02/21/1994-CC-Agenda Packet-RegularCITY COUNCIL AGENDA FEBRUARY 21, 1994 201 BOLIVAR STREET, CITY HALL 7%00 P.M. 1. C4CL11 to Order, Invocation and Pledge to the Flag 2. CONSENT AGENDA a}. Approve Minutes b}. Disbursements c}. Proclamation #P1-94 - Public School Week-2/28-3/4/94 AGENDA 3. Citizen's Input 4. Deliver State of County Address -Judge Jeff Moseley 5. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider Zoning Change Request for John Springer, Agent for Property Owner, From SF-3 to SF-4, Lots 4, 7, and 8, Schafer Brothers Subdivision 6. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Zoning Change Request for John Springer, Agent for Property Owner, From SF-3 to SF-4, Lots 4, 7, and 8, Schafer Brothers Subdivision l n 7. Issue Call Order for Municipal Election VI 8. Appointment of Election Judges 9. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Audit FY'92/93 10. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Committee to Review Public Safety Radio Equipment 11. City Administration Report 12. Any Other Such Matters 13. Adjournment Rosalie Chavez, City S 2/18/94 3:30 p.m. CITY OF SANGER P. O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 MEMORANDUM # 2440 TO: Honorable Mayor &Members of the City Council FROM: John Hamilton, City Administrate DATE: February 18, 1994 SUBJECT: Workshop -Annual Audit/Commercial Water and Wastewater Rates This workshop is scheduled to begin at 6:00 p.m., prior to the Council Meeting. The City's Auditor will be present to discuss the Annual Audit far FY'92J93. This should speed the presentation Mr. Spore will make during the regular Council Meeting. Also, presented for your consideration are possible commercial water/wastewater billing procedures in response to Mr. Bucklew's presentation to Council. A light meal will be served. JH:es attachments MEMORANDUM # 2441 TO: FROM: DATE. SUBJECT. CITY OF BANGER P. O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 Honorable Mayor & John Hamilton, City February 18, 1994 Proposed Action on Members of the City Council Administrator WaterjWastewater Commercial Rates Kirk Franklin, Attorney with GSA has prepared a definition for Multi -unit Retail Property as a first step in drafting an ordinance addressing utility billing in office buildings and strip -shopping centers. Some possible alternatives are: 1). Leave the billing as is, each separate rental unit pays minimum water/wastewater charges with no consumption charges until the total minimum gallons used exceed the total units rented, i.e. five rental units, no per thousand gallon charge until 5,000 gallons consumption is exceeded. 2). Require each rental unit to be individually water metered. This would result in current charges, of $650 per unit for waterjwastewater TAP (connection fee). Of the cities surveyed by telephone, Whitesboro ($500 Tap) and Decatur ($650 Tap) currently require individual tap fees. 3). Bill commercial accounts, both water and wastewater according to meter size. For example: Meter Minimum Per Minimum Per ize Water Thousand Wastewater Thousand 3j4" $10 $1.80 $10 $ .95 1 lj2" $20 $2.10 $20 $1.35 2" $25 $2.20 $25 $1.45 Households generally use 3/4" meters and are charged $10/$10 and $1.80j$.95. MEMO #2441 2/ 18/ 94 The numbers presented are for discussion only. It should be noted that many of the larger communities charge impact fees to developers as a method of recovering infrastructure costs prior to actual use of city services. As an example, according to the City of Lewisville Building Inspections Department the total charge for a one inch water meter for a retail outlet would total 3,195.51; in Sanger, the total would be _ 650.00. Again in Lewisville, once the one inch meter is installed, the retail outlet, regardless of the number of separately rented spaces is, based on the first 2,000 gallons of consumption included, water - $17.35/$2.08 per K and wastewater $7.31/$3.14 per K based on 100% of consumption. 4). Continue the basic billing procedure for retail units, but discount additional units; i.e. at r Wastewater Unit 1 $10/ 1.SQ $10/$.95 Unit 2 $ 7/ 1.80 $ 7/$.95 Unit 3 $ 7/ 1.80 $ 7/$.95 Unit 4 $ 7/ 1.80 $ 7/$.95 Unit 5 $ 5/ 1.80 $ 5/$.95 These recommendations are for your consideration and discussion. Council has decided which avenue to pursue, a draft ordinance will prepared for Council action. Staff will provide billing comparisons for the affected Commercial Customers. JH:es Onc e be Combined Water/Wastewater Billing Comparisons Based on 4000 Gallons Water Consumption Customer Option # 1 Current* Bill Option #2 Option #3 Option #4 Cottonpatch Water $ 40.00 $10 $21.00 $36.4Q Center Sewer $64.00 $16 $18.75 . 185 $104.Q0 $ 26 $39.7 5 $70.25 Chatfield Water $107.6Q $10 $15.40 $43.40 Sewer $ 78.69 $ 16 $12.85 $40.85 $186.29 $ 2 6 $ 28.2 5 $84.25 Wilfong Bldg. Water $112.42 $10 $ 21.0 0 $66.40 Sewer $165.70 $16 A8 5 _63.85 $278.12 $ 26 $39.7 5 $130.25 *Based on Actual Consumption The projected annual income based on this one Billing Cycle would be: Customer Option # 1 Option #2 Option #3 Option #4 Cottonpatch Center $1248.00 $312 $477 $843 Chatfield $2235.48 $312 $339 $1011 Wilfong Bldg. $3337.44 $312 $477 $1563 . r a �nvcrvL. T :,:� 146421896 P. 32 T0: Jobn Hamilton FROM : R. Kirk Franklin RE#, Definition for Zoning Ordinance DATE, .February 17, 1994 John: I was unable to locate a salzaple definition which exactly fits your need as I understand it. However, I did locate several definitions which may be of some assistance to tou, Ferhaps one of these, or a variation of one of these, will work for you: tr' Sl �', .. / A planned and coordinated grouping of a number of retail businesses and service uses on a single site or a combination of sites, each of which is leased separately to the operator thereof, where, special attcnaon is given to pn-site vehicular circulation, parking, and building desigil and orientation. ��AL� Cent -r. A group of twv (2) or m planned, developed and managed as a unit. ore coriuiiercial establish.ulaents, S��t,zg Center, A group of comrne,reial establishn)ents which is planned, devOope,d, m ned, and lixuiaged as a unit related in its Iocation, size and type of Shops to the trade area that the unit serves, If these are not what you had in hind, please contact the and we can discuss this further, MINUTES. City Council Workshop 2/7/94, 6*30 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT. Mayor Pro-Tem Jerry Jenkins, Councilman Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Russell Madden, Councilman Jack Richardson and Councilwoman Margie Braxton OTHERS PRESENT: City Administrator John Hamilton, Electric Superintendent Larry Yoast, and Public Works Superintendent Chuck Tucker 1. Mayor Pro-Tem Jenkins called the meeting to order. 