5-91-Resolution-Supporting Legislation Fireworks Control-04/01/1991RESOLUTION F5-91 SUPPORTING FIREWORKS CONTROL LEGISLATION 9U91 Okay ILI EM W I 106A PKIMIN • s • ontributes to injuries and property damage every year when used by the .4eneral public without yrotechnician; average of 40• •• each ear; and WHEREAS, 34,7g0 fires were started in our nation by fireworks in 1986 alone; and Ireworks;d • • • • anincorporated now therefore: ink it resolved by the City Council of the City of Sanger: Section I, That the City Council of the City of Sanger go on record in support of S.B. 251. Section II. That. significant public safety concerns exist to declare this to be an emergency and that this action receive priority attention in the 72nd Legislature. • PA ED AhTD APPRUVED on this t day of A rp i.l , 1 91, ire Sanger, Texas. ATTEST. City Secretary a