03/21/1994-CC-Minutes-RegularCity Secretary MINUTES: City Council Meeting March 21, 1994, 7;pp p,m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Nel Armstrong, Councilwoman Margie Braxton, Councilman Russell Madden, Councilman Jack Richardson, Councilman Jerry Jenkins, and Councilman Tommy Kincaid OTHERS PRESENT: City Administrator John Hamilton, City Secretary Rosalie Chavez and Electric Superintendent Larry Yoast, Chief of Police Benny Erwin, Sherry Lewis, Joe Be11, Mark Bulger, Jim McDaniel, Ron and Brenda Nixon, Deborah Hilliard, Betty Robinson, Terry Jenkins, Sally Stratso-Sanger Courier, Steve Day, Bryan Lee, Harvey Anthony &his wife 1. Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order. Councilman Madden gave the invocation which was followed by the pledge to the flag. 2. CONSENT AGENDA a). Approve Minutes b}. Disbursements Motion was made by Councilman Jenkins and seconded by Councilwoman Braxton to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion carried. 3. Citizen's Input: a). Mark Bulger who resides at 504 S. lOth along with the following residents in that area, Terry Jenkins, Jim McDaniel, Harvey Anthony and his wife, Sherry Lewis, Bryan Lee, were present regarding a building permit issued for Multi -Family on the corner of Church and IQth. Mr. Bulger and the neighbors in that part of town were waiting City Council to intervene regarding construction of Multi- ily in that area They were requesting City Council to intervehe ,and possibly delay the developer from pouring the slab and b i to allow the residents in that area time to investigate and e .;gip with some resolution. Mayor Armstrong advised City Council cannot discuss this matter. She advised Council will take this under advisement. b}. Sherry Lewis and Harvey Anthony also addressed City Council on the same issue. 4. Public Hearing on Proposed Capital Improvements Project <,= . �. ^�: ,_ ������fi �;�, Mayor Armstrong declared Public Hearing open. No one present to speak for or against this item. Mayor Armstrong did advise that another Public Hearing will be held on March 29th at City. Council. Mayor Armstrong declared Public Hearing closed. 5. Consider -and PossibleAction Regarding Ordinance #42-9� -Average Billing. Option,-: Electric Discussion followed concerning City of Denton, Denton County Coop. and Lone Star Gas Average Billing Procedures. Council felt that Lone Star Gas Average Billing Procedure was the best option. This option would always use the current month in their calculation. Item tabled to allow staff to correct the ordinance. 6. Consider and- Possible Action Regarding Ordinance #03-94 -ETJ Petition, Joe Higgs Motion was made by Councilman Madden and seconded by Councilman Jenkins to adopt Ordinance #�3-94, ETJ Petition, Jae Higgs° property, 211.E acres Located on the Denton -Cooke County Line in Denton County. Motion carried. 7. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Resolution #R2-94 -North Central Texas Electrical Examination Program Interlocal Agreement Electric Superintendent Larry Yoast addressed City Council regarding the standard testing for electric competency. Larry advised that this would mean that all the cities who join together will give the same test. The test would be given once every three (3) months. Discussed. Motion was made by Councilman Madden to adopt Resolution #R2-94. Seconded by Councilman Jenkins. CITY OF BANGER, TE�A.S RESOLUTION #R2-94 SECTION 1 That the City of Sanger will participate in a competency testing program for electricians on a regional basis through the North Central Texas Council of Governments. SECTION 2 That the City of Sanger authorizes NCTCOG to execute an interlocal agreement with the other participating jurisdictions and NCTCOG signaling participation in this program. SECTION 3 That the City of Sanger agrees to accept the results of the examinations administered by the approved testing agency through NCTCOG as the applicant's fulfillment of the competency testing component of the City of Sanger electrical license requirements. Motion carried. S. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Authorizing Bids For New Police Vehicle Motion was made by Councilman Richardson to advertise for bids for the larger vehicle. Seconded by Councilman Kincaid. Mayor Armstrong advised Councilmeznbers that if they just bid for the larger vehicle and it comes above what was budgeted they would have to rebid the smaller one. If they bid for both they can decide between the two. Councilman Richardson amended his motion to advertise for bids on two size police vehicles. Seconded by Councilman Kincaid. Motion carried. 9. City Administration Report City Administrator reported on the fallowing items: aj. Burrus Supermarket has again donated two hundred small trees to the city. These small trees have been planted in a second "tree farm" next to the Community Garden spot on Railroad Avenue. In another year the trees at the Wastewater Treatment Plant Farm will be large enough to transplant and some of these trees are Desert Willow. bj. From January 1st through March 15th, a total of nine (9} single family residential permits valued at $446,300 have been issued. Also one triplex valued at $90,000 and one small commercial building valued at $19,200 were issued. c}. Water Department Employee Vince Villanueva resigned effective 3-18-94. d). Larry Yoast has also posted a position vacancy in his department. ej. Due to Easter Holiday, Friday, April 1st, City Hall will be closed. fj. Easter Egg Hunt will be held Saturday, April 2nd, at the Downtown Park. 10. Any Other Such Matters a}. Councilman Madden asked about the "white birds:' Larry Yoast stated that all the trees have been cut down where they were nesting. They usually come; in around Apr-il: Sherry Lewis commented about haw dark it was on 10th Street. Mayor Armstrong .advised it would be checked into. Councilman -Jenkins-asked Mark Bulger. if the speeding problem. haA` eased somewhat on 10th Street: Mr. Bulger, stated that -:people still drive 'fast through that street. Mayor advised that they will instruct the Police Department to check into that 11. Meeting adjourned. City:;Secretary: