1-87-Resolution-Supporting the Creation of a 911 Emergency District-12/15/1986RESOLUTION NO. R 1-87 RESOLUTION SUPPORTING CREATION OF A 9-1-1 EMERGENCY DISTRICT AS AUTHORIZED BY STATE OF TEXAS STATUTE 1432e IN DENTON COUNTY THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DENTON WHEREAS, the City of Saner , Texas i s a city that lies wholly or partly within Denton County; and WHEREAS, the Denton County Commissioners Court will call an election for creation of a Denton County 9-1-1 Emergency District in April, 1986, to confirm the creation of the proposed District and to authorize the 9-1-1 emergency service fee to be charged at a rate of 3% of the local telephone service of the principal service provider; BE IT RESOLVED by the City Counci 1 of the - City. of Sanger State of Texas: That the matters and facts recited in the preamble 'of this Resolution are found and determined to be true and correct; and That the City of Sanger , Texas wi 11 become a participating jurisdiction of the Denton County 9-1-1 Emergency District pursuant to the provisions of the Emergency Communication District Act (Article 1432e, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes) with all the rights, privileges and duties as stated in said Act, particularly the charging and collecting of the 9-1-1 emergency service fee according to the terms of said Act. It is understood that once confirmed in the April Referendum, the Denton County 9-1-1 Emergency District will be subject to public review every three (3) years, pursuant to Section 16 of the Emergency Communications District Act and that the continued existance or dissolution of the Denton County 9-1-1 Emergency will be effected only by the terms of said Act. Passed and adopted this ) day of ATTEST: City Secretary CITY OF ,j „uy