18-89-Resolution-Approving Denco Area 911 Budget-12/04/1989CITY OF SANDER, TENAS RESOLUTION #R18-89 A RESOLUTION tVHEREBY THE CITY OF BANGER APPROVES THE 1989-90 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET, AS PER ARTICLE 1432e V.A. T. S., AS AMENDED, OF THE DENTON COUNTY EMERGENCY COMMUNICATION DISTRICT. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BANGER, TEAS: SECTION I t11HEREAS, the City of Sanger has been presented the the 1ti89-JO Fiscal Year Budget of the Denton County Emergency Communi(mtiori District, hereinafter referred to as DENCO AREA 911, for approval, iri accordance with Article 1432e, Section 7(D), V.A. T. S., as amended. SECTION II THEREFt)RE, the City of Sanger, after r..nrr►pletP anf3 ireful ret=ie = of such Budget, does hereby approve the same, SECTION III Tt at the City A7anager is authorized to take arty acid all reasor, blz Iid neceSSar3= acts to corr ply= with the intent of this resolution. SECTION IV That this resolution shall take effect immediately from and after its passage. PASSED AND APPROVED December 4th, 1989. AT ST: APPROVED: ' Mayor Nel Armstrong Rosalie Garcia, City Sec&r•et.ar ;y