10-88-Resolution-Supporting the Good Roads Amendment-08/15/1988RESOLUTION 10-88 SUPPORTING THE GOOD ROADS AMENDMENT f:C"fY OF SFIIVfirzFf, I'E: XF4►Ci A I ESOLU"f T 01V SUh'p'O1%`I" I NG 'fIrl_ WUOD "UADS AMIZINID1EN"I" F tESOLU`I'101u ttttlt'r- 3ES WFiCREAEa, l"exa<s rnclt clr i st s pay ci P'eder^ri l gallcln irrtcl the Federal Highway Trust Fund, mandated to be apportioned to F''e:lderal Aid Hi r Flway Program; arid, F• I.t t31 t C X ICI f („ ? ri t :a 1 wttich L is st at es for tse cl►^ t h e . WI•'il:kLAS, Texas r^ec:e i ves appr :lx i mat e l y k+8t:rc:► rn i l l i l::ln aycaar, from the Federal Highway Trust Fund; and, WHEkE.AS, •the federal f .tnds accl_I _tnt liar c: •-r, ,i/. elf highway coris•tructian In Texas; and, WHEREAS, since 1917 when federal highway funds first becarne available to the states, Texas has used 1007a (:If such funds exclusively for highway purposes as mandated by federal law; arid, 4)HPPLAs, federal highway f _tnds are rest.=ivErri by the st •ite a/s reairnbUrsernerI•t for the expenditure of constitutionally dedicated state highway user taxes; rind, 4JhIk.RF'AS, it._ttas recently been suggested •that federal higtrway fUrids r^eceived by the State of Texans as 1^eirnbl_trserjummt be diverted to general revenue purposes" and, WHEREAS, diversion, of the federal highwriy funds would (1) be unlawful, (2) violate the public trust, and (3) destroy the sl.tccessful concept that those who use highways should play for their construct ion and mainterlarlce; arid, WHEREAS, TexKis voters can strip this pclterltizil attempt at ci i very i clr• o•F f'edera 1 highway funds t a unr^eel a•t ed purpclSEa:i by vot i ny for a proposed GOOD ROADS AMENDMENT tin the state constitution on the ballot in the November 1I88 penera1 elections and, r• N. WHEREAS, this proposed constitutional arnendrnerit will appear on the ballot: "The constitutional amendment arid/or clGtri fieaticln pr^clviding that federal reirnbursernerit of state highway dedicated funds are themselves dedicated for the pl_trp,::,se elf acquiring rights-o•f-way and c. oristructirip, maintaining, and Pell icing Public roadways." NOW, "C'HEREFORr: DE 1`f RESOLVED that we support the proposed cclrlyt i t I.tt i or• a 1 amearldrnE?rlt dG=d i cci't i rlg 'fk?Cil;r^r 'i h i rlhwG y •f .tnd a received toy the imitate elf 'I"exas exclu.sivF,ly fol^ the irrterided purpose #:.If imprclviny `I"ex/ls highways, and BE 11" FIJR'I"I••iI:n*R RI_.a(:'LVED that we call on all Texas voter:, to .Join us ir•i support ir•ig the prclpl.,lsed amerldmerlt and pledge our support in t-3dl.tcatir'Ig •Elie Voters to the critical impor'tar'ice of a YES vote for the GOOD ROADS 0 AMMNDh1EN I a 04t PASSED AND APPROVED the y - P t 1988 by day . the City C:co.tI'ic.°i1 of the City of Sanger, J"e>(ays. Nc l Ar^r i tr c ng, 1 1 ay : r, ROLUMLIE GARCIA, CT'1'Y (DECRE" I"ARY