4-92-Resolution-Recognizing Business Information Processing of Sanger High School-05/18/1992City of Sanger, Texas Resolution No. #R4-92 A Resolution of the City Council %J the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas WHEREAS, Economic Development is essential to every Community, and WHEREAS, the City of Sanger and the Sanger Chamber of Commerce are committed ,to the growth and progress of our Community, and WHEREAS, the Business Information Processing Class of Sanger High School responded to the needs of the Economic Development Committee of the Chamber of Commerce, and WHEREAS, through the efforts and talents of these students, a marvelous video program highlighting Sanger was produced and completed, NOW THER FQRE, Be It Resolved By the City Council of the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas that These Outstanding, Public Spirited Students; Dustin Lyon, Daniel Beck, Eric Atchison, Steven Dietz, Rena Dougherty, Madelaine Ronje Garza, Sariah Heisey, & Jennifer Rodgers, Be Recognized for their contribution to the well-being and continued growth of our Community. PASSED and RESOLVED this lSth Day of 1Vlay, 1992. N el Armstr Mavnr ATTEST: Rosalie Garcia City Secretary