07/25/1950-CC-Minutes-SpecialJuly 179 1950 The City Council met in regular sessions on the present were Mayor H B Bailey, 0Ouncilmen J ' H D Cooper, B M Acker and C P Cha?-)mana Mr Thomas from Dallas, met with. the on rebuilding part of our disturbution 179350.00. After much discussion, the a, few days longer and would. notify Mr the contract. above date. Harlipton, Hoy T. give His bid decided Thomas when a,nd council system. council an dstimate totaled to hold off i', he go t The minutes of the previous meeting were read and accepted. by the council. Mr Acker made a notion that J AT Scoggins, chief eng ner at the plant, be given completetnana ment at the plant and to direct the men under his supervision as he sees fite.Also, that Mr Sco& in.s shall meet with the council on the seconed. meeting night of every month. Hampton seconed the motion. Motion carried. The Sec. is to contact H B Gieb, and ask hiiir to meet with the council as soon a:s possible. With no Eater business to attend to, Chapman made the motion to adjurn. Acker Seconed it. Motion carried. July 259 1950 The City Council met in a call session on the above ela.t®._Those pre® sent were Mayor H B Bailey, Copncilmen Chapman., Cooper, Hampton and Syoratt.-The time was 69400