2-91-Resolution-Establishing a Service Plan for Annexation-01/07/1991CITY OF SANGER RESOLUTION R2-91 ESTABLISHING A SERVICE PLAN FOR AN AREA TO BE ANNEXED INTO THE CORPORATE CITY LIMITS OF SANGER POLIC SERVICE PLAN , t _ CnI 1Ie,•_>, i ,r" 1 :; I .._s. f r rf Thy T(';>•,cr LCjr4; I (= C tij 'r'r" r c'Ilt f, :i r r r._1 l1r"r f1 t ci plan of providing nalanidpal services be adopted the jovern i nq k)oCl,/ of •:a city prior to pas gage of an ordinance <arlrlex i ng an ar le 1 nt.o i t s Corporate City Limits; and t,t,li-ili:I l . , t.lto cv:it / of >ranr er ivy ; n r Calrat.iricj r : r r f_3x ation of :a r er tarn tract of land it) the Indian Springs Estates, Phase 1, Bloclt. !'a• Loy -r ranr.J a cort,:ain tract. of land sor.rth of Lot 4 as. requested by P1r, C"1ih: I 1orr7a:: rr, owner; `> 1nC"Iei Derviton County, Texas; Ml ( : t. in <aciorrl rary:r litCa orti n '.5,c` ;r of r•, T x.a w; L : r„<a1 f=iC 'ver rir`(1r nt C:rode, i is f Jl lrJ`hlirl Service 1: l arl 1` hereby rPiC lst,rii i for the lfor tl- r[)"Ietloned are o a und(:'3r"' consideration for anti()} ":anon: i ? 1 Polir C •:-1t:.rC l , r r P on to c all : for , rviC ancl :a11 ot.lac r-. aj.jCropryi: t I:7oliro t r` !ic F wing i t.ing iat:r ,onr ral 0HU oquipnient will be prYovireld upon the adoption and of fectivc? r1,::at.r; of the pr"ripO ed anC'e •:aticor'i• t :,) I_ r" ea r f i t" `,1 awl n; l ` , %. ("• _= i' i' 1 {;; <a 1 g r' `; `w, t. r' ) t r'r` a r I< I rl r 1 `.: •.a I'; rA! Cr i . r a1 C7r~cal ri at°.r tr`tiafi'r'ic c c nt:rol vic o , ill P F ir ttallr- Cl a t;fT t r ? C1 th r c 0fi i'=, eN5t<al:')I1`=11F'Cl. FIRE SERVICE WATER SERVICE WASTWATER SERVICE SOLID WAST COLLECTION STREETS l i....:I i t'- i i o `) (= rV w (,' F=ire ()r"otec;;tIon by the exis ing I ire- ( I e p ar"triaent. per,:aonoeI ar,cl f.cp,flpria(nf. will be provided 1pc)r, the adoption :anal effective (late !1 r u)e propof,,- ed annexation, xisting lines upon 'Cf e adoption and e fec_:tive c ate of the lJropo`.-)ed ,innexat.lon in (accordance with existing city ordin nct (- !lover nine nl at.! r !..atil if;,io v)lithin the City of sea ncJer . .) t1, t ,l < c:.7 f,, t }rn! C..d t l.• {" L'„1 ' r" 1,I 1 t r' (:irovide!rl wni a`>t ew<=ater.., rViCe 1.1f.,ii!1Ii the adoption r I TnctiVe at( of annexation in accorCiance. V}lltf`1 exl( t1ng city t rdinames overnlriq wa tewcat(;r utilities within the (ity of `?<'anger e I^fi( ' <= ri1! r( rrJlr aC" Soli( hl" lt C(lllt't I:.itYC1 wC r /iCE' Ct_lrl""t'11t1y f,rr Viri, r+ to c.