4-89-Resolution-Requesting Centel Telephone Company to extend from Sanger to Denton-05/15/1989RESOLUTION R4-89 TELEPHONE EXTENDED AREA SERVICE 7'E:L. :4='!•-lCJhik:: i: .Xl"E:CJx)C:T) l,F:='f E'.;E l 'JTI.:I: I?L "tC1(_.s_17' Cnl1-?C:r?k. >" ;:' , •t:h a t'.i•Ey r_ •P' l:: rar,xar: )^, .C)rarrk<_,r•, (.":c, .l)•,•ky. ,1'r.:a:K at;, isa t:er"vr_;r.J t)y *the Centel Tr.1f?phorae? Company under t:ttt? sulct r: r,t:lr? Of 45(, ar,d, t WF•1t:1;L'iaC , (-•hr? c:i•GiZC Y,te• cif , *="irsr e'reet• del!•iY•f. ox6Ger*jdt:?d LArP,a t5E?)'^ JiCc? t:c:t •t,hP C•:ity of Dfer,tcir•,, TRxmot-., mr,d, 1416*1E13EA a, ;:a rcegtdesim, fcor tfaJKa,hc_lr,t•? ra+{'Gf r,dti+d arr-}r, may be CyroQ!ioU,r,tcec1 tc:, th)k_+ 7epOxr•74: fit, kit i::1I,ir_ Leltbi1it:y by th)ct? F:+rOvitaic,Y,t_• clf their ".'tt.►bstar,•t•ive RU IPs as adc,F:ftr?ci (tee ptembeer i, 1 "il86 v*:•PPC i of 1 c. a 1 1 y Sect i on 23. 49 rld, W F•1E:'I;f_AS, CAE?r,tF?1 c_ur"r0)r,tly wp.f • r^ve?rs 2441 r.t.ltatc:rrnf3rts ir, the 45(6k 1 J1-1{ r?E i "-:.;, •t:h hlc,rf.t) CEar,t:r ll 'r'c?,{ -. Cwc: L)r, •il c 'f C c vE:rr,rn • Y,t . f3Von Oro .l rnea•r pS w:?i.Ar1 L 5?),% ty p ctf:%u I at i c r, a*L 4089 ayjc , t IF-f1=r?E >rl i, •tt•)+r f't.t'G Irea r :?t7icic:?r•rG:i ,1 ) ,c:! cc: rnrnr_rr ••i v1 t1Y•c th c 'F' . •tar,x1e5r i •. fool iY•f?C•Gly 1i) ,ked 'l-.<;, thEa rac;yLiliriY,y c,f e?AtE?)^,dl•d pare?Z-a to?Iephor,e r.esrvic4e to .Cemstscor,, rCr;Si3s; arscl, I0IF'11✓Ftk4*1~l14, Pl•.le, rm, ;31-4'_6, ,a Lot i t rlton rep cif thf:3 f:>>{elm ",dF d r:• •r^r-eta •t.ez.l f sFehc,Y,f: !=• 'Y' ic:k? )C?'GitiC rl + tY`Yle:?t_t.ly CIG •1r1 ? tt')l ..3-' EaF?rViC'f y hlC1W, .1..HL'-:Rt=_F(::IriE, %E: T'I" !-4?L':ISC]1...'Jl_f.), •Gt,a•l-. the Puk_- 1 ic. t!•l-. i 1 :ity Cc rnrn:iK:r>ic r, clf "C' ?u l: i=> t.lrcac?r tc: c1Y tr,t 7'f J+phr r,? E'xtr?r,ci +c! 1rc3 erVic.e? from S rlC of ooe •G(:, DeystoY,, 1"e5S23f_ accoclorietteding to •thfa desmiires. of t:t•)Lnt rn4:t,jorI•Gy c,1•' c,Ur" r0!->:idf<?rOb. s l'r:;12%E D ►"••lr'!='RC1`/ED, AND Al:)( P"I"i by the City C:;c,t.)r,c: i I of the? C: i•Gy of to r, r4 ed r I E"Ot x kl Ei t h i s: i • ``'' r r minyc.,r Ne l set r • r,cl lot .6 40 too ftm w. A t-tom F?c.t_,Ga 1 i Cy •arr.: i a C aty GF'1'rE?•t: lry