4-88-Resolution-Designating Fire Arts Week-04/18/1988WHEREAS: The jives of participation WHEREAS: RESOLUTION R4-88 the citizens of Sanger are enriched by in a Fine Arts program and The Development of Fine Arts in Sanger is important not only to the future of the young people of our city, but to all of our citizens, and WHEREAS: Our community is fortunate to have a school system that is aware of these facts and during a one week period will be presenting a number of activities relating to the Arts, and WHEREAS: These activities presented by the Sanger Indpendent School District will include a Band Concert, the Charmers Show, "Dancing in American", a Talent Show, and a "Hands -On" Fine Arts Afternoon Program, and WHEREAS: The citizens of Sanger are invited to actively participate in the Talent Show and the "Hands -On" Fine Arts Afternoon Program, THEREFOR, I as Mayor of Sanger hereby designate the week beginning April 23, 1988 and ending May 3, 1988 as FINE ARTS WEEK And add my invitation to the Sanger Independent School District's to all of our citizens to attend and take part in all of the activities that are planned during this week. In official recognition whereof, I affix my signature this 18th day of April, 1988, Mayor, City of Sang ATTEST: C .ty Secretary