11/12/2019-Library Board-Minutes-RegularSanger Public Library Library Board Tuesday, November 12, 2019 Library Meeting Room Minutes Attendees: Beth Avery, Sharon Knappe, Kandyce LaFleur, Amanda Ford, Judie Rogers, Audrey Tolle 1. The meeting was called to order at 6:36 p.m. 2. The minutes of the August 27, 2019 Board Meeting were read. Sharon Knappe moved acceptance. Amada Ford seconded. The motion passed. 3. Director’s Report is attached. The Director’s monthly report is available on the city’s website. Highlights included: a. There were 47 programs given in September and October. i. Safe Spook brought in 472 people. ii. The Stuffed Animal Sleepover was a success. Each child participating received a photo album of their stuffed animal’s night in the library iii. There were two Skype author talks and we will continue presenting these talks. iv. The new Kinder Kreators monthly program brought in some new families. v. The first co-hosted program with SISD for Jump Start Sanger. “Making Books Come Alive”, was held. b. Future planning for the library. The priority for the city right now is streets, so the new or expanded library is further down the line. Colton is investigating ways to rearrange the existing building to make more efficient use of the space c. Audrey is interested in EV charging stations for the city and will continue to investigate possibilities. d. New newsletter software is being investigated. The format a nd usability of the current software was discussed. It has the advantage that it is automatically generated. The disadvantage is the library has no control in highlighting events or services. 4. Unattended Children Policy a. Audrey spoke with the city attorney and incorporated his changes into the Board’s recommendations from the August meeting. She presented a revised policy. b. Beth Avery moved acceptance. Sharon Knappe seconded. The motion passed. 5. Update on Student Use Library Cards. a. Colton went to the high school and with the cooperation of the school librarian set up a table in the lunchroom to register students. Eight students signed up for cards. b. There is a two-item limit. The card gives access to the library’s online resources. Interlibrary Loan is not available to student card holders. c. There probably isn’t a way to tie the cards to the school system. 6. Policy on Suspending Borrowing/Lending Privileges. a. Audrey discussed with the city attorney, Robert Dillard. He suggested the wording “Library staff may limit or refuse to fulfill interlibrary loan or other types of requests should there be a direct indication of the patron’s misuse of library resources” b. Audrey presented the American Library Association’s(ALA) Statement on Copyrighted for Libraries: Videos/Movies and following proposed policy: “If library staff members are aware that a library patron is checking out vides, DVDs, or other items in the collection in order to copy them, the patron should be advised that the use is unlawful. When a patron has been so advised and continues to give indications that he or she is copying items without authorization, the staff member may suspend or cancel the patron’s borrowing privileges” It was discussed. The ALA statement has been vetted by the leading library professional organization and ALA and its lawyers deal with copyright issues. The city attorney’s statement of September 20, 2019 gives the city’s opinion on the matter. c. The Board recommended the use proposed statement which combines the ALA statement and the city attorney’s statement. The patron may be given one warning before the policy takes effect. Putting copyright warning stickers on all DVDs and posting a copyright warning sign in the DVD area. Moved by Kandyce. Seconded by Sharon. The motion passed. 7. Future agenda items. a. General misuse statement. 8. The meeting was adjourned at 8:01 p.m. Moved by Amanda Ford. Seconded by Kandyce LaFleur. The next meeting will be Tuesday, February 18, 2020.