11-09-98-Resolution-Setting Public Hearing date for Annexation-09/21/1998Resolution No. R 11-09-98 A RESOLUTION SETTING A DATE, TIME AND PLACE ON PROPOSED ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTY BY THE CITY OF SANGER, AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE PUBLICATION OF NOTICE OF SUCH PUBLIC HEARINGS NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, That such Public Hearings will be held by the Governing Body of the City of Sanger, in the City Hall at 7:00 P.M. on October 5, 1998, and on October 19, 1998 for the purpose of considering annexation into the City limits of the following described property: BEING ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND IN THE REUBEN BEBEE SURVEY, ABSTRACT 29, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS CONSISTING OF 90,078 ACRES, SUBJECT TRACT BEING LOCATED ON INTERSTATE 35-STEMMONS SERVICE ROAD NORTH. - SAID PROPERTY TO BE ZONED MOBILE HOME PARK ZONING. PASSED AND APPROVED, this 21st day of September, 1998. Attest: Rosalie Chavez, City ayor,,oilmy Kincaid oe ANNEXATION PETITION TO THE MAYOR AND GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS: The undersigned owners) %J the hereinafter described tract of land, which is vacant and without residents, or on which less than three (3) qualified voters reside, hereby petition your honorable body to extend the present city limits so as to include as a part of the City of Sanger with a mobile home park zoning the following described territory, to wit: A tract of land in the Reuben Bebee Survey, Abstract 29, Denton County, Texas consisting of 90.078 recorded in volume 2432, page 14, deed records of said county and being more fully described hereto as Exhibit "A." Also attached is the abstract map of the property attached hereto as Exhibit `B" along with an aerial map attached hereto as Exhibit "C." We certify that the above described tract of land is contiguous to the City of Sanger, Texas, is not more than one-half (1 /2) mile in width and that this petition is signed and duly acknowledged by each and every person or corporation having an interest in said land. Shaul C. Baruch, Trustee and Sanger 91 Joint Venture C. Baruch THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DENTON Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared hau%L`'.1 +' known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he or she executed the same for purposes and consideration therein expressed. Given under my hand and seal of office, this STACY ►TNEY MY r. MMISStON EXPIRES April 11I 2002 Notary Public`din and for My Commission Expires: VOL 3328 PG 0518 EXHIBIT A TRACT 1 ' l 2. 8 9 .. 33 8 P6 518 wpx 1. _ 1 •" .., ;;. _. _ . EX irBIT 'A" •tr •*• A .1 that certain trace ox pr xgei of land itt, at xa in the Reuben ebee gt rvey, Abst=act 23, t7eriton cauntX, TeXaa, being part of ► .47, more o j, 3ss, cars tract deeded bX W. 'W. Triakey, ef~ pax f;b . '. ei , ef: ux dated the .3ttt day a; August, 1949 rsoAXdad in Volume 38$, page 274, Deed Records of said CouritX and being more u11x described b ollowe: tEG NNiNa act a fence comer oh the West right--of-wny of Quif Coast and sa>ltra Fe Rai.l rQad zit the southeast corner of sa d f3elz Tract s 'x'Ii£N4T zrortt a$ degrees 0 minutes q seodtlds W sst with said fenoe on the South l .ne of ss d Selz Tract a. distance pf 1832.44 feat to ' a st ea pin on the East ra.ght•-of-Way of east: arYi.ce road of xtttraxs :ats 3 S- s • Ttl ;riCE No>:th 0 . degrees q l ininutes p0 seconds ast with said right - of --way a d .stance of z .5. o foot to a corner at Ltte southwest :nrnex of a eztain - 00 a -z'e track o .it of said k3+ ' Z Traci: f 7'2 tI:NCF. south 86 degxAes 33 miinutes .o seconds east distance of 4 7.0 feat to the southeasc corner of said 3 . oo acxe t•.ract; ' 'FiENC. 11os:th O1 clegz'ec s 4.1. minutes; 0o sec:onds Faat a distartGa of. 23 .0 feat to kh s Northeask corner of said 3.00 mire tract; TIi NCi; North $8 deCJZ iP.s 33 mi.ntttes a sQc;onds West Ei distance of 437. A feet to the Northeast roznar of said 3. Oo acre t • ,ct on the 'East x .ght~of-way or the East Se .