11-90-Resolution-Encouraging the creation of a Municipal Power Agency-12/17/1990RESOLUTION R11-90 DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, Vl1TF EA , tle y t or ncil of the t®ity of n6er is zly electeri. governmental body to protect the interest of the Citizens of Sanger, Texas; and, :'or the benefit of local controls and, iHEPEA. , the success of this le islatian will further recani e the need for municipally awned utilities to have greater authority and powers in the conduct of business in the public interest. SANGER,CITY OF TEXAS, o urge and encourage the ` 2 legislature wthority for public entities, PowerLo create a Municipal teneratlon and transmission of electric power and energy, entitled passage of a Bill to be ♦.ct Relating Authority Public Entity To Create . Agency. iNITNESS MY l-1ATi1D, this lel day of 1J90, l o alie Garcia, City secretary