03/07/1994-CC-Agenda Packet-RegularCITY COUNCIL AGENDA MARCH 7, 1994 291 BOLIVAR STREET, CITY HALL 7000 P.M. 1. CCx to Order, Invocation and Pledge to the Flag 2. CONSENT AGENDA a). Approve Minutes - Workshop Meeting & Regular Meeting b). Disbursements AGENDA 3. Citizen's Input 4. Consider and Passible Action Regarding Citizens Advisory Committee Recommendations For Capital Improvement Projects 5. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider Request for Darwin Sargent, Final Plat on Sargent Subdivision, Phase II, Four Residential Lots - Located on Freese Drive at David Drive 6. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Request for Darwin Sargent, Final Plat on Sargent Subdivision, Phase II, Four Residett�®-1�- Located on Freese Drive at David Drive 7. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Ordinance #02-94 -Average Billing Option - Electric PASSED �-(Alo e $. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Awarding JePA a DBid� 9. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Appointments to the Public Safety Radio Equipment Committee 10. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Animal Control Shelter Plans 11. City Administration Report 12. Any Other Such Matters 13. Adjournment Rosalie Chavez, City Se MINUTES: City Council Workshop 2/21/94, 6000 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT. Mayor Nel Armstrong, Councilman Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Russell Madden, Councilman Jerry Jenkins, and Councilman Jack Richardson MEMBERS ABSENT: Councilwoman Margie Braxton OTHERS PRESENT. City Administrator John Hamilton, City Secretary Rosalie Chavez, and City Auditor Bill Spore i. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order. 2. (3}. Discuss Commercial Water and Wastewater Rates City Administrator discussed several options concerning possible alternatives on the water and sewer billing for small business accounts. Discussion includecL• (a). To leave the billing as is. (b). Require each unit to be individually water metered. (c). Bill commercial accounts by meter size. (d). Continue billing as is, but discount additional units. Discuss Annual Audit FY'92/93 City Auditor Bill Spore presented the 92j93 Annual Audit. Discussion regarding '92/93 year's Revenues and Expenditures. Also, comparisons were made with last year`s Revenues and Expenditures. 4. Any Other Such Matters -None 5. Meeting adjourned. MINUTES: City Council Meeting 2/21/94, 7:QQ p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT. Mayor Nel Armstrong, Councilman Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Russell Madden, Councilman Jerry Jenkins, and Councilman Jack Richardson MEMBERS ASSENT: Councilwoman Margie Braxton (due to illness in her family) PRESENT: City Administrator John Hamilton, City Secretary Rosalie Chavez, City Auditor Bill Spore, Chief of Police Benny Erwin, Glenn Ervin, Brenda Nixon, Sally Stratso, Judge Jeff Moseley, Ann Weatherall, Ben Weatherall, Betty Robinson, and Deborah Hilliard 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order, gave the invocation which was followed by the pledge to the flag. 2. CONSENfi AGENDA a). Approve Minutes b). Disbursements c). Proclamation #P1-94 - Public School Week - 2/28-3/4/94 Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to approve the Consent Agenda. Seconded by Councilman Kincaid. Motion carried. 3. Citizen's Input: a}. Ann Weatherall addressed City Council concerning the possibility of City Council in the future, to get the Texas Highway Department to put a sign at the location where 138 sign is, to direct the people coming to Sanger to the Downtown District. Mayor Armstrong advised Mrs. Weatherall they would look into this matter. b}. Brenda Nixon again addressed City Council concerning more options concerning payment plans for Electric Utilities. Mayor advised Ms. Nixon that the Council and staff are working on some options concerning the Electric Utilities. CC Min., 2/21/94, page 2 c}. Ken Sanders at 905 Church addressed City Council regarding his water pressure. He stated a few years ago he was having problems with water pressure which at that time it got corrected; however, when loth Street Addition was done, they took out what had been done to correct the problem and now they are experiencing low water pressure and he would like to get it cleared before summer starts. Mayor Armstrong advised they will make sure the problem is corrected. Mr. Ben Weatherall advised he also was experiencing the same problem. 4. Deliver State of County Address -Judge Jeff Moseley Judge Moseley discussed the Long-term Planning Goals of the County and their conservative policies concerning economic growth. 5. Conduct Pubic Hearing to Consider Zoning Change Request for John Springer, Agent for Property Owner, From SF-3 to SF4, Lots 4, 7 and 8, Schafer Brothers Subdivision Mayor Armstrong declared the public hearing open. No one was present to speak for or against. Mayor Armstrong declared the public hearing closed. 6. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Zoning Change Request for Jahn Springer, Agent for Property Owner, From SF-3 to SF-4, Lots 4, 7 and 8, Schafer Brothers Subdivision Discussion. Motion was made by Councilman Richardson to accept Planning and Zoning's recommendation to approve this zoning change request with the exception of a single car garage. Seconded by Councilman Kincaid. Motion carried. 7. Issue Call Order for Municipal Election -May 7, 1994 Action on this item was taken care of in Item 8. CC Min., 2/ 21/94, page 3 S. Appointment of Election Judges Councilman Jenkins made the motion to call the Municipal Election for May 7, 1994 and to appoint Wynema Schertz as Election Judge and Louella Ward as alternate and give her authorization to appoint one additional clerk. Seconded by Councilman Madden. Motion carried. 9. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Audit FY'92/93 Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins to accept Audit for Fiscal Year 92/93 and to appoint him to serve as the City's Auditor for Fiscal Year 93/94. Seconded by Councilman Madden. Motion carried. 1Q. Consider and Passible Action Regarding Cammittee to Review Public Safety Radio Equipment This item tabled for City Council to be given an opportunity on whom they would like to be appointed to the committee to review Public Safety Radio Equipment. 11. City Administration Report a). City Administrator John Hamilton advised that staff is working on approaches to address some of the concerns that Brenda Nixon has addressed concerning electric utilities. b). Citizens Advisory Cammittee on Capital Improvement Projects for Water, Sewer, Streets and Library will have a luncheon meeting with Dan Almon, Southwest Securities, tomorrow at noon and they plan to bring a proposal or recommendation to Council at the March 7th Meeting. c}. City Administrator advised that they had also secured a copy of Decatur's Animal Shelter Application which they had prepared and submitted for their grant. d). City Administrator advised that memorandums have gone out to staff to start draft budget for next year. e}. City Administrator advised that the City across the east side of town sa the birds has Batten the trees cut CC Min., 2j 21 j94, page 4 12. Any Other Such Matters a). Councilman Madden asked if there will be a Community Garden again this year. b}. Councilman Richardson asked why the new police car hasn't been purchased. City Administrator advised the new police car has not been purchased due to cash flow. 1S. Meeting adjourned. _, _ .-- F ul ' I E i � 3 # . t i�` � ' � i r � i' � k � t . _ � .... r ... . C -i �� � F 1 �' .S /� .� .�s � k �er.�a .R .. ... _. .� . . _ .I} _ � ... ..._ I f r 3� . v � z � e _ ... e , .� r ..._ :... t tr. v t —; t S t '.� �..' .. .I .t . .... .._. _ r . . r: t _ __ r s '�: `�,i tr. 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I.! e file -m ell fee ell, ell —I le Ir ll if e .. , _ , _ I ell If lee el le el el If i ell, _10, t `: r If _ . _ _ I Le ._11 1 , If > r _ � e. h> If If .r cE .: ,.: -� .: el I s f"� f iii 9 I! 4 ANIMAL CONTROL-W �Vjt `:'`'°! Id I ur 41 ._ _ el 11.2 41132*60 CITE Cap SANUER P. Ca. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 TO: Honorable Mayor &Members of the City Council FROM: John Hamilton, City Administrator DATE. March 4, 1994 SUBJECT: Report By Citizens Aduisory Committee, Capital Improvement Projects The Citizens Committee will be present to report their recommendations to Council and propose a project list and time -line for Council. All the written material supplied to the Committee, as well as their working documents, are enclosed for your review. JH:es Enclosures 2/ 16/94 Proposed Time Line -Capital Improvement Projects All Construction Estimates Include 8% Engineering Date Ace Estimated cost April 1, 1994 Certificates Sold Gas, Telephone, Cable T.V. notified of underground utility projects May 1, 1994 Open Bids - StreetjWater/Library June 15, 1994 Begin Construction {Phase I) Library $ 3 50, 0 00 Keaton Road {From 455, South to Holt} $689,040 Bolivar/Berry/Holt $246,240 Water Line - I-35, North to Jennifer Circle $120,960 Wastewater - Bolivar St. Line Relocation $ 67,392 $1,473,632 August 1, 1994 Begin Construction {Phase I} Duck Creek Road, Keaton to Keaton Holt, South and Keaton Road - Duck Creek South Brook Glen Extension $ 79,920 Water Line - Church Street to 7th $ 43,200 Water Line - Wood/Denton/Church $ 150120 Wastewater - Wood St, South to Austin 38,880 $1779120 November 1, 1994 - Phase I {Streets} completed " Relocation of loth Street Utilities Begin Begin Construction (Phase II, Streets) Bolivar Street $247,104 6th, ?th and 9th Streets $ 65,340 Water Line - Willow/7th/Houston $ 5 L840 $364,284 January 1, 1995 March I, 1995 Begin Construction (Phase III, Streets) Austin Street Tenth Street Water Line - Hughes Street Water 300,000 gallon ground storage Wastewater - Southside Dr. - South 'Underground electric - Bolivar,6th/7thj9th Begin Construction Wastewater - I-35 Bore Wastewater - Cowling Road - Liftstation 1 Ith/ 12th/ 13th ($34,804) TOTAL 'Underground Electric could be FY Budget Item $ 2,850,000 f Cti—:=�-1774 L'17 • ++#✓J I'fCUi'1 7UU I r1WCJ i ;_�GL•U1C 1 I 1 C7 e U I U i l�l ft#��3'-F1Gik:1 r'. Jr: p1tOPOSED 82,850,000 AAA-INSUREO QTEO CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS COMBINATION TAX AND UTILITY SYSTEM JUNIOR LIEN REVENUE CERTIFICATES OF OBLIt3ATI0N, SERIES 1994 S�DC�� ====aee�n��C� pEBT SERVICE SCHi:DULE =srso...,.. � � �� � � � � sa szYrr �..