03/21/1994-CC-Agenda Packet-RegularCITY COUNCIL AGENDA MARCH 2l, 1994 201 BOLIVAR STREET, CITY HALL 7:00 P.M. 1. Call to order, Invocation and Pledge to the Flag 2. CONSENT AGENDA a}. Approve Minutes b). Disbursements AGENDA 3. Citizen's Input 4. Public Hearing on Proposed Capital Improvements Project 5. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Ordinance #02-94 -Average Billing Option - Electric PASSED — skbrQ- 6. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Ordinance #03-94 - ETJ Petition, Joe Higgs PASSED . " (1 7. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Resolution #R2-94 - North Central Texas Electrical Examination Program Interlocal A reement i PASSED 3 8. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Authorizing Bids For New Police Vehicle 9. City Administration Report PASSED ` 10. Any Other Such Matters 11. Adjournment Rd�alie Chavez, City Seetary 3/17/94 4:15 p.m. Date &Time Posted MINUTES: City Council Meeting 3/7/94 MEMBERS PRESENT. Mayor Nel Armstrong, Councilman Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Russell Madden, Councilman Jack Richardson, and Councilwoman Margie Braxton MEMEERS ABSENT: Councilman Jerry Jenkins OTHERS PRESENT. City Administrator John Hamilton, Administrative Assistant Etta Stogsdill, Public Works Superintendent Chuck Tucker, Electric Superintendent Larry Yoast, Chief of Police Benny Erwin, Glenn Shaw, Sherry Muir, Helen Bounds, Glenn Ervin, Deborah Hilliard, Brenda Nixon, Esta Ashcraft, Mary Bell Sims, Esta Morgan, Jack Biggerstaff, Sally Stratso-Sanger Courier, Joe Skiles, Gregg Little - Metroplex, and Betty Robinson 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order. Councilman Tommy Kincaid gave the invocation which was followed by the pledge to the flag. 2. CONSENT AGENDA a}. Approve Minutes - �t7orkshop Meeting &Regular Meeting b). Disbursements Motion was made by Councilman Madden and seconded by Councilman Richardson to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion carried. *Mayor Armstrong mentioned that present due to he had to attend a business. 3. Citizen's Input: Councilman Jenkins was not workshop in Austin relating to his a}. Brenda Nixon, 105 Southpark, spoke regarding the average billing option which is presently being reviewed by City Council. She also request for them to also consider low income and senior citizens. Ms. Nixon mentioned a questionnaire she had sent to the City Council. 4. Consider and Passible Action Regarding Citizens Advisory Committee Recommendations For Capital Improvement Projects CC MIN. 3/7/94, page 2 Chairperson Glenn Shaw, 701 Cherry, presented the Citizens Advisory Committee's recommendations regarding Capital Improvement Projects - Library, Street, Water and Wastewater to the City Council. Agenda item was tabled for further review to be discussed in a City Council Workshop and a Public Hearing for March 21st for citizen comments. Mayor Armstrong. stated that on April lst, the City Council will call a Special Public Hearing in order to give the citizens two opportunities regarding Capital Improvements. 5. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider Request for Dorwin Sargent, Final Plat on Sargent Subdivision, Phase II, Four Residential Lots - Located on Freese Drive at David Drive Mayor Armstrong declared the Public Hearing open. Gregg Little with Metroplex Engineering was present on Darwin Sargent's behalf for Sargent Subdivision Final Plat. Mr. Little mentioned that they had made changes City Staff and Planning & Zoning had requested and was requesting a waiver on the sidewalks. Mayor Armstrong declared the Public Hearing closed. 6. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Request for Dorwin Sargent, Final Plat on Sargent Subdivision, Phase II, Four Residential Lots - Located on Freese Drive at David Drive Chuck Tucker, Building Official, mentioned after reviewing the construction plans, for them to place the fire hydrants on Freese Dr. rather than at the back of the cul-de-sac where it would be accessible to the Fire Department. Motion was made by Councilman Kincaid and seconded by Councilwoman Braxton that the City Council approve the Final Plat and Construction Plans on Sargent Subdivision, Phase II, Four Residential Lots -Located on Freese Drive at David Drive with two exceptions, waiver on the sidewalks, the alley easement and the fire hydrant be moved to the location of the Fire Department's request. Motion carried. 7. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Ordinance #02-94 -Average Billing Option -Electric Agenda item tabled for next City Council Meeting. CC MIN. 3/7/94, page 3 8. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Awarding Jet Sprayer Bid The following bid was received on 3-7-94 at 2:00 P.M.: COMPANY Texas Underground 13311 Garden Road Pearland, Texas 77581 AMOUNT BID FOR PROJECT $21,340.00 6.50% 60/90 Day Delivery bout 24 mo.4890.00 36 mo.-$613.00 48 mo.4474.00 60 mo.-$391.00 Motion was made by Councilwoman Braxton and seconded by Councilman Richardson that the City Council accepts the bid from Texas Underground for a Jet Sprayer Machine at a cost of $21,340.00 on a 48 month pay -out at a interest of 6.5%, $474.00. Motion carried. 9. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Appointments to the Public Safety Radio Equipment Committee Mayor Armstrong appointed two Councilmembers, Jerry Jenkins and Jack Richardson, Benny Erwin for the Police Department, upon request of Chief Bill Murrell, Craig Waggoner be appointed to represent the Fire Department, and City Administrator John Hamilton be appointed as ex-officio. Mayor Armstrong mentioned that much research has already been done regarding the Public Safety Radio Equipment. She noted that Mr. Hamilton would schedule meeting(s) to review this further and make recommendations to the City Council. 10. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Animal Control Shelter Flans After brief discussion, motion was made by Councilman Madden and seconded by Councilwoman Braxton to approve the plans as presented by Hunter Associates for the proposed animal shelter and that we proceed to apply to the Marguerite Doe Foundation for $50,000 grant funding. Motion carried. 11. City Administration Report City Administrator Jahn Hamilton reported on the following items: CC MIN. 3/7/94, page 4 a}. The water pressure concern voiced by Ken Sanders and Sen Weatherall has been corrected by the extension of a six (6) inch water line along Wood Street from Tenth to Denton. b). The Bolivar Street Median now has anew 35 ft. flagpole installed and the "Welcome" sign should be delivered this week. Chuck and Larry are aware of the electric and sprinkler system requirements for the median. 12. Any Other Such Matters a). Mayor Armstrong mentioned the questionnaire presented by Ms. Nixon. She stated that this had been done within the last few years with less than 10% response to the questionnaire. b). Councilman Kincaid mentioned Oak Street needed work done on this street. City Administrator Hamilton stated this street is still under further review. 13. Meeting adjourned. ANY 100 3/17/94 PAGE 1 175 A-1 RENTAL P.O. BOX 7878 HARD HATS 10789101 2/28/94 13889 3/22/94 418.0600 31.50 TOTAL 1785 BSN SPQRTS BASEBALL/TENNIS 8601749 2/25/94 424.2100 95.92 TOTAL ROTORS40LICE :.3/10/94 0 15a@g TOTAL METAL t ' ' Ell JI 412a@600 @ @r198m@4 TOTAL ;. CH r M DISCa , , 31.50 P.Q. BOX 7726 13857 3/22/94 95.92 95.92 BANGER, TEXRS 14003 3/22/94 15.00 �2trF1'+ll 4125 BURRUS SUPERMARKET P. Q.BQX 708 CITIZEN ADVISORY 13809 2/08/94 13809 3/22/94 38.50 410.0900 38.50 DOG FOOD -ANIMAL 13703 2/14/94 13703 3/22/94 149.50 444.2600 149.50 OTHER-REIMB. BY 13828 2/15/94 13828 3/22/94 47.62 413.1600 47.62 BULBS-COMM. CNTR 13856 2/18/94 13856 3/22/94 6.59 470.0800 6.59 M/CC MEETING SUP 13869 2/21/94 13869 3/22/94 9.40 413.1400 9.40 OTHER SUPPLIES-O 13888 2/24/94 13888 3/22/94 5.12 423.1600 5.12 BATTERIES -POLICE 13781 2/25/94 13781 3/22/94 5.49 424.0300 5.49 TOTAL 262.22 4175 GALVERT RUTOMOTIVE, INC. 210 DRLLAS DRIVE STARTER-ST. DEPT 30690 2/28/94 14035 3/22/94 59.66 419.0500 59.66 TOTAL 59.66 r,, r„ ,, TOTAL 6500 G&H JANITORIAL SUPPLIES PAPER SUPPLIES 17710 442.1600 442.0300 442.0800 442.0600 607 WEST 62ND ST. R.Q. BOX 8007 3/08/94 13967 3/22/94 2,189.25 2, 050.00 71.00 68.25 2,189.25 P.O. BOX 1104 3/09194 17.87 17.89 17.87 17.87 13952 3/22/94 71.50 CITY OF SRNGER AP OPEN ITEM LIST COMPANY 1@@ 3/17/94 PAGE 2 @9:i6 VENDOR INV ND INV bTE PD NUM DUE DTE PURCH ANT DISC. AMT TDTAL 71.5@ .@@ 7575 CONTINENTAL RESEARCH CORP P.O. BDX 8428 ANT KILLER/GRND. 92451 2/25/94 137@@ 3/22/94 543.23 .@@ 415, @9@@ 271.62 4i5.21@@ 271.61 TOTAL 543.23 .@@ 13@@@ CITY DF DENTON, ACC. MUNICIPAL BUILDING 215 EAST MCKINNEY WATER TESTING f4@33 3l14/94 14@33 3/22/94 12@.@@ .@@ 456.@6@@ 12@.@@ TOTAL i2@.@@ .@0 162@@ DETCO INDUSTRIES P.O. BOX 43@ CONTACT SPRAY -EL 53478 3/@3/94 13673 3/22/94 495.@@ .@@ 418. @8@@ 495. @@ TOTAL 495.@@ 165@@ ENDERBY GAS COMPANY WEST HIGHWAY 82 R.D. BOk 717 PROPANE -VEHICLE 6@774 2/16194 13793 3/22/94 33.44 .@@ 414.2@@@ 33.44 TOTAL 33.44 .@@ 16526 ELLIDT ELECTRIC SUPPLY P.D. BOX 63@61@ NACOGDOCHES, TX ?5963 STRAPS/COUPLINGS 19046651 3/@8/94 13674 3/22/94 62.33 .@@ 47@.