-v .ce oaci of nterstate tTic hwa f .] j , ' TIIENC£ Noz; .h O1 degrees 41 minutes 00 ¢caands :a5t with said Xiyht;•• ' vP-way pf a di. zLance ai' "IS7.. ].z .feet to a , c;orrtex•i TIiENci Souttt 88 degrees 3 m .nutes 0 secottdn :ast a distt n4e of X630.26 feet tS3 a Corner in a tense can the West r ,gtit--of--Wax of ;lte ' Guif CoRgt and Sciitta Fe Ftni.i.rQad; '' Tli :ricE southex- -y with said !'once on said :igl t-ot-way tend with a :ttrve t-o the left hav .ng a central a a2zfm outesrOlsseaondsuWest ql seranc43, a ohorcl dr SauGrt d degr .os2.86 feet, a radius of 5779..ri6 f'eeC and a distance off' 1094.50 feet to fate end of pa .d cus.-vas ' IiX.NcE sout'tt o3 degrees 0 tninutea 32 seconds Eaat wS.th •said fcnce z:nc said zailroad x .gl t-of-w ►x a distance of ,184.0 feet: to t1i© P.laca o;[ gec inriiru,! aj1d contai,ni.ng in a1]. S0. 00o arras of land. r VOL 3328 PG 0519 EXHIBIT A TRACT 2 1 , o s Ail that oartain trar t 4x parcel of land situated in the Reuben ebee survey, ILbstirao 29, Benton Gc,untYi texas, bei.t g paxt df a eextain 47, more ox less, sate tix c r. $ascribed fn a deed frdm W. W;, Tr q}cey, et ux, to ;. E. Be1Q, st; ux, 1 ugust: 13, 1947, xeadrded in Vc l,uma 8$, Inge 278, Deed R aaaxda of said CountX, z+nd beiric more fui,l,y desorx}aad as fo .iows: , aEG NNxN'a on tine East right-of-way of Eastr esrviae road off. Tnt z: tate 3S-P at: a point North o], degrees ai minut e 00 seccnc3s fast 1.27t4. .2 feet from the South nunaaxy Line of said 147, more or less, acre txaat; TIiENCE Nnxt:h O1 der x'eeg 41 n3nutes 00 seconds East with sa .d r.i rit - oi-way 41.08 feet, to a steel. pin rat: a fence t THENCE: Soui:ti $ degrees 43 mi,nuties 3U : ec:cttcis East with a fence 19 d8 . $ Feat :o a steel, pin at a feticc c c x'11er on tl e S4est:e .y r c3?tt vf waX or the Gulf CQa4 : and Santa Fe Railroad; Tt i ':t1ClS So ith 30 c9egreas 20 ni.nutes 30 se :ancls Hest with said Pend and saic9 railrc a.d x gtrt-of-way 700.5 xeet; t_c the beginning 4f t TEiENc 5outherlx wi.t:la saki fence and saXd xai,Zt:c ac3 might -of -way around a curve to the left hay. rrc a central angle ar Ox dec reos 32 minutes a9 serartda, a chQzci 2 eax3.nc and d i : tariaca of S . 9 dec ree5 ' 04 minutes U1 s :conds west: z57. is feet, a x'aaiUs of 5779. 58 feet, a clistrartos of 257.20 feet to an izort .n 3t1 said aurvel '3.'ttf;NGE Naxth 88 dec xees 33 minutes 1Q $ec:< nds West Z83q, a6 feet to i:he paint of lBeg .nni.ily, and c;otlt:aining in all 41..1o9s sores oP J.a d. , t t i _ _ wee. !' ,.. / v i 'jTSA►I A. CbwA ; c vcr , `' Id . 1( l3lx.>e: .., .,. , T R A C T T W 0 8/ 1. .e' Oew/F'Biwde/JSE.TB /rh ti v tiry d se,.p :, nr„ , C Is!/139 Lt40GT J' . 11• ' C a ,, : _ c ! 41.110 ACRES : _ . 0.5428 acres In sewer easemartt : . •., w r .f. •.,•` : Q147 ocres In drainage easement + Sco/i I"=POti ' °'` } { `' -'~, ;1 , ,,. 40.427 NET ACRES _ ---- ' 1 •w••rpr iiC" f 'br• .` ..'T'.% - .. ..rSlt'. '" 16T.7 . ` _t . r _ .' .:. ,•.M• .. .. W f.[b•!f es leeo.ae . Y 3 i I J \f ^p / .. 1 /y pi y • H 1' 49.968 ACRES ' 1 Cu v[ o,rA _ pa a 1 0.740T Ocros in RR R/W CURVE • sewer easement "•!"'•!s' -----• n sTTl.ye' i 49.227 NET ACRES • o. .l.• - W ❑ , cK. l.ox•x!'or"w. ; c • !03.99 Q-W 1 O i .-____ -__ 0 1 L• 13SLi9 — , . -£. I f t w r: 1 ; . , >, [ [ Y u'r j .. ? , 1 It TRACT ONE: ' . 1, 1 11 , .. .. • /, L I `. - ) ^^ 1 ... 1 .: a '; -i (_- s i r -s c , 1; TC l N 3Ew ^ NT . r j Ox'20"[. .. r' 1 1 •t• 1.7. ' ' T?0 . . ul1.91 . ; ' •' J.S [. /If r , y„ I k.M.>hdq as ro E.f. B•I, bras-I!•I ; lseYPA► OaDCT ( , 1 r 1 HAMMETT & NASH, INC " .. _, nwN NS s`°1i I'•20o' r t ° A a ! °, p 0 a • cico o.l.A / • CONSULTING ENGINEERS !: SURVEYORS ,. 0Y !") /fl/R5 I •'I.T 11•r Tf V.n Trnn• w.. .. -. t? f x e . , A , Fj. • f l t IF ft ,. yti'* II/f'' f y R i, PAGE3 Councilman Jenkins made motion to Adopt Ordinance No. OS-98, Adopting the Tax Rate. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANGER,' DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, LEVYING TAXES FOR THE USES AND SUPPORT OF THE MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 1998, AND ENDING SEPTEM 3ER 30, 1999, AND PROVIDING FOR THE INTEREST AND SINKING FUNDS FOR THE YEAR 1998 AND APPROPRIATING EACH LEVY FOR THE SPECIFIC PURPOSE; PROVIDING PENALTY AND INTEREST FOR DELINQUENT TAXES; AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion Carried Unanimously 10. Consider and Possible Action on Adoption of Ordinance No_ 09-98 Amending Water Rates. Councilman McNeill made Motion to Adopt ordinance No. 09-98 Amending Water Rates. Seconded by Councilman 7enkins. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 11, ARTICLE 23.000 FEE SCHEDULE FOR WATER SERVICE RATES IN THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, TO PROVIDE FOR A SCHEDULE OF WATER UTILITY RATES; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING A PENALTY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE, Motion Carried Unanimously. 11. Consider and Possible Action on Adoption of Ordinance No. 10-98 Amending Sanitation Rates. Councilman McNeill indicated the City needed the extra money to repair the streets that are tom up by the trash trucks. Councilman Jenkins made motion to Adopt Ordinance No. 10-98 Amending Sanitation Rates. Seconded by Councilwoman Alice Madden. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 6, ARTICLE 18.102 SOLID WASTE COLLECTION FEES -RESIDENTIAL SERVICES IN THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, TO PROVIDE FOR A SCHEDULE OF SOLID WASTE COLLECTION RATES; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING A PENALTY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE, Motion Carried Unanimously. Consider and Possible Action to Adopt Resolution No.11-09-98 to Set Date and Time and Place for Public Hearings on Proposed Annexation. Dale Bryant addressed the Council on this issue. He indicated he was the developer of the property in question. Discussed where property was located. PAGE4 Mr. Bryant indicated the property was along I-35, and that sewer and water lines were already run to the property. He indicated the mobile Home park they wanted to put there would be restricted and would be a nice park. Discussed size of lots, and sizes of mobile homes. Mr. Bryant indicated they would like to see larger Mobile Homes in this pazk. Councilman Madden asked if they were considering paved streets with curbs etc. Mr. Bryant indicated they were. Discussion. Mr. Bryant indicated they would like to work with the city. Discussed the proposed Mobile Home park, how many homes it would include, and the particulars of what all would be included. Councilman Jenkins indicated this was not the Public Hearing and that the Agenda called for them to set the time, date and place for Public Hearings, Councilman Jenkins made motion to adopt Resolution No. 11-09-98 to set date, and time and place for Public Hearings on Proposed Annexations. Seconded by Councilman Ervin. A RESOLUTION SETTING A DATE, TIME AND PLACE ON PROPOSED ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTY BY THE CITY OF SANGER5 AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE PUBLICATION OF NOTICE OF SUCH PUBLIC HEARINGS Motion Cartied -Councilman McNeill abstained 13. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Final Replat of Property Legally Described as Lot 11R-1, and Lot 11R-2 ,Block A., Lakecrest Meadows. Phase 1. Mayor Declared Public Hearing Opened, Woodrow Barton indicated this had been brought before the Planning and Zoning commission and that they had appzoved it. Discussed size of Lot, drainage, and septic. ' Discussed height of foundation, and referenced the Subdivision Ordinance. Mayor Declared Public Hearing Closed, 14. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Final Replat of Property Legally Described as Lot 11R-1, and Lot 11R-2 ,Block A., Lakeczest Meadows: Phase 1. Councilman McNeill made motion to approve Final Replat of Property Legally Described as Lot 11R-1, and Lot 11R-2 ,Block A., Lakecrest Meadows. Phase 1. Seconded by Councilman Jenkins. Motion Carried Unanimously.