�-------- DATE PRINCIPAL COUPON INTEREST pi:RI00 TOTAL fI5CAl TOTAL 3/ 1/95 142,500.00 142,500.00 9/ 1l95 25,000.00 6.000000 85,500,00 410,500.00 253,000.00 3/ 1/96 84,750.00 84,750.00 9/ 1/96 85,000.00 b.000000 84,750.00 169,750.00 254,500.00 3/ 1/97 82,200.00 $2,200.00 9/ 1/97 3/ 1/98 9/ 1/98 3/ 1199 9/ i149 3/ 1/ 0 9/ 1/ 0 �/1/1 9/ 1/ 1 3/ 1/ 2 9/ 1/ 7 3/ 1/ 3 9J1/3 3/ 11 4 9/1/4 3/ i/ 5 4/ i/ 5 3/1/6 9/ 11 b x/ 1/ 7 9/1/7' 3/ 1/ $ 9/ 1/ 8 3/ 1/ 9 9/ 1! 9 3/ 1/10 9/ 1/10 3/ 1/11 9/ 1l11 3/ 1/12 •1 111 11 iriifi i f•f i f i i f f f i 1D0.000.00 6.000000 1 Iil 11 11'i 11 i� 1 ffi ff ffflib 120,000.00 6.000000 125,OOd.DO 5.000000 130,000.OD 5.000000 140,000.00 6.000000 150,D00.00 6.000000 . , „ f i f �iTiTi;�id� 170, Ooa.Oo 780,OOd.00 aif/ii t,.000000 190,000,00 6.000000 200,000.00 6.00OODO 9/ 1/12 214,D00.00 3/ 1/13 9/ 1/13 225,000.00 3/ 1/1k 9/ 1f14 �40,000.00 ..2,850,000.00 ACCRUED 2, tiSO, 000.00 i ��.. �=.===SS 82,200.00 79,500.00 79,500.00 76,650.00 76.bS0.00 73,650.00 73,b50.00 70,504.00 70,SOO.Ob 57,Z00.00 67,P00.00 63,b00.00 b3, E,00.00 59,850.00 59,SS0.00 s5,9sa.oD 55,950.00 51,750.00 $1,i50.00 47,250.00 4�,25o.0a 42,450.00 42,450.00 37,35D.00 37,350.00 31,950.00 31,95aoa 76,250.00 26,250.00 20,250.00 172,2D0.00 79,500.00 174,500.00 76,650.00 176,650.00 73,650.00 178,b50.00 70,500.00 1ao,5o0,oD 6T,PD0.00 187,200.00 63,600.00 i88,b00.00 59,850.00 189,850.04 s5,9sD.oa 195,450.04 51,750.00 201f750.00 47,250.00 Z07,250.00 42,450.00 212,450.00 37,350.00 217,350.00 31,950.00 221,950.00 zb,z5o.no 226,250.00 20,250.00 6.000000 20,2H0.00 9.30,250.00 13,950.00 13,950.00 6.000000 13,450.00 238,950.OD 7,200.00 7,200.00 b,00oD04 7,200.00 247,200.Ott r 2,212,500.00 5,Ob2,500.00 2,212,500.00 S,Obz,500.00 =ocx====�"^=======a°=�====:Ta Dated 5/ 1/94 with Delivery of 5/ 1/94 Bond insurance: 0.592593 X of (Total Debt Service Only) Micra-Muii De:wt date: 02 28 1944 51 09f09�59 30,000.00 254,400.00 254,000.OD 253,300.00 252,300.00 251,000.00 254,400,00 252,200.00 249,700.00 251,9a0.00 253,500.00 254,500.00 254,900.D0 254.700.00 253,900.00 252,500.00 z5o,500.00 252,90D.D0 P54,400.00 Fitohom4s BANGER Key: G4A � . � r CITY OF SANDER P. O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 MEMORANDUM #2431 TO: Members of the Citizens Advisory Committee - 1994 Capital Improvements Project FROM: John Hamilton, City Administrator. DATE: February 8, 1994 SUBJECT: Library, Street, tltlater and V�astewater Improvements, General Obligation Certificates $2,350,000 The City Council needs your input and recommendations regarding a possible issue of $2,350,000 General Obligation Certificates in order to finance a new library, and approximately $1,000,000 in street improvements and $1,000,000 in water/wastewater system improvements. The two major tasks before you are: 1). Is there a need for these projects? 2). What are the best options to provide for financing the projects? Any additional recommendations are left to the discretion of the committee. Attached are memorandums provided to Council from the City Staff identifying possible water, street and wastewater projects. Also a cost summary from Southwest Securities of the annual cost of the Certificate issue based on a 20 year term. Also enclosed are summaries of the City's current debt. It is important to note that Certificates of Obligation do not require an election. This committee is on a short time line. Four final recommendation will need to be presented to the City Council at their March 7th Meeting. This short time line is necessary, if there is to be a street project scheduled for summer of 1994. If you have any questions or concerns, please let either a staff or Councilmember know. JH:es CC: Honorable l��Iayar &Members of the Council Q)b C11 Y OF SANGER P. O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 MEMORANDUM #2386 TO: Honorable Mayor & Members of the City Council FROM: John Hamilton, City Administrator DATE. December 17, 1993 SUBJECT: Report on Financing Options By Southwest Securities - Dan Almon Mr. Almon will be present to discuss financing options and costs for future street, library and water/wastewater projects. Factors to consider are: 1}. Term of issue. 2}. Related costs of issue. 3). Both long and short term goals in the areas of streets, library and water/wastewater. 4). Annual debt service cast as a total and as a percentage of budget. 5). Certificates of Obligation cannot be refunded by new certificates. 6). Will funds be used within three (3) years? 7}. Certificates of Obligation do not require an election. Staff has identified several possible street improvement projects in no particular order: Street Street Construction Estimated Costs Only_ 12/ 14 M3 Width 31' 1}. Austin Street - 2200' @ $130 = $286,000 (Denton to Church, Walnut Ln.) 31' 2). Tenth Street - 2200' @ $130 = $286,000 (From Bolivar N) 27' 3). Wood Street - 1000' @ $115 = $1 15,000 (loth to 7th & Willow) #2386, 12/ 17/93, page 2 27' 4). Brook Glen (extension) 400' @ $115 = $ 46,000 + culvert 30,000 (If ROW donated) $ 76,000 31' 5). Keaton Road - 1400' @ $130 = $182,000 (N. From Brook Glen) 27' 6). Marshall Street - 700' @ $115 = $ 80,500 (5th E. to 2nd) 31, 7). Sixth Street - 600' @ $130 = $ 78,000 (Cherry N to Elm) 31' 8). Seventh Street - 225' @ 130 = $ 299250 (Bolivar to Elm) 9). Drainage - Keaton Road/Willow St. _ $ 80,000 10). Willow Street - 1200' @ $130 = $156,000 RR - East Total $1,3689750 As you all are aware, there are many residential streets in the older sections of town that are candidates for renovation. The cost estimates listed do not include engineer or utility improvements/relocation. Four of the ten listed; Austin, Tenth, Keaton and Willow are main traffic arteries; Woad St is primarily for drainage improvements; Brook Glen is to improve accessibility and for public safety, Marshall is for drainage and its general bad repair; Sixth Street is for drainage and safety around the Post Office and proposed library; Seventh Street is for drainage and access to the Middle School; and the drainage improvements were discussed to prevent possible flooding. The water/sewer improvements would be to improve/expand the system for both fire protection and delivery capability (water) and make sewer available for every current resident and/or business in the community. The library portion of this $350,000, could be reduced if the City is successful in securing a $100,000 state grant. This discussion does not require action, but is intended as a preliminary discussion; however, if Council wants a street improvement program for the summer of 1994, some plan of action will need to be adopted as early as possible in 1994. JH:es, Enclosures Proposed street Improvements Location loth St. - Bolivar/ 455 Peach - 7th/ Loop 138 Hughes - lOth/ I-35 1 lth -Hughes/ Bolivar 1 lth -Hughes/ Bolivar �tTillow - lOth%Loop 138 Feet idth $ per feet 1700 31' $108 500 31' 1000 31' 320 25' 320 25' 1400 31' Keeton -Brook Glen/Duck Creek 18QQ 31' Bolivar/Berry/ Holt Duck Creek - I-35J Keeton 24QQ 31' 140Q 31' • f: Extend Keeton to Berry 1400 31' $108 Total $'s $183y600 54, QQQ $108,Q00 28, 800 $151.2QQ 259, 200 151, 200 $151, 200 $ 87, 500 238,700 (Estimate) Acquire Right of Vv uy 1400 Ft. X 50 Ft. = 70,000 sq. ft. X $A�2Lper sg. $87, 500 Austin St. - I7 enton/ I-35 1500 31 $108 $162,000 D enton -Austin/ V�Iillow 1300 25' $90 $117,000 7th - Peachj 455 800 25' $90 $S 1,OQO 6th - Bolivar/Vilillow 900 25' $9Q $81,Q00 6th - Bolivar] Elm 200 25' $90 $18,QQ0 7th - Willow/Houston 1300 25' $90 $117,000 Marshall - 7thj 2nd 1200 25' $90 $108,000 2nd - 455/�+Uayne 4600 31' $108 $496,800 Vt7illow -Loop 138/City Limits 2600 31' $108 $280,800 Marshall - 7th/ loth 1000 25' $90 $909000 4th - Elm/ 455 Pecan - 7thJ loth Bolivar - I-35/ Loop 138 Elm - 7th/ I-35 12th -Elm/ Bolivar Railroad - Willow/ 455 Brook Glen - E to I-35 Keeton Road, FM 455 S. to Duck Creek TC7TALS 1200 25 $90 loB,Qoo 700 25' $90 $63,000 23Q0 31' $108 $248,4QQ 1600 25' $90 $144, OQO 2soo 25' $9Q $252,QOo 40Q 25' $90 $36,Q00 Culverts $ 20, 000 (C� 1. 