@8@@ 62.33 TOTAL 62.33 .@@ 173@@ G & G TRACTOR CD. 123@ FT. WORTH DRIVE HYDRAULIC HOSE-T 85622 1/25/94 13663 3/22/94 29.28 .@@ 4i9.ii@@ 29.28 HOSES/SERLS/BEAR 85889 21@8/94 1379@ 3/22/94 86.@3 .@@ 419.@5@@ 86.@3 TOTAL 115.31 .@@ 22@@@ HILZ-SNIDER CHEV., INC. P. 0. BOX 88 MOTOR MOUNTS-POL i@3889 1/21/94 13655 3/22/94 73.5@ .@@ 419.@3@@ 73.5@ BRAKE CABLE-VEH. 1@4@i@ 2/16/94 13791 3/22/94 31.95 .@@ 419.2@@@ 31.95 TOTAL 1@5.45 . @@ 23@@@ HDLLINGSWDRTH MFG. CO.. P. 0. BDX 384 TDW POLICE CAR 1654 2/28/94 13842 3/22/94 52.@8 .@@ 419.@3@@ 52.@B TDTAL 52.@8 .@@ 2459@ INTERSTATE BATTERIES 48@2 ALEXANDER P. D. BDX 56@861 BATTERIES -STREET 4159 2/03/94 13785 3/22/94 91.9@ .@@ 419. @5@@ 91.9@ TOTAL 91.9@ 26@@@ KRIZ DAVIS CD. P. 0. BDX 25@@ Q ELBOWS/BUSHINGS- 2@4752 i/16/94 13473 3I22/94 2,141.50 .@@ 47@.@8@@ 2,141.5@ TDTAL 2,141.5@ .@@ CITY OF SANGER AP OPEN ITEM LIST COMPANY 100 3/17/94 PAGE 3 09:16 VENDOR INV NO INV DTE PO NUM DUE DTE PURCH AMT DISC. AMT 26350 LADD UNIFORM COMPANY 313 W. VICKERY BLVD. PATCHES-ECA FIRE 12144 3/08/94 13966 3/22/94 25,00 .00 416.1100 25900 TOTAL 25.00 .00 27510 LAWSON PRODUCTS INC. P 0 BOX 300012 CONCRETE BLADES- 13230992 3/02/94 13924 3/22/94 36.44 .00 431 a 0500 36, 44 TOTAL 36.44 .00 27555 LAWN LAND 714 DALLAS DRIVE BLADE COUPLING 30903 2/28/94 13998 3/22/94 32.70 .00 456.0900 32.70 TOTAL 32.70 .00 29500 LONE STAR PRINTING 1609 WEST AUSTIN STREET R.O. BOX 1082 MISC. ENVELOPES 13849 2/17/94 13849 3/22/94 252.90 .00 411,0300 89.90 411.i9@0 55. 411.1900 36.00 411.0800 36.00 411.0100 36.00 TOTAL 252.90 .00 31115 MID -STATE METER SERVICES PO BOX 59 RECOND./CLEAN ME 3494 3/15/94 14037 3/22/94 444.70 .00 432, 0800 444.70 TOTAL 444.70 ,00 31126 MIND/DATAPLEX P.D. BOX 39271 MICROFILM READER 789179 2/02/94 13726 3/22/94 957.90 .00 472., 02H 957.90 TOTAL 957.90 .00 31257 M.J. DESIGNS 2311 COLORADO BLVD. FRAMES -FIRE DEPT 09825 3/08/94 13877 3/22/94 88.98 .00 421.1100 88.98 TOTAL 88898 .00 31610 MURRAY LIGHTING & APPLIAN 520 LOOP 288 P. O. BOX 1544 BULBS -CITY HALL 30539 2/23/94 13478 3/22/94 54.00 .00 470,0800 54.00 TOTAL 54,00 .00 32500 PADDACK FEED &FERTILIZER P.O. BOX 416 SALT -ICY WEATHER 43228 2/10l94 13616 3l22/94 ifi.50 .00 431.0500 16.50 TOTAL 16.50 .00 33000 PAYLESS CASHWAYS, INC. P.O. BOX 660333 LIGHT/NAILS/BULB 091593 2/11/94 13671 3/22/94 47.58 ,00 470,0800 6.69 421.2100 40.89 TEE -WATER DEPT. 092964 2/23/94 13887 3/22/94 6.99 .00 �% t 427.06M 6.99 TOTAL 54.57 .00 CITY OF SANGER AP OPEN ITEM LIST COMPANY 100 3/17/94 PAGE 4 09:16 VENDOR INV NO INV DTE PO NUM DUE DTE PORCH AMT DISC. AMT 33725 PERRICO TRAILER AND MFG. P.O. BOX 738 TRAILER JACK-ST. 14004 3/10/94 14004 3/22/94 23.45 .00 419.0500 23.45 TOTAL 23.45 .00 33750 PERRY, DR. RICHARD P.O. BOX 228 PHYSICALWIREFI 13968 3/08/94 13968 3/22/94 835.00 .00 442.1100 835.00 TOTAL 835.00 .00 34755 t�UILL CORPdRATION P. O. BOX 5900 OFFICE SUPPLIES- 0309131 3/07/94 13965 3/22/94 57.04 .00 411.1400 28.52 411.1500 28.52 TOTAL 57.04 .00 35000 RADIO SHACK 410 BDLIUAR P.D. BOX 297 BATTERIES -WATER 13694 2/02/94 13694 3/22/94 2.59 .00 412.0600 2.59 SPEAKER40LICE D 40340012 2/04/94 13774 3/22/94 12.95 .00 456.0300 12.95 CALCULATOR/PHONE 13701 2/11/94 13701 3/22/94 47.95 .00 412olOOO 47.95 SPEAKER -UNIT 1 P 40520001 2/21/94 13779 3/22/94 12.95 .00 456.0300 12.95 BATTERIES-BDDY M 40550008 2/25/94 13780 3/22/134 19.98 .00 424.0300 19.98 HOLE PLUG -ELECT. 40590009 2/28/94 13844 3/22/94 2.59 .00 419.0800 2.59 BRACKET -POLICE D 40620005 3/03/94 14005 3/22/94 4.99 .ee 419*0300 4.99 ELECTRONIC SIGN- 40630003 3/08/94 13876 3/22/94 149.99 .00 416.1100 149.99 TOTAL 253.99 .00 35264 R & R MOTOR SUPPLY 512 N. LOCUST SPARK PLUG WIRES 40245 1/31/94 13733 3/22/94 22.81 .00 419.2600 22.81 STARTER/SOLENOID 40413 2/14/94 13789 3/22/94 77.08 .00 419.2600 29.95 419.2600 13.95 419.0600 33.18 STARTER -ELECT. D 40667 2/16/94 13835 3/22/94 37.50 .00 419.0800 37.50 WD-404EH. MAINT 13220 3/09/94 13999 3/22/94 3.98 .00 424.1200 3.98 TOTAL 141.37 .00 35265 R & R UNIFORMS, INC. 3830 IRVING BLVD. PANTS-SGT. AMYX 004728 3/07/94 13782 3122/94 55.00 .00 416.0300 55.00 TOTAL 55.00 .00 000008 37777 SANGER OFFICE SUPPLY 303 BDLIUAR P.O. BOX 958 DATE STAMP4RONT 1512 1/28/94 13745 3/22/94 52.95 .00 411.1900 52.95 �� �. �x ,�; •. CITY OF SANGER 09:16 VENDOR INV NO INV DTE PO NUM DUE DTE PURCH AMT DISC. ANT OFFICE SUPPLIES- 2601 2/01/94 13460 3/22/94 17.64 .00 411.0200 17.64 SAFETY SUPPLIES- 2653 2/09/94 13812 3/22/94 83.70 .00 442.1900 83.70 CALL. PAPER HOLD 1527 2/15/94 13788 3/22/94 19.86 .00 424.1200 19.86 OFFICE SUPP.-COU 2654 2/17/94 13855 3/22/94 96.97 .00 411.1900 44.92 411.0300 52.05 FILE FRAMES-VEH. 2658 2/21/94 13867 3/22/94 4.81 .00 424.2000 4.81 OFFICE SUPPLIES- 1537 2/22/94 13704 3/22/94 3.40 .00 4t 1.1900 3. 40 OTHER SUPPLIES -A 2630 2/23/94 13900 3/22/94 2.63 .00 444.2600 2.63 FILING CABINET-F 2657 2/24/94 13969 3/22/94 209.89 .00 442.1100 209.89 OFFICE SUPPLIES- 1535 2/25/94 13768 3/22/94 42.54 .00 411.0200 42.54 TOTAL 534.39 .00 38500 SANGER DRUG STORE R.O. BOX 958 AMMONIUM HYDROXI 13696 2/07/94 13696 3/22/94 15.80 .00 415.0600 15.80 TOTAL 15.80 .00 43718 TAM AUTO PARTS 117 N. MORRIS CARB. SPRAY/PLUG 13942 3/08/134 13942 3/22/94 39.47 .00 419.0300 7.99 419, 0300 6. 29 419.0500 6.29 419.0600 6.29 419.0700 6.29 419.0800 6.32 TOTAL 3147 .00 43800 TEEN MAC87TMC P.O. BDX 52795 BOULDER, CO 80322-2795 SUBSCRIPTION 13956 3108194 13956 3/22/94 15.95 .00 430.0200 15.95 TOTAL 15.95 .00 44028 TEXAS DEPT. OF HEALTH 1100 WEST 49TH STREET WATER SAMPLES 13928 3/08/94 13928 3/22/94 449.00 .00 456.0600 449.00 TOTAL 449.00 .00 45000 TEXAS METER & SEWER CO. METERS/GASKET LU 52382 455.0600 CLAMPS/GLOVES/PI 52247 427. 06M RIPE/PVC/TEES/RE 52588 421.0600 METERS/WASHERS 52701 455.0600 TOTAL HWY. 380 EAST P. O. BOX 1040 1I27J94 13693 3/22/94 4i9.46 .00 419.46 2/08/94 13699 3/22/94 11730.84 .00 1, 730.84 2/23/94 13898 3/22/94 2,406.33 .00 2, 406.33 2/28/94 13890 3/22/94 852.00 .00 852.00 51408.63 .00 CITY OF SANGER AP OPEN ITEM LIST COMPANY 100 3/17/94 PAGE 6 09a16 VENDOR INV NO INV DTE PO NUM DUE DTE PORCH AMT DISC. AMT 45525 TX NATURAL RESOURCE CONSERVATION COMMISSION P.O. BOX 100580 PERMIT FEE -WASTE 0023966 3/09/94 13929 3/22/94 11950.00 .00 452.0700 1, 950.00 TOTAL 1,950.00 .00 50200 VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS P. 0. BOX 819064 OFFICE SUPPLIES- 639335 3/08/94 13984 3/22/94 42.95 .00 411.0100 5.99 411.0300 9.99 411.1900 26.97 OFF. SUPPLIES-DA 641329 3/09/94 13997 3/22/94 148.65 .00 411.0100 9.98 411.1400 18.99 41i.1900 119.68 TOTAL 191.60 .00 53265 WEBS AUTO KARTS P.O.BOX 355 AIR COUPLER/HOSE 2797 2/02/94 13786 3/22/94 33.95 .00 424.2000 33.95 STRAPS/BELTS 2862 2/15/94 13792 3/22/94 81.79 .00 419. @1600 7.86 419.0360 12.03 419.0500 15.47 419.0600 15.47 419.0700 15.47 419.0800 15.49 TIRE STEMS/PLUGS 2887 2/23/94 13837 3/22/94 53.94 .00 419.1100 21.25 424.1200 1.20 419.0300 2000 419.0500 2.00 419.0600 2.00 419.0700 2000 419.0800 2000 419.1100 2.00 41940300 3.24 419.0500 3.24 419. 06M 3. 24 419.0700 3.24 41940800 3.24 419.1100 3.29 TOTAL 169.68 .00 54060 DENTON CO. BUILDERS SUPPLY P.O. BOX 733 HOE-SANTA FE LOT 5239 2/02/94 13770 3/22/94 9.99 .00 423.0800 9.99 CONCRETE -ELECT. 5361 2/15/94 13831 3/22/94 12.50 .00 470.0800 12.50 BULBS -ELECT. 5379 2/17/94 13853 3/22/94 5.97 .00 470.0800 5.97 DOOR KNOB-C. CEN 5429 2/23/94 13705 3/22/94 25.53 .00 423.2100 25.53 STEEL/LUMBER-SAN 5260 2/28/94 13891 3/22/94 21542.91 .00 4239 0500 21542. 91 000010 TOTAL 21596.90 .00 CITY OF SANGER AP OPEN ITEM LIST COMPANY 100 3/17/94 PAGE 7 09:16 VENDOR INV NO INV DTE PO NUM DUE DTE PURCH ANT DISC. AMT 211582.34 .00 l ' ! 1 I OTAL i i DISCOUNTS GJL DERARTMENTS ADMINISTRATION-GF 1 51x97 LIBRARY 2 19 034@ 03 POLICE 3 45132 STREETS 5 27 8838 89 WATER 6 6,318.47 WASTEWATER 7 1,977.00 ELECTRIC 8 3,360.28 PARKS 9 342.82 PUBLIC WORKS 10 47.95 FIRE 11 3955193 VEHICLE MAINT-GF 12 25.04 MAYOR & COUNCIL-GF 14 56.9l MAYOR & COUNCIL-EF 15 28.52 ADMINISTRATION-EF 16 70.61 PUBLIC WORKS-EF 17 198.04 DATA PROCESSING 19 422.62 VEHICLE MAINT-EF 20 104.15 COMM. CENTER-GF 21 43195 ANIMAL CON^1ROL-GF 26 218.84 t MEMORANDUM # 2463 TO: FROM: DATE. SUBJECT: CITY OF SANDER P. O. BOX 578 SANDER, TEXAS 76266 Honorable Mayor &Members of the City Council John Hamilton, City Administrator March 18, 1994 Capital Improvements Workshop Enclosed are copies of the Advisory Committee's recommendations and Southwest Securities debt service cost estimates. If you believe that the proposed project will be approved in some form, and would like to see a street project proceed for summer of 1994, instructions to staff to order the design of the project would be helpful as it will take the engineers about four {4) weeks to complete the specific project design. As a reminder, any street that needs extensive utility relocation would require a four (4) to six (6) month lead in order to accommodate all affected utility companies. JH:es Enclosures 2/ 16/94 Proposed Time Line - Capital Improvement Projects All Construction Estimates Include 8% Engineering Date Activity Estimated Cost April 1, 1994 Certificates Sold Gas, Telephone, Cable T.V. notified of underground utility projects May 1, 1994 Open Bids - Street/Water/Library June 15, 1994 Begin Construction (Phase I) Library $3 50,000 Keaton Road (From 455, South to Holt) $689,04D Bolivar/Berry/Holt $246,240 Water Line - I-35, North to Jennifer Circle $120,960 Wastewater - Bolivar St Line Relocation $ 67,392 $1,473,632 August 1, 1994 Begin Construction (Phase I) Duck Creek Road, Keaton to Keaton Holt, South and Keaton Road - Duck Creek South Brook Glen Extension $ 79,920 Water Line - Church Street to 7th $ 43,200 Water Line - Wood/Denton/Church $ 15,120 Wastewater - Wood St, South to Austin $ 38,880 $177,120 November 1, 1994 - Phase I (Streets) completed • Relocation of loth Street Utilities Begin Begin Construction (Phase II, Streets) Bolivar Street $247,104 6th, 7th and 9th Streets $ 65,340 Water Line - Willow/7th/Houston $ 51,840 $364,284 January 1, 1995 Begin Construction (Phase III, Streets) Austin Street Tenth Street Water Line - Hughes Street Water 300,000 gallon ground storage Wastewater - Southside Dr. - South •Underground electric - Bolivar,6th/7th/9th March 10 1995 Begin Construction Wastewater - I-35 Bore Wastewater - Cowling Road - Liftstation 1 lth/ 12th/ 13th ($34,804) TOTAL •Underground Electric could be FY Budget Item $ 86,400 $ 51,840 $ 2,850,000 (� GD-.