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05/26/2020-Library Board-Minutes-RegularSANGER PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD TUESDAY, MAY 26, 2020 Held via Zoom NOTES Attendees: Beth Avery, Amanda Ford, Sharon Knappe, Kandyce LaFleur, Judie Rodgers, Audrey Tolle. 1. The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. 2. 2. Teleconference Participation Details – no members of the public attended 3. The minutes of February 18, 2020 Meeting were read. Audrey Tolle made corrections to the description of the DVD policy. Amanda Ford moved acceptance. Sharon Knappe seconded. 4. Board Vacancies Beth Avery has reached her maximum number of terms. Sharon Knappe is moving out of the city limits of Sanger. They will both need to be replaced by the August meeting. Audrey will talk to the City Secretary about posting these. Beth will put on the friends of the Library Facebook page. Amanda Fords has served one term and needs to be reappointed. Audrey will take to City Council. She will also make sure the Kandyce and Judith were reappointed by the City Council in 2019. 5. Library Director's Report. The library has been closed to the public since March 17, 2020. The staff started working from home on March 25, 2020. The staff learned how to offer services and programs online. They started with the Wednesday morning story hour. It started with hundreds of views, but number of attendees have been leveling off. There was a discussion of “screen overload” as the stay-at-home has continued. A new reading reporting software was installed. It has been used for the Stay-at-Home Reading Program. More activities are going to be added and it will be used for the Summer Reading Program. Online programs were held, such as the Homesteading series. Statistics will be available later. After the staff returned to the building, curbside delivery of books started May 11, 2020. It was publicized on the library and city webpages, and the library, city, and Friends Facebook pages. It has been successful. If the patron does not want the books put in the trunk of their car, the bag of books is places on the curb in front of the car and the patron can then place it in their car. Storytime bundles on 38 themes were developed for patrons to request. They contain 3 books and activity sheets and are delivered to the car. The book drop was reopened. Totes are placed in the drop and taken into the Community Room to be stored for four days before they are handled by the staff. The covers are then sanitized, and the books checked back in. All in person summer programs have been cancelled. Colton has been negotiating with the magician and the yo-yo lady to present online programs for the Summer Reading Program. The Friends approved funds for the Summer Reading Program . Alternative plans are being developed, such as craft packets with online programs on how to do the crafts, and tours of local places. 6. Plans for Library Reopening. The City Manager would like the library to reopen to the public on June 1. Audrey is working on a plan for reopening. In the next few days, she will distribute it to the Board for comment, Masks, hand sanitizer, and other sanitizing supplies have been ordered. Plexiglass panels are being placed around circulation desk. Per the governor’s order the capacity of the library when first opened can only be 25% of capacity and no interactive activities. This is only 10 people in the library and no “interactive functions” means that the computers cannot be used (per city manager). When there are 5 staff members in the library, this could mean only 5 patrons at a time. There was a discussion about possible ways to handle this. Coming into the library by appointment only in 30-minute time blocks. Another measure, to comply with social distancing, would be allowing only one patron or family group in a book aisle at a time. Staff will handle copying and faxing. Ways to handle money were discussed. The Board suggested the opening policies be reviewed every 7-10 days to ensure how it is working and how to open the library more as the government guidelines allow for more patrons in the library. 7. Future Agenda Items. The Long-Range Plan needs to be reviewed and revised. The current one expires in 2020. The ability to do a community survey to help guide this was discussed. The policy for unattended children received comments from the City Manager. Audrey will incorporate the suggestions. 8. Amanda Ford moved to adjourn the meeting. Kandyce LeFleur seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 7:44 p.m. Next Board Meeting will be August 4, 2020 at 6:30 p.m.