12-17-98-Resolution-Requiring Preapproval for Travel Expenditures outside Denton County-12/21/1998RESOLUTION 12-17-98 RESOFOR TRAVEL RELATED EXPENDITURES OUTSIDE DENTON COUNTY FOR THE COUNCIL, CITY ADMINISTRATOR AND ANY BOARD MEMBER, WHEREAS, it is the responsibility of the City Council to ensure wise expenditures; and, WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the City of Sanger to monitor all travel related expenditures outside of Denton County; and, WHEREAS, only those travel related requests that are deemed necessary by the majority of the Council will be funded by the City of Sanger, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED: That the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas, agrees to fund only those travel related expenditures of the Council, City Administrator or Board Members, that occur outside of Denton County, Texas, after a majority vote by the Council. These expenditures include but are not limited to; travel, lodging, registration and meals. In the event of registration dead lines before the Council can act, the Mayor shall be authorized to approve the expenditures. Passed this ATTEST: Signature _ (Secretary) 21st day of December ,1998 Signature ( Mayor)