�V-17�''/V7• �✓J rRVI 1 JVV I I IWI..J I JGVVRI 1 Lt_J7 V I V I l O l f "fJ0"f 1 OYJ r. KJC PROPOSED t2,850,000 AAA-iNSUREO QT60 CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS COMBINATION TAX ANO UTILITY SYSTEM JUNIOR LIEN REVENUE CERTIFICATES OF OBLIGATION, SERIHS 1994 rtxOQ9Raaa=aanan�m�xp O(:BT SERVICE SCHEpULe aaasaaaras=a==axQan� OATE PRINC1pAl. COUPON INTEREST PERIOD TOTAL FISCAL TOTAL 3/.1i45 +_._+..............•.•. -...142,500.00 ••.-142,500.00 9/ 1/95 25,000.00 6.000OdO 85,500.00 110,500.00 253,000.Od 3/ 1/96 84,750.00 84,750.00 9/ 1/96 85,000.00 b.000000 84,750.00 169,750.00 25k,500.00 3/ 1/97 82,200.00 8x,200.00 9/ 1/97 40,000.00 b.000d00 82,200.00 172,200.00 254,400.00 3/ 1/98 79,500.00 79,500.00 9! 1/98 95,000.00 6.000000 79,500.00 174,500.00 254,000.00 3/ 1/99 T6,650.00 Td,650.00 q! 1/49 100,000.00 6.000000 76,bS0.00 176,650.00 253,300.00 3/ 1/ 0 73,650.00 i3,650.00 9/ 1/ 0 105,000.00 b.000000 73,b50.00 178,b50.00 252,300.00 ;J 1/ 1 70,540.00 70,500.00 9/ 1/ 1 110,000.00 b.000000 70,500.00 180,500.00 251,000,00 3/ 1/ 2 57,200.00 67,200.00 9/ 1J 7 1�0,000.00 b.Oi10000 67,200.00 187,200.OD 254,400.00 3/ 1/ 3 63,bO0.00 63,600.00 9/ 1/ 3 125,000.04 6.000000 63,b00.00 188,b00.00 252,200.00 3/ 11 4 59,85d.Q0 59,850.00 9/ 1J 6 130,000.OD 6.000000 59,850.00 189,850.00 249,i00.00 3/ 1! 5 55,950.00 55,950.00 4/ i/ 5 140,000.00 6.000000 55,950.00 195,950.00 251,900.00 3! 1/ 6 51,750.00 51,750.00 9/ 1/ 6 150,000.00 6.000000 51,750.00 201,750.00 253,500.00 3/ 1/ 7 47,250.00 47,250.00 '9/ 1! 7 160,000.00 6.000000 4y,250.00 207,250.Q0 254,500.00 3/ 1/ g 42,450.00 42,450.00 9/ 1/ 8 170,004.00 b.000000 42,450.00 212,450.00 254,900.00 3/ 1/ 9 37,350,00 37,35d.00 9! 1/ 9 1so,40U.0(f r,_o0o000 3T,35o.00 217,350.00 254.700.00 3/ 1/14 3i,950.00 31,950.00 9/ 1/10 190,000,00 6.000000 31,450.Od 221,950.00 253,900.00 3/ 1/11 76,y50.00 26,250.00 9/ 1l11 200,000.00 6.000Q00 26,250.00 226,250.00 252,540.00 3/ 1I12 20,250.00 20,250.00 9/ 1/12 Z10,000.00 6.000000 20,250.00 ?.30,250.00 250,500.00 3/ 1/13 13,950.00 13,950.00 9/ 1/13 225,000.00 6.000000 13,950.d0 238,950.00 252,900.00 3I 1/14 7,ZOO.QO 7,200.00 9/ 1/14 240,000.00 b.00000O T,200.Oa 247,2QQ.00 754,400.00 2,850,0OO.Od 2,212,500.00 5,062,500.00 ACCRUED 2,850,000.00 2,212,500.00 S,Ob2,500.00 :ssoax==s=aaaa: =sn=n=aooxa==a xaaoa=nxxex=e Dated 5/ 1/94 wfth Delivery of 5/ 1l94 Bond ineuranct: 0.592593 % of (Tot+�t Dabt Sfrvlce Only) Micro-MSuii DaGt prte: 4Z 2a 1994 a 09s09sS9 = 30,000.00 Fitonaarws 9ANOiR Kpys 94A TOTAL. P . 02 CITY OF SANGER P. O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 MEMORANDUM #2431 TO: Members of the Citizens Advisory Committee - 1994 Capital Improvements Project FROM: John Hamilton, City Administrato DATE: February 8, 1994 SUBJECT: Library, Street, Water and Wastewater Improvements, General Obligation Certificates $2,350,000 The City Council needs your input and recommendations regarding a possible issue of $2,350,000 General Obligation Certificates in order to finance a new library, and approximately $1,000,000 in street improvements and $1,000,000 in water/wastewater system improvements. The twa major tasks before you are: 1). Is there a need for these projects? 2). What are the best options to provide for financing the projects? Any additional recommendations are left to the discretion of the committee. Attached are memorandums provided to Council from the City Staff identifying possible water, street and wastewater projects. Also a cost summary from Southwest Securities of the annual cost of the Certificate issue based on a 20 year term. Also enclosed are summaries of the City's current debt. It is important to note that Certificates of Obligation do *,%^f require an election. This committee is on a short time line. Your final recommendation will need to be presented to the City Council at their March 7th Meeting. This short time line is necessary, if there is to be a street project scheduled for summer of 1994. If you have any questions or concerns, please let either a staff or Councilmember know. JH:es CC: Honorable Nlayor &Members of the Council CITY OF SANGER P. O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 MEMORANDUM #2386 TO: Honorable Mayor & Members of the City Council FROM: John Hamilton, City Administrator DATE. December 17, 1993 SUBJECT: Report on Financing Options By Southwest Securities - Dan Almon Mr. Almon will be present to discuss financing options and costs for future street, library and water/wastewater projects. Factors to consider are: 1}. Term of issue. 2). Related costs of issue. 3}. Both long and short term goals in the areas of streets, library and water/wastewater. 4). Annual debt service cost as a total and as a percentage of budget. 5}. Certificates of Obligation cannot be refunded by new certificates. 6). Will funds be used within three (3) years? 7). Certificates of Obligation An not require an election. Staff has identified several possible street improvement projects in no particular order. Street Street Construction Estimated Costs Only 12LWa . yfisith 31' 1). Austin Street - 2200' @ $130 = $2869000 (Denton to Church, Walnut Ln.) 31' 2). Tenth Street - 2200' @ $130 = $286,000 (From Bolivar N) 27' 3 ). Wood Street - 1000' @ $115 = $1 15,000 (loth to 7th &Willow) `4� #2386, 12/ 17/93, page 2 27' 4). Brook Glen (extension) 400' @ $115 = $ 46,000 + culvert 01Q (If ROW donated) $ 76,000 3l' 5). Keaton Road - 1400' @ $130 = $182,000 (N. From Brook Glen) 27' 6). Marshall Street - 700' @ $115 = $ 80,500 (5th E. to 2nd) 31' 7). Sixth Street - 600' @ $130 = $ 78,000 (Cherry N to Elm) 31' 8). Seventh Street - 225' @ 130 = $ 29,250 (Bolivar to Elm) 9). Drainage - Keaton Road/Willow St. _ $ 80,000 10). Willow Street - 1200' @ $130 = $156,000 RR - East Total $1,368,750 As you all are aware, there are many residential streets in the older sections of town that are candidates for renovation. The cost estimates listed do not include engineer or utility improvements/relocation. Four of the ten listed; Austin, Tenth, Keaton and 1]74llow are main traffic arteries; �tlood St. is primarily for drainage improvements; Brook Glen is to improve accessibility and for public safety; Marshall is for drainage and its general bad repair; Sixth Street is for drainage and safety around the Post Office and proposed library, Seventh Street is for drainage and access to the Middle School; and the drainage improvements were discussed to prevent possible flooding. The water/sewer improvements would be to improve/expand the system for both fire protection and delivery capability (water) and make sewer available for every current resident and/or business in the community. The library portion of this $350,000, could be reduced if the City is successful in securing a $100,000 state grant. This discussion does not require action, but is intended as a preliminary discussion; however, if Council wants a street improvement program for the summer of 1994, some plan of action will need to be adopted as early as possible in 1994. JH:es, Enclosures Proposed Street Improvements Lo cation LOth St. - Bolivar/ 455 Peach - 7th/ Loop 138 Hughes - lOth/ I-35 1 lth -Hughes/ Bolivar 1 lth - Hughesj Bolivar �ltlillow - lOth/Loop 138 500 31' 1000 31' 320 25' 320 25' 1400 31' Keeton -Brook Glen/ D uck Creek 1800 31' Bolivar) Berry/ Holt Duck Creek - I-35/ Keeton Extend Keetan to Berry 2400 31' 1400 31' 1400 31' $151,200 ft ff (Estimate) Acquire Right of way 1400 Ft X 50 Ft. = 70,000 sq. fL X $ L 25 per sq,.,.$ $87, 500 Austin St - Denton/ I-35 1500 31' $108 162,000 D enton -Austin/ willow 1300 25' $90 $117.000 7th -Peach/ 455 800 25' $90 $$1.,000 6th -Bolivar/willow 900 25' $90 _ 81,000 6th -Bolivar/ Elm 200 25' $90 $1�,000 7th -'Willow/Houston 1300 25' $90 $117.000 Marshall - 7th/ 2nd 1200 25' $90 _$_10$,9�Q 2nd - 455/ Wayne 4600 31' $108 $�,$� willow -Loop 138/City Limits 2600 31' $108 $280,800 Marshall - 7th/ loth 4th - Elm/ 455 Pecan - 7th/ loth Bolivar- I-35/ Loop 138 Elm - 7th/ I-35 12th -Elm/ Bolivar Railroad - Willow/ 455 Brook Glen - E to I-35 Keeton Road, FM 455 S. to Duck Creek TOTALS E I !!! MI P,'i •f! 1200 25 $90 $108,000 700 25' $90 $M,000 2300 31' $108 $248,400 1600 25' $90 $1441000 200 25' $90 $�8,000 2800 25' $90 _$252,OOO , 400 25' $90 $36,000 Culverts $ 20, OOO (@ 1. 