(..ftftorraor > within the City will bepr c} icfctl t ry,c,rI t.h <a(Iopt.ion ar}d et`fective crate of the proposed annexation. Uf1t1C1 tho 0!::io(lt1on (I"U UI I tt'Gt1Vk : Ideate of tf1t I-)I"ot)o )k:',' <:4111K'dA atiorryk (-') Izol:it.irlEa n 1 a1C1t.!'nantv!' `.3 rW 1ri"('rltly f r`C7V1c Cl V}lltf}irl t.i"} ' C:it.y f.iClait`", tin/111 f)r f7r 1 J1t1("i i.f Jc7CI tit' a!,"1(1(ti!Jn arlCl, {'tfr:tl ln r,,ai r (} the propose(':i .war}tl rncllrfitat inri of trt t , ir1St. all< i:,ior1 of C,f::!,rri1 t"ir"<a1C1 aC7! f:.a(ullitlP. , .t7n ;t.r't_l ;tlon !1t' ('lfrr)` aC{t'I t it!f tF r,e ar1Ci ot.f",r-1r . ldt 11 rr1ajC r in17r tJVCn1! r1t , ast.f7 need l C1C r'rf)1ned by thol !.Iovern i nri body of the City of E anger, w i l l be prov l aS o f Tortx. by e.(-)t<afdislwwo policies of t le City, INSPECTION SERVICES PLANNING AND ZONING STREET LIGHTING RECREATION CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM l'u) iIIs.)Ct„t.ion set viC.es All coue 1[T33 PCWC1011 1301V1CC5 Cur rtz r1t.IY pi ON/ 1t"af d DY tI'f'= (:i .` %rvi? i.,p provided to the prol:,oso(l are of annexation ul)on t )e :adol,tiol =1nd e f f e c t 1 v e drate of the <annexaT.Ior). c;ii) I'?::aflrlitlF;I <aC1t:1 r'ot,iir IIJ i f14=} I?II'lnint rant:atatllt1ci jaC Idlt.it,r1 0i t.ht c i:\; tar < t1 :irC ,'III t xtt-)rld to theproposed area of annexation l.11: on the a(`lt i:}boil :and the effect We date of thr annexation. >trc t. Iicilat.in , a nr1I1 l ( 1t1 t. a?1 d ir7 racrtJr4i =anr_ t n it.I K:.l f stablls)hed policies of the City of Sanger r .11 rc cr ti: tion al f c.i?itie ot` tho c it.y t: f `>anr or n/ii1 i ( ray/<)il +l: Ir: for u v1(_ by rosidentq of the proposed ;area of annexation upon t.hc doption and effective da- to of annoxLation ire accordance \/ ith ' 1 s t I n g 1iuI(; <and rcq4al:;atinn> of the ityf, i I• t . a p i t y:i I I i"'i.i p I"ta\1 c, n'1 rl i F'rcu r to rl"1 (C; I I ) _I inl t=' t.: I r' C} f it f' l'.,1 I; , t)1' `li <1 rl ty1( !" I ; c1 I • i \ ' ( ) f t-' 1 r 11 i rl r}' ' V 1 : . ',.1 t ' arlC1aofII,. • I I"1v' r-t'oCjrdrat 1b Jill "Iul it14UU LIN, "Duch lWi 1) populat.l ar1 :Irwn lt.y, tl:atur ai or toch ni( : I r(a traint or t'}l }i. ,or"` r.arlitt ; rand cvorir.y of n( od a> d t rrnin :ci I y t:1or r,=a?ly accepted engineenfrlg `audios, :' C'tat. nrlt)rl<_aI 1m.ac.t art S) F\val1<aki1e fita<7anc;i:a1 ro(u)ourcos, AA CI Oklrinq the ncmt. ;annual rovic vv roIIw/viI) I the a d option and et4'ec v - VUOTI 711RI P0)3 V7U'r.fai 7, 0t: I t7kiI Gray cai,J-lH(Ja:]►")y, 1` -. 1, f P,iel Ai rclls tivko tm rilawor