2. Discussion Regarding Utility Billing Ordinances Brief discussion regarding our utility billing ordinances and procedures. 3. Any Other Such Matters -None 4. Meeting adjourned. MINUTES: MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: UTHERS PRESENT: City Council Meeting 2/7/94, 7:00 p.m. Mayor Pro -Tern Jerry Jenkins, Councilman Russell Madden, Councilman Jack Richardson, Councilwoman Margie Braxton, and Councilman Tommy Kincaid Mayor Nel Armstrong City Administrator John Hamilton, Administrative Assistant Etta Stogsdill, Public Works Superintendent Chuck Tucker, Electric Superintendent Larry Yoast, Police Chief Benny Erwin, Ricky Gray, Garland Thornton, Greg Edwards & Ernie Hedgcoth - Metroplex Engineers, Mary West, John Bucklew, Mary Bucklew, Chris Bengston, Brenda Nixon, Ron Nixon, Betty Robinson, Deborah Hilliard, Lee Roy Reedy, Dorothy Clarkson and Roy Lemons - Sanger Courier 1. Mayor Pro-Tem Jerry Jenkins called the meeting to order. City Administrator John Hamilton gave the invocation which was followed by the pledge to the flag. Mayor Pro-Tem Jenkins informed the public that Mayor Armstrong was in the hospital due to some problems which resulted from a major accident she was in several months ago, as to why she was not in attendance at the meeting. 2. CONSENT AGENDA a). Approve Minutes -Workshop &Regular Meeting - 1/ 18/94 b). Disbursements c). Resolution #R1-94 - Texas Department of Transportation Day Motion was made by Councilman Richardson and seconded by Councilman Kincaid that the Consent Agenda be approved as presented. Motion carried. 3. Citizen's Input: The following spoke regarding a significant increase in their utility bill, a petition was presented ,and inquired if City Council could possibly set up a equal payment plan CC Min., 2/7/94 Page 2 a). Ms. Brenda Nixon - presented petition and spoke regarding payment plan b). Ms. Mary West c). Betty Robinson 1). Ms. Dorothy Clarkson e). Mr. Lee Roy Reedy Mayor Pro-Tem Jenkins stated this matter will be further reviewed and will keep them informed on their requests. He stated Electric Superintendent is presently doing a comparison chart on utility bills. 4. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider Request for Dorwin Sargent Preliminary Plat on Sargent Subdivision, Phase II, Four Residential Lots - Located on Freese Drive at David Drive Mayor Pro-Tem Jenkins opened the public hearing. Mr. Greg Edwards with Metroplex Engineering spoke on behalf far Dorwin Sargent regarding this Preliminary Plat. Mayor Pro-Tem Jenkins closed the public hearing. 5. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Request for Dorwin Sargent Preliminary Plat on Sargent Subdivision, Phase II, Four Residential Lots - Located on Freese Drive at David Drive Motion was made by Councilman Richardson and seconded by Councilman Madden to accept the Preliminary at. upon recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Motion carried. 6. Citizen Request to Address Council -Utility Billing Mr. John Bucklew spoke to the Council regarding the water and sewer billing at the Cottonpatch Center. Brief discussion regarding the Code Book, updating ordinances, etc. and the tremendous expense of updating. Mayor Pro-Tem Jenkins mentioned they would have the GSA attorney, Kirk Franklin, to further review these ordinances, clarification of terminology. CC Min., 2/7/94 Page 3 7. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Ordinance #01-94 -Repealing Annual Permit Fee For Mobile Home Parks Motion was made by Councilman Kincaid and seconded by Councilman Madden adopting Ordinance #01-94 as presented. CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS ORDINANCE #01-94 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF SANGER BY REPEALING CODE PROVISION REGARDING THE REQUIRED ANNUAL RENEWAL OF MOBILE HOME PARK PERMITS AND BY REPEALING FEE PROVISIONS RELATED THERETO; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY OF THIS ORDINANCE; PROVIDING FOR ANY CONFLICTING PROVISIONS; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE FOR THIS ORDINANCE. Motion carried. 8. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Authorization To Advertise For Hydraulic Sewer Cleaner Bids Motion was made by Councilman Kincaid and seconded by Councilwoman Braxton to advertise for a hydraulic sewer cleaner. Motion carried. (Bid opening will be held on March 7th.) 9. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Animal Control Shelter Facility -Marguerite Doe Foundation, Grant Application Motion was made by Councilwoman Braxton to resubmit the Marguerite Dae Foundation Grant Application and seconded by Councilman Richardson. Motion carried. 10. City Administration Report City Administrator John Hamilton reported on the following: a). The Noon Lions Club has pledged $250 to the Bolivar Street Median project. b). Craig Waggoner and Bill Murrell are attending the National Fire Academy in Maryland this week. CC Min., 217/94 Page 4 11. Any Other Such Matters a). Mayor Pro-Tem Jenkins inquired regarding the police radio/dispatching equipment system. Consensus of City Council to place this item on the agenda for 2/21/94 to appoint a committee to review this equipment. b). It was mentioned that if you plan to attend the TML Meeting at the City of Hurst on February 24th, to contact the City Office. 12. Meeting adjourned at �:29 p.m. (; 1Y C)L la,AR VI_I+1I)AR 11IV r�ICI Ill' Ill F,N 1'i F:rsl I 1 !3 I CLlrSiPANY too 121/17/9 1-ME 1 11vU 1) I L 1'CJ PllJrl1 "I' 1J 1'C CH ANT Df!-la 17237 1i1) AEI IU1-AR:I:iVCa C3C1F'"'LY >+! i r fPCf w l'✓ F;�. "1fJl; 91.i11 /��/�4 1;�,7 ,% f '/'.J4 �„ ;L, „!!�! 41%�lJr;.il!71 ,`ark„%j TOTAL I AL_ i'J„ 5 1,6ch RAD1W4CITY 11ALL C 137 39 lLl='A1I '11R1'„ RAD W1,18 1/ 1/`4 IJ1 / G'/'?%, /;.„'17 4?ii 4 60 03iA0 54a 17 ANILI'NA--PIILICF 3,2`iv I I3 95A 21/2./``1 ill 15a 5 0 „viVj 4 6a 01,43 v111 iw„ 5 0 PI")RTA� L.F -� OL.1CL: 3Ac1, 2/lb1/94 1;J77n ;:'i�, l`J4 �/,C�'! i/!i/t 4 5 Go V!31V,fit 37„ 50 Bf1`I'_iLCt I I:J l'Cl{;T, ` ti; : J!�4/'J4 1177Wd G /1 ' /'Jrp 45Ga 0111,E 0 .Y!fl„ lriC I1.1ML 5*20 17 a !/!UJ "117!� !3AKr=.R C? IAYI 111; LJC7r�ll�'Ar'1Y C='„ C1„ Nil}; 411�!/I IllC:ll;C !! 1w,.1r,1 JC, i / 1/`3 1 7G /, ./74 lj I ?1R 1!11 4 / 5 „ 4"!ii0ii 7„ G14 FI I I AL 73 N4 ;f-sl�� lt!�l_.ia:i-l�l;x `3 All C11r�i�J � C UL: Faili�lGLF�p 1 �.kAl� K)"PAIR�r'HULIL Ull 0riI;,! �/ ILI J i i1�f i.•;l7Ga 41,' a NIJRRUS SUPERMARKET PN Cl„ BOX 708 C1OFFEI CUPPLIIOJ 1.3591 1/05/94 133 81 U /gy m/9 57V'7F1 !+�! F1.Lri/L1 ACi, F'C1L.1C 14 1/07/74 13587 L/1 2/ %t;. 