25) R. O. We 12IS 0 0 181000 40, 940 " Underground electric utility, material cost is estimated at $25,000 for every 5000 linear feet " The cost per it is estimated and could be impacted by drainage corners requiring underground pipe and inlets. As an example, 7th Street in front of the Middle School averaged $130 per linear fL Tenth Street, with its large number of private driveways averaged about $105 per ft. and Acker Street was about $80 per ft. All these streets are 3 V wide. Proposed Revenue Bond, Water/Sewer Projects 1993 Sewer & row is 1). FM 455 (4th St to Sanger Nest Blvd.) 2800 ft. X $30 2). I-35 t�V. Access Road (North Across Freeway) 1000 ft X $30 = $30,000 + $50,000 (Bore) _ $$L.,000 3). Cowling Road (Upper Lift Station to Lower Lift Station) 1600 ft. X $30 = 9 0 0 0 4). Freese Dr. {West to I-35 Access Road) 800 f . X $30 = $ 2A 00 0 5). I-35 E. Access Road (From Southside Dr. S. to Existing Line) 1200 ft. X $30 = $6,OOO 6). Belz Road {t]t1. from I-35} 2000 ft. X $30 = $Q 000 7). I-35 t1V. Access Road (455 to Belz Rd.) 3200 ft. X $30 = $�6, MUM 0 8). Keeton, Holt to Benjamin 1400 ft. X $30 = $� 9}, 1-35, E. Access Road (Wood, S. to Austin) 1200 ft. X $30 = $ 3S2,.Q4� $30 per ft. estimate provided by Hunter Associates l • • 1). Cowling Rd. (From Loop 138, South) 2000 ft. X $20 = $A�00000 2). Freese Dr. (From David S. to Loop 138} 600 ft. X $20 = $12, 0 0 0 3). Loop 138 (I-35 Access Road, East) 1200 ft. X $20 = 000 4}. Hughes St. 1000 ft. X $20 =� 5). I-35 East Access Rd. (Wood to Austin) 1200 ft. X $20 6). I-35/N.W. City Limits 3200 Its X $20 = - %� 7). Sims Street 8). Kirkland Street 9). Railroad Ave. (S. from Willow) 10). FM 455 (2nd, East to City Limits) 4800 ft. 11). Church Street (I-35, East to 7th) 12}. I-35(E), Pecan South to Hughes 13). Belz Road,. (W. from I-35) 14). Loop 138 (I-35, W. to Keeton) 1200 ft. X $20 = $ AS 00 0 15), Austin St. (I-359 E. to Freese) 800 ft. X $20 = $aa,Q00 16). Jennifer Circle (South to Keeton) 1600 ft. X $20 17 ). 3000000 Gallon Ground Storage = , 18). Loop (Connect) All Existing Lines 3800 ft. X $20 = _ 76 000 " $20 per ft. provided by Hunter Associates and assumes a 6" line. WATER $ 863,400 SEWER 506,9OQ 9; l,369,400 REPLACEMENT OF EXISTING 2 INCH WATER LINES (AS CURRENTLY CONFIGURED) !!! ! • !! !!! The 2 inch lines are the oldest lines in the city. Our current subdivision ordinance requires 6 inch lines .as the minimum size. Fire suppression is also a consideration in replacement. For discussion, if the entire 54,000 ft. of line were replaced, and using 400 ft. as a spacing goal for fire hydrants, if all new hydrants were purchased at approximately $1,000 each, these would require an additional $135,000, bring the estimated cost to L215.00Q. "NOTE: 1 }. These estimates An not include the cost of new water service taps. The approximate material cost for this item would be $45.00 per connection. 21. If these costs were placed on a fifteen (15) year Capital (Budget) Replacement Program, it would require about $81,000 per year, commencing in FY 93/94 and ending in FY 08/09. 3). The distance figures do not reflect any lines within the Mobile Home Parks that are the City's responsibility. Asa � -- FF' 1�'I ii_rf,;,i:=_.T �__F'ITIES ti TO 7 5-, 1 174 4160 P,n� AC OF SANGER, TEXAS r350,000 COMBINATION TAX 11ND UTILITY SYSTEM JUN::OR LIEN REVENUE CERTIFICATES OF OBLIGATION, SERIES 1994 FISCAL YEAR ENDING 9-30 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 P^09 40 2011 2012 2013 2014 THE PROPOSED SERIES 1?94 CERTIFICATES (a) PRINCIPAL $5,000.00 70,000.00 75,000.00 80,000.00 85,000.00 90,000.Oo 95,000.00 1000000600 105,000.00 110,000900 l20,000.0O 125,000.00 130,000900 140,000.00 145,000.00 155,00o.00 165,000.00 175,000.00 185,000.00 195,000.00 52►350,000.00 BONDS DATER: FIP.ST 2NT&REST MATURITIES: AVERAGE LIFE: INTEREST {b) $202,687450 134,837.50 130,812.50 126,500.00 121,900.00 117,012.50 111,837.50 106,375.00 100,625.00 94,587.50 88,262.50 81, 362 * 50 74,175.00 66►700.00 58,650.00 50,312.50 41,400.00 31,912.50 21,850.00 11.212.50 -------------- 51,773,012.50 TO:`AL $207,687.50 204 837.50 205,812050 2060500000 206,900000 207..012a5O 206.837.50 206375.00 205,625.00 204;587.50 208i262.50 .206r362.50 204y175.00 206,700.00 203., 650.00 205,312.50 206', 400.00 206', 912.50 2066,850.00 206,212.50 $4,123,012.50 MARC:i 1, 1994 PAY1dE:NTs MAP.C?i 1, 1995 SEPTEMBER 1, 1995-2014 13.1212 YEARS 4 2.5 5 � OF Tt1TAL ATTRIBUTABLE TO SYSTEM $88,371.03 87,158936 87,573.22 87,865.75 88,035.95 88,083.82 68,009.36 87,812.56 87,493.44 87,051.98 88,615.69 87t807424 86,876,46 87,950.85 86,653.08 87,360947 87,823.20 88r04lw27 88,014.68 87,743.42 (a) $1,000r000.00 WATER AND SEWED: SYS:EH IHPROV"r,MENTS 1,000,000.00 STREETS 350, 000. 00 LIBR7kRY. $2,350,000.00 S1,754,34I.82 {b) INTEREST HAS SEEN C:�:.CL*LATER AT 5.'%54 FO? PU SE :`"' ILLUSTRATION ON?•X� Y'MHER 25, 1993 Draft Budget FY 93194 Debt Service Requirements By Department Electric $ 309090 1976 Bonds - 20,146 1991 Bonds - 9,944 j�ater $ 90,804 1976 Bonds - 7,937 1991 Bonds - 82,867 Wastewater $ 105,890 1976 Bonds - 32,967 1991 Bonds - 72,923 Stre�,t $ 536,890 G. O. Bonds - 108,700 Bolivar, 7th& lOth- 423,990 GNB Note Total $763,674 Utility System Revenue Bonds, Series 1976 Original Issue $305, 000. Dated March 15, 1976 (5.50% - 7.25%) Fiscal Caupan Interest Bonds Interest Total Year No. Due Due 11/ 15 Due 5/ 15 Due 5/ 15 1993-94 1$ $3,025.00 $55,000.00 $3,025.00 $61,050.00 1994-95 19 $1, 512.50 $ 55, 000.00 $1, 512.50 $ 58, 025.00 Total $4, 537.50 $110, 000.00 $4, 537.5Q $119, 075.00 Bands were issued for the purpose o� $40,000 for improving and extending the Waterworks System: $165, 000 for improving and extending the Sewer System and $100, 000 for improving and extending the Electrical System. This represents 13% Water, 33% Electrical, and 54% Sewer. GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS, SERIES 1986 ORIGINAL ISSUE $700,000.00 DATED AUGUST 4, 1986 Fiscal Interest Bands Year Due Due 2-1 8-1 1993-94 $11,450.00 $90,OOQ.00 1994-95 $8,075.OQ $100,000.00 1995-96 $4,200.00 $105,000.00 Interest Due 8-1 $11945Q.OQ $8,075.00 Total $1129 900.00 $116,150.00 $113, 400.00 Total $23,725.00 $295,000.00 $23,725.00 $342,450.00 Bonds were issued for the purpose of Street Construction and Improvements. 100% Street Budget Funded by Sales Tax Revenues and Gen. Fd. D ebt Utility System Revenue Bonds, Series 1991 Baa Rated (Average Coupon 6.818894%) 4riginalIssue $2,230,000 Coupon Interest Inter Princil Intere Fiscal Year Rate 15Nov 15-May_ 15-May Total 1993-1994 5. 10% 72p 866.25 20p Q00 72, 866.25 165, 732. 50 1994-1995 5. 25% 72, 356.25 25, 000 72, 356.25 169, 712. 50 1995-1996 5.40% 719700.00 85p 000 71, 700.00 2289400.00 199& 1997 5. 60% 69p 405. 00 850000 69p 405. 00 223, 810. 00 1997-1998 5. 80% 67p 025. 00 90p 000 67p o25. 00 224, 050. 00 1998-1999 6. 00% 649415. Qo loop 000 64, 415. 00 228, 830. 00 1999-2000 6. 15% 6 1p 415. 00 105p Q0o 61p 415.00 227p 830. 00 2000-2001 6.25% 589186.25 1100000 58,186.25 226, 372.50 2001-2002 6.4O% 549748.75 115p 000 54p 748.75 2249497. 50 2002-2003 6. 55% 519068. 75 125p Q00 5 1p 068.75 227, 137. 50 2003-2004 6.70% 46, 975.00 1309000 46p 975.00 2239950.00 2004-2005 6. 80% 42p 620. 00 140, 000 42, 620. QO 225, 240. 00 2005-2006 6. 90% 379860. o0 150, Q0o 37p 860. 00 2259720. OQ 2006=2007 7. Q0% 32p 685. 00 1609000 32, 685. 00 225, 37Q. 00 2007-2008 7. 05% 27p 085. 00 1709000 27, 085. QQ 224p 170. 00 2008-2009 7.15% 21p o92. 50 1859000 21, 092. 50 227, 185.00 2009-2010 7.15% 14p 478.75 195, 000 l4p 478.75 223, 957. 50 2010=2011 7.15% 7, 507.50 2109000 7, 507. 50 225, 015.00 Totals 873, 49Q. Oo 2, 200, o00 873, 490. Oo 3, 946, 980.OQ Bonds were issued as a refinance of former issues benefitting water, sewer and electric (combined $1, 430, "I a new issue ($8000 000) for a new water well and elevated storage tank. The total issue represents Electric 6%, Sewer 44% and Water 50%. (GO Bond - Street) GNB -NOTE PAYABLE Bolivar, Seventh &Tenth Street Improvements $423,990 Payment Schedule: $ 50,000 =Due 12j 15/93 100,000 = + Int. Due (&uarterly (15th) 100,000 = + Int. Due (quarterly (15th) 160,000 = Due 09/ 15/94 $ 410,000 = + Int. PROPOSED STREET IMPROVEMENTS MIMMIMM • f f f f f F ;rst Tier Keaton Road Brook Glen Bolivar, Berry, Holt second Tier Bolivar Street 1 jammumZZINT119 ' • • l - 5800 Ft X $110 = $ 638,000 400 Ft. X $110 = $44,000 DrainageQ,QQQ $74,000 = 749000 2080 Ft X $110 =$,QQQ $ 940,000 �$la 0 ?th, 6th, & 9th Streets - Third Tier loth Street Austin Street 2080 Ft X $110 550 Ft X $110 - 2200 Ft X $110 1600 Ft X $110 ------------------------------------- Willow Street - 1800 Ft X $110 = Drainage • •ff :!! . 1 ,_ . 