25) R Q. Wo _$ 2�51000 $ 1, 000 3, 800 31' $108 $ 410, 400 40, 940 $4, 310, 300 " Underground electric utility, material cost is estimated at $25,000 for every 5000 linear feet " The cost per ft. is estimated and could be impacted by drainage corners requiring underground pipe and inlets. As an example, 7th Street in front of the Middle School averaged $130 per linear ft. Tenth Street, with its large number of private driveways averaged about $105 per ft. and Acker Street was about $80 per ft. All these streets are 31' wide. Proposed Revenue Bond, Water/Sewer Projects 1993 Sewer Projects 1). FM 455 (4th St. to Sanger West Blvd.) 2800 ft. X $30 = $$4.000 2). I-35 W. Access Road (North Across Freeway} 1000 ft. X $30 = $30,000 + $50,000 (Bore) _ $80,000 3). Cowling Road (Upper Lift Station to Lower Lift Station) 1600 ft. X $30 = $�, o o a 4}. Freese Dr. (West to I-35 Access Road} 800 ft. X $30 = $ 49000 5). I-35 E. Access Road (From Southside Dr. S. to Existing Line) 1200 ft. X $30 = $36,000 6). Belz Road (W. from I-35} 2000 ft. X $30 = $60,000 7). I-35 W. Access Road (455 to Belz Rd.) 3200 ft. X $30 = $96,000 8). Keeton, Halt to Benjamin 1400 ft. X $30 9). I-35, E. Access Road (Woad, S. to Austin) 1200 ft. X $30 = _ 36,000 TOTAL SEWER _ 506,000.00 $30 per ft. estimate provided by Hunter Associates Water Projects 1). Cowling Rd. (From Loop 138, South) 2000 ft. X $20 = $400000 2). Freese Dr. (From David S. to Loop 138) 600 ft. X $20 = $12,000 3). Loop 138 (I-35 Access Road, East) 1200 ft. X $20 = $24,000 4). Hughes St. 1000 ft. X $20 = $20.00u 5}, I-35 East Access Rd. (Wood to Austin) 1200 ft. X $20 6}. I-35JN.W. City Limits 3200 IT. X $20 7). Sims Street 600 ft. X $20 = 0 0 0 8). Kirkland Street 270 ft. X $20 = $ 5,400 9). Railroad Ave. (S. from Willow) 2800 ft. X $20 = C5�6 , 00 0 10). FM 455 (2nd, East to City Limits) 4800 ft. X $20 = $96,000 11). Church Street (I-35, East to 7th) 2000 ft. X $20 = $40,000 12). I-35(E), Pecan South to Hughes 1200 ft. X $20 = $24,000 13). Belz Road, (W. from 1.35) 2400 ft. X $20 = $48,000 000023 14). Loop 138 (I-35, W. to Keeton) 1200 ft. X $20 = $24,OOa 15). Austin St. (I-35, E. to Freese) 800 ft. X $20 = $16, 00 0 16}. Jennifer Circle (South to Keeton) 1600 ft. X $20 = $32,0aa 1 I ). 300,000 Gallon Ground Storage = $25o,000 18). Loop (Connect) All Existing Lines 3800 ft. X $20 = $76,000 fiOTAL WATER $863,400 $20 per ft. provided by Hunter Associates and assumes a 6" line. WATER $ 863,4aa SEWER 506,000 $1369,400 REPLACEMENT OF EXISTING 2 1144 t�TATER LINES (AS CURRENTLY CONFIGURED) EAST OF I-35 39,00o ft. K$20perft. $78Q,OOQ $ 7so,aoo 300,Q0a 19080,000 t�VEST OF I-35 15,aoo ft. X .20 per ft. $300,000 The 2 inch lines are the oldest lines in the city. Our current subdivision ordinance requires 6 inch lines as the minimum size. Fire suppression is also a consideration in replacement. For discussion, if the entire 54,QQQ ft. of line were replaced, and using 400 ft. as a spacing goal for fire hydrants, if all new hydrants were purchased at approximately $1,000 each, these would require an additional $135,000, bring the estimated cost to _,1,215,0000 "NOTE: 1). These estimates do not include the cost of new water service taps. The approximate material cost for this item would be $45.00 per connection. 2}. If these casts were placed on a fifteen (15) year Capital (Budget} Replacement Program, it would require about $81,000 per year, commencing in FY 93/94 and ending in FY 08/09. 3}. The distance figures do not reflect any lines within the Mobile Home Parks that are the City's responsibility. NOV-15-1993 in:pE FP011 c,_ii)'TH,iT _r,__'r'ITIES----t'---T---------- ----- OF SANGER, TEXAS ,.,350,000 COMBINATION TAX AND UTILITY SYSTEH JUN]:0R LIEN REVENUE CERTIFICATES OF OBLIGATION, SERIES 1994 FISCAL YEAR ENDING 9-30 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 ?_9 10 2011 2012 2013 2014 THE PROPOSED SERIES 1994 CERTIFICAT:?;5 (a) PRINCIPAL $S,000.00 70,000.0O 75,000.00 80,000,00 85,000.00 90,000.00 95,000.00 100*000000 105,000.00 110,000900 120,000.00 125,000.00 130,000.00 140,000.00 145,000.00 155,0oo.00 165,000000 175,000.00 185,00 oo 195,000.00 52►350,000.00 INTEREST (b) $202,687.50 134,837.50 130,812.50 126,500.00 121,900.00 117,012.50 111,837650 106,375.00 100,625.00 94,587.50 M 262.50 81,362*50 74,175.00 660700600 58,650.00 50,312.50 41,400.00 31,912.50 21,850.00 11.212.50 $1,773,012.50 TO.'AL $207r687.50 2044837.50 205,.812.50 206.500.00 206,.900.00 207,012.50 2064837650 206;375*00 205625900 204,587.50 20810262*50 206r362.50 204)175.00 206,700600 203., 650.00 205,:12.50 206,400.00 206', 912.50 206,850.00 206,212.50 54,123,012.50 BONDS DATER: MARCH 1, 1994 FTP.ST ItvT&REST PAYb!'E:i�T� MAP.CH 1, 19°5 MATURITIES: SEPTEMBER 1, 1995-2014 AVERAGE LIFE: 13.1212 YEARS 1,000,000.00 350,000.00 $2,350,000.00 EATER AIvD SEWED: STREETS L I BRARY 42.55� OF TOTAL ATTRIBUTABLE TO SYSTEM $88,371.03 87,158.36 87,573.22 87,865.75 88,035.95 88,083.82 88,Co9.36 87,812.56 87,493.44 87,051.98 88,615*69 87,807*24 86,876.46 87,950.85 86,653.08 87,360.47 87,823.20 88,041.27 88,014.68 87,743.42 S1,754,341.82 SY�iEM IM;✓ROV'tMENTS (b) INTEREST HAs �EE2a CA.T.,CLTLATEL� AT 5.'%5s FC^r. PU SSE `"' ILLUSTi�,ATION ON?•X' 1"� °�MHER 25, 1993 Draft Budget FY 93/94 Debt Service Requirements By Department Electric $ 30,090 1976 Bonds - 20,146 1991 Bonds - 9,944 Water $ 90,804 1976 Bonds - 7,937 1991 Bands - 82,867 Wastewater $ 105,890 1976 Bonds - 32,967 1991 Bonds - 727923 Street $ 536,890 G. 0. Bonds - 1087700 Bolivar, 7th& loth- 423,990 GNB Note Total $763,674 Utility System Revenue Bonds, Series 1976 Original Issue $305,000. Dated March 15, 1976 (5.50% - 7.25%) Fiscal Coupon Interest Bonds Interest Total Year No. Due Due 11/ 15 Due 5/ 15 Due 5/ 15 1993-94 1$ $3,025.00 $55,OOQ.OQ $3,025.OQ $61,05Q.QQ 1994-95 19 $1, 512.50 $ 55, OQO. QQ $ 1, 512.5Q $ 58, Q 25. QQ Total $4, 537.5Q $110, aao. OQ $4, 537.50 $119, 075.OQ Bonds were issued for the purpose o� $40,Q00 for improving and extending the Waterworks System: $165, O00 for improving and extending the Sewer System and $100,000 for improving and extending the Electrical System. This represents 13% Water, 33% Electrical, and 54% Sewer. GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS, SERIES 1986 ORIGINAL ISSUE $700,000.00 DATED AUGUST 4, 1986 Fiscal Interest Bonds Interest Total Year Due Due Due 2-1 8-1 8-1 1993-94 $11,45Q.QQ $9Q,QQQ.QQ $11,45Q.QQ $112,9QQ.QQ 1994-95 $80Q75.QQ $1QQ,QQQ.QO $8,Q75.QQ $116,15Q.QQ 1995-96 $4, 2QQ. QQ $1Q5, QQQ. QQ $4, 2QQ. QQ $113, 4QQ. QQ Total $23,725.Q0 $295,QQQ.QQ $23,725.QQ $342,45Q.QQ Bonds were issued for the purpose of Street Construction and Improvements. 100% Street Budget. Funded by Sales Tax Revenues and Gen. Fd. D ebt. e Utility System Revenue Bonds, Series 1991 Baa Rated (Average Coupon 6.818894%) Original Issue $2, 230, 000 Caupan Interest Interest rincipal Interest Fiscal Year Rate 15-Nov 15-May_ 15MM Total I1994 5.10% 72, 866.25 20, QQO 72, 866.25 165, 732.50 1994-1995 5. 25% 729356.25 25, OOO 72, 356.25 169, 712. 50 1995-1996 5.4O% 717700.00 859000 71, 700.00 228, 400.00 199& 1997 5. 6O% 69, 405. 00 857000 69, 405. 00 223, 810. OQ 1997-1998 5. 80% 67, 025. 00 90, 000 67, 025. 00 224, 05Q. OO 1998-1999 6. 00% 64, 415. 00 1000000 64, 415. 00 228, 830. 00 1999-2000 6.15% 61, 415.00 105, OOO 61, 415.00 227, 830.00 2000-2001 6. 25% 589186. 25 1109000 58,186. 25 226, 372. 50 2001-2002 6. 4O% 549748. 75 115, 000 54, 748. 75 224, 497. 50 2002-2003 6.55% 519068.75 125, 000 519068.75 227, 137.50 2003-2004 6. 7O% 46, 975.00 1309000 469 975.00 223, 950. 00 2004-2005 6.80% 42, 620.00 1409000 427620.00 2259 240.00 2005-2006 6. 90% 371860. 00 1509000 37, 860. 00 225, 720. OQ 200&2007 7. 00% 329685.00 160, 000 329685. QO 225, 370. 00 2007-2QQ8 7.05% 27, 085.00 170, 000 27, 085.00 2249 170.00 2008-2009 7.15% 21, 092.50 185, OOO 21, 092.50 2279185.00 2009-2010 7.15% 14, 478.75 1950000 14, 478.75 223, 957. 50 2010-2011 7.15% 7, 507.50 21 O, OOO 7, 507.50 225, 015.00 Totals 873, 490.00 2, 200, OOO 873, 490.00 3, 946, 980.00 Bands were issued as a reiulance of former issues benefitting water, sewer and electric (combined $19430,000) and a new issue ($800,00Q) far a new water well and elevated storage tank. The total issue represents Electric 6%, Sewer 44% and dater 50%. (GO Bond - Street) Bolivar, Seventh &Tenth Street Improvements $4 23,990 Payment Schedule: $ a0,000 =Due 12j 1aj93 100,000 = + Int. Due Quarterly (lath) 100,000 = + Int. Due Quarterly (15th) 160,000 = Due 09/ 15/94 $ 410,000 = + Int. PROPOSED STREET IMPROVEMENTS Keaton Road Brook Glen Bolivar, Berry, Holt second Tier Bolivar Street 8� - E�ti��esi�ngineering - 5800 Ft. X $110 = $ 638,000 400 Ft. X $110 = $44,000 Drainage aQ,0W. $74,000 = 74,000 2080 Ft. X $110 = 2 2 8 ,_Q00 $ 940,000 7th, 6th, & 9th Streets - Third Tim loth Street Austin Street 2080 Ft. X $110 550 Ft. X $110 - 2200 Ft. X $110 1600 Ft. X $110 _ $ 228,800 $ 289,300 _x8°Lo $ 312,444 _ $ 242,000 $ 1769000 ------------------------------------- Willow Street - 1800 Ft_ X $110 = $198,000 Drainage 3O,OOQ $ 228,000 $ 646,000 Y ,( 0 00003'2 F'-Q-U- rtk.Ticmr 7th Street - 800 Ft. X $110 = $ 880000 1 lth Street - 420 Ft. X $110 = 55,000 12th Street - 210 Ft. X $110 = $ 270500 13th Street - 420 Ft. X $110 = $ 55,000 RR Avenue - 1400 Ft. X $110 = 154,QQ0 379,500 X8 %Q 408,860 1st Tier - $1,015,200 2nd Tier - 3129444 3rd Tier - 6979680 4th Tier - 409MO Total C2r435,184 3 [i Wastewater Staff Recommended Water &Wastewater Projects - 8 Estimated Engineering (Near Be Zz Road} Bore under Freeway 1000 ft. X $30 = $30,000 Bore =0,000 2). Cowling Road Upper Lift Station to Lower Lift Station 1600 ft. X $30 3). I-35, E. Access Road From Southside Dr. - South 1200 ft. X $30 4}. I-35, E. Access Road From Wood St. - South to Austin St. 1200 ft. X $30 1}. Hughes Stz•eet loth 5t., W. to I-35 19000 ft. X $20 2). I-35 -West Access Road 455, North 3200 ft. X $20 3). Church Street I-35 -East to Seventh Street. 