'C1„9(f) 96 DIIONK'-r ffMON BY 13600 1/18/94 136811. i /E'C 94 311533t1 , ?!fl! 411 14!J!?! 9, 46 /s 1,3„ I C1710 E`2a 90 DOG Ffll111.-At�!„ CTR �;:s 1J;z,'!n/'�4 1:;C!1N a /�,�/74 Fi 491 01i FII_rvr ELFrF„ 1 4 7 5, 1/2 1 P)4 1 M ;`.'2 94 1a79 „i711t 44i „ uJi'IGI r-,'Jt.79 PAP R/113F AID SU 1: 58t71 I./, (a/' 1if It ,;i810 bLj /2a"'/'J4 1t3a10L, „Och CC)i (CF" yl,.1Fn'„ - rl(.J 1. 7':i,i C/3' /`J 1 137 / I-'I�L'i�R 'r11'l'„/JDR1f�r 1 �,'1`I ;-'14!7/3�1 i. Jf i�f,'.'.f`L,460 0 I;L:Ih1=F!: ; IJF'NL:IF"4 1. C,1(I i�'./09/94 13810 i I ?f';4 !yu; 6 Ord 41. AH 11 1h1i1 i M1.1 p INC„ eC'10 DALLAS DRIVE RN(111OR ,12117!1 ;m'/��2/" 4 1,,7:f5 1 f1l�, 9 �; a !i0 419,:lll:°,!71l 93N a C11Y OF ','HHGER U{t\lfJG]F� NU I111I L,�.,1� f�la�;,CfJ ll�lL}fJ;JiFZ1.G�!J INi;�L}R� II]fWi. f,;�i4111t f::�1�1 ,IWI�l.I.iClR1Al.,. F;,IJF'F'l_'Gr, 44-'rs V1,",V111 rt.11.0 t7iG� iC I (IT fll_ tJG71 Ili[ile 1513596 47 5 4 t?1F- @0 TO] 111, 1,7G;!�1 F'F1X VAL,i..E=Y �Y�`FE.Ii!'J 17 Utiti f 1 k fi "i RWC I G1R CGI, F'Iht D44•07 41`Ja (715IJfA PIN KIT 84 5 V17 419 17) 5 C'1!11 CL 11 A13'S "o 8 u�' 78 419M 0500 F Il.. I FRS 8 5 54G 44 4A 1P1i0 i (frAt.. t`J[' V� III_1tr111mJF' }aIJIJK" tJf7fJK'-i/I;ARiJ K1 i'S �C�Fa'3�11 �j 154 V�",011iA TOTAL FAl Wt-' [ll-'f:.N II041 1,1C1 I11I60ANY 100 L/11/'Jf''WCC. C 17 ; °;`t RIV DTF PO Nl1N DUE G1W PU CW AN })1;,Cw Airf l v1'I W[Ctaf G,J D Cle PnOm BOX 8VA47 14/94 13641 ;'/, /94 00 171i/1 a0 V1n vj0 ;,'; 0 V1 tt V1171 „ Ifil11 !' f] 1JClX 11f4 1741,16 17r 4 7 1 1 47 1,/1v� 1.1L.1./'1rT 4.)„n Jai ()Bv 3; f=�11'tt :tN1iJ�7F21W1. 1?�� J, 13L. a JL. 1 /05/'J4 IQ, 7> 90 ci, GO f/ 1/'J4 3o 90 760 9 i,Viri NA 1E:,71-i 1C1X �I �'/1��/`J4 t �7f;�fa b/�";"/`J4 ;�449 �✓_1 44„ 138 Wilt,, �J `.4 ' 0� 111I F It"a I'A I"l=. in i I G R f F 4G11Or'. WI EXANDER !-'„ 11 MIX 5E,10861 /9A 1'JrJ ,';, 41.'Jp 0500 14A 411t A19011Qj0 ?rG„ M u't�l i'5 .7 a111t LAldl,t.lN t'RG11}t.1C1 'INCa t fJ BOX ;1011,012' CI At�G';/C',CJi1�![11:;('G1R 0,..1.1.E';r 1/ :R/'J4 1,;Y°,:t / r'/".J'r 14 4'I. 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UBRARY 1 OL,ICd'. ,1 7AGn VIA 133 a GG WATER (, o h7 Ie 6vI t-bjA9TLWA IER 7 1C18W 07 ElECTRfC 8 907..1/1 FIRE 1.1 71?6, 1.2 Vf.I1: CLf; i`rif INI'-W j.r: 1 17it MAYOR i i (1CiNC' CI_-1af° 14 6 MAYOR 8 C1UNC L.11,` I a I GIB,, f 9 ClDNINlURAI lf)IWF,vi= 1t, iI ; 8 DATA PROCI`,CSSINa 19 1 aura 1.1 0-HICLE lllfflff-�EF L UIR`-1TF14 i R i 11! .I.- E I 7a4n �r ANEMAL CONTROL' tF 26 1 :t GENE�T.FUND $4 , 002.12 ENTERPRISE FCTND $41842.54 CITY OF SANGER P. O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 MEMORANDUM # 2438 TO: Honorable Mayor &Members of the City Council FROM: John Hamilton, City Administrator DATE: February 18, 1994 SUBJECT: Public School Week -February 28 -March 4, 1994 Proclamation #P 1-94 The enclosed Proclamation declares the week of February 28th -March 4th as Public School Week and was requested by S.I.S.D. Superintendent Mike Rosenberg. JH:es Enclosure CITY OF SANDER, TEXAS PROCLAMATION #P 1-94 WHEREAS, Education is a vital part of a student's upbringing; and WHEREAS, Education is necessary in strengthening our City, State, and Country, and WHEREAS, City of Sanger declares February 28, 1994 to March 4, 1994 as Public School Week in the City of Sanger. WHEREAS, Public School Week is in recognition of the Sanger Independent School District students, faculty and staff. NOW THEREFORE, I, Nel Armstrong, Mayor, Hereby Proclaim February 28, 1994 to March 4, 1994, as PUBLIC SCHOOL WEEK I n Sanger, Texas. Nel Armstrong Mayor, City of Sanger ATTEST: Rosalie Chavez City Secretary CITY OF SANGER P. O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Mayar &Members of the City Council FROM: Larry Yoast, Electric Superintendent DATE. February 18, 1994 SUBJECT: Zoning Change Request -Schafer Addition -Lots 4, 7, and 8 From SF-3 to SF-4 At their meeting of February 17, 1994, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval of this request. Voting for request: Freddy Inman, Andy Garza, Mary Bell Sims, and Glenn Shaw. Enclosed is staffs recommending memorandum on this request. LY:es MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: CITY OF SANDER P. O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 Hanarable Mayor &Members of the City Council Larry Yoast, Electric February 18, 1994 Superintendent L� SUBJECT: Zoning Change Request -Schafer Addition -Lots 4, 7, and 8 From SF-3 to SF-4 Realtor John Springer, Acting as the Agent for the owner of Lots 4, 7, and 8 of the Schafer Addition is requesting a zoning change from SF-3 to SF-4 which requires a minimum of 1,000 sq ft. of air-conditioned space and additionally that a single car garage be allowed. The Schafer Bros. Subdivision tax values are as follows: Lot 1 - $81,302 Lot 2 - $71,851 Lot 3 - $48,383 Lot 4 - Vacant - $8,250 Lot 5 - $46,451 Lot 6 - $46,200 Lot 7 - Vacant - $8,250 Lot 8 - Vacant - $8,250 Lot 9 - $47,494 Lot 10 - Vacant - $ 9, 714 Lot 11 - $58,820 Lot 12 - Vacant - $8,250 The brick residences on lots 5, 6 and 9 are all one car garages. On June 5, 1989, Mr. Frank Rodgers was granted this exemption in order to construct a 1,077 sq. ft. of air-conditioned living space, single car garage. Additionally, four residences on the west side of Keaton Road in the proximity to the lots requesting the zoning change are as follows: CC Page 2 0 811 Keaton Road 819 Keaton Road 823 Keaton Road 901 Keaton Road $77,837 $48,927 $449343 " $43,515 Brick residences with single car garages. Based on the existing homes in the area and the fact that the Schafer Addition on the east borders a B-2 retail zone, staff recommends approval of the request. LY:es C�!�;`IV PETITION FOR CHANGE IN ZONING CLASSIFICATION TO THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS. I/WE, the undersigned, owncr(s) of all the property herein dcscribcd, do hereby file this, my/our petition, asking; that: t:hc zoning; classification of the said property be changed from the � District to District under the provisions of Section 20 of t:hc Zoning; Ordinance oI' t:hc City of Sanger, Texas. The said property is located on Street and is more particularly dcscribcd as follows: Proposed development plans arc submitt:cd hcrcwith. Explanation, if any: D �t n I/Wc hcrcwith tender the filing fcc of Scvcnty Fivc (�75.00) Dollars. TO: �_���%� FM A55 &LOOP 135 • 5ANGER, TEXAS 76266 (b 17) 455-7007 J A N 1 1994 i ❑ Please reply ❑ Urgont ❑ No reply nocossary SIGNED �� � d ,., + �� Z2-94 PRUPERTY UWNERS FUR KEATUN RUAD - JUHN SPRINGER Leroy Elsey, 1608 Austin, John Springer, P. O. Box Gene Hughes P. O. Box 327 Sanger, TX 76266 Lucille B. Trail P. O. Box 96 Sanger, TX 76266 Maria R. Alonzo 818 Carmen Ct. Sanger, TX 76266 Wiley C. Talley P. O. Box 1142 Sanger, Texas 76266 Sanger, TX 76266 218, Sanger, TX 76266 Alrrta D. Hale Mrs. Gerald Hollingsworth 900 N. Highway 377 Keller, TX 76248 Larry Caldwell 804 Keaton Road Sanger, TX 76266 Wanda Lynch 806 Keaton Road Sanger, TX 76266 Argyle Land Corp., Inc. 4412 Gat•rity Blvd. Nampa, ID 83687 Frank Rodgers P. O. Box 296 Sanger, TX 76266 Darla Mays 816 I{eat:on Road Sanger, TX 76266 Earl Schafer RR 1, Box 231 Argyle, TX 76226 W. G. Stogsrlill P. O. Box 722 Sanger, TX 76266 Ratxton Juarez 802 S. Keaton Sanger, TX 76266 Bill Rice. 803 S. Keaton Sanger, TX 76266 Edgar Barrow P. O. Box 521 Sanger, TX 76266 Narcissa Gamez P. O. Box 835 Sanger, TX 76266 Roger D. Kincairl P. U. Box 525 Sanger, TX 76266 Mark Pearce 901 Keaton Sanger, TX 76266 Roh •t Edgar 800 .Keaton Sanger, X 76266 Edney Powell 817 S. Keaton, Sanger, TX r r: i �' ' �clr. ' — ` 1 •' �� , ` raolulr ' SIIL ,I , r. i- _ " ..'