3-88-Resolution-Designating Clean Up weeks-03/21/1988CITY OF SANGER RESOLUTION # R3-88 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Sanger has declared March 28th thru April 8th as clean-up weeks for the spring of 1988; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Sanger is desirous of having a general city wide clean-up that effectively improves the appearance of the community; and, WHEREAS, the City Council through a specially appointed committee has identified weeds, trash, junk vehicles a-n-( cilpitated—st etu that are in violation of city codes; and, WHEREAS, said committee has caused to be drawn up a map of the location of said violations; and, WHEREAS, the City Council wishes to reaffirm its desire to eliminate these violations. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas, that: The City staff is directed to notify the applicable property owners and through procedures prescribed by City Ordinance and/or state abate said. violations. PASSED AND APPROVED on the c / ✓ 'day of Z G CI" 19880 ATTEST: City Secretary