02/18/2020-Library Board-Minutes-RegularSANGER PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 2020 NOTES LIBRARY MEETING ROOM 501 BOLIVAR STREET SANGER, TEXAS Attendees: Beth Avery, Amanda Ford, Sharon Knappe, Kandyce LaFleur, Judie Rodgers, Audrey Tolle. 1. The meeting was called to order at 6:32 p.m. 2. The minutes of the November 12, 2019 Board Meeting were read. Two spelling corrections were made. Kandyce LaFleur moved acceptance. Amanda Ford seconded. The motion passed. Audrey will see how we put the minutes on the City webpage. 3. Director's Report a. The Library received a $15,000 Tocker grant to have UNT digitize The Sanger newspaper collection from 1905-1965. Some issues are missing, especially in the early 1900s.The Texas Digital Newspaper Program will cover the cost of digitizing issues after 1965. All issues will be searchable through the Portal to Texas History at https://texashistory.unt.edu. b. 50th Anniversary of the Sanger Public Library and the 25th Anniversary of the current library building. Events are planned throughout the year, with a special Library birthday party to kickoff the Summer Reading Program. c. Highlights of Programs. From November 2019 through January 2020 there have been 55 programs with 712 attendees. Highlights include the programs co-hosted with Sanger ISD and with the Denton Toastmasters/Lewisville Chamber of Commerce; baking classes with Kathleen Hedges (of the former Steve’s Bakery); crafts programs on button making and one on “Make Your Own Misfit Toy”; and a fun Noon Year’s Eve Party beginning at 11:00 a.m. of December 31st. The Homesteading series continues to be popular. d. The Create It club focusing on STEAM activities is now the Mega Minds Lab and meets on the last Thursday of the month. e. City Council met December 16, 2019 and approve the following policy changes. a. Dropping rating restrictions for DVDs checked out to minors with their own library cards b. Extending the number of DVDs that can be checked out by families to 6 per card, not 6 for the whole family. c. Student Use library cards d. Policy on Unauthorized Reproduction or Other Misuse of Library Materials. 4. Proposed Unattended Children Policy has been seen by City Council. Audrey Tolle made revisions based on their input. Changes were discussed. Sharon Knappe moved acceptance. Kandyce LaFleur seconded. Motion passed. 5. Future Agenda Items a. General Mission Statement b. Behavior policy. c. Review of all policies to update policy manual. Should probably happen in the Fall. d. Long range plan update. Current is only through 2020. 6. Adjourned at 7:24 p.m. moved acceptance. Amanda Ford seconded. .