12-95-Resolution-Proclaiming August 1995 as Ozone Awareness Month-08/07/1995RESOLUTION #R12-95 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS WHEREAS , Collin, Dallas, Denton and Tarrant Counties are nat in compliance with the air quality standards set forth for ground4evel ozone by the Environmental Protection Agency, and this standard is considered the level at which air becomes unhealthy, and WHEREAS, healthy air is vital to the citizens, the economic viability and thus the quality of life the region, and WHEREAS, Ozone Alert Action Days provide a warning that conditions are conducive to the formation of ground -level ozone so that both businesses and individual citizens can take the necessary actions in order to reduce the amount of emissions produced, and WHEREAS, these actions will contribute to the success of the region in meeting the EPA's air quality goals. NOW, THEREFORE, I, NEL ARMSTRONG, Mayor of the City of Sanger, and on behalf of the Sanger City Council, do hereby proclaim August 1995 as OZONE AWARENESS MONTH in Sanger. I urge all citizens to join in the efforts of the North Texas Clean Air Coalition by taking the recommended actions during an Ozone Alert so that we will have a healthy environment in which to live and work. Resolved this 7th day of August, 1995. ATTEST; Chavez, City S terry Mayor, Nel Armstrong