�I •: �.., .I .�:',- � ,_ , h � r� rf V :i .' v.irur �Lnl U . i._ f'-� ti.,r' I� ;,• � . 1 .. '.r r..r •',' v, • ILT.S, � ''�'r •li , ' I. � r • + 40 i..�"-,-,�.�� i � 7 �.1 �1,)y � 1 I` .il,l.r nr,nl Ilr;,r,. � I �cn J 1' � 1 "' ': nAYI' 11 I:VI'.IOrI'i --^-•---....--..� -..... � t:l ` d I IhY ' I l l t l "�. ' , , l l u , : . Z2-,pq - A & 'L ZC71\iIl\iC; C'FI kiL, Rl20(4uno0 Zoning Chanb F,r.quc;;l. from Si 11) %c rairtiily-2+ to Sinf;lc F�im Iy-4 on Lou, li. 7. and 8 of the Sch.afcr T_;rolhr.rS �;ubdivision locrated generally on the cast: sick of Kcaton Rond behArecn Mclind:i Myrl land Duck Creck Road. tf you appa•ovc oa clis�approvc I.iis zommy chanf;c rcqum, p}case' in attendance at: the mceting, Thursday, February 17, 1994, 7;CY00 pem Please check one: Comments: ra})provc of tic Zoning Change"TXNquest. clis.ipprovc. of the Zoning Change Ac est. Lure Date 94 7t71\II1\iC.. CFTnIVGL KF(�UUST Zonirrg Change RcclracstI from Sinf;lr. 1'r.1111 y-;O5 10 Single T'(amily-4 on Lots 4, 77 and 8 of l:hc Schafer Frothr.r:� yrahclivision located generally on the cast sick of Keaton Road between Mclind:a Myrl .and Duck Crccic Road. If you app�-ovc or disappravc s �oninf; r.hanf;c request, please be in attendance at the meeting, Thursday, February 17, 1994, 7*00 p.m. Please clZccic one: Comments: I sapl:�r•ovc of the Zoning Chaxa�;c Rcqucsl. 0 I disapprove of the Zoning Change Request, Sigtzal,urc Date Z2-94 - P 8c Z ZQNING Ci1nl�IGC RR(gU)JST Zoning Chtanj;c Tlcquc,cl: beam �;inf;lc Foanily-3 to Single Family-4 on Lots 49 7, and 8 of the Schafer Brothers Subdivision located generally on the cast side of I{caton Road between Mclindra Myrl and Duck Creek Road. If you approve or clisapprovc t:liis /oninf; change request, please be in it at the meeting, Thursday, February 17, 1994, 7:00 p.m. Plcasc check one: Comments: 1 �appz•ovc of t'hc Zoninl; Change Rcqucst. l clisapprovc of 1.he 'Zoning Change Request. Date oil Z2-94 - P & Z ZONinTG CH1INGE Rcook T 'Coning Chargc Rcqucst from SinT;lc F'arnily-o to Single Family-4 on Lots 4, 7, and 8 of the Schafer Brothers Subdivision located generally on the cast side of Keaton Road between Melinda Myrl and Duck Creek Road. If you approve or- cisapprove i his coning change request, please be in attendance at the meeting, Thursday, February 17, 1994, 7:00 p.m. Please check one: Comments: I ��pprovc of the Zoning Change Request. I disapprove of the Zoning Change Request, t, Signature Date MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF SANUER P. O. BOX 578 SANUER, TEXAS 76266 Honorable Mayor &Members of the City Council Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary February 18, 1994 Issue Call Order for Municipal Election This memorandum is the formal procedure in order for Municipal Election to be held on May 7, 19944 RC: es G MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE. SUBJECT: CITY OF SANGER F. O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 7626E Honorable Mayor & Rosalie Chavez, City February 18, 1994 Municipal Elections Members oft e Secretary Last year, Wynema Schertz served as our excellent job in conducting the election. City Council Election Judge. She did an I recommend that Wynema Schertz be reappointed as our Election Judge and Louella Ward as her alternate. I also recommend that she be authorized to appoint one additional clerk which would make three people working the Election on May 7th. RC: es MEMORANDUM #2442 TO; FROM; DATE; SUBJECT; CITY OF SANGER P. O. sax 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 Honorable Mayor &Members of the City Council John Hamilton, City Administrato February 18, 1994 Audit FY'92/93 City Auditor Bill Spore will present his audit of the City's finances for FY'92/93. Also, enclosed is Mr. Spare's proposal to provide audit services for FY'93/94 for $4,500 plus $500 for any single item audit, such as grants, that might be required. This item is under $15,000 and therefore does not require a bid process. Staff recommends acceptance of the proposal. Mr. Spore's fee for this year was $4,500. JH:es Enclosures William C. Spore & Company, PC. Certified Public Accountants Honorable Mayor and City Council, City of Sanger, Texas We are pleased to confirm our understanding of the services we are to provide for City of Sanger for the year ending September 30, 1994. We will audit the general purpose financial statements of the City of Sanger as of and for the year ended September 30, 1994. Our audit will be made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and will include such tests of the accounting records and other procedures we consider necessary to enable us to express an unqualified opinion that your financial statements are fairly presented, in all material respects, in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles applied consistently. If our opinion is other that unqualified, we will fully discuss the reasons with you. Our procedures will include tests of documentary evidence supporting the transactions recorded in the accounts and direct confirmation with selected customers, creditors and banks. At the conclusion of our examination, we will request certain written representations from you about the financial statements and related matters. An audit is based primarily on the selective testing of accounting records and related data, therefore, our audit will involve Judgement about the number of transactions to be examined and the areas to be tested. Also, we will plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. However, because of the concept of reasonable assurance and because we will not perform a detailed examination of all transactions, there is a risk that material errors, irregularities, or illegal acts, including fraud or defalcations, may exist and not be detected. We will advise you, however, of any