i o n Report E?asod on an In!;poctlon this day, tho Itonns circled bolow Identify the violatlbns In operations or fatalities which must be corrected by iha next routine inspection or such shorter period of time as may be specified In writing by the regulatory authority. Failure to comply with any time limits for corrections specified in this notice may result In cose;:;:ion of your Food Service operations. ITEM WT. GOI NO. WT. COL. - SEWAGE 01 a02 Source; sounri condition, no spoilage 6 30 Oriulnol containor; properly labalod 1 31 —� rolenthally ha vdous food me 0ts loin . -torture requirements 32 0 Sllrir t7 torauo preparation, d13pl ry wvice trays portat foil 5 g4 F utilities to maintain product temperature 4 33 pa 1 hennonnelers provided and conspicuous 1 34 I _— — - W Polunhaliy hvnntous food pmpoily thawed 35 — _°07 — Unwrapped and potentially hazardous food not re-strved 4 36 — Food protection dining stoiauo, piepaiallon, display, 2 37 sepice, transportation _ 0i Nan fling of food (Ica) n *Imlzod—� 2 _ - —10 In u.r-" food (ice) dispensing utonsit pioporly slorod 1 39 A — 11� Personnel with infections restricted �— 5 40 1 Hands waAwd and clean, good hygimnic practices 0 41 13 Clean clothes, hair restraints 1 42 } Food (tee) contact surfaces. dcsipnCd, constructed, main- p ' 43 14 talnocf, installed, located _ r 1' s. Non-food contact sumac d I d, o true, rr '�^ 44 tainad, installed, local _ .i if Dishwashing facilities: designed, constructed, man in a 45 installed, located, operated _ 17 Accurate thermometers, chemical lost kits provided, gaugo 1 46 cock (1/4" IPS valve) -- 10 Pro --flushed, scraped, soaked 1 47 IC Wash rinso water: clean, proper temperature a 48 `dg Sanilizatlon rinso: clean, tompomturo, concentration, ox- 2 49 posum limu; equipment, utensils sanitized — 2.1 Wiping cloths: clean, usdrestrictod 1 50 yy2 Food -contact surfaces of equipment and utensils clean, 2 51 free of abiasivo3, detergents Non-food contact surfaces of u silt and utensi s cioa 52 24 Stonigo, handling of clean equipmentlutensils 1 53 mule service articles, storage, dnsp n ing� i 54 No to -use of single service article 6 °27 y`Jalor source, solo: hot &cold under prcJisum til_I ��11� PAYING SCORE 7577 ACTIaN LNO 74-1 100 toss vmight of Change.7tj... ...... 2 items wolatrd , �- Delete .... U #'Critical hems Requiring Immediate Attention. Remarks on back [0g-1j Fp(;tv4 tin. E-2 4-/84 '20 Sewage and waste water disposal 4 57 T3 Inalallad, maintolncxf 1 58 i� Cross connection, back sit h onauo, Ivackflow G 59 _. I4_�T & �'I,,1�I I�VV A�.,'9Y t@1'd \.A �'6�t�I�.I TEt."� _ °31 Number, convenient, accessible, designed, installed — 80 Toilot rooms enclosed, tall closing doors, fixtures, good 81 32 repair, clean; hand cleanser, sanitary tonnals/tissues/hand- 2 drying devirus provided, proper waste roceptaclos — — C;ontainers or rearplacle,�*^�d: �eq mbar insecUmdont proof, frequency, clomlU. — fit i4 Outside storage urea enclosures properly construelod, dean; controlled incinoiatlon 1 63 l 3!i Presence of insects/rodents — Dolor openings protected, 4 � no birds, turtles, other animals C`�ORS, WALLS & C_ EiLlf�(� Ffcior?, Con slructod, drain cl, g d r, covering ti5 installation, dustless cleaning mothod (���.a 3 W sg, attached equipment: constructed, g r 1 tI0 repair;' to surfaces, dustlosa cleaning methods/ r 3 Lighting provided as roquired, I' tturus shloldr"' 1 G! °� Ruoma and atulpmoni - vonlod as requlnacf em/ 03 � Rooms clean, lockers provided, faciiitie�clean, located �1 69 °41 by Toxic items properly slarrxi, IaLgflecf used 0 � 70 V Premises maintained Ire. of liticr, unnecessary articles, cleaning. maintenance equipment properly stored. Author- 1 71 izied personnel n3 Complete separation from livinglsleoping quarters. Laundry. 