08-18-86-Resolution-Designating the Sanger Public Library as a Community Library-08/18/1986RESOLUTION WHEREAS, under authority conferred by the Library Systems Act, also being known as Article 5446a, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes, there was established the State Library System, and WHEREAS, the Texas State Library and Archives Commission has authorized the designation of the Sanger Public Library as a Community Library under the Library Systems Act, and as a member of the North Texas Library System with its Major Resource Center Library at &ern, Texas; to NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas, accept the designation of the Sanger Public Library as a Community Library, under the provisions of the Library Systems Act. PASSED AND APPROVED at a Council of the City of Sanger, present this day of ATTEST: Regular Meeting Tee s, at which of the City a quorum was 1986.