matters of that nature that come to our attention. Our responsibility as auditor is limited to the period covered by our audit and does not extend to matters that might arise during any later periods for which we are not engaged as auditor. We understand that you will. provide us with the basic information requI red for the audit and that you are responsible for the accuracy and completeness of that information. We will advise you about appropriate accounting principles and their application and will assist in the preparation of your financial statements, but the responsibility for the financial statements remains with you. This responsibility includes the maintenance of adequate records and related controls, the selection and application of accounting principles, and safeguarding of assets. N q9 1600 Airport Freeway, Suite 208 • Bedford, TX 76022 • 817/545-1040 Sanger, City of Police Department Model DescriV�tion December 6, JL 97 Unit Price Total Price 4 DC7ZX/071W SPE�CTIZA "C7" Pkg $2672.00 8 Character Alpha Display 4 W992 Field Programming no charge 4 W496 Remote Mounting 275.00 4 AP852.3M Glass Mount Antenna 67.95 TOTAL: �*INSTALLATION IS SEPARATE. $106$$00 . 1100.00 271.8 $12,059.00 ** TERMS AND CONDITIVNS 1, Price valid for 30 days 4. Freight not included in the above pricing. 2, Payment terms Net 30 5. Standard Warranty 3, Delivery approx 2 weeks ARO 6. Prices exclusive of all Federal Excise Tax, State Sales and Use Tax, x LI. X' d�t V1� T4 708-616-A702 Note: Please supply frcqucncy information and I'L codes if applicable Presented by: MARY RATHBUN / JIM MANTOS 1- 800-367-2346 EXT. 4640 quz�n-z���t` cl�t`ai is crj2d I--OL ci,g Model I L997X/2.55L I L992 1 TDF6441 2 TDN89.53 30 TDN89.52 RRX4027 Desc► l�I�lOil SP>H�C7'RA Desktop Station rield Programmin Yagi 6DB Gain Antenna Connector N-UHF Male I/4" Supel-flex (by -the -foot) Unit Price �3695.00 no charge 98.00 17.00 55.50 Lightning Arrestor/Coax Protector 72.50 Clock/UV Meter 114.00 _58-844807 Double -End Male Connector 13.00 TERMS ACID COt�DITIOiVS 10 Price valid for 30 days 2. Payment terms Net 30 3. DELIVERY IN APPROX 5 WEEKS TOTAL: Total Price 3695.00 0 98.00 34.00 55.50 TOTAL 72.50 114.00 13.00 .00'1*'1* $4082 4. Freight not included in the above pricing. 5. Standard Warranty 6, Prices exclusive of all Federal Excise Tax, State Sales and Use Tax, � F.EI� XO� OF�DFR TO ?08-616-4702 Nate: Please surlily frequency infocnriticm anal l'L cc,cles if at�plicahle Presented by: MARY RATI-IBUN / .IIM MANTOS I- 800-367-2346 EXT. 4640 '� � 1 � � � r� j • - - r � ,a � � +�'F�`�i/11 id�L� 1 lr.�{,Jl�il.i("�L 4+GlYJIi I'~11\A1'I l..il`I �.Y "'i'he Afi'ordability Advantatze" As Part Qf Our Desire TQ Ptovid� C:ustoatnrs With A Compreltensi��c 3c,lutian por Acquiring Motorola Gommunicattone SystCtns, Wo O>�Ce�r Flouncing Prag,tunts t24'sibntd `fa Accomulodatc A Variety Cif Funding Regairements, To Piscuss'j'}tis Proposal Qr Othor program Altcrnnth'cc, Ytutr Salts ttelpresontatiVe Would gC pleased To Have A Mptorota PinanCiri� Professional Canutel You. Addillonal L(Ict�aturc Ott The BonclliR And l'togrrun Z?IatttOntt► Ferttining Tq Tex•�xtmpt lviunlclpnl Leasing >s Alsu nvailrible Upon Reduce!. � �yuiprrtartt �escrtptio,rx. Contract Type; • System I>ric�: + dawn FAYment; + Balance Financed; Firtancing Tee; + Payment Frequency; a Numbslc of Payments; v 1st Payttlenti Dtst�rred; +► P'innnce Factor: .^; Payment �mautt>i: �'otal Cash riaw;' pebrtLaty 4, 199q Fitlattair�� PrgpdBai fQr Desktop Statlorr 'Mich Mobiles & Pariablca Geaa�t purohnsa Agreement S29,SG3,OQ $Q.00 �Z Months Arrttuai 3 8 Months 6,44°�, .3dfl37ti S1t),�I�.gS '�-' ()� X)csktop 5ttttion 'With Mobiles& F'a>'tubles i<.-ease Purphago +ti,gr'comcriC $�9,563,00 $U,UO $2�,56�,0q �fi JVi'ortths Annual � Mc,nths tS, 6p°/u .�36185 $G,�8�.34 $34,� i1.70 '� C�nka4t Wi11�Commanr� �Jpon Contract algning, Thrt Firct Paiytn0at Ts D►tp jo A Mpnth9 Front Contact Camm�,aocnrcru. Ynt4`21Gst RatG`e And >w'lnanco F�gtors Are Vdlid l+or Finanring C'ontrnCts C'amuttnciug Wilhin GO Days Z+r�m The Iyttt,C Oi'Thie Proposal. �► C;apy c7t 5ttngor Pplico i�epanmont's Annu►►I �udgtt FtevC:tl�ng "I7t�C first nnrrtu�l Lcasc Puytneht Mast i�c RecCived Prior To GgntrApt Cammnncomtrtt, 'Y'he �qulrOd Firianring Uacvtnantatiott Must lac Contplertd prior To �'uudi���:, A Rctviaw Of Tate PropoaCct ��ritini >Jsa CrIPThp �quipmtr�� And Credl► Ajttrravrtl iar�cing4r Pv1iGC I7epartmettt Wits He Aetluirrd prlar To Funding, Na Mstterial AdvCrsC Cb�r►�e In ThM Flra,ncing Cgndilibn UCS�ngwr 17vlicc C7�;pnrintunf Prior Ta'Fund{ug. No Chr�gc In Tht; Fectnrul Or Applicable State Or ���i 'Cn,� l„i+4�, Regultttians, Casa Low, Rulinaa, Ur cJther Cnterpratatiptts �y The [nte,rnai RovCnuq SCrvice That �Voulci Afl`cel Adversely Any Fcdctnl, State, car Lcwul Tn.+c r�anent AaeurnCd to DCtarmining �'nc Above Wropvs,�l. Bangor t'cligG Department �Qugilfies As A Political Subdi��fyictn Ae UcCincd in Tl►a lrttcruat R4'�'GnuV C:odc. r ' ���� jia�ipi��ng Ta Advagcr Clur �UF1Qh1pI'tl t�usln�a� �I�� ty Qur Approuah t�nr <;nuUnny ',,� �"1'A7'AL C{,;�Tq:NEN BATIsp�C'C'IgN�� ?tir4TgRCfI.A.1000 Mittel Drive � Wood Dale, Illinois t5ol�t . I (hc�A) 247•z14f �(�f�r� ` Our examination is not specifically designed and cannot be relied upon to disclose material weaknesses in the internal control structure. However, during the audit we will review and test the system of accounting controls as we feel is necessary to perform the audit and if we become aware of material weaknesses or ways that management practices can be improved, we will communicate them to you in a separate letter. Our fees for these services will not exceed $4,500. An additional fee of not exceed $500 would be required should the City require any single audit reporting related to governmental grants the City might receive during the fiscal year This estimate is based upon anticipated cooperation from your personnel and the assumption that unexpected circumstances will not be encountered during the audit. If significant additional time is required we will discuss it with you before incurring the additional time. The fee will be due as follows, $l, 000 on October 1, 1994 and the balance of $3,500 payable upon completion of the audit and delivery of the reports. We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to the City of Sanger and we believe this letter summarizes the significant terms of our engagement. If you have any questions, please let me know. If you agree with the terms of our engagement as described in this letter, please sign below and return this letter directly to us. Thank you, ��- � �� �� WILLIAM C. SPORE Certified Public Accountant February 11, This