05-05-1950-Resolution-Awarding the contract Furnishing and Installation of Diesel Engine-05/05/1950STATE OF TEXAS } } COUNTY OF DENTON } CITE' OF SANGER) RESOLUTION BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER', TEXAS, AWARDING CONTRACT FOR THE F NISHING AND IN TALL kTION OF ONE DUAL FUEL ATMOSPHERIC DIESEL ENGINE OF 617 BHP TO THE ENTERPRISE ENGINE AND FOUNDRY C012ANY OF SA ANCISCO, CALIFORNIA* EA , Heretofore the City Council of the City o ScmigVel , , did pursuaM -Go applicable law advertise to receive bids for the furnishing and complete installation of a dual fuel Diesel engine to be installed in the existing electric power generating station in the City of Sanger, Teas, and I IS a bids as received were Pj..: n of all bids received., informed'4the City Council that the bid as 3ubmitted by said Enterprise Engine and Foundry Company was the lowest and est bid and. did recommend that the City Council award the contract to said Enterprise Engine and Foundry Company on the` "Alternate All Engin® being 517 BHP atmospheric dual fuel engine and would further recommend that a 600 Pill E IT RESOLVED By TqE CITY COUNCIL , AU w 1, That the Engineer's recommendation be, and is hereby accepted; 2� That the Contract be awarded to the Enterprise Engine and Foundry Company for the 617 BHP atmospheric dual fuel engine; such engine to be f `shed °th a 600 at ®8 power factor 60 cycle 400 It AC Generator th properly sued exciter for e, 3� VV That the Mayor and City Secretary be, and that they are hereby authorized, instructed and. directed to enter into a contract between the city of Sanger, Texas and. Enterprise Engine and Fours Co any, and; That the Mayor and City Secretary be, and they are hereby authorised, strutted and. directed to do whatever is necess y or convenient to properly contract th said Enterprise Engine and Foundry Company for the purposes as above set out and in confor °ty with the Contract Documents with respect thereto 5® That this resolution take effect d be in full force from and after its date of passage® Passed and approved this the 5th day of May, 19500