EDC 12-09-98-Resolution-Dissolve the Sanger Industrial Development Corporation 4A-12/16/1998R-12-09-98 RESOLUTIONv RESOLUTION TO DISSOLVE THE NON-PROFIT CORPORATION "SANGER INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION" WE�REAS, the citizens of the City of Sanger have adopted a local sales tax in compliance with the Development Corporation Act of 1979 (4A); and, WHEREAS, said Corporation is authorized to act on behalf of the City of Sanger, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED: That the Board of Directors of the Sanger Industrial Development Corporation, agrees to dissolve said corporation. h Passed this day of C e 111 b ILL , 1998 Signature (Secret DRMf uISS KIATOM CL�iIFIL�iF !7F I�ISSI�iLUT'll��� I� F GF3ARTFR NUMBER 00657149 IaCG�1h:#�{a�(�L_Y' TNF 13,�;1)E�SIt;�4L�' i�S S1�(.:h�FTr�PtY CJF ST�4`fL' A,�31� �Y Vi�TilF �F I"F�L �iU`h��3%ITY V�aTLC� T(d This SFI:#?�Tia�Y tsY L�a� #�FF�Fi�Y ISSUES TFiI� CFP�IFC�T�- IMF �ISSULU�IC1#�� Elton Bomer, Secretary of State Office of the Secretary of StateF ARTICLES OF DISSOLU NON-PROFIT CORPORA Pursuant to the provisions of article 6.05 of the Texas N undersigned corporation adopts the following articles of diss(I 1. F� The name of the corporation is �fI-rJ� � /L /.c/J�s Corporations Section P .Oa Box 13697 un., xas 78711-3697 LLD 11) the Office of the 19 Of Tex C Corporaon Act, The charter number of the corporation7/�!g •- o / 3. A resolution to dissolve was adopted in the following manner: (Check the applicable statement below.) A resolution to dissolve wa adopted at a meeting of members held onj 19, at which a quorum was present, and the resolution to dissolve received at least two-thirds of the votes which members present or represented by proxy at such meeting were entitled to cast. B._ A resolution to dissolve was adopted by consent in writing by all members entitled to vote with respect thereto. C._ A resolution to dissolve was adopted at a meeting of directors held on ,19 , and received the votes of a majority of the directors in office, there being no members having voting rights in respect thereof. Check either A or B in items 4, 5, and 6 below: _ to A.z All debts, obligations and liabilities of the corporation have been paid and discharged or adequate provision has been made therefor. OR The corporation's property and assets were not sufficient to satisfy and discharge all its liabilities and obligations. All the property and assets have been applied so far as they would go to the payment thereof in a just and equitable manner and no property or assets remain available for distribution / among its members. 5. A. V All remaining property and assets of the corporation have been transferred, conveyed or distributed in accordance with the provisions of the Texas Non - Profit Corporation Act. OR B._ The assets of the corporation were received and held subject to limitations permitting their use only for charitable, religious, eleemosynary, benevolent, educational or similar purposes, but not held upon a condition requiring return, transfer or conveyance by reason of the dissolution and the assets were distributed in accordance with the attached plan of distribution: (Attach a copy of the plan of distribution.) There are no su9ts pending against the corporation in any court. OR B._ Adequate provision has been made for the satisfaction of any judgment, order or decree which may be entered against it in any pending suit. INSTRUCTIONS 1. Submit two copies %P the articles of dissolution. We will place one document on record and return a file stamped copy to you for your files. The documents must be signed by an authorized officer of the corporation. Prior to signing, please read the statements on this form carefully. A person commits an offense under the Texas Business Corporation Act, the Texas Limited Liability Company Act or the Texas Non -Profit Corporation Act if the person signs a document the person knows is false in any material respect with the intent that the document be delivered to the secretary of state for filing. The offense is a Class A misdemeanor. 2. Attach $5.00 remittance for the filing fee for the articles of dissolution. The check should be made payable to the secretary of state. 3. Two copies of the form along with the filing fee should be mailed to the address shown in the heading of this form. The delivery address is James Earl Rudder Office Building, 1019 Brazos, Austin, Texas 78701. We will place one document on record and return a file stamped copy. The telephone number is (512) 463-5555, TDD: (800) 735-2989, FAX: (512) 463=5709. 4. Under article 10.07 of the Texas Non -Profit Corporation Act, anon -profit corporation may choose to make the filing of certain documents effective as of a date within 90 days of the date of submission. This can be accomplished either by stating a future date or describing a future event within the document submitted for filing. Please refer to article 10.07 of the Texas Non -Profit Corporation Act for the specific requirements necessary for filing documents with a future effective date. Form No. 603 Revised 6/96 Thr O,Qla of the Secretary ojState doa na dlsa/minote on thr balr of race, color, national origin, rex, rellglon, age a d/rability !n employment ar thr provLion ajrervica.