letter Sanger: Signature Title Date 1994 correctly sets forth the understanding of City of // �, '� F � ��F��x )H COO f��I Page - 2 MEMORANDUM # 2439 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CITY OF SANDER P. O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 Honorable Mayor &Members of the Council John Hamilton, City Administrat February 18, 1994 Committee - Public Safety Radio Equipment Councilmembers Richardson and Jenkins requested this agenda item in order to appoint a committee to study the issue of a new radio system for Public Safety, units of the City. Costs estimates from Motorola have been provided for your review. JH:es Enclosures Ph 1,A,.tr Sanger Police Department P.O. Box 578 Sanger, TX 76266 Dear Chief Erwin, I have enclosed some literature on the radios that I recently proposed to you. If you should have any additional questions feel free to give me a call at 1-8W367-2346 extension 4640, Thank You for your interest in MOTOROLA products. Sincerely, ary $.athbun Mary F. Rathbun Account RepresentatNe Customer Connection Land Mobile Products Sector 1000 Mittel DHVe, Wood Dale, Illinois 60191 (708) 616-4640 1.800.367.2346 X 4640 Fax (708) 616-4702 q&'�uiP�ar2����`'�,�i.ls t ► Moiled 6 H01 QX/203H 6 H37 6 H799 Desc�,i,�tior�. MTS2000 Portable Series Series If -160 Modes 14 Character Alpha Display 3 =" 2 Keypad Belt Clip Smartnet Software Pacica�e System Test Result Printout Unit P��ice 1695600 3R0.00 no charge Total Price 10170.00 22$0.00 6 NTN 117 l Rapid Rate Charier- 2 Hour 73.00 438.00 6 NMN6191 Noise Cancelling Remote Speaker Microphone 99.00 534.00 TOTAL* ** NTN7144 Ultra Capacity Batteries (spare) $ 13,422.00 100.00 TERMS AND CONDITIQNS 1. Price valid for 30 days 4. Freight not included in the above pricing, 2. Payment terms Net 30 5. Standard Warranty 3. Delivery approx 21/2 weeks ARO 6. Prices exclusive of all Federal Excise Tax, State Sales and Use Tax. Plensc sar(�ly frequency infc�rnuili��n nncl I'L aulcti if uhhlicahlc Presented by: MARX RATI-IBUN / .fIM MANTOS 1- x00-367-2346 EXT. 4640 CITY OF SANGER P. O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 MEMORANDUM #2443 TO: Honorable Mayor &Members of the City Council FROM: John Hamilton, City Administrator DATE: February 18, 1994 SUBJECT: Administration Report 1 }. In response to the concerns expressed at the last Council Meeting, Mayor Armstrong has requested a draft plan for average billing be prepared. Texas Public Power Association and the City of Denton have been contacted regarding existing plans that address this approach. 2). The Citizens Advisory Committee has been meeting and is on schedule to bring a recommendation to Council at the March 7th Meeting. 3). Brenda Nixon, who is concerned about electric bills and spoke to Council at your last meeting, requested an agenda position after our cut-off time. Ms. Nixon was also informed that options were being explored to address her concerns and that she would be kept I nformed of progress to address those concerns. JH:es CITY OF BANGER P.O. BOX 578 SANGER, TEXAS 76266 MEMORANDUM TO: Jahn Hamilton, City Manager FROM: Rose Chavez, City Secretary DATE. February 8, 1994 SUBJECT: Billing for 1-20-94 Total Water Gallons 10,742,700 Total Sewer Gallons 10,742,700 Total KWH 21435,717 BILLINiG fiOTAL Electric Billing 196,940.27 Water Billing 34,561.65 Sewer Billing 23,375.95 Sanitation Billing 15,124.32 $270,002t 19 BRAZOS BILL $106,157. 7 WATER NO. OF METERS RESIDENTAL COMMERCIAL METER IN SERVICE SEWER SANT. SEWER SANT. 1289 1518 1326 1353 143 148 ELECTRIC FUEL CALCULATED FUEL METERS ADJUSTMENT ADJUSTMENT 1662 .01840 OLD: 0.00870 NEW: 0A 184011 I°`ILL. DENCO AREA 9 - 1 - 1 DISTRICT 250 S. Stemmons, Suite 260, Lewisville, Texas 75067 Phone/TDD (214) 221-0911 FAX (214) 420-0709 u E OF 8ANGL"z TO: Mayors/City Managers/City Secretaries r}I FEB 1 1 1994 FROM: Mike Pedigo, Executive Director DATE: February 9, 1994 RE: FY 1993 Audit Report Enclosed are copies of the opinion letter, selected financial statements, and managemr.!,t letter from Patillo, Brown, and Hill's independent audit of the Denco Area 9-"1.4 District's Fiscal Year 1993 financial statements. The district's Board of Manage. -Zs accepted the audit report at its February 3, 1994 meeting. If you have any questions regarding the financial position of the Denco Area 94- District or would like a copy of the complete auditor's report, please call the district office at (214) 221-0911. Thank you for your continued support of the Denco Area 9-1-1 District. ' • 1 • :' •' 6811 CIIL'I"Q:ffD PUBLK' ACCOUNTANTS RONNIE W. CRAWFORD, CPAs ' A).� CAN PLAZA CPAs B 300 WEST 4 BOX 4 SU[I'E 300 vINCE PALASOTA, CPA Be STEVEN BOSTICK, CPA P.O. BOX 30T70 HAL M. wwrAKEY. CPA wACO, TEXAS'16702-0T1s 01 NANCY HI•NRY POTTS, CPA C8 772— 4 KFvT4 Be SIX, CPA FAXX Bl7) 77La7?.0 JAMFS C. CURRY, CPA Board of Managers Denco Area 9-1-1 District Lewisville, Texas FRANK L. WII.COXI CPA (DEC'D) R.D. PATTIIZO, CPA (REI'.) RODNEY L. BROWN, CPA (REI'.) wALTER H. HILL, M. CPA (REM) DALLAS OFFICE (214) 523-002I We have audited the general purpose financial statements of the Denco Area 9-1-1 District as of September 30, 1993, as listed in the table of contents. These financial statements are the responsibility of the District's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in, accordance with generally accepted auditing standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An' audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. In our opinion, the general purpose financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Denco Area 9-1-1 District as of September 30, 1993, and the results of its operations and changes in fund balances for the year then ended, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. Our audit was conducted for the purpose of forming an opinion on the general purpose financial statements taken as a whole. The financial information listed as supporting schedules in the table of contents is for purposes of presented additional analysis and is not a required part of the financial statements of Denco Area 9-1-1 District. Such information has been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audit of the general purpose financial statements and, in our opinion, is fairly presented in all material respects in relation to the financial statements taken as a whole. December 6, 1993 -1- DENCO AREA 9-1-1 DISTRICT COMBINED BALANCE SHEET - ALL FUND TYPES AND ACCOUNT GROUPS SEPTEMBER 30, 1993 Governmental Fund Type Account Group General General Totals Fund Fixed Assets (Memo Only) ASSETS Cash $ 66,899 $ - $ 669899 Temporary cash investments 391,623 - 391,623 Service fees receivables 