7-90-Resolution-Participation with the Upper Trinity Regional Water District-08/20/1990CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS RESOLUTION N0. R7-90 A Resolution of the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas, Authorizing Participation with the Upper Trinity Regional Water District For a Municipal Water Supply. WHEREAS, a constant, safe and adequate supply of water is essential to the life, growth and health of every community and its citizens; and WHEREAS, the completion of Lake Ray Roberts has presented the City of Sanger with an opportunity to ensure an adequate water supply for its citizens for years to come; and WHEREAS, the Texas State Legislature has created by law the Upper Trinity Regional Water District in order to provide Denton County with adequate water for generations; THEREFORE BE IT NOW RESOLVED By the City Council of the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas: That the City of Sanger will contract with the Upper Trinity Regional Water District to provide up to one million gallons of treated water daily beginning in 1993 to ensure the health, safety and continued growth of our community. RESOLVED and PASSED this 12 1 Day of August, 1990. ATTEST: lie Garcia City Secretary Net Armstrong Mayor