13-88-Resolution-Recognizing Nation Hospice Month-11/07/1988RESOLUTION R13-88 RECOGNIZING NATIONAL HOSPICE MONTH UJ:I"1r' CIF=' SANG R, `f XA a' F7L.' C71__lJl` :[ f_71U I C1UG hd l :l. x IVC7 I A1' 1 L IUAi_ HCI F Z CN I IC)NTI-I f?E::G;C" l..L "f 1 CJhJ #F21; -- Sb WI- I ,l'=AS, h ,iCc c ar"e: tt Gy t el-Y, derni Y, a•L•rra•t +d •1:, tie hurn ar,itaricir, WJeiy 'f'?:ir" tl;: rrn:ir•rtiJ.ly i11 patieY,tG:} tc approach the eY,d C '(' •l:heir liVec3 iY, r"elf .•tt:i. re c:C fnf• _ r"t with rippr"r pr"iatca, ccrrnpetc t^r>r, iit^,C:I CC fflpa'.aCiC.' Y,atC c Car"E J.r, aYr eY,Virc Y,m 'Y,t 'F pF?r5r;,Y,a1 iY,divic9 .tality rand c:lil r,i•Ly; i-1i lF i IHErREF •lci, the ttr.•;,t.>picl r..:t YrrryeFtt -•trlvC: CC-ttes CG-tre c •F the patieY,t ar,ci farni ly try a'L-tc rtd:irrt; •L : tt-reair ahy ical, ea7 _ t ic r,a1, se cial aY,d ypirit .t 1 r,eeci ; AhiTI WNEAR AS, h ' epic:t car"Ea :ir:> pr"c vided key arr ir,i }rcli }Cip1iY, ry '(;C?earn C' 'h phyaJ.Cxr: Yl!a, r`E_ GIi51:E2r"!"'?C t'Yl.,lr5t?E5, t l'. rne I'ler. li h raiC eS, a CiC• l WC Y"ker5, phar"rnaci l;fEi, p::aychC li.,c;lical ar,d Spiri'<✓llc'tl CC; I.lY,5e1C r"5, arrCi Cr rnrn . r,ity v :: lurrt;ecar"< •t:r"air,!•. rJ a.r, the hc piCe Cc Y,Cept . •h Care; A14n WF-It FZE:.AS, h :picE c tr is prc viY,El •tz t,e ar, effective ar,cl eC:(: YI _ rniCc'a1 alter"Yrat J.'WlS ' i i r.lt"ri''IeC:eS!•3c'ar"y 1)^,at itl,it 1G: Yta1 i2at al: Yl ' ''C r rnaYry terrniY,al a.y i 11 C.tF :c U:le„ Ah l1) WHE'RE'fi1 a, t•tt spic::r_r car"r_r :i4_• rapidly kteCarnirrc a fl.tll partY,er ir, the rratic rr'.a t'tealti-t C trr dr yliver"y ,y,tern; AIVn WHEmFtE;F=1CI, the c r•rGac•trnl:: rrl: 1: •F :i t•tc pic:e kaerrefit uY,cler Meclic -tre, whir. h f,ecarrtl= e ffeCtivc. hJ : vc: mf c:: r 1, 1` 8a rnai<c-ass it pr_r.• aible fc r rnaY,y rn : re elderly 'lrr •:r"ic. tr•,c:-. t t•tave the c pF c r"t r,ity tc elec:•t: tc r"eCk iV!? hr empire Car"c- ; i- i 11`J trJf-IF'F E:Ar3, ther r r-•k:}rnet:iY, s a great YrE•?E?d tc ir,Cr eF-tese pt. f 1 iC c'aWar"er,e 58 t:r'F thr--? i]C:.'Y,(. 'I`1' : 't' I'1 :: al:]iC:e C:arca; AP n Wt-IEFtE::A , the City . C7an .ler" :ia fc r"turrate to t•tave had this Faecial I iY,d t. f Car-•e av 7;.lab1E tc c l.tr tcyrrnirrally ill ci•bi: eYr aY,d their f tmi 1 ie:} > yiY,r_ e J.':3'7EI thrc tyh the !•z}ervices c •P AY,r,' s Naven I-1c pice; (11Vn WHEREAa, Ar,r,° :> I• tver'r t-ic• C pir_e hak: pr :,videc:l the=_>e? eerv:lCec> t:c all 1'"eSSldl rltf5 C '(' n!_ 1^,'I; rr C illrrty with _ r.lt r" °CfarCj tr,, aCf!-?, TeX, rc'aC.e, t•"laligic: r,, rrE:lti : Yrc"t:i ,r iE:lirr, handicap Cyr at ilit,y tc p,:ty; Alen bIHIF21 A.3, Ai^,Yr' 1•-laveY, I i _: • pic p ham beCc rne ir,ter"rra•tir n^,al lY I{YIC WY•1 aC'•i a leader 1Y, thc• tlC}a :);iCF' apprC ach tC rlleE°t iYlC) the Y',eedr•} C;rf the •terrnir,all•y il.l; f lun blF-IE FtE::t15, Ar,rr' s:> Wt:tvc_n •, F••lc r:>pice :i a r"e per"'teC.i rnern ter a•F the medical rc: rnrnr. r,ity ar•,d hC. ralth care delivery ey tr->rn iY, r_ ur City; Alen • r 4JMER A , Anr,' Hrtv : ►", F• c pic _ t r,d •the IV tic r, J. F• c spice a'91" E? C: t . F.:' t r, ' ; i 1",1; ' E? r, y t r t: 'F h c s p i c; f3 L r V i C: g NC1W, "i"H 'RE;:Fr 7RE- 1r►E' .l"f F : 3C LVE:_ :7 th 7t the Gi.ty r. •F 5 r,g tr c •Ffici lly recc gr,i .e idovernl er 1`:.3i J r:i{:i 1 1 : tic r,4•al Hc apice I Ic r,ti7 r,d ar• 11 Cyr, :11. 1 city r, er,c: i +a, the rnt r_l i c: era 7. C r r F r, i r. t i C r, t C p r"•' : i. C': i :J t G :. uppc rt fc r hc p:ic: . c r, tc rrnir, - 11y i 11 pr- c r7lcs - r d c:c rnpc r,er,t c •F th hE:> 7.•th t= Ac a Aiv A1=• r- Rc vF t,E r t-: r_c mrnur,ity, c:h .►rche arrd cc rnrn ►r,ity ir, en :c ►r^ yiny r^ecar. r,itic r, c fi r•,d h .►rr►t• ne re pc r,se t c t h r, sF cl cif' ttic i► •F ~ rni 1 i , r: r►d a ca vir blw c:r:7t^ a d liver,_y ;y tern ir, thia Gity. 7th d y by thE City Cc ur,c.iJ. c •c' tt-7Et Ci•t.y c •F ta' hnc er, AT'1"L5'T' l;c sa l i e Gr r,c i a, C: i 1: y 7ct: r•_r r t ar y c,•F November 1' t t3 _..._ ....._..__._..............___.._..w._, `r'ex ea.• h1 1 Arrn tr,c r,q, r 1 r Y