16-89-Resolution-Accepting Upper Trinity Regional Water District Water Implementation Plan-12/04/1989CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS RESOLUTION N0. R18-89 A RESOLUTION of the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas, accepting the report for the WATER IMPLEMENTATION PLAN of the Upper Trinity Regional Water District, and expressing the intent to participate in the regional water supply project. WHEREAS, City of Sanger has been participating in the Steering Committee for the Denton County Water Study and in the costs of the planning efforts of the committee and the Upper Trinity Regional Water District (UTRWD); i1'HEREAS, City of Sanger and eleven other entities r•equest.ed the UTRWD to investigate the feasibility of the UTRWD developing a new regional surface water treatment system, including delivery of treated water to each entity's boundary by the summer of 1993; and WHEREAS, the UTRWD has completed a study and report prepared by Alan Plummer and Associates that determines the project, is feasible and recommends implementation of the regional system; and WHEREAS, the system would be financed by the issuance of Contract Revenue Bonds by the UTRWD; and WHEREAS, tlxe Texas Water Commission has indicated that grrounci water suplalies in Denton County are approaching a c r•itical condition; and V1'HEREAS, participation with other entities through UTRWD appears to be the most cost effective means for obtaining a dependable water supply for the future; and WHEREAS, sound, long-t.errn planning Indicates a need for- additiC7lla1 wi .ter• supply; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY OF BANGER; See.tic7n 1. That the report prepared by Alan Plummets Plrttnn7er• aticl Resolution #R16-89 page 2 (12/4/89) Associates, titled Water Implementation Plan, dated November, 1989) is hereby accepted. Section 2. That the City Council of the City of Sanger expresses its intention to the Board of Directors of the Upper Trinity Regional Water District to participate in the water supply project outlined in the Plummer Report, Section 3. That the Manager is hereby instruct.era to evaluate the report, investigate the amount of water supply needed in the 5-year period beginning 1998 and to initiate negotiations with the Upper Trinity Regional Water District concerning a possible contract for consideration by this body. Section 4. That the City Council of City of Sanger ronnmends the Steering Committee for the Denton County Water Study for its efforts and foresight in developing a plan and pursuing a strategy t.o assure a dependable and safe water supply for Denton County's future. SectiOrn �. That this Resolution shall take effect as passed and approved t1101 ` day of e cC l r j be r , 10 i Mayor NPl Arnlstrnr�.g ATTEST; Rosalie Garcia, City Secretary