1 72 — 1� 73eived 44 Clean soiled ninon proper stoned tu�s�lotcci by: name ��'' e ,/ L Cot.rtty Dist. Est.�lo. Owner Name: Addras i: _— Rouuiar Follow-up 2 Complaint ....... 3 Investigation ..... 4 Other ..........1 5 ITF64 NO. TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Division of Food and Drugs en sus Tract �i-1s 1. 0arT4t.� oScT F_staulishment Flame: F_staulishment Flame: 9oj Day ��-i Travol Timo 28-25 4ADS `�� (I )fie r fnstrac.flme 28 [ asod on an inslxction this day, the (toms circled below Identity the vlola8bns in operations or facilities which must be uorroctod by the next routine inspection or such shorter ooriod of time as may be spoctfiod in writing by the regulatory authority. Failure to comply with any time mtts for corrections speeifiod to this notice m -y result In cessation of your Food Service operations. ITEM WT. Cot NO. WT. COL. SEWAGE Qi Source; sound condition, no spoilaua 6 '30 (Y2 Original container; properly labeled in 31 '03 Potentially hazardous load moots ten:peraUeo raquiromonts 32 during storage, preparation, display, service Irnnsptxtatlon 6 °64 Facilities to maintain product tornporatum 4 33 _,.Q, ��— �1— Thorwoniolact provided and wnsplcuous 34 — Oi{ Potentially hazardous food properly thawed 2 35 _ 07 Unwapp,ad and potentially hazardous lood not ro-served 4 36 �r �ood protection during sloiauo, preparation P a 37 service, transportation M dandling of food (Ice) m nimizod 2 30 10 In use, food (ice) dispensing utonsils prop(, ly stored 1 39 Personnel erith Infochons resutcini 5 40 } I Innds Wn hod and clean, good hyglonlc practicos 3 41 — l3 Clean clothes, hair restraints 1 42 WATEn Focxt (Tee) contact surfaces: dcigi ad, constructed, 44 tainad it aiallod, located lelon food contact urlacos' designed constructed, ntaln- 1 44 15 ) zinn In lal!od ocatircl i3 Dlshwa hinp la it do dos'gnod, con uuet,xf mar Ytame�d, 2 45 inst ail d located oporalad Accurate thermometers chemical test kits provided, gauge 17 1 k0 cock (V4" IPS valve) iG Pre -flushed, scraped, soaked 1 47 -`--� —� — ID Wash, rinse water: cioan, proper tampuantwo 2� 43 E..nilizatlon rins-: clean, temperature, comet.tr.ralIon, ox- 4 49 20 (.tosure tlrno', eq!Apmunt, utensils rra l,tmvfl 21 Wiping cloths c'e(ua, use'rostrictod 1 50 ti contact surfaces of equ' c.ra d ulcer sits �� -i h it �aa of abrasives, dotorgen L...'� t7i Non-food contact surfaces of equipm nt ail rrtrle claa 1 62 �24 Stoingo, handling of clean equlpmentlutensils 1 53 25 Single-servica arliclos, storage, dispensing ��— i ✓l �2 No re-uso of singlu service articles 55 °27� bVater :,c�urrxa, Sato: hot &cold under (rrussuro [VOLL,t i-t!PR�TINGSCORE7m-77 FA0N74-i1(m less weight of 78-C Ilmns vlolatal �� .. U `Critical t'mns Hequlring Inunediato Attention, flernarks on back 1110 1) FofiM NILO_ E-2 41/f34 -ey3s ,. 