1 .,. • _ $ 242,000 $ 176,000 N[��7GIi 63! ' • . iff f fff fff fff .XB1 1 E2ux'�� Tier 7th Street - 800 Ft. X $110 1 lth Street - 420 Ft. X $110 12th Street - 210 Ft. X $110 13th Street - 420 Ft. X $110 RR Avenue - 1400 Ft. X $110 1st Tier 2nd Tier 3rd Tier 4th Tier Total $ 88,000 $ 55,000 $ 27,500 55,000 $ 379,500 X8% $ 408,860 - $1,015,200 - 312,444 6979680 409p8M $ap4 35._184 Wastewai U Staff Recommended Water &Wastewater Projects - 89/b, Estimated Engineering (Near Belz Road) Bore under Freeway 1000 ft. X $30 = $30,000 Bore = 0000 2). Cowling Road Upper Lift Station to Lower Lift Station 1600 ft. X $30 = $4$,QQ.Q 3). I-35, E. Access Road From Southside Dr. - South 1200 ft. X $30 4). I-35, E. Access Road From Wood St. - South to Austin St. 1200 ft. X $30 1}. Hughes Street loth St., W. to I-35 19000 ft. X $20 2). I-35 -West Access Road 455, North 3200 ft. X $20 3). Church Street I-35 -East to Seventh Street 2000 ft. X $20 4). Belz Road I-35 -West to Jennifer Circle 2400 ft. X $20 5). Lane Station (East) Water Well 300,000 gallon ground storage tank $80,000.00 $48,000.00 $36,000.00 $36,000.00 $200,000.00 X 8% $216,000.00 $64,000.00 $40,000.00 $150,000.00 6). Replace 2 inch line Wood to Denton to Church Street 700 ft. X $20 7 ). Replace 2 inch line Willow - 10th to 7th to Houston 2400 ft. X $20 Wastewater Water $216,000 414,72Q $6309720 Recommended W/WW improvements - $?00,000 . NOTE: $2,850,000, 20 year term at 6% Annual principal and interest = �h±k,01g.72 $14,000.00 $384,000.00 $414,720.00 MEMORANDUM # 2461 TO: FROM: DATE: CITY OF SANDER P. O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 Honorable Mayor &Members of the City Council Jahn Hamilton, City March 14, 1994 Administrat 7� ' SUBJECT: Draft Ordinance Regarding Strip -Shopping Center - Water and Wastewater Rates Kirk Franklin, attorney far U.S.A., has prepared a draft ordinance for your review that addresses some of the questions raised by Mr. John Bucklew. This is intended for discussion purposes. If any member of Council has specific instructions on this matter, please let me know. JH:es Enclosures (l.m.) MAR- 894 TUE 14.42 GOV T :•ERVIGE AGENCY 2143421896 P.03 CITY OF SANGER, TEAS F ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANDER, TEKAS, AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF BANGER. BY ADOPTING NEW RATES FOR WATER AND SEWER SERVICE IN THE CITY; PROVIDING FOR THE CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN SEWER SERVICE USERS; PROVIDING FOR WATER AND SEWER SERVICE BILLING FOR STRIP SHOPPING CENTERS/MALLS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY OF THIS ORDINANCE; PROVIDING FOR ANY CONFLICTING PROVISIONS; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE FOR THIS ORDINANCE, NOW BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TEIE CITY OF BANGER. That Article 23,000(a) of Appendix A, Fee Schedule, of the Code of +J�inances shall be amended as follows: "(a) Inside City Limits $ minimum per unit served for 04 000 gallons $ per thousand gallons 1,001-4,999 gallons $ per thousand gallons 5,000- 14,999 gallons $ per thousand gallons 15,000 29,999 gallons $. per thousand gallons 30,000+ gallons" That the second paragraph of Article 23.000(a)(1) of Appendix A, Fee Schedule, of the Code of (?rdinances shall be azxtended as follows; "All Class A customers of municipal wastewater facilities will be charged a minimum of per monthly c c1e and per thousand gallons of metered water in excess of the first one thousand (1,000) gallons, but in no case to exceed . ,. 4 ._ per month. AlI users of less than 2,000 gallons shall be considered Class A customers for ptuposes of detetx�ait�a��g rates in accordance with this article." That Article 23.000 of Appendix A, Fee Schedule, be shall be amended by the addition of subsection (c) to read as follows: "(c) ,alp Sho i23ng�etiters/Mal1G. Each individual unit initstrip shopping center/mall will �e billed separately for the zna.nizxtuxti azzzotmt due as provided fur in the this article." Page 1 of 2 IAR2 8-94 TUE 14 : 43 GOV r T SERVICE AGENCY 2143421896 SECTION III: SEVE ATiTLITY That if any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase, or word in this Qrdinance, or application thereof to any person or circumstances, is held invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of the Ordinance, and the City Council hereby declares that it would have passed such remaining portions of the Ordinance despite such invalidity. SEC'pION IV: CONFLICTING PRO'�ISTONS That any and all Ordinances of the City of Sanger heretofore adopted which are in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby expressly repealed insofar as the same are in conflict therewith, SECTION V: Ep'FECTTVE DAT'IJ That this Qrdinanoe sha11 take effect immediately, from and after its passage anal publication, of the caption, as the law in such cases provides. PASSED AND APPROVED BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, ON THIS THE DAY OF 1994. A.TTES'p: CITX SECRETARY MAYOR F . E14 Fage 2 of 2 C DENCO AREA 9 - 1 - 1 DISTRICT 250 S. Stemmons, Suite 260, Lewisville, Texas 75067 Phone/TDD (214) 221-0911 FAX (214) 420-0709 Board of Managers Meeting -Wednesday, March 23, 1994 Regular Session - 1 *30 p.m. Denco'Area 94-1 District Offices 250 S. Stemmons, Suite 260 Lewisville, Texas .AGENDA W. k Invocation/Pledge of Allegiance Be Consider Approval of February 3, 1994 Regular Meeting Minutes C. Consider Approval of January, 199.4 and February,1994 Financial Statements D. Hear Report from Denton County on Rural Addressing Project E. Consider the Purchase of Key System and Additional Answering Position for City of Denton Police Department F. Consider Revision of Travel Policy G. Hear Report from the Warner Group Regarding Combined Resources Feasibility Study 01 H. Staff Reports I. Telephone Company Reports J. Visitors Forum: At this time, any person with business before Board not scheduled may speak to the Board. No formal action may be taken. K. *Executive Session: Discussion of Personnel Matters, Section 2(g) L. Consider Any Action as a Result of Executive Session . M. Adjournment - *Closed meeting to discuss pending or contemplated litigation, real estate acquisition, and personnel matters pursuant to Article 6252-17, Sec. 2(e), 2(f), 2(g) V.C.S. City of .J. March $, 1994 Mr. Anthony Guntermann, Trustee Marguerite D oe Foundation 816 State Street Suite 400 Santa Barbara, California 93101 Dear Mr. Guntermann: Certified #P426-097-947 In reference to your letter of January 14, 1994, regarding the City of Sanger's grant application, the City's consulting engineers, Hunter Associates of Dallas, have prepared the enclosed document .for your review and consideration that outlines a new animal shelter for the City. If the grant is approved, this preliminary design would be formalized into a document suitable for bid purposes, copies of the bid proposal and results would be forwarded for your files. Secondly, in order to clarify a misconception regarding the City`s commitment to humane treatment of animals, while the direct budget account for Animal Control for FY 93/94 is $10,900 this does not reflect actual indirect expenditures for this vital City service. Animal Control is supervised by the Superintendent of Public Works with direct responsibility placed with a foreman (supervisor) in the Public Works Department. Additionally, two (2) wastewater treatment plant operators provide direct animal control services during their regular work shifts which are generally days and evenings, seven days a week. These three employees provide after hours animal control/shelter services by means of a pager system. Also, the seven member police department regularly answers calls for service that. involve animal complaints. An estimate of indirect costs of personnel and equipment committed to meeting the animal control shelter requirements of the City would exceed $15,000 in addition to the direct cost of $10,900 annually. The City of Sanger is committed to expanding and improving the animal control shelter services needed by a growing community. If any further explanation of our commitment to this vital service is needed, please let me know. ss�-4sa�93o s=7.4ss,4=so FA7[ Mr, Anthony Guntermann, Trustee March 8, 1994, page 2 Thank you for the opportunity to respond to your concerns and clarify the City of Sanger's grant application request Sincerely, i Hamilton dministrator JH:es Enclosure cc: Mayor Armstrong and Councilmembers Public Works Administration File Cite of fv��U March 15, 1994 Mr. James Clay East Texas Sign Company 1917 Lake Hill Lane Plano, Texas 75023 Dear James: On behalf of the Mayor and City Council, a sincere note of thanks for your company's generous donation of a "Welcome" sign for the Bolivar Street Median project. In the next several weeks, this project should be completed and be an attractive addition to I-35. JH:es cc: Sincerely, Jain Hamilton City Administrator Mayor Armstrong &City Council Members es�-ass-�9� ss7-4ss-4sao FA][ SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE 03-10-94 UNIT NAME MON TUES WED THURS FRI SAT SUN ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 770 ERWIN 8a-5p 8a-5p 8a-5p 8a-5p 8a-5p OFF OFF DAY 771 YARBROUGH 7a-4p 7a-4p 9a-6p 9a-6p OFF OFF 9a-6p DAY 772 AMYX OFF 4p-12a 4p-12a 6p-2a 6p-2a 6p-2a OFF EVENING 773 FAGLIE 3p-11p OFF OFF 2p-10p 2p-10p 2p-10p 3p-11p EVENING 774 WALLER OFF 12a-8a 12a-8a 12a-8a 12a-8a 12a-8a OFF NIGHT 775 McDANIEL OFF OFF 8a-4p 8a-4p 8a-4p 8a-4p 7a-3p DAY 776 GROVES 11p-7a OFF OFF 11p-7a iip-7a 11p-7a 11p-7a NIGHT March 15, 1994 