3-90-Resolution-Authorizing acquisition of property to extend street Right of Way David Drive-07/02/1990RESOLUTION R3-90 11 " j \ ►, 4 ANGER)AUTHORIZING kCQUISITION OF PROPERTY1 STREET way traffic to both the east side and west side and Kathryn Drive and i- , north south access to increasebusinesses and residences and accessfor emergency vehicles; and IpIpromumw 11 extefill.. Pall, 141 1 )rive along o2.4811 .tract belonging oseph Stout of Sherman, Texas,a part of s tract or parcel ituated, )f Sanger, Denton County,being a part of a certain ere tract conveyed by deed from John W. Porter to Jesse A. "'offey, recorded in Volume 603, page 544, Deeds and Records of )enton County. Additionally to negotiate a street right of way )f approximately 9375 sqo ft4 to extend Kathryn Drive to Freese along the north boundary of is or parcel M nd .urrently In the possession of the F. Do lo C, described R of certai ot, tract or parcel of land out of the Henry Tierwester Survey, kbstract Number 1241, Denton County, Texas being a portion of ' ' '»Freese, W. Bucklew, et ux, by CR. Wood as recorded In Volume f56,Page 459, datedMay l 1960, . Denton RESOLUTION R3-90 2ND JULY 1990