20 Sowago and waste water disposal`— _— L 57 ?3 Inslallud, malntalnod — 1 58 Cross connoctIon, back siphonago, backflow 61 59 is Number, convenient, accessible, designed, Installed 4 +30 Toilot rooms onrlosnd self closing doors, fixtures, good 2 repair, clean; ! id rotary towills/tissues/hand- 61 drying davicos )per w sto receptaclos 30 Containers or receptacles, cover:>d: adequate number 2 02 insecllrodont proof, lroquoncy, clean 34 Outside storage area enclosures properly constructed, 1 63 clean, controllod incinerationter �E@d i q RODENT q b"=i 9'sIM6:"t its 4.rON�V OL 35 Presence of insects/rodents — outer openings protected, 3 no birds turtles, other anirnals _ — I COMPS, WALLS & CEILINGS 30 Floors),constm od chalnMe clean, good repair, covoring 1 OS installation, du tic cleaning methods �l lnll co n ttachod o 1 a I a seal: constructed, flood �r )air, r oan, suitacas, du>tle;s cica ing methods t�1_,.IMSHIRW 2SI Clotting provided as ruquu<xi, fixtu r .shielded NTILATION 5 67 .—,---� � Rcxxns and oquipmortt —vented as rraqulred �� Roorn r Ic-an, lockers provufod�l uillUes c{e,nn locaferi 6 63 .°41 Toxic items properly stored, labeled, used -----� !$ 70 Premises maintained free of inter, unnecessat 1 articles, 43 clcan ingmaintenance equipment properly stored. Author- ized personnel 3 Complete separation from living/sleeping quarters. Laundry. 1 72 4-0 clean, soilod linen properly stored . 9 73 F1F;CL'OVLit by: nann I�n;�ctt3t3 k)y: nine ii " TI XAS DEPAR-i-MEN T OF HEALTH Division of Food and Drugs ' Tat. Coy€lty Dist. Est,No. Census T ran171 t war�tn t o e1 ti`r. � i [� 11-13ri � ��-fi�22 �t. Owner Name: Establishment Name:��/ iArdd ras S: Roij,dar .. 29-1 Follow-up ....... 2 Complaint .. .. 3 Invostigallon ..... 4 Other ........... r � Il � hA q� NO :700 i aelnol Time Inspic.'i inle-� vZ Ell Zip Rp o r Lased on an inspection this day, the Items circlad below identify the violations In operations or facilities which must be corrected by the next routina inspection or such shorter prriod of time as may be specified in writing by the regulatory authority. Failure to comply with any Brno limits for corroctions specified in this nolica may result In cossation of your Food Service operations. ITEM WT. Got NO WT. SEWAGE Or Source; sound condition, no spoilage 5 30 0� Original container; property labolod 1 31 — _ °03 Polonbatly hazardous food masts tomparaturo roquiremenis 32 dug ng storage, p(opagation, display, service bangP)rtallon 6 004 Facilities to maintain product temperature 4 33 _ _�— 05 7hennomolem provided and conspicuous 1 311 M Potentially hnzn ileac food properly thawed 2 35 407 Unwrappod and potentially hazardous food not re - carved 4 36 O0 sound piotection during storage, preparation, dlsplay, 2 374 service, transportation -- — l}0 Kindling of food (Ice) minimized 2 30 10 In u[rl• food (ico) dispensing olennils proporly stoind 1 30 Y"ERtYONWH_ — Perunnel with infections restricted 5 40 _— I{ ,: ttand3 v r_hod Glean and clean, geed hyglc h )r;.r tica,i ;'i — 41 t 13 clothos hair r tr int•t i 1. 