1301670 - 130,670 Prepaid expenses 892 - 892 Deposits 31947 - 31947 Furniture and equipment - 36,889 36,889 Deferred cutover costs - 770,241 770.241 Total Assets $594,031 $807,130 $1,401,161 LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY Liabilities Accounts payable $ 17.355 $ - $ 17.355 17.355 - 17.355 Fund Equity Fund balance, unreserved 576,676 - 576,676 Investment in general fixed assets 807.130 807.130 Total Fund Equity 5764676 807.130 1.383.806 Total Liabilities and Fund Equity $594,031 $807,130 $124010161 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. -2- DE CO AREA 9-1-1 DISTRICT STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES - BUDGET AND ACTUAL Variance Favorable Actual Budget (Unfavorable) Service fees $772,606 $ 720,396 $ 52,210 Interest income 160915 20,000 ( 31085) Miscellaneous revenue 356 - 356 Total Revenues 789o877 740*396 49.481 EXPENDITURES Personnel services 2029886 211,563 8,67/ Operations 87,333 86,477 ( 856) Direct services 514,093 6729714 158,621 Capital outlays 6,777 94375 2,598 Total Expenditures 811.089 980 J29 169.040 EXCESS OF REVENUES OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES (21,212) (239,733) 218,521 The accompanying notes are an integral part of this statement, -4- RONNIE W. CRAWFORDI CPA, CFP VINCE PALASMA, CPA B. StEVEN BOSPICK, CPA HAL M. WHITAKER, CPA NANCY HENRY POTTS, CPA KEVIN Be SIX, CPA JAMES C. CARRY, CPA 'ATTELLO, BROWN & 011 ' ym i in• PUBLIC AcCOTJeTtUS n• At 0, 51111 h • • BOX .i WACO, TEXAS 76M4M57FAX (817) i 0 December 6, 1993 Denco Area 9-1-1 District Attention: Mr. Mike Pedigo, Executive Director 250 S. Stemmons, Suite 260 Lewisville, Texas 75067 Gentlemen: FRANK L WII C OX, CPA (DEC D) R.D. PATTILLO, CPA (RET.) RODNEY L. BROWN, CPA n7e) WALTT1t He HRl , JR,, CPA (REN DALLAS OFFICE (214) 5Z3_=1 We have audited the financial statements of the Denco Area 9-1-1 District For the year ended September 30, 1993, and have issued our report thereon dated December 6, 1993. As part of our audit, we made a study and -evaluation of the District's system of internal accounting control to the extent we considered necessary solely to determine the nature, timing, and extent of our auditing procedures. Our study and evaluation was more limited than would be necessary to express an opinion on the system of internal accounting control taken as a whole, and we do not express such an opinion. During our audit, we did not note any material weaknesses in internal controls. A material weakness is a condition in which the design or operation of one or more of the internal control structure elements does not reduce to a relatively low level the risk that errors and irregularities in amounts that would be material in relation to the general purpose financial statements being audited may occur and not be detected within a timely period by employees in the normal course of performing their assigned functions. We would like to take this opportunity to commend the District's continued effort to maintain current policies and procedures for strong internal controls and operating efficiency and the District's conviction to perform and comply with these procedures established. We would also like to express our thanks to the District's management and staff for their cooperation and the prompt courteous attention given to us during our engagement. We will make a study and evaluation, as described above, of the District's system of internal accounting control system again during our next audit engagement. Until then, we will be pleased to discuss and assist you with any developments in the coming year. Yours truly, PATTILLO, BROWN a M. Whitaker, CPA 4 i tI �,_' HMW/dw John Hal(, Chairman Pam Reed, Commissioner Peggy Corner, Commissioner Anthony Grigsby, Executive Director TEXAS NATURAL RESOURCE CONSERVATION COMMISSION Protecting Texas by Reducing and Preventing Pollution February 3, 1994 Ms. Nel Armstrong Mayor City of Sanger P.O. Box 578 Sanger, Texas 76266-0578 Dear Mayor Armstrong: I would like to keep you updated on the implementation of the Federal Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990. Under that federal law, a Vehicle Emissions Inspection/Maintenance (I/M) program must be implemented in communities across the country that do not meet federal clean air standards for ozone smog. You represent one of the four metropolitan areas in Texas that are affected by this requirement. The Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission (TNRCC) is required to develop a fleet data base, with the assistance of the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), that will allow us to monitor and track fleet compliance with the I/M program. Enclosed is a notice that is being sent to all exempt -titled vehicle owners such as. city, county, and state offices in the affected counties. They are required to register their fleets with the TNRCC in March 1994. Informational meetings will be held in your area prior to the I/M program start date. We will provide information on the location of testing stations, testing procedures, and answer any questions which you may have regarding the emissions testing program. We will notify you by mail regarding the date, time, and location of thy+ inCocmational meetings. We are committed to assisting affected organizations in"\their compliant® with the registration component of the vehicle emissions .inspection program. If you have any questions or concerns please call Mr. Russell Beier, Director, Mobile Source Division at (512) 239-1483 ar Ms, Candy Garrett, Manager, I/M Section at (512) 239- 1489. Respe u11Yr ,... .. "' � .. � � � airman � ti Enclosure P,O. Box 13087 Austin, Texas 78711.3087 512/908-1000 printed on «cydcd paper wing wyLated Ink �� ` � �j�\ John Hall, Chairman �"`=,�.t•� �'�r !, Pam Reed, Commissioner ��� :.c�"�'�;��f Peggy Carver, Commissioner `�� ��,,'•L'-�=-� Anthony Grigsby, Execufiue Director -- TEXAS NATURAL RESOURCE CONSERVATION COMMISSION Protecting Texas by Reducing and Preventing Pollution The Federal Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 require that a Vehicle Emissions inspection/Maintenance (I/M) program be implemented in communities across the country that do not meet, federal clean air standards for ozone smog. Texas has four metropolitan areas that are affected by this requirement. The Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission (TNRCC) would like to inform you of the I/M program requirements so that you might prepare for this initiative and also register exempt -titled fleet vehicles. The TNRCC is required to develop a fleet data base, with the assistance. of the .Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), that.wi.11 allow us to monitor and track fleet compliance with the I/M program.' Here are the basic requirements of the Vehicle Emissions I/M program as they pertain to exempt -titled fleets: • All 1968 and newer model year gasoline powered vehicles (excluding motorcycles) with exempt -titled plates registered to entities that are located in an I/M program area are required to complete an emissions test. Dual -fueled vehicles (i.e., vehicles that have the ability to operate on gasoline or an alternative fuel) will be required to be tested while`using gasoline. • Vehicles will be required to pass an emissions test once every two years. Even model year vehicles will be tested in even years and odd model year vehicles will be tested in odd years. • Starting July 1, 1994, exempt -titled fleets located in the following counties will begin testing: Dallas, Co11in,�Denton, Tarrant, Orange, and; Jefferson. ' - .. ,,� a ... ���_r � � �, P.O. Box 13087 Austin, Texas 78711.308? prinlcd nn rcrycleJ paper using snr�baseJ ink 512/908.1000 PAGE TAO � � �' • Starting January 1, 1995, exempt -titled fleets located in the ' following counties will begin testing: Harris, Brazoria, Fort Bend, Galveston,"Montgomery, and El Paso. Vehicles located in Chambers, Liberty, and Waller Counties will begin testing January 1, 1997. . • The TNRCC is still determining the final test fee, although test fees can be expected to be less than $25.00 per vehicle. Prior to the I/M program start -date, the TNRCC staff will notify you to arrange a convenient time for your fleet vehicles to be tested. This will allow your fleet to be tested in an efficient manner with the least amount of disruption to your operation. Enclosed is a fleet data reporting form which requests specific information about your individual fleet vehicles. Please provide information pertaining to each fleet vehicle you possess that is registered with the �'xDOT and return this information in the envelope .provided. If your fleet population exceeds the number of spaces provided, please photocopy the original form before completing it. The law requires that fleet data forms be completed and returned to the TNRCC by March 1, 1994. However,' due to administrative processing requirements and other considerations, we are asking that all forms be submitted no later than March 31, 1994. If your fleet vehicles do not operate within the nonattainment counties listed above, please indicate on the fleet data reporting form and return as soon as possible to the address indicated. If you have recently provided. the information requested to another state agency, the TNRCC will accept a current version of that format in lieu of the completed fleet data reporting form. The new version must contain, at the very least, all of the data elements the TNRCC is requesting. Informational meetings will. be held in your area prior to the I/M program start date. At that time, we will provide information on the location of testing stations, testing procedures, and answer any questions which you may have regarding the emissions testing program.. We will notify you by mail regarding the date, time, and location of the informational meetings. Should you have any immediate questions or need further informa- tion, please contact Mr. Hubert Ashley at (512) 239-1449 or Mr. Greg Moore at (512) 239-1960. Enclosure {�����' r r' TEXAS DOWNTOWN ASSOCIATION P.O. BOX 12832 February 15, 1994 Dear TDA Member: AUSTIN,TEXAS 78711-2832 F E B 1 7 1994 The Texas Downtown Association Board appointed a planning committee for the 1993 TDA Conference to be held in Galveston, November 24, 1994. As chairperson for this committee, I would like to solicit your ideas on topics, speakers, and added events you feel would be beneficial to you as an attendee. The conference theme this year is "A Livable Downtown." Any topic relating to this theme, such as innovative affordable housing, traffic and urban livability, balancing residential and tourism needs, and urban animation can be addressed. We would also like your input on format: panel discussions, single speakers, multiple speakers, case studies, etc. If you have any ideas or resources, please fax or mail them to me immediately as the Conference Planning Committee will be meeting March 4, 1994 to develop the general program outline to present at the April 8th TDA Board meeting. My fax number is (817) 566-8236, my direct line phone number is (817) 5664529 (I do have voice mail), and my address is 100 West Oak, Ste. 204, Denton, 76201. Last year in Fort Worth we were able to implement many of the ideas and suggestions made by the TDA membership, including changes in the awards presentations and the quality of the exhibitors. As members, your input is important as we try to develop a conference that will be exciting, fun and beneficial to all who attend. Sponsorships help us keep conference registration costs affordable for attendees. This is another area where we can use your help. General sponsorships are always welcome, but refreshment breaks provide a great opportunity for visibility for your town. If your chamber, downtown organization or the like would like to sponsor one of these (probably about $2004400 per break), let us know. Also, if your city feels like it could handle the 1995 conference (at least 250-300 rooms), please write or call Kevin Walker, 1995 Site Selection Chairman, and let him know. Kevin's phone number is (512) 884-3278. I'm looking forward to hearing from all of you soon. Remember, this is YOUR conference. Give us the opportunity to develop a program to meet your needs! Sincerely, v� Bites Conference Chair SPEND A DAY...OR A LIFETIME! - February 11, 1994 Dear Friend, pl aagn r+nTp� fjn Hill- � �r� 7>nniia l t�hamhE?r R�n���r�1= Q.1, VIA V661 9 T 83J For It is to be held at 7 PM, Saturday, March 5th, 1994 at St. Thomas Catholic Church'Parish Hall. Historic Pilot Point, host city to Lake Ray Roberts, i_s one of Denton County's oldest settlements. Our first settlers came here in 1846 and our town was officially laid out in 185^-_. Our banquet theme will center on this year being the "l4Cth anniversary of that event. We always have a good time and a fine meal. Corne visit with us and shake a few hands. Tickets are $10 each and available from our chamber office Located just north of our fine library and brand new Senior Citizens/Community Building. Our office hours are 1 to 5 PM weekdays. Call or write us. Please let us know if you or your representative can come. We sure like to see you! 3uddy Cole Executive Vice .- On The Beautiful East Side of Lake Ray Roberts P.O. Box 497 Pilot Point, Texas 76258 817-686-5385