Ms. Jane Forester P. O. Box 97 Sanger, Texas 76266 Dear Ms. Forester: Regarding your drainage concerns at the end of Melinda Myrl Street, the developer, Burl Bourland, has agreed to divert the run-off water north along his property line to the existing, natural drainage branch. This should be accomplished by curbing the end of Melinda Myrl and running a ditch north. CT: e s CC: Sincerely, ltlae4t� < �rloGCG:� Charles E. Tucker Public Works Superintendent Mayor Armstrong 8t City Council Members Mr. Burl Bourland MEMORANDUM #2462 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT. CITY OF BANGER P. O. BOX 578 BANGER, TEXAS 76266 Honorable Mayor &Members of the City Council John Hamilton, City Administrato March 18, 1994 Water Meter Sizes - Commercial Accounts During discussions of concerns raised by Mr. John Bucklew, was asked about the number of water meters that exceed the inch size. Attached is a list provided by the Public t�Vorks Department. JH:es Attachment the question standard 3/4 OA2 LOASh 2 Z '' 2„ se,o c0Y, - Ch surYm 7Da,`I1 At-T Asp�.n ApTs. - 2" <'AnrnH Q cew• \ 01,% 2 `j 01 Y\Ci 2 _ �2j ` 3,% V •^ eQs 1, Z MEMORANDUM #2456 TO: FROM: DATE. SUBJECT. CITY OF SANGER P. O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 Honorable Mayor &Members of the City Council John Hamilton, City Administrat March 9, 1994 OSHA Rules Implementation Electric Superintendent Larry Yoast is forwarding the attached "Regulatory Alert" for your review. Superintendent Yoast advises that in the near future our electric department will be held accountable for all OSHA rules. The personnel and financial impact has the potential to be very substantial. During this summer's budget workshops, hopefully, there will be more information available. Larry will be available for any discussion or questions. JH:es attachment i' M INPA A Id011 N � February 23, 1994 isC1YOFSANG�. MAR 9 1994 rU, SECOND REGULATORY ALERT T0: All APPA Member Utilities State and Regional Associations APPA Safety Committee APPA Industry Standards Committee/NESC American Public Power Association 2301 M Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 200371111484 202/467112900 FROM: Larry Mansueti, Director of Technical Services SUBJECT: OSHA's Final Utility Work Practices and Equipment Safety Rule On February 2, 1994, APPA alerted you to the publication in the Federal Register of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration's (OSHA) long-awaited "Electric Power Generation, Transmission, and Distribution; Electrical Protective Equipment; Final Rule." The new OSHA rule addresses most aspects of non -office, electric utility work (power generation, transmission, and distribution), as well as design requirements for personal protective equipment made of rubber. It includes mandatory safety procedures, work practices, requirements for the use and care of electrical protective equipment and certain equipment performance or design requirements. 31. 1994. The training requirements become effective January 31, 1995. Note that these dates apply to utilities currently under federal OSHA standards. Public power utilities subject to state "OSHA look -alike" rules should check their respective state labor departments for the appropriate effective date, which in many cases will be the same. This memo discusses the applicability of the rule, the likelihood of expanded coverage of OSHA authority to public power utilities, and the history of the rule; and it summarizes the rule. An attached appendix attached The actual rule is also This memo points out changes made to the proposed rule in the final rule and evaluates the degree to which OSHA accepted APPA comments on the proposed rule. This memo also provides the final details of APPA's upcoming training seminars on the new rule. r mcyckd paper III. HISTORY OF THE RULE On January 31, 19899 OSHA published in the Federal Register a proposed rule covering electric utility power generation, transmission and distribution operations. (See 54 Federal Register 4974.) The proposed rule was based on a draft rule submitted to OSHA by the Edison Electric Institute (EEI) and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW). The EEI/IBEW draft rule was based on Subpart V of OSHA's Construction Standards (Part 1926), which cover employees engaged in the construction of electric power transmission or distribution systems, supplemented by "existing industry practice" provisions addressing generating plants, substations, confined spaces, and hazardous energy control (lockout/tagout). OSHA justified its proposal by noting that risks faced by employees during certain electric -utility -type operations are greater than risks faced by other general industry employees. OSHA estimated that an average of nearly 13,OOO.lost workday injuries and 86 fatalities per year were associated with electric power generation, transmission, and distribution. OSHA stated that its current Subpart V rules were inadequate for protecting electric utility workers because they did not apply to the operation or maintenance of transmission or distribution installations. OSHA also observed that although the National Electrical Safety Code (NESC), 1987 edition (ANSI Standard C2 1987), applies to this type of work, it does not cover non -electric -shock hazards (such as falls). OSHA also proposed revising the electrical protective equipment requirements contained in the General Industry Standards because it considered them outdated. APPA submitted extensive comments on the proposed rule on June 1, 1989. IV. SUMMARY OF RULE The rule revises paragraph 1910.137, electrical Rrotective eauipment (rubber insulating blankets, matting, covers, line hose, gloves, and sleeves), by requiring that new blankets, gloves, and sleeves be seamless, and that all protective equipment be marked. The equipment must meet certain voltage proof tests and water soak tests, as well as applicable ASTM D standards. More importantly, the protective eaui and certified by the utility. (; instance, rubber gloves must be tested every 6 months. APPA suggested in its comments that OSHA permit the use of "0" class gloves without periodic testing if they were used with protector gloves. OSHA ignored this comment. OSHA clearly is signaling its preference for lockout. Tagout for power generation equipment is permitted DMIX if the utility can demonstrate that its tagout program can provide safety comparable to lockout procedures. Comparable safety has been defined by OSHA to minimally include the implementation of additional safety measures such as blocking of a controlling switch, removal of an isolating circuit element, or opening an extra disconnecting device (see last paragraph, middle column, page 4439). OSHA is requiring that whenever equipment is installed, repaired, or renovated, it will be designed to accept lockout devices. When deenergizing lines, all electricity sources will be rendered inoperable if that is feasible. OSHA did accept two APPA recommendations concerning lockout/tagout. The agency agreed that an employee different from the one who applied the device could remove lockout/tagout devices under the direction of the employer. More importantly, OSHA agreed to remove its proposed requirement that each utility ensure that contractors follow the utility's lockout/tagout procedures. OSHA now requires that both utility and contractor be responsible that their respective procedures are being followed by their employees after a consultation. First -aid training. including CPR, must be provided to all employees working on or near energized lines. OSHA expanded its inclosed spaces requirements (269(e)) to cover routine entry into enclosed spaces. If the life of an entrant is endangered or hazards exist that could interfere with an escape from the enclosed space, then the utility must follow the space entry permit requirements of paragraph 1910.146. Permit procedures require signed supervisory permission to enter, along with supervisory checks of employees and equipment and continuous monitoring of conditions associated with the enclosed space. Utilities must have procedures and appropriate equipment for the rescue of employees from enclosed spaces. The final rule has a new stipulation that all employees working on poles must use fall protection equipment (see 269(g)(2)(v)) during conditions of ice, high wind, and contaminants on the pole, as wel 1 # as when the pole has no hand holds. Also new is the requirement that fall protection equipment must limit the maximum arresting force on an employee to 900 pounds if he/she is using a body belt, and to 1,800 pounds when using a harness. The most significant change, however, is the requirement that fall protection equipment limit free fall to no more than 6 feet. This provision likely will cause a number of utilities to purchase new equipment. 