42 C FOOD EQUIPMENT & UTENSILS Fnod (ice) contact surfaces: designed, consWctcd, maln- a' 43 t4 1 lained installed, located 1 r=�_ )Non-food contact surfaces: doss ned,se nstruc talnnd fnstaflod, located �a 1d Dishwashing facilities: d ,gnod, constructxf, maintained, 45 Insainllr t, located, op ratod _ L 17 Accufate thermometers, chemical test kits provided, gauge 1 46 cock (1/4" fps valve) 'IB Pre -flushed, scraped, soaked 1 47 �10 Wash, rinse water: clean, proper temperature 2 4a °20 Sanitizallon rinse: clean, temperature, concentration, ox- 4 49 posure time; equipment, utensils sanitized 21 Wiping cloths clean, usti rostrictod 1 50 , 2 C od-contact suriaces of c it rued utensi roe of abmsivos, doteroonts J1 .!/fit X � vv\b V _ 23 Non-food contact surfaces o/ , uipme t and utensils clean 1 52 24 Storage, handling of clean equipment/utensils 1 53 f° 1 ingle-sorvicri articlos, storage, dispensing 1 CA Y? "'l No ro-uso of single service articles 55 "27 b'Jator source, safe: hot &cold under pressure C°2Tn�Sewage and waste avatar disposal _ r� 5T 2fl Inslallarl, mainlalned 3 Cross connoction, back siphonago, backllow l3 50 °31 Number, convenient, accessible, rlusigned, installed Toilot morns enclosed, self closing doors, fixtures, good 32 rep ir, clean; hand cleanser, Lr.nitary toiAmisbnuues/hand- 2 6t drying davicus providod, propor wisto roceptaclos --� i 3t1 Containers or ror eptacles covarzd: adequalu number e 62 Insectlrodont proe>f, Itexauinsy, clown U633� Oulr ido slnrage r ea encloseea pr rporly consinic[ed,M clean, conholle i uicinor lion (IDS) X`f. ROD NT° I'��I`tIAL CONT 01 r Pnismu:o ul taco<,Ltuxlunt., ouiru olrunlnCin prutacicd, "a, 4 64 no bads, to as, other animals _®-- — /k u,a,,,�.�U� .. Installation, dustless cleaning methodslFG�- r f 7 o tin , attarhod aqulpmont: constrr.c.lad, good ra a urt�a�ca dustless cleaning methods W �,-> __HTING — Mug Cv 30 Lighting providod as required, fixtures shielded 1 07 C3fl Rooms and equipment — vented as required 1 90 �r Roorns clean, lockers provided, facilities clean, located_-_� a 1--69� `41 Toxfu items properly stored, labeled, used 6 70 Promises maintained free of litter, unnecessary articles, � cleaning.maintenance equipment properly stored. Author- i 71 ized personnel _ 43 Complete separation from - ping quarters. Laundry. 1 72 - -- _ . Clean, soiled linon pro art stored 1 73 �. �IBCEIVeCt by: �U!_Ld��fl—UP �I��I�42�b�,�#�,7577 �ri�IQI\I -- -- tide Yes 74-1 t(Xl loss woighi of }-� Ghangn No . .... ....... 2 items violater _ / Delete .... 1-1 6rSSpe> tG # t)y: name 'Critical Items Requiring immedialo Attention. Remarks on back (60-1( title ° 1:01ml W1. L 2 Mr' 4 /t_lQ r CITY OF SANGER P. O. BOX 578 BANGER, TEXAS 76266 TO: Honorable Mayor &Members of the City Council FROM: John Hamilton, City Administrator DATE. March 28, 1994 SUBJECT: Telephone Service - EAS Mr. Rick Brown, Manager, Industrial and Economic Development, for Sprint Telephone, came to the office last week. We had a lengthy discussion regarding extended area telephone service and the positive impact it would have on Sanger's business development as well as the convenience for our residential customers. Mr. Brown agreed that it would be good for the area and his company as the number of telephone customers could steadily increase as the area grows. Mr. Brown advised that he would discuss the possibilities with his boss in Austin and would report back. You will be kept advised as this important issue develops. JH:es (l.m.}