2-89-Resolution-Keeping IH-35 access roads open to two-way traffic-04/17/1989RESOLUTION 2-89 KEEP I-35 ACCESS ROADS WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS OF SANGER OPEN TO TWO-WAY TRAFFIC i1aHE'F2k=.t y, •the City c .f: + r,r er i • Wr c,aair,q rhpicily r,ci ale kael ieve •thr •t c r,e wray 'tr 'f'•F'it= c: r, 'the tic^c: C7 rc, :ica wc . 1c1 ca . h rci5h i p car, .l r. c: 1 ka s= i r•,ec ! F+e: 1 c: cateci ar, the ac• p ,s rc,acl r,d a 1 c f : r^ ,:;itia er,4 i:h •t lice Haithir, c r c.^ity r,d. 1. PtCli l, 7'HE f7L :f='C f E, ki 1=' T'(' f;r»' C L_W :L'►, k. y the [:ity Gc r,G:xlc,f' •f;he t.i't} <:,'F firl e7^ fe){r3!a," { ►) "f'h •t: •tt•ac. "feaa :asa L1ept. crF' f- iyhwrtiy icy G rciEci tc keep t h 3: — 3;:a c: c_ ca c: s: r c ri ci £: w i is h i r, the G i •t y 1 i rn i •t sa f' tr,per caper, t:c. •k: ac w«y tr ►f•fic. F- Hw ;C:L1, f 4 +f 'f iCt'J :l , i Ni t= ntJ1✓ '1"k ') k7y •the City (::<. . r,ei1 c: % the tsity c •F e r,c er 'f .? 'this_ 17....".... i y c f _".April_......_._._.+ 1'1C. r►. hlc ycm hJel lrrn t' r. r,r A l"'f' . 1" 1• (:fit^. r'l ..k .a.f, .. {+ii Y"'l= i t C:i t + ecre t: . ry