13-93-Resolution-Casting Votes for Denton Central Appraisal District Candidates-11/01/1993RESOLUTION R 13-93 • # # # # ) # # EXAS, CASTING THE CITY #UNCIL'S VOTE FOR • THE DENTON CENTRALAPPRAISALDISTRICTBOARD OF ) # -. WHEREAS, the Candidates for the Board of Directors of t ae Denton Central Appraisal District have been nominated, and WHEREAS, voting units must cast their vote by written resolution prior to November 15th, 1993, C # TO CAST FOURTEEN (14} VC7TES FtJR THE FOLLt? (1ING CANDIDATES}: Garland Thornton Resolved this 1st day of November, 1993. Mayor Pro-Tem ATTEST: CAI Rosalie Chavez City Secretary