5 equipment. OSHA accepted APPA's suggestion that grounds could be temporarily removed for testing. OSHA also accepted APPA's comment that requirements for temporary protective grounds be non -prescriptive (e.g., single point vs. dual point grounding needs are variable). OSHA, however, did not accept APPA's recommendation that grounding procedures only be applied to circuits and equipment energized with over 600 volts. Section 269(0) provides general guidelines for guarding test facilities. OSHA is requiring that when poles are set, moved, or removed near energized overhead conductors, the poles may not contact the conductor (269(q)(1)(ii)). The proposed rule did not contain the flat prohibition, and APPA recommended using cautionary language instead of the prohibition. OSHA accepted, however, APPA's recommendation that the procedure covering the installation and removal of conductors that cross over energized conductors be limited to those situations involving conductors carrying more than 600 volts. Sree-trimming operations must also adhere to the new distance tables if the tree is within 10 feet of an overhead line (269(r)). New to the final rule is the requirement that the employee trimming trees above ground be tied in with a climbing rope and safety saddle except when ascending the tree. l)nderground electrical installations. Work in a manhole containing energized equipment requires the attendance of a worker on the surface who has CPR training (269(t)(3)). substations. Section 269(u) provides specific conditions for preventing unqualified persons from entering rooms containing electrical equipment. The conditions are considerably more specific than the proposed rule. The rule also requires that safe access and adequate working space be provided in substations and references the 1987 edition of the NESC. OSHA accepted APPA's recommended modification to the proposal by permitting installations that conform to the edition of the NESC that was in effect when the installation was constructed as long as the installation provides protection to the employee that is equal to the 1987 edition of the NESC. Regarding �aoacitors, OSHA requirement that capacitors also requirin a 5-minute (269) (w) (1) (i )q} Y. APPA SEMINARS adopted APPA's suggestion that it modify its be disconnected from energized sources by wait before shortcircuiting the capacitor APPA will, sponsor three training seminars on seminars will be conducted by Richard King and Veatch. Richard and Paul were the project respectively, of the 1993 APPA Safety Manual. this new rule. These Paul Weida of Black & manager and author, 7 r APPENDIX List of Sub.iects with Federal Register page numbers P.�Cd�s'itth Psig.� 1910.137 Electrical Protective Equipment 4435 1910.137 (a) Design requirements for rubber insulating blankets, matting, covers line hose, gloves and sleeves 4435 (b) In-service care and use of protective equipment 4436 Table 1-2 A-C Proof -Test Requirements 4436- 4437 Table 1-.3 D-C Proof -Test Requirements 4437 Table 1-4 Glove Tests -Water Level 4437 Table 1-5 Rubber Insulating Equipment Voltage Requirements 4437 Table 1-6 Rubber Insulating Equipment Test Intervals 4437 1910.269 Electric Power Generation, transmission, and distribution [work practices, safety procedures] 4437 1910.269 (a) Applicability [all electric utility installations as well as test sites and tree -trimming operations] 4437 (b) Medical services and first aid 4438 (c) Job briefing [requirements] 4439 (d) Lockout/tagout procedures 4439 (e) Enclosed spaces 4442 (f) Excavations 4442 (g) Fall protection equipment 4442 (h) Ladders, platforms, step bolts, manhole steps 4443 (i) Hand and portable tools 4443 (j) Live -line tools [last parse on page] 4443 , I S O � O op C8 O 'O a �a'of y Uz'E o 04�Lo .0 p lm U) O•o O "o �vS$av�i°O. O M U •a en ono A ° O" @ccqakn G,.9 U S~U a"o cl$ a 0 3 0 W oo w CA r� 3� °z � g >NL4a�i C ° > 0 8 C V y [Z �a woU� I3.�� iz 00 a oa 00 f/143 mmi O O� UE g w U ^ rr7.�,M.r.c yam a>NUv>>.O s x U O � $ w :t to 00 A � �'i'•aU10 WFA op a. oZM.°r°� Wia �v�+r Q oGy� > i4Mal rl� O.O O N � N U „ o mat a�olE"�Co O'5o�c w d -$ D a WE� Wz ° Clio* Oaae=�' oW.O° 8oVc� 0 rn N ►. M O '~ .ti N O N ti u Z e .. a°A60 �AomrAm y �-d �Nk,4as 4 gar Ufypq•0� a� o 00u SO C � o � S 00 Oa ,� a� o o W� U OG G to M a w g GHU� z�:3 N 04�Ag G Q .o° a .l w Alu0 00 a3� pF"A °Soo o0 cax ooxo..° h w C en v?4 ►,' a W 0WW4 u0 a ow �LZWZ 3o°wzoNo �A oa a a �a U tir > ^ 00 ceee �a Fd[omo.0wZv U o o � in aOc3 >d ~' odo Q JD C: OW y ��: Ora a�caw�� MAR 18 1994 t! March 17, 1994 City of Sanger 201 Bolivar Street Sanger, Texas 76266 COUNTY JUDGE Dear Mayor Armstrong and Council Members, Over the past several months, the Denton County Commissioners Court has been attempting to appoint our Director of Public Works, Mr. Mike Jones, to the Upper Trinity Regional Water District Board of Directors. The legislation which enacted the UTRWD, clearly states that the County shall appoint a member to the Board of Directors. However, the UTRWD believes that the County's appointee must be selected from a predetermined list submitted to the Commissioners Court by the UTRWD. The Commissioners Court, and our legal staff, disagree. It has always been the intent of Denton County to utilize our appointee to represent the best interests of not only the County, but also the cities which participate in the UTRWD. It causes us great concern that the public perception is that the member cities do not want the County to have a representative on the Board of Directors of the UTRWD. The Commissioners Court needs to know whether the City of Sanger would like the County to continue to have a representative on the Board. If the member cities do not want the County to have representation on the Board, then we may not need to make an appointment. Historically, Denton County has invested over $200,000 in the UTRWD, and was instrumental in seeing the District created in Austin. If Denton County is going to be able to continue this partnership with the UTRWD, then we must have the support of the member cities. Please inform the Commissioners Court through my office of your position regarding the County's appointee to the UTRWD Board of Directors, and instruct your representative to the Board of Directors to voice that position at the April meeting of the UTRWD Board of Directors. DENTON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT •COURTHOUSE-ON-THE•SQUARE 110 W. HICKORY DENTON, TEXAS 76201 • (817) b66-8687 1-800-346-3189 UTRWD - Denton County Appointee Page 2 If it is the member cities' desire that the County continue to participate in the UTRWD, then the County will make every effort to negotiate the enclosed "proposed agreement" which has been offered by the UTRWD Board of Directors. As you can see from the proposed agreement, the UTRWD Board concedes that the County Representative does not have to be selected from a slate of nominees, and that only the second position does. Thank you so much for your consideration of this request, and please don't hesitate to contact the Court if you have any questions regarding this issue. P.S. I have also enclosed a brief resume of Mike Jones, the Denton County Director of Public *1FOrks. JAM/sra enclosures cc: UTRWD Member Cities UTRWD Board of Directors and Officers Denton County Commissioners Court Mike Jones Carmen Rivera -Worley, Denton County Asst. D.A. -Civil Div. UPPER TRINITY REGIONAL WATER DISTRICT July 27, 1991 Calic%Zpt for ...a_.._l:Al.,_a i r ''D Or D =%v . iiCTC_.. Y1: i' ':Z Re?ati.onsh`n• The County would have membership standing siiu.ilar to a "Contract Meinbcr". Ric;hta. tlould have the right to participate in future solid waste or storm water projects of the District on similar basis as a "Participating Mer. b r". For Contract Members, the first r_xercise of this right must occur prior to June 16, 1999. Count Ttr: resentative. Commissioners Court would appoint a r4:.:pre:,ent4tive to the Board of Directors. Normal standards (not an elected official, reside within District, and be a rogistered voter) for qualification or Board Members would apply. The role of this person is to represent the broad, regional planning interest of the county, with special attention to solid waste. 11t-LdLRFf ReDI'6gor ta4wi•.'?. n Second appointee by County Commissioners will be selected from a list of nominees submitted by District Board of Directors. This second appointee will have a weighted vote on capital expenditures in like manner as "Participating Members". The role of this person is to represent Utilities and communities of Denton County not otherwise directly represented on the Board. - Cost '7artiC'lp tion+ Regarding cot participation, full equivalent of "Contract Member" would suggest a fee (50C/capita max.) based on all citizens outside city limits. However, the water supply corporations already pay on behalf of some citizens in rural areas. Yet, it seems that the County would want to pay a fair share of the cost of administration and Planning activities; of the District. One idea would be: a gradual transition, starting at a population basis of 4000, increasinq at 4000 per year for 3 years. Participating Members pay u full pro rata share of chE: project in which they participatee r!'herefore, if County elects to participate in a solid waste or storm water project, County would pick up its share of project costs. lgreement_ Suggest an agreement be drawn tlp that on both the District and the County. Both parries that the Agreement is acceptable resolution of dispute between District and County. c:\..dentanco\boardrep.agm Attachment 3 would be binding 'could" represent all :ratters in LGIY I UIY .UVIV I I i'iVlll I UK I t L l tf 1 f't , 25 O ti 1 NOV lU.yS 11 'ly NO .UUS t'.U2 L1ilY`IYIIV aq[I1Y'ty C(►UH77iQU6R ANIVBX 901 E, lHc1CIlVNEY llL+IY'TUtV, ' 7C 762G1 To: Pram: Irate: Re: oouN'I'Y AUDTI`llR (ei7) 6 5-$STti AOQOUNre YAYADt.B ( 17) tiiS•1l,5W IiNAL AUDI'll' (IIl7) 66 «a!>;7! WLIJ LCL70ri8 (a17) Ifib-atf1T IRAx (ail) 6bs-er bi EtJ1"bN OUNTY ►UpITOR jANfGS A. WE1.l..S, C.P'.A. Memo Camn►i lsioner Scott Armey J►ameu i e]la, County Audito November 10, I.993 Dento tl Gounty I''und3nc of Upper Trinity Regional WAtor Authority ..R:.0 Per your request, I hgve resoaxrched the County'8 aocounting records rec axding the County's fund .nq of tho ()peer Trinity Regiori.aJ. Watex Authar .ty. based on that research, County funding for this project i.s as far laws t 1987 5 .00, 000 1988 $ 0 1989 S 60,000 1990 $ 19,000 1991 S 91,000 TotaY Funding $210,000 x baps that this is the in Eormatian you weze wanting. Please let. me knave if you Head anything additional. Michael Alan Jones 1017 Sean Court Hurst, Texas 76053 ( OBJECTIVE To obtain a middle or upper -level engineering management position with a governmental agency. To continue in a position of public service with involvement in the design and construction of water, sewer, drainage, bridge and street projects. To secure a position which will allow consistent and adequate time for devotion to my family. SPECIAL - Ability to motivate and encourage others to develop to their full potential; QUALIFICATIONS - Strong management and communication skills; - Ability to organize, schedule and monitor progress of multiple projects; - Excellent problem solving skills; - Adaptable to changes in direction, priority and schedule; and - Experienced in cost estimating and budgeting of construction projects. PROFESSIONAL City Engineer, December 1989 -Present EXPERIENCE City of Colleyville Engineering Department Colleyville, Texas Manage the daily operations of the Engineering Department, involving the coordination, review and inspection of all development related activities; supervision of the design and construction of capital improvement projects, and floodplain management. Responsibilities also include preparing reports and briefings for the City Manager, the City Council and various commissions and boards. Interview, select, train, supervise and evaluate engineering staff. Responsible for the preparation, administration and management of the Engineering Department's annual budget. Project Engineer, December 1987 -December 1989 Dallas County Public Works/Transportation Department Dallas, Texas Managed in-house design group consisting of four engineers, three draftspersons, and two engineering technicians. Supervised the design and preparation of construction plans, specifications, contract documents and right- of-way documents for bridge and culvert replacement projects and bond program projects which included road, bridge and storm drainage improvements for major thoroughfares in Dallas County. Supervised construction of same through project inspectors. Responsibilities included processing monthly estimates and payments, change orders, etc. Coordinated survey activities/work assignments of the county survey crew. Assistant project engineer for the construction of apost-tensioned, segmental, concrete box -girder bridge on Westmoreland Road over the Trinity River in Dallas, Texas I EDUCATION CONTINUING EDUCATION r. PROFESSIONAL CREDENTIALS PERSONAL Project Engineer/Manager, May 1982 - November 1981 Teague Nall and Perkins, Inc. Consulting Engineers Fort Worth, Texas Managed a design team consisting of four engineers and one engineering technician in the design and preparation of construction plans and specifications for water, sanitary sewer, storm drainage, channel and street facilities for various municipal capital improvement projects and private residential, commercial and industrial developments. Responsibilities also included platting, grading plans, land planning, project feasibility studies, drainage studies, floodplain/floodway analysis and the design of stormwater detention facilities. Supervised the construction of same through a project inspector. Responsibilities included all phases of contract administration. Design Engineer/Project Engineer, May 1978 -May 1982 Teague Nall and Perkins, Inc. Consulting Engineers Fort Worth, Texas Design of construction plans and preparation of specifications for various municipal and development projects similar to those mentioned above. Also, responsible for FHA grading plans, land planning, platting, feasibilities studies and drainage studies. Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering, September 1973 -May 1978 Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas Urban Stormwater Management, Onsite Detention Texas Engineering Extension Service, Texas ABM University Urfian Stormwater Management, Applied Urban Hydrology Management Sciences, Inc. Urban Stormvvater Management, Stormvvater Hydraulics Management Sciences, Inc. Floodplain Hydrology (Utilizing the HEC-1 Computer Model) University of Texas, Continuing Engineering Studies Floodptain Hydraulics (Utilizing the HEC-2 Computer Model) University of Texas, Continuing Engineering Studies Procedures For Improving Traffic Safety in Work Zones Texas Engineering Extension Service, Texas A&M University Tune Management For Engineers and Managers School of Business and Public Administration, University of Houston - Professional Engineer License No. 55529, April 1984 - American Society of Civil Engineers, Member 38 years of age; married (15 years); three children References furnished upon request MEMORANDUM # 2461 TO: FROM: DATE: CITY OF SANGER P. O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 Honorable Mayor &Members of the City Council John Hamilton, City Administrat March 14, 1994 7 SUBJECT: Draft Ordinance Regarding Strip -Shopping Center - Water and Wastewater Rates Kirk Franklin, attorney for G.S.A., has prepared a draft ordinance for your review that addresses some of the questions raised by Mr. John Bucklew. This is intended for discussion purposes. If any member of Council has specific instructions on this matter, please let me know. JH:es Enclosures {l.m.) ' MAR- 8-94 TUE 14:42 GOV"T SERVICE AGENCY 2143421898 CITY OF SANGER, TEXASD ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANGEIt, TEXAS, AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF BANGER. BY ADOPTING NEW RATES FOR WATER AND SEWER SERVICE IN THE CITY; PROVIDING FOR THE CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN SEWER SERVICE USERS; PROVIDING FOR WATER AND SEWER SERVICE BILLING FOR STRIP SHOPPING CENTERS/MALL;; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY OF THIS ORDINANCE, PROVIDING FOR ANY CONFLICTING PROVISIONS; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE FOR THIS ORDINANCE, NOW BE IT ORDAINED BY TIIE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ;ANGER: That Article 23.000(a) of Appendix A, Fee Schedule, of the Code of Ordinances shall be amended as follows: "(a) Inside City Limits $ minimum per unit served for 0-1,0W gallons $ per thousand gallons 1,001-4,999 gallons $ per thousand gallons 5,000- 14,999 gallons $ per thousand gallons 15,000 29,999 gallons $ per thousand gallons 30,000+ gallons" That the second paragraph of Article 23.000(a)(1) of Appendix A, Fee Schedule, of the Code of Ordinances shall be amended as follows: "All Class A customers of municipal wastewater facilities will be charged a minimum of per monthly cycle and per thousand gallons of metered water in excess of the first one thousand (1,000) gallons, but in no case to exceed per month. AlI users of less than 2,000 gallons shall be considered Class A customers for purposes of deteixaaiz�ing rates in accordance with this article." That Article 23.000 of Appendix A, Fee Schedule, be shall be amended by the addition of subsection (c) to read as follows: "(c) Strip —Shopping CeI1itrsLMalls. Each individual unit in a strip shopping center/mMAll will be billed separately for the zt:uiztiaz�uzxi amount due as provided for in the this article." Page 1 of 2 t`IHR- 5-94 TUE 1 4 :43 GOV I T SERVICE AGENCY 21 43421 S96 SECTION III: SEVERAI3TLI'TY That if any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase, or word in this Xdinance, or application thereof to any person or circumstances, is held invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of the Ordinance, and the City Council hereby declares that it would have passed such rem"ng portions of the Ordinance despite such invalidity. SECTION IV: CONFLICTING PROVISIONS That any and all Ordinances of the City of Sanger heretofore adopted which are in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby expressly repealed insofar as the same are in conflict therewith, SECTION V: EFFECTT'VE I)AT'E That this Ordinance shall take effect immediately, from and after its passage and publacatio�a. of the caption, as the law in such cases provides. PASSEn AND APPROVED BY ORDER CITY OF S.A,NGER, TEXAS, ON THIS 1994. A.TTEST: CITX SECRETARY OF THE CITY COUNCII. OF THE THE I DAY OF MAYOR 4 Fage 2 of 2