02/19/2019-Library Board-Minutes-RegularSANGER LIBRARY BOARD TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 2019 LIBRARY MEETING ROOM -501 BOLIVAR ST. NOTES In attendance: Beth Avery, Amanda Ford, Sharon Knappe Kandyce LaFleur, Judith Rodgers, Audrey Tolle 1. The meeting was called to order at 6:39 pm. 2. Minutes from the November 27th meeting were read. They were accepted with corrections. 3. Library Directors Report is attached to these minutes. Highlights included the Evergreen upgrade went well. The SISD preK grant has provided many needed supplies and the library staff is planning programming around the grant. 4 . Policy of limiting first-time checkouts for new patrons is now on the Library website. 5 Processing fee for lost or damaged items is how on the website. 6. Minimum age for court-ordered community service. A discussion of a minimum age limit and the inability to guarantee the number of hours available was held. No offenders with theft or assault convictions will be accepted for community service. The librarians will develop a contract of expectations for those doing community service in the library. It should include items such as no phone use while working, no parents completing the application or helping do the work, no socializing while working, need to abide by the agreed upon schedule, specific duties. Motion was made by Sharon and seconded by Judith. Motion passed. 7. Discussion of Policy and Procedures for Unattended Children. There has been a significant increase in 6th grader attendance in the library, usually from 3:45 – 5:00 pm. More activities need to be planned for this group. Could be led by library staff member, volunteer, member of the friends group, or a board member. How to handle the few troublemakers was discussed. Ways to get contact information for parent or guardian were discussed. A significant problem arises when children aren't picked up when the library closes. It was decided to get flyers from the Boys and girls Club of Sanger and make the information available. The Library Director will discuss with the City Manager the possibility of liability issues for the library/city with unattended children in the library and after hours. 8 . The meeting was adjourned at 8:51 pm. Amanda moved and Sharon seconded. 8 The next board meeting will be May 21, 2019.