2000 ft. X $20 4). Belz Road I-35 -West to Jennifer Circle 2400 ft. X $20 5). Lane Station (East) Water Well 300,000 gallon ground storage tank $80,000.00 $48,000.00 $36,000.00 $36,000.00 $200,000.00 X 8%) $216,000.00 $20,000.00 $64,000.00 $40,000.00 $48,000.00 $150,000.00 6). Replace 2 inch line Wood to Denton to Church Street 700 ft. X $20 7). Replace 2 inch line Willow - 10th to 7th to Houston 2400 ft. X $20 Wastewater Water $216,000 4149 2U $630,720 Recommended W/WW improvements - $700,000 NOTE: $2,850,000, 20 year term at 6% Annual principal and interest $14,000.00 $48,000.00 $384,000.00 _X8% $414,720.00 Pa OBOX 578 1 NCGER, TEXAS " ♦ • TO: Honorable Mayor St Members of the City Council FROM: John Hamilton, City Administrator DATE: March 4, 1994 SUBJECT: Final Plat/Construction Plan Sargent Addition, Phase II At their meeting of March 3rd, the recommended approval of the Final of the Sargent Addition. JH:es Planning and Zoning Commission Plat and Construction Plan for Phase II SARGENT ADDITION FINAL PLAT PHASE TWO, LOTS 4-7, BLOCK A i . ; r_i \` 1 o v \ ,,. ............... Cal K \f) ......0 . fL ... \ S y... iN rU+o '^ .' a /, J _ n L PY o ' J p to i . / / /. / 1S GJ JU 1 06 H 0 a I an otb Ics ildli ff1k 9G1 —.-1 - -- ltl3i'135'Z3 OtlOH .SZ N ; K I .OU'011 .SZ I I I E. OI v 1 i a a 1-.— lfi .57. N) i I .' 05 .01 CG — = U) .al nu ) .bf,tn.ru s M15!)il .US. .... W .OI'Cb M _ _ O Sn"'y.os i 1 _.I io j .47,'SCl .0 t'C6 I .SZ -- 3n_sl ' ,bS:'S'CiZ 3 „Ot,b0.6fi S F N i 7 O t- r , J O W( i V U U -1 Ei J W ?Jd 5Ll/I a ' rlol)loav lrlaoays f=-i ..... ------------------------- - ---- -__ -----------I ,L`S3 IZS M 37 I 11 I C N O E N m d c v i C ° +' 0- U C w aci o c ¢. u rn E n. o c c _ c a rn .3 0 0 0°\ o c .D 2 o ° o II'''' mcit°'ic` o l ti:] 000a ln w I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i l i l z s J JwJw =°- za=o=a oda-wc m U U 0 l,_. tl . ti. ti. J O a. d J . 5.! z J O :" rll V •++ iJ .3 rc NN, _, u, J U . . J J - N 6 CI .." J [] f Y. l] u •• °ii u ., a 0 J ri ■% o m ¢' rK I bH7-7 °i O Z p b O Qi N O 0 o H C * A HU r^' w Z Q1 ` C7 V- P f ~' U Z 1— fit! (.z7 a ' -Z N N O W H °- f+ w m ¢ O Z a W C5 J Ho W* O < a o W o z J In .hao 4 0 z U II a ro m W Cn Z t V Vic) o W W Z ", p,, z 3 c W w w_ n V1 oQ d C Y 3 o m O U Y z H H U O a LEGAL NOTICE The Sanger City Council Krill consider at their regular meeting on Monday, larch 7 1994, at 7:00 p.m, a = Final Plat on the Sargent Subdivision, Phase II, a cul-de-sac of four residential lots located on Freese Drive at David Drive. The Final Plat is available far public inspection in the City Secretary's Office at City Hall, 201 Bolivar Street, during normal business hours. RUN IN COURIER: 2/17/94 &2/24/94 Rosalie Chavez City Secretary City Council (Final Plat} FINAL PLAT A Final Plat on the Sargent Subdivision, Phase II, a cul-de-sac of four residential lots, located on Freese Drive at David Drive in Sanger. If you approve or disapprove this final plat request, please be in attendance at the meeting, Monday, March 7, 1994, 7:00 p.m. Please check one: l Comments: I approve of the Final Plat Request. I disapprove of the Final Plat Request. r ignature to rn A 1 i rs` City Council (Final Plat) FINAL PLAT A Final Plat on the Sargent Subdivision, Phase II, a cul-de-sac of four residential lots, located on Freese Drive at David Drive in Sanger. If you approve or disapprove this final plat request, please be in attendance at the meeting, Monday, March 7, 1994, 7:00 p.m. Please check one. I approve of the Final Plat Req, P% t. I disapprove of the Final Plat Request T Comments: Signature 0 UU( U U City Council (Final Plat) FINAL PLAT A Final Plat on the Sargent Subdivision, Phase II, a cul-de-sac of four residential lots, located on Freese Drive at David Drive in Sanger. If you approve or disapprove this final plat request, please be in attendance at the meeting, Monday, March 7, 1994, TOO p.m. Please check am. I approve of the Final Plat Request. I disapprove of the Final Plat Request. Comments: Signature Date } L i City Council {Final Plat) FINAL PLAT A Final Piat on the Sargent Subdivision, Phase II, a cul-de-sac of four residential lots, located on Freese Drive at David Drive in Sanger. If you approve or disapprove this final plat request, please be in attendance A the meeting, Monday, March 7, 1994, 7:00 p.m. Please check one: Comments: I approve of the Final Plat Request. I disapprove of the Final Plat Request. Signature 7 Date 00004 MEMORANDUM #2452 TO: FROM: DATE. SUBJECT. CITY OF SANGER P. O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 Honorable Mayor & John Hamilton, City March 4, 1994 Ordinance #02-94 - Members of the City Council Administrato Average Billing ption - Electric Enclosed is the draft of an ordinance that attempts to address average billing for electric customers. Any comments or concerns may be addressed and incorporated into the ordinance. If Council desires to take this approach, a delay of several days would be necessary in order to program the utility billing computer to assist staff in monitoring this program. Some key aspects of the proposal. 1). Applicant must have a 12 month credit history with the City electric system. 2). Rate increases would be passed on to the customers when enacted. 8). Average billing would apply to electric only. This program is basically the same as the City of Demons' and follows the general recommendations of the Texas Public Power Association. As a reminder, the City attempts to follow the rules and regulations for utilities as established by the Public Utilities Commission in Austin; however, as a municipally owned system, Sanger is not required to do so. This ordinance attempts to address some of the concerns voiced to Council toy Ms. Brenda Nixon and others regarding the high electric billing on February 1, 1994. JH:es Enclosure CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF SANGER BY ADOPTING AN EQUAL PAYMENT PLAN FOR THE PAYMENT OF ELECTRICITY BILLS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY OF THIS ORDINANCE; PROVIDING FOR ANY CONFLICTING PROVISIONS; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE FOR THIS ORDINANCE. NOW BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER. SECTION I: CODE OF ORDINANCES AMENDED (a) That from and after the effective date of this ordinance, the City of Sanger Code of Ordinances shall be amended to include Article 11.1600.5 to read as follows. "ARTICLE 11.1600.5 (a) Plan Adopted. (1) Qualified customers of electrical service may enroll in a plan designed to provide equal utility bills throughout the year, such plan to be known as the "Equal Payment Plan." (2) Electricity usage will be estimated by the City of Sanger Utilities in order to determine the amount of the equal monthly payment. Estimates will be made based primarily on past usage by the customer at the present address. Said payment shall be made monthly, subject only to changes in the twelfth month or due to rate adjustments, as provided for herein. (b) Twelfth Month Adjustments. Equal payments shall be made for eleven (11) months. In the twelfth month, any difference between the estimated amount and the actual month shall be settled. If monthly payments are less than the charges for actual use, the twelfth month bill will show the balance due, including this difference. If monthly payments have totalled more that the charges for actual usage, any difference will be refunded to the customer. Payments in first eleven (11) months must be consistently made, regardless of any credit accruing during said eleven (11) months. (c) Plan for Electrical Service Only. The equal payment plan is available for the payment of charges for electrical service only. (d) Prerequisites for Participation in Plan. In order to qualify for participation in said plan, potential customers must have an established credit record with the City of Sanger Utilities. The following shall be considered proof of an established credit record as required herein: (i) A minimum of twelve (12) months of timely payment of utility charges; Page 1 of 2 Absence of any utility service termination in the past twelve (12) months, and (iii) Absence of an outstanding balance with the City of Sanger Utilities. (e) Annlication. Customers interested in participation in the equal payment plan must apply by completing an application form as maintained on file in the office of the city secretary. Said application shall be subject to review and denial or approval by the City of Sanger Utilities (f) Effect of Rate Adjustments. Any rate adjustments imposed during the normal course of business by the City of Sanger Utilities shall be included in the average bill as they become effective." SECTION II: SEVERABILITY That if any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase, or word in this Ordinance, or application thereof to any person or circumstances, is held invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of the Ordinance, and the City Council hereby declares that it would have passed such remaining portions of the Ordinance despite such invalidity. That any and all Ordinances of the City of Sanger heretofore adopted which are in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby expressly repealed insofar as the same are in conflict therewith. SECTION IV: EFFECTIVE DATE That this Ordinance shall take effect immediately, from and after its passage and publication of the caption, as the law in such cases provides. PASSED AND APPROVED BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, ON THIS THE DAY OF 1994. ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY MAYOR Page 2 of 2 MEMORANDUM # 2455 TO: FROM: DATE. SUBJECT: CITY ur BANGER P. O. SOX. 578 BANGER, TEXAS 76266 Honorable Mayor &Members of the John Hamilton, City Administrato March 4, 1994 Bids on Jet Sprayer ity Council Budget Allocation - $18,a0(l $440 per month 8 %, 48 months The bid opening for this item is scheduled for 2 p.m., Monday, in the Conference Room. All bids will be presented for your consideration at the regular meeting time. JH:es MEMORANDUM # 2450 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT. CITY OF SANGER P. O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 Honorable Mayor & Mernbers of the City Council John Hamilton, City Administrator March 4, 1994 Committee - Public Safety Radio an Dispatcher During discussion of this item at the last Council Meeting, Mayor Armstrong asked that this item be placed on the agenda for Committee appointments. Some preliminary work has been done on this item as you have received cost figures for the lease purchase of a new radio system. Additionally, the Cities of Pilot Point, Drum and Aubrey have been contacted and expressed interest in a cooperative is center. Denco 9-1-1 has been contacted concerning acquiring a 9-1-1 answering center, and we have been informed that it would be feasible. (It takes about twelve months.) Trophy Club is establishing their own dispatch center and a copy of their proposal is enclosed for your review. One additional note, Denco 9-1-1 is currently conducting acounty--wide study to assess the passibility of consolidating 9-1-1 answering services in order to reduce costs. In addition, the City of Denton has expressed a willingness to discuss public safety dispatch services with Sanger. There would be a fee for their service. As of nvw, the City has not received a service charge estimate from Denton County for dispatch services. JH:es attachments The officials of Denco 911 have recently approached the Trophy Club Police Department concerning the possibility of becoming an answering point for the 911 Emergency Public Safety Answering Point Dispatch System commonly referred to as PSAP. In explaining the feasibility of such a commitment, several facts must be considered. 1. Is there a need for a PSAP in the Trophy Club area? 2. If there is such a need, why? 3. How will the citizens and patrons of the community benefit from a PSAP? 4. How does vicarious liability play a part in the PSAP? 5. What will be the fiscal impact for the installation, operation, and maintenance of the necessary equipment and the hiring of personnel? 6. What is the long-term plan? The aforementioned questions are gust a few that will arise so we will attempt to shed some light on each question. 1. Is there a need for a PSAP in the Trophy Club area? Response: Most definitely! The Town of Trophy Club is one of the fastest growing cities in southern Denton County. The construction of the IBM/Solana complex, Alliance Airport, Nestle's, and Food Lion warehouses along with the expansions and construction of State HWY 114 and HWY 170 acts as the key to unlock the door of future development. Currently the Town's population is nearing 5000 citizens and is still growing. The Town of Trophy Club also provides, in part or as a whole, vital emergency services such as police, fire, and EMS to the City of Westlake and other surrounding areas. The rapid growth of the area simply means that there will be an increase for the need of emergency services. We, as public officials, must respond to those needs. This response can best be accomplished by pro -active planning rather than reactive responses. Furthermore, conversations with Denton County officials indicate that in the very near future, Trophy Club ($50,000.00) and other entities can anticipate paying for dispatching service from the Denton County Sheriff's Department; a service presently provided at no cost. Should we pay for services we have no control over? A service which would not meet our professional standards of conduct? 2. If there is such a need, why? RESPONSE: With the continued growth, as mentioned before, unfortunately comes an increase in criminal activity. As more people move into the area, more crime will be reported and more people will need police, fire and emergency medical services specifically designed for this area. So the reason for the need is simple. More people equals more need. There will be a greater demand placed on the emergency services and the city councils as population increases. Addressing these demands on a local level is much more personable and tailored to the needs and expectations of our citizens. Imagine with me if you will a pregnant woman in labor at 6:30 P.M. on a Friday evening. The woman is at home alone and the baby is breached. The frantic mother dials 911 for help. Instead, what she gets is a 25 minute response time from the ambulance because the dispatchers are busy working another crisis in the north part of the county and fail to dispatch the ambulance promptly. The baby is born dead. Although nothing to this extreme has happened yet, there have been numerous times that Denton County dispatchers have failed to send officers and needed personnel to calls. Some of which were of a priority nature. Delays in dispatching officers to calls has also occurred frequently. 3. How would the citizens and patrons of the community benefit from a PSAP? RESPONSE: Currently dispatch services are provided to our agency by the Denton County Sheriff's Department. Although the Sheriff's Department, in most cases, does an adequate job at dispatching, Trophy Club is not their only concern. They provide dispatch services for 42 other municipalities and entities. This results in our citizens being placed on hold for long periods of time when they call and are sometimes treated rudely or abruptly, especially during busy periods of activity. Calls for service are being prioritized by DCSO dispatchers and are sometimes being held for unexplainable periods of time. A busy signal is also a common experience for callers. By providing our own PSAP and dispatch services, we can provide the following benefits to the citizens: 1. Reduced response times. 2. Trained personnel to give assistance by telephone prior to the arrival of emergency personnel. 3. Twenty-four hour police, fire, EMS, and MUD administrative duties. 4. Our own system of prioritizing calls for service. 5. A friendly, caring individual to receive calls for service. 6. Immediate assistance for on -duty personnel. 7. A single source of responsibility for the overall performance and function of the PSAP and it's personnel. This single source will insure that a "deaf ear" will not be turned towards the concerns of the people of this community. (Quality Control). 8. An understanding of who and where to call for public safety matters causing less confusion and frustration. As with any new project, there may be a few shortcomings such as equipment needs and personnel issues. However, the benefits of having a PSAP and the life-saving service that it provides, far out weigh any shortcomings that may develop. 4. How does vicarious liability play a part in the PSAP? RESPONSE: The quest to reduce liability falls only in one direction: RESPONSIBILITY. By providing our own PSAP.and personnel we gain a tighter control over the operation and the training of the personnel. This is something we currently do not have. We will be able to oversee every area of operation and insure that proper training and performance takes place. Dispatchers can be trained to follow the same philosophies and community oriented concepts that our citizens.are accustomed to. Gaining control over these areas reduces liability and insures accountability and evaluation. We will be able to respond to any issue that may arise. We will be able to answer and respond to any concerns generated by the public we serve without having to involve a third party such as the Denton County Sheriff's Department. Once again, a single source of responsibility reduces liability. 5. What will be the fiscal impact....? RESPONSE: Denco 911 has agreed to absorb the full cost of the installation of a Call -Stalker 911 system valued at approximately $23,000.00. This includes all the equipment listed on attachment "A" as well as a Telecommunication Device for the Deaf (TDD) which costs approximately $300- $500. The TDD is required by state law. Denco 911 will also absorb the monthly charges listed on attachment "A" and also fund the training of dispatchers in the area of Emergency Medical Dispatching until December 31, 1993. Refer to attachment "B". The dispatch center will be located on the lower floor of the present Public Safety Building. This site has already been inspected and approved by officials of Denco 911 and Southwestern Bell. The only immediate change will need to be 3 the installation of a window size ac/heating unit to aid in climate control for the computer equipment. This window unit does not need to be large and can be purchased at current market sales rates at the time of installation. The most costly initial investment will be the radio equipment itself. In order to properly operate a dispatch center, it has been determined that the following equipment is needed. A. One (1) base station 800 radio which has a total of four (4) talk groups. These talk groups will provide two (2) channels for the police department and two (2) channels for the fire department. B. A secondary self-contained Spectra radio which will serve as a back-up radio in the event of lightening damage or other unforeseen damage to the base station. C. All the necessary radio antenna equipment. The estimated cost of the equipment is $49,084.00 which does not include the cost of installation. Installation costs are usually figured at 10% of the cost of the equipment at the time of purchase. This equipment can be purchased on a lease option however the expected payments can be high. It would be our recommendation that the radio equipment be purchased up front. This will save money on interest charges plus not obligate those funds for the next three to five years. By not obligating the funding, it will help to purchase other needed equipment in the future plus help to circumvent some of the future cost of personnel. At cost itemization (attachment "C") and lease purchase options (attachment "D") are attached for review. Motorola can provide a complete equipment list upon request. The 800 frequencies currently being used are sufficient for operations, however a user fee will be charged by Denton County for the radio rights to those frequencies. These charges are pre-set by the county and are outlined in attachment "E". Attachment "E" is also a contract agreement for the use of the radio frequencies. Based on the current number of radios the emergency services of the Town has along with the new equipment being added, the estimated cost of this contract is $3086.00 per year. This will be a recurring annual cost. Personnel may be phased in over a period of time. Currently, it is our intentions to hire five (5) dispatchers. This will 4 be a minimum amount to adequately cover the communications center. Each dispatcher will work a thirty-six (36) hour work week at a wage of $5.00 per hour. The cost of these dispatchers is estimated at $46,800.00 the first year. No benefits will be offered the first year. According to the U.S. Department of Labor/Wage and Hour Division, this can be done without any repercussions to the Town. The figures quoted do not include worker's compensation cost. This expenditure will need to be added in at the current insurance rate at the time of employment. The hiring of five (5) dispatchers who work a thirty-six (36) hour work week is equivalent to twenty four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week coverage. Any remaining hours will be covered by members of the Trophy Club Police Department or the Trophy Club Police Auxiliary, thus providing twenty four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week coverage of the PSAP. This fulfills the Denco 911 requirement for manning the center. It will be necessary to purchase a computer package which contains a dispatch software in order to properly track calls for service. This software includes many other modules which are pertinent to law enforcement functions. The software package also includes the necessary equipment such as hardware and modems to run a TLETS II crime information computer network. This computer network is an absolute necessity for a communications center and cannot be compromised on. Attachment "F" itemizes the expense and outlines a lease option plan. It should be noted that the system (referred to as Badge) is expandable as our needs grow and it offers a CAD (Computer -Aided Dispatching) ready package should population growth warrant such a need. It is estimated that the software package should meet the needs of the emergency services for approximately five (5) years. The cost of the system is currently estimated at $10,458.00. Attachment "F" itemizes the expense and outlines three (3) lease option plans. Once again, however, a one time purchase jo xpoommendod to prevent a recurring interest and payment cost. 6. What is the long-term plan? RESPONSE: Long term plans are being developed. However, based on our current population and expected growth rate, an increase in base station radio and PSAP equipment is not anticipated for 5-8 years. The base station radio equipment, if purchased properly, should be sufficient for present and future call volumes. As mentioned earlier, the equipment is expandable and realistically could last 10-15 years with completing needed expansions if they become necessary. Please note that this does not include software or hardware computer equipment updates, the adding of employee benefits for the dispatchers, and additional personnel. These issues will need to be addressed annually as a need arises. The total estimated cost of start-up is $120,586.00. This cost may be somewhat higher depending on the current cost of equipment at the time of purchase. Plans are to begin the new dispatch and PSAP on October 1, 1994, Denco 911 estimates that the installation of the PSAP equipment, upon approval, will be installed approximately July, 1994. The early installation will help to insure that the equipment is functioning properly. The remainder of the equipment can be purchased during the months of August and September, 1994 with a billing date after October 1, 1994. Training needs can also be addressed before the start-up date. This proposal has the approval of all emergency services command rank. Even though the cost to set-up and operate the system may seem high, the benefits to the citizens of the community are enormous. The Town of Trophy Club not only has an opportunity to set the pace for emergency services in this area, but we also have the opportunity to build a foundation of caring that is reflected through -out the community. Trophy Club has always been the leader in providing professional emergency services to this area. We currently have the best personnel and the expertise to implement a project of this nature. We would not feel comfortable with entrusting this to any other entity who may wish to pursue a Local PSAP. However, we will pursue other entities and welcome their participation and associate funding. Through proper planning, careful desire to provide the very best and play in our communities, we a reality. Thank you for your support. considerationand a deep , for the people who live, work can see this proposal become Motorola (Does not which ar purchase 800 Centracom Radio System include installation costs e estimated at 10% of the cost.) Frequency User Fees (Based on current radio inventory) Personnel (Based on who work of $5.00 dispatch a day, s Computer (Package software hiring 5 a 36 hour per hour. services even (7) hard/soft includes package necessary TLETS I Insurance employee part-time dispatchers work week at a rate This method covers twenty four (24) hours days a week.) ware package a CAD compatible police including all the I modems and hardware.) (based on $1250.00 per X 5) Installatian Cost (estimated at 10% of purchase price) ESTIMATED TOTAL $49,084.00 $ 3,086.00 $46,800.00 $10,458.00 $ 6,250.00 $ 4,908.00 ** $120,586.00 MEMORANDUM #2449 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT. CITY OF BANGER P. O. SOX 578 BANGER, TEXAS 76266 Hanarable Mayor +& Members of the City Council Jahn Hamilton, City Administrator March 4, 1994 Animal Control Shelter Plans Hunter Associates has provided a could be constructed as a pre-fab drawing for a proposed animal shelter that metal building with twelve pens. If Council desires this can be resubmitted to the Doe Foundation with an explanation of all funding for animal control services. JH:es MEMORANDUM #2454 TO: FROM: DATE. SUBJECT: CITY GF SANGER P. O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 Honorable Mayor &Members of the City Council John Hamilton, City Administrator March 4, 1994 Administration Report 1}. The water pressure concern voiced by Ken Sanders and Ben Weatherall has been corrected by the extension of a six (6) inch water line along Wood Street from Tenth to Denton. 2}. The Bolivar Street Median now has a new 35 ft. flagpole installed and the "Welcome" sign should be delivered the week of March 7th. JH:es DVt G T0: JOHN HAMILTON, FROM: BENNY ERWIN, DATE: 2/22/94 REFERENCE: CITATION 94-63 CITY M 1,a, ER CHIEF (( // BOOKS Flom this date forward each officer will leave the hard copy attached to the citation book. When the officer needs a new citation book he will turn his book into me and I will check all citations, the book will be turned into the court and a new one will be issued. Each citation has four copies, the white copy will be turn into court clerk, yellow copy goes to the violator, hard copy will stay with citation book, and the officer will keep pink copy for his records. 1 CareFlite North Central Texas Services Harris Methodist Fort Worth 1301 Pennsylvania Fort Worth, Texas 76104 F E B 2 3 1994 February 21, 1994 Sanger Fire Department 201 Bolivar Street Sanger, Texas 76266 Dear Crew, Emergency Numbers 1-800.772.5840 1.800.442*6260 1 v817.882.4000 Administrative Number 1.817.882.4010 On February 20th, CareFlite was requested to respond to a major accident nine miles west of Sanger at approximately 10 pm. the responding creamers were pilot, Greg Pope, paramedic George Barnhart, and nurse Robin Beardsley. 'the patient was flown without change or incident to the Emergency Department at Harris Methodist Fort Worth. Following evaluation in I he was admitted to a regular room. He responds appropriately to stimulus and apparently his only significant injuries are multiple abrasions and lacerations. We appreciate the opportunity to have worked with you and look forward to working with you again in the future. If you have any questions concerning this flight or any other matter regarding CareFlite, please feel free to contact us at 1-800-772-5840. Sincerely, The CareFlite Crew A4(L Texas Comimssion on ----- Fire Protection P.O. Box 2286 • Austin, Texas 78768-2286 • (512) 873-1700 February 18, 1994 Mr. John Hamilton, City of Sanger P.O. Box 578 Sanger, TX 76266 Dear Mr. Hamilton: City Manager u aaii= CiTI° OF Sf�aiiG��t ;FEB 24 1994 � c,pr��� AndrewF.Mehl We wish to express our appreciation for the cooperation given during the Chairman recent key rate inspection of your city. On the basis of the inspection and II Paso Roy Chapman the analysis of the data gathered, we are recommending to the Texas Vice Chairman Department of Insurance a revised key rate. Abilene David Burkhart The following comments and recommendations result from an analysis of Secretary Arlington this inspection. We are basing the analysis on a population of 3,582. Ronnie James Wichita Falls WATERWORKS Pat Hughes North Richland Hills The analysis of the water system shows improvements since the last Armando Caceres inspection. We recommend main size to be 6-inch or larger in residential Corpus Christi areas, and 8-inch or larger in non-residential areas, of approved materials Alonzo Lopez and looped. Kingsville Larry McKee Austin Results from the hydrant fire flow tests were sufficient to meet our Gerald Hood requirements. The city should implement a hydrant maintenance program Benbrook to avoid further tuberculation of the mains. Elizabeth Jane Atchley We recommend the city submit to us any plans for major system Lefors Steve Perdue improvements so that we may review requirements concerning the Key Mineral wells Rate Schedule standards. Jan Stalder Parker FIRE DEPARTMENT MichaelE.Hines The department is reporting as required and has an adequate number of Executive Director volunteers. Ernest A. Emerson State Fire Marshal The three-part field pump performance test conducted on the 1985 Grumman by Riggs First Line Equipment was satisfactory, and we can recognize it as the required pumper/hose truck. Mr. John Hamilton, City Manager February 18, 1994 Page 2 We are recognizing the 1974 International truck as a reserve hose truck and recommending the related charge be removed. The 1985 pumper/hose truck is equipped with 1,0004eet of large diameter hose and we are recommending the related credit. We also recommend the department attends the annual Texas A&M Firemen's Training School both in suppression and prevention courses. We encourage the department to institute a volunteer certification program based on the program developed by the State Firemen's and Fire Marshals' Association of Texas. This program could have positive ramifications for key rate purposes and fire protection for the community. CODE ENFORCEMENT/FIRE PREVENTION The charge for the degree of code enforcement is based on the historical and current enforcement activities. We are recommending the related charge be reduced accordingly. We have received the survey of wood shingle roofs in the residential section and are recommending the related charge be removed. The previous fire marshal was making an adequate number of inspections. The city should appoint a new fire marshal in order to avoid a charge for no fire marshal or inadequate number of inspections. We recommend that all commercial, industrial, apartment and motel structures receive a thorough fire prevention inspection at least once each year. Institutions and schools should be inspected at least twice a year. An additional 30/cre454 is available for the school district teaching fire pI evention in public schools. An enclosed information sheet further describes the requirements of this credit. To retain the 2% arson reward credit, please send this office a list of at least six public locations where an arson reward placard has been posted. Legislation dictates that, effective October 1991, the Texas Commission on Fire Protection has the responsibility to make key rate inspections of cities. Based on our inspection, we recommend a key rate to the Texas Department of Insurance. The Texas Department of Insurance has the final authority to establish the key rate. They may or may not accept our recommendations. r' Mr. John Hamilton, City Manager February 18, 1994 Page 3 Should you have any questions concerning this matter, please feel free to contact me at the above address or phone number. c el a , oseph . Elmer, P.E. Engineering Division Enclosures cc: Bill Murrell, Fire Chief Chuck Tucker, Water Superintendent Ike Williams, Chief Engineer Texas Department of Insurance 000061 1VIEIVIOr%IM%. #2451 TO: FROM: DATE. SUBJECT. P On ■ • NGER, ■ X 1 6 . J Hunurable Mayor &Members of the C' Council Iohn Hamilton, City Administrator March 4, 1994 Ms. Brenda Nixon - Questionnaire Mayor Armstrong received the following from Ms. Brenda Nixon. It is forwarded for your information. JH:es attachment (l.m.) i7 `{ , - c i ._. ,,f 1-t c l"i L i —..vr2e A l// ,2-C Gcyz a / / v r/ - ' /......_..........._.._ . . ... ............. .._..........._ .,e ....,. .. ... . ' a— _ _ ....___ _ . a .. ...... ._ n L ZGtUttL� �—�s L p Gi • �v^2t .-GIB-GG-cCr� � �, � ��-' .�-�LQ .00c7 ,�L0�'$�`" Z4;?��f /4:f6� GAR BID PROPOSALS HID OPENING: Jet Spray Machine DATE: 3-7-94 TIME: 2:00 P.M. 1. Name: Address: 2. Name: Address: Texas Underground 13311 Garden Road Pearland, TX 77581 ------------------------------------- 3. Name: Address: $21,340.00 6.50% 60/90 Day Delivery ----------------------------------------------- 4. Name: ------------------------------------------ S. Name: Address: ---------------------------------------------------------- 8. Name: t i Address. ---------------------------------------------------------- AaovT 24 mo.-$890.00 36 mo.-$613.00 48 mo.4474.00 60 no.-$391.00 PREPARED ESPECIALLY FOR CITY OF BANGER BID OPENING: MARCH 7, 1994 - 2:00 P.M. HYDRAULIC SEWER CLEANER, TRAILER MOUNTED JET SPRAYER UNDERGROUND, INC. - PHSR-750 PRICE: $21,340.00 �� CITY OC SANGER SPECIFICATIONS HYDRAULIC SEWER CLEANER TRAILER MOUNTED JET SPRAYER. THE CITY OF SANGER IS CURRENTLY ACCEPTING BIDS FOR 1 fONE) HYDRAULIC SEWER CLEANER TRAILER MOUNTED JET SPRAYER.THE MACHINE AND ALL ACCESESSORIES AND EQUIPMENT SHALL BE OF THE LATEST DESIGN AND BRAND NEW.THE CITY OI' SANGER RESERVES THE RIGfIT TO REJECT ANY OR ALL BIDS OR OTHERWISE AWARD THE BID IN THE BEST INTEREST OF THE CITY. TF[E SPECIFICATIONS ARE T.NTENDED TO BE GENERAL IN NATURE SO ALL VENDORS WILL NAVE AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY TO FILL THE BID. WE REALIZE THAT ALL COMPANIES DO NOT OFFER THE SAME TYPE OF EQUIPMENT,THEREFORE AS YOU WILL SEE ON THE SPECS THERE WILL $E A SPACE TO INDICATE WHETHER OR NOT YOUR EQUIPMENT COMPLIES WITH THE LINE ITEM.IF NOT PLEASE CHECK THE NON-COMPLIANCE SPACE AND EXPLAIN THE ALTERNATIVE USING A SEPARATE PAGE AS NECESSARY. THE UNIT, UPON DELIVERY, WILL BE 100 PER CENT COMPLETE AND READY TO OPEKATE.PERSON DELIVERING UNIT SHALL BE FAMILIAR ENOUGH WITH IT TO DEMONSTRATE USE AND OPERATE IT. PAGE 1 LEGAL NOTICE The City %J Sanger will accept sealed bids in envelopes marked "Jet Spray" for one (1), Hydraulic Sewer Cleaner, Trailer Mounted Jet Sprayer until 2 p.m., Monday, March 7, 1994. Bid specifications and documents may be secured from the Office of the City Secretary, City Hall, 201 Bolivar Street, during normal business hours. At the published date and time, all bids will be publicly opened and read aloud and referred to the Sanger City Council for consideration at their regular meeting, 7 p.m., March 7, 1994. The City of Sanger reserves the right to reject any and all bids, and in any case award the bid in the best interest of the City. RUN IN BANGER COURIER: AFFIDAVIT REQUESTED Rosalie 'Chavez City Secretary 2/10/94 & 2/17/94 SPECIFICATIONS 1.0 TANK A.TIiE CAPICITY SFIALL BE NOT LESS THAN 600 GALLONS. B .CONSTRUCTION SIiALL BE I•IIGH DENSITY POLYETI-IYLENE WITH ULTRAVIOLCT TNI�IIBITORS TO PREVENT DETIORATTON DUE TO SUNLIGHT EXPOSURE. C.AN OVERi-IEAD-TYPE TANK FILLING ASSEMBLY WITH A 2.5 TN. BRASS FIRE HYDRANT FITTING,SHALL BE LOCATED ON THE CURBSIDE.A POS- ITIVE AIR GAP ANTI -SIPHON SYSTEM SFIALL BE USED TO PROTECT THE POTABLE WATER SYSTEM. YES 7�,0 _ NO YES X NO - YE u X NO D . TtiE TANK SHALL; B E VENTED AND ' FITTED WITH A SUITABLE WATER- TIGHT REMOVABLE PORT TO PERMIT INSPECTION AND ACCESS INTO THE TANK. YES X NO E.THE SYSTEM SHALL USE A SUCTION LINE AND A SLOPED BOTTOM TANK ' TO PERMIT UTILIZING THE ENTIRE F30TTOM PORTION OF THE TANK AS SETTLING CHAMBER FOR IiEAVY OBJECTS AND TO ELIMINATE THE POSSIBILITY OF THESE OBJECTS REACHING THE PUMP. YES X NO ' F.THE TANK SHALL BE MOUNTED IN SUCH A MANNER AS TO PROHIBIT TORSIONAL RACKING OF THE FRAME FROM TRANSMITTING THROUGH THE TANK YES X NO 2.0 PUMP A.TFIE PUMP SHALL POSITIVE DISPLACMENT, HEAVY DUTY, SINGLE ACTING, TRIPLE PISTON TYPE.IT SHALL BE INSTALLED TO OPERATE AT 35 GALLONS PER MINUTE AT 2000 PSI. YES X NO PAGE 2 fl D.PUMP CONSTRUCTION SrTALL INCLUDE AN ENCLOSED OIL BATH CRANKCASE, CAST IRON CROSSHEADS WITH FLOATING WRIST PINS; BRONZE WRIST PIN BUSHINGS; REPLACABLE STEEL, BACKED CONNECTING ROD BEARINGS TUFTRIDED CRANKSHAFT MAXIMUM DUTY TAPERED ROLLER BEARING ON CRANKSHAFT. C.CYLINDERS SHALL BE NON -WEARING HIGH ALUINA CEREMIC D.VALVES SHALL BE HARDENED STAINLESS STEEL DISC TYPE WITH STAINLESS STEEL VALVE SPRINGS, 3.0 SEWER CLEANER I-iO3E A.THE UNIT SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH A HOSE REEL HAVING A CAPICITY OF 700 FEET. YES X NO • W my TV on r i 202ftlyAl••kA YES.. X NO 1000' CAPACITY Ii.THE HOSE SHALL HAVE A MIMINAL I.D. OF 3 QUARTER INCH MIMINUM BEND RADIUS OF 4 INCHES AND RATED MINIMUM BURST PRESSURE OF 6,000 PSI. YES x NO C.TT-fE HOSE REEL SHALL BE DESIGNED TO WITHSTAND MAXIMUM WORKING PRESSURE WITHOUT DISTORTION. D.THE REEL SHALL BE DRIVEN BY HYDRAULIC POWER IN BOTH DIRECTIONS. THE HYDRAULIC DRIVE SHALL HAVE SUFFICIENT POWER TO RETRACT THE HOSE WHEN FULLY EXENDED INTO THE SEWER WITH THE CLEANING NOZZLE IN OPERATION. E.A HAND OPERATED HOSE BE PROVIDED TO PERMIT ALIGNMENT OF THE HOSE THE GUIDE SHALL STORE BODY WHEN NOT IN USE. YES X NO GUIDE SHALL PROPER ON THE REEL. AGAINST THE F.AN AIR PRESSURE HOSE Cl CONNECTION SHALL BE PROVIDED AT THE HOSE REEL TO PERMIT PURGING THE SEWER CLEANER HOSE OF LIQUID WHILE WRAPPED ON THE REEL. YES X NO 1'ES R NO PAGE 3 G . TFIE RECL SiIAT,L DE SO CONSTRUCTED TT[AT ARC: NO ELtSOWS OR FITTING"a INSIDE THE DRUM TO HINDER WINDING OR TO (IINDCR MAINTENANCE.THE EIOSE SHALL ENTER THE REEL THROUGH TI-IE SIDE FLANGE TO PERMIT EASE IN WINDING AND TO MINIMIZE THE POSSIBILITY OF DAMAGE TO THE HOSE. yES X NO I-i . TftE WIDTH OF THE DRUM SHALL NOT EXCEED 12 AND 1 HALF INCHES. YES X NO I.THE REEL SHALL ARTICULATE 90 DEG TO THE RIGHT AND 30 DEG TO THE LEFT OF CENTER LINE TO PERMIT EASE OF ALIGNMENT OVER THE MANHOLE. YES 4.0 HOSE REEL DRIVE SYSTEM A.ALL PIPING SYSTEMS SUBJECTED TO HIGH PRESSURE SHALL BE FABRICATED OF EXTRA STRONG, SCHEDULE 80 PIPE WITH FORGED STEEL FITTINGS. PUMP SUCTION LINES AND LOW PRESSURE RETURN PIPING MAY BE STANDARD WEIGHT PIPE WITH MALLEABLE FITTINGS. B.A STRAINER SHALL BE INSTALLED IN THE SUCTION LINE AT A LOCATION PERMITTING EASY ACCESS FOR CLEANING. C ALL PIPING SHALL BE INSTALLED TO DRAIN BY GRAVITY THROUGH SUITABLE OPENINGS EQUIPED WITH PLUGS OR DRAIN COCKS. D.PRESSURE TO THE SEWER CLEANING NOZZLE SHALL BE REGULATED BY A RELIEF VALVE ADJUSTABLE FROM 0 TO 2000 PSI.THE VALVE SHALL BE REPAIRABLE;NO THROW -AWAY TYPES ARE ACCEPTABLE. E.A SECOND RELIEF VALVE ADJUSTABLE FROM 50 TO 850 PSI WILL CONTROLL WASFI OFI' PRCSSURE.IT,TO SHALL BC REPAIRABLE. X NO PAGE 4 5.0 ENGINE LIUXILiu ARY A.TI[E ENGINE SHALL BE A 4 CYLINDER WATER COOLED,HEAVY DUTY,INDUSTRIAL DIESEL TYPE HAVING A RATING OF AT LEAST 70 •HP AT 3000 RPM. BALL ACCESSORIES FOR TI-[E ENGINE 1.12 VOLT IGNITION SYSTEM WITH ALTERNATOR AND BATTERY. YES X NO SHALL BE FURNISHED INCLUDING: 2.POSITIVE LOCKING, VERNIER TYPE THROTTLE. YES X NO .KEY TYPE IGNITION SWITCH. YES X NO 4.SPIN ON TYPE OIL FILTER. YES X NO S.POSITIVE CRANK CASE VENTILATION.YES X NO 6.ENGINE FUEL -TANK SEPERATED FROM ENGINE FOR SAFETY.IT SHALL HAVE A CAPACITY OF AT LEAST 15 GALLONS.THE FILL SPOUT SHALL BE ACCESSIBLE FROM GROUND LEVEL. YES X NO SIGHT GUAGE STANDARD. .THE ENGINE SHALL BE INSTALLED SO THAT IT IS EASILY ACCESSIBLE FOR MAINTENANCE. YES X NO B*THE ENGINE SHALL HAVE A SHUT DOWN SYSTEM THAT OPERATES WHEN THE COOLANT TEMPATURE RISES TO A DANGEROUS LEVEL OR THE ENGINE OIL PRESSURE DROPS. YES X NO 6.0 CONTROL PANEL A.ALL GUAGES,SWITCHES,LEVERS,ECT., SHALL BE LOCATED ON A LIGHTED PANEL ADJACENT TO THE HOSE REEL, SO THE OPERATOR MAY HAVE COMPLETE CONTROL, OF THE CLEANING OPERATION WHILE STANDING AT ONE LOCATION. YES X NO PAGE 5 E3 . THE FOLLOWING CONTROLS AND IN THE CONTROL PANEL. 1.ENGINE IGNITION SWI'PCH. 2.ENGINE_THROTTLE CONTROL. INSTRUMENTS SHALL BE INCLUDED 3.ENC,TNE OIL PRESSURE GUAGE. 4.ENGINE WATER TEMPATURE0 5.PUMP SYSTEM PRESSURE GUAGE. 6.FLOW CONTROL VALVE. (HYDRAULIC) 7.LEVER FOR CONTROL OF SPEED AND DIRECTION OF HOSE REEL WITH CENTER POSITION OF LEVER BEING PARK. LEVER SHALL BE SPRING LOADED SO IT RETURNS TO CENTER WHEN RELEASED. B.TACHOMETER. 9.HOUR METER. 7.0 BODY YES X YES X YES X YES X YES X YES X YES X A.ENGINE ASSEMBLY SHALL BE COMPLETELY ENCLOSED WITH EASILY REMOVABLE PANELS FOR ACCESS TO ENGINE. YESX I3.0 STANRARD ACCESSORIES NO THE FOLLOWING ITEMS WILL BE DELIVERED WITH THE UNIT AS STAiVDARD EQUIPMENT. A*ONE HARDENED STEEL SEWER CLEANING NOZZLE WITH FIVE 35 DEGREE REARWARD JETS. YES X NO BONE HARDENED STEEL SEWER CLEANING NOZZLE HAVING FIVE 15 DEGREE REARWARD JETS. YES X NO C.700 FEET OF HIGH PRESSURE SEWER HOSE. YES X NO D ONE 25 FOOT SECTION OF RUBBER JACKETED FIRE HOSE 2.5 OR 3 INCIi DIAMETER WITH 2.5 INCH FIRE HOSE CONNECTIONS MALE ON END AND FEMALE SWIVEL ON THE OTHER END. YEcSvX NO PAGE 6 E.ANY SPECIAL, TOOLS NEEDED TO PERFORM MAINTAINANCE ON THE PUMP SHALL BE SUPPLIED WITH THE UNIT. yE;; YES F.ONE�COMPLETE ENGINE SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUEL. YES G ONE COMPLETE PUMP SERVICE AND REPAIR MANUEL. YES 9.0 WASH OFF REEL ONE WASH OFF HOSE REEL SHALL BE SUPPILIED.IT SHALL HAVE A 12 VOLT ELEGRIC RE -WIND SYSTEM,AND SUPPILIED WITH 150 FEET OF HEAVY DUTY VINYL HOSE. A VALVE BETWEEN THE REEL AND THE FUMP SUPPLY WILL BE USED TO PERMIT THE REEL TO BE TURNED OFF WHEN NOT IN USE.A SWIVEL CONNECTION SHALL BE USED IN THE INLET SIDE OF THE REEL SO THE HOSE MAY BE CONNECTED TO THE SOURCE OF _WATER AT ALL TIMES. YES A.ONE NON-ADJUSTABLE NOZZLE WITH DEAD -MAN Ti'PE ACTUATOR SHALL BE SUPPTLIED FOR THE HOSE. 10.0 MOUNTING TRAILER A.12,000 GVW WITH ELECTRIC BRAKES. B.TANDEM AXLE,750 X 16 IN TIRES WITH AUTOMOTIVE TYPE 6 HOLE, DISC WHEELS. C.TWO AND FIVE SIXTEENTHS ADJUSTADLE BALL TYPE HITCH WITH SAFETY CF[AINS. NO YES NO i%� YES NO YES YFaS NO YES YF�S NO 12,400 GVW YES vFS NO YES vF� NO D.CLEARANCE,STOP,TURN AND LICENSE PI.,ATE LIGHTS INSTALLED AND WIRED TO HITCH. YESyF'S NO E.TWO CLEAR 4 INCi•I DIAMETER WORK LIGHTS MOUNTED POINTING DOWN TO PERMIT ILLUMINATION OF THE MAN HOLE AND CLEANING OPERATION AT Ti�[E REAR OF THE UNIT,SWITCfiED AT THE CONTROL PANEL. YES v� NO PAGE 7 F.ONE AMBER STROBE TYPE LIGHT MOUNTED HIGH ENOUGH ABOVE THE UNIT TO PERMIT 360 DEGREE VISIBILITY, SWITCHED AT THE CONTROL, PANEL. YES X NO 11.0 PAINTING BEFORE PAINTING, ALL METAL SURFACES SHALL BE PREPARED TO PREVENT RUST, AND PAINTED SOLID WHITE. YES X NO 12.0 WARRANTY WARRANTIES SHALL BE OFFERED BY THE MANUFACTURER SHALL BE NO LESS THAN ONE YEAR FROM THE DATE OF DELIVERY.ALL WARRANTIES SHALL BE EXPLAINED BY THE MANUFACTURER,INCLUDING COVERAGE IN THE SPACE BELOW. 1 YEAR ON ENTIRE UNIT, 5YEARS ON Tn7ATER TANK, (3. YEAR REPLACEMENT, 2 YEAR PIS? - RATED) LIFETIME ON PUMP CYLINDERS 13.0 LEASE PURCHASE INFORMATION. THIS UNIT SHALL BE PURCHASED THROUGH A LEASE PURCHASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SANGER AND THE SUPPLIER OF THE UNIT.ANY AND ALL INTEREST RATES SHALL BE OF A FIXED NATURE.ALL INFORMATION OF THIS NATURE SHALL BE STATED ON THE FINAL PAGE OF THIS PACKAGE. 14.0 CONDITIONS: THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY CERTIFIES THAT HE/SHE UNDERSTANDS THE SPECIFICATION ITEM AND HAS READ IT CAREFULLY AND WILL DELIVER THE UNIT FURNISHED WITH ALL EQUIPMENT DESCRIBED (UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED) IN THIS SPECIFICATION. ATE MARCH 3, 1994 BID PRICE_. $21,340.00 LEASE PURCHASE INTEREST RATE 6.50% TERM OF NOTE 24, 36,48 OR 60 MONTHS ***** SEE ATPACf-IED MUNICIPAL LEASE PROGRAM FIRM NAME SUBMITTING BID UNDERGROUND, INC. AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE �lin�i ao.v", _M_ PRINTED NAME DELIVERY DATE (DAYS) 60 TO 90 DAYS TELEPHONE NUMBE 0 / 800-373-1318 PAGE 8 THIS CONCLUDES THIS SPECIFICATION. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR I CAN BE OF ANY ASSISTANCE PLEASE FEEL FREE TO CALL. THANK YOU FOR YOUR INTEREST. SINCERELY, CRAIG WAGGONER VEHICLE MAINTATNANCE CITY OF SANGER 817-458-4721 ., .. .. e..�...,.........«..<1e�i�4,:aG..d1E::L;SFAi1�i1ti�2�ii.Y1v:C•ndW'y=iri::.y5ta++:�e:�s1��,,. ........... ..... �` 1 N I' 'i : 1 ' '� i / 1. !` 1' t it t/1 �' '►: I t !{1 1 � .w 1 111 {tr ' {it' { t 1 1't �� � lr1 .J► .i. ♦ ! i 1 1 1 ;..: rit «1 ►�• v 1 r.: 7 11 ul ♦. 1 1 4 1: 1 1 w1t 11 •:•It►: t/ i i � 1: 1 1 �Il' _ illlr . i l l i / 1 1 : ► 1{1 : 1 ! 1 ' 1. /.1-! - r ! tl.' /.. V: 1 t w _! 1 t 1 t� 1 1/ ! wl ♦� ! �/ 1 u ! �1 1 { i AI ,' 1 1; ,' - 11 :11 1 I 1 1 1►: I It : 1 :, r11 1 ♦ ■ 111 '1 tl; / W ►: all ! 11 1' !! 1 :.1 tl � +1'•;w{1: I7' Y I•II I t::rll It : •.1 ii t it 1 1 / : 1'/ 1 1 • � 711 I 1 ' al �1 i I /1 1 1' t11t 1 I{ 1 1 L' ( 1 I,' 1 ! t: _1 :t 1 II � i^ �1 / 1'N 1 �: 1 ! { 1•: :.1 ! 1 1 11 I I : tll 1 1 M �: 11 1 1 t l 11. ti. .' :d, I:al l�i:�: / I.r ! tl Iw 11 11 I "i ' ./1) 1 1 1.: _/ 1 ♦,11 :!, it 1 1 1« 1 t 11 1 1 Ntl•; °:. .. ' ... ,. � ! , wU.i�H ' .1.: ..�. .i`'.: .t . f� . t � a tir r ate/ v Ilk, I I Is fie / I c a i'. `8 04 04 ko LNI Ilk Ilk kk ;fit A� -j.' r _ J: ^ f !C t�. t , i vp mdt.: PIPEffCAIVA7ER Articulating Hose Reel: Pump Options: Articulates Left & Right From 35 GPM @ 2000 PSI Control Panel: Operators Station 30 GPM @ 3000 PSI All Controls Located 20 GPM @ 4000 PSI at Control Panel Cleaning Accessories: 10 GPM @ 5000 PSI Panel Light 35 Degree Nozzle High Water Temp, 15 Degree Nozzle Sewer Hose: Low Oil Pressure (Shutdown) Penetrator Nozzle 100'x3/4" Hourmeter Sand Nozzle 400'x3/4" Tachometer Root Cutters 50010/4" Water Tank of ethel Chain and Saw Style 600'x3/4" y fie): Skids 6"' 8" 10" 12" 24" 36" Leader Hose 6'to10' 300 Gallon 550 Gallon 25'x 2 1/2" Filler Hose 750 Gallon Safety Lighting: Filler Hose Holder - Beacon Light Fender Mounted 1 1/2" Drain Valve Strobe Light Storage Boxes: Arrow Board Trailer: Storage Box @Operators Station Work Light Hydraulic Surge Brakes 18"01 "x14.5" _ Spare Tire &Wheel Storage Cage @ Front of Unit Wash Down System: 30"x18"x18" Quick Disconnect @ Hub Caps Operators Station Pintle Hitch Hydraulic System: Relief Valve 800 PSI Clutch Assembly: Spool Valve With Wash Down Gun with 10 1/2" Industrial Internal Relief Valve W Wash Down Hose Lever @ Operators Pump 7GPM Station Hydraulic Tank 10.8 Gallons 10 Micron Spin on Filter The New PIPEHUNTER is the answer you have been looking.._ or.... Diesel power engine for long life and efficiency. f Proven triplex positive displacement pump for dependability. High Density Polyethyelene water tank for long life. Articulating hose reel for ease of operation. Open profile for easy service. Length 14'8" -----► �---- w;�iti, oz+� ��clgnt 3980 lbs. 1 � s i i varaeu ttd. Pearland, Tx 77381 ... V[ �rIMi��y�®F/111'6/dl 713-485-9900 FAX 713-485-7146 Wats 800-373-1318 TO: FROM: DATE. SUBJECT: CITY OF SANGER P. O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 Honorable Mayor &Members of the City Council Jahn Hamilton, City Administrat March 1, 1994 �u Citizens Advisory Committee The Citizens Advisory Committee's recommendation does not contain all fifteen (15) names of the committee. Fred Inman attended one meeting and because of out of town business commitments was unable to continue on the Committee. Mr. Inman did tell me he supported the concept and goals of the Committee. Appointees Fred Yeatts and Debbie Spindle did not attend any of the meetings. 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