07/27/2021-Library Board-Minutes-Regular Sanger Public Library Board Tuesday, July 27, 2021 MINUTES Attendees: Amanda Ford, Erica Kaufman, Kandyce LaFleur, Suzanne Sellers (acting chair), Audrey Tolle. (No members of the public attended.) 1. The meeting was called to order at 6:52 p.m. 2. The minutes of the June 17, 2021 meeting were read. Erica Kaufman moved to accept. Kandyce LaFleur seconded the motion. 3. Library Director’s Report: The Library Director shared the Director’s Report. Director discussed the increase in Summer Reading Program participation compared to Summer 2020 and the significant increase in new library cards issued. 4. Community Survey for Long Range Plan: The Community Survey for the Long Range Plan was discussed, including the use of prior surveys as a guide for creating the new online survey. Board members and Director agreed that a revision of questions—for brevity, clarity, and relevance—asked during the 2017 Community Survey would be sufficient for the new survey. Members also discussed the need for incentives to encourage participation as well as the need for providing a physical, i.e., non- online, means of survey participation, such as a postcard-sized survey with the online address included for the longer survey. 5. Timeline for Long Range Plan 2021-25: The timeline for the new long range plan was discussed. Library Director hopes to conduct the online survey during the month of August for approximately 2-3 weeks, with results being used for a draft of the new survey. The Director plans to have the draft of the Long Range Plan available by the scheduled meeting on October 5, 2021, depending on the progression of the Community Survey. The final version of the Long Range Plan is to be completed by the meeting scheduled for November 30, 2021. 6. Kandyce LaFleur moved to adjourn the meeting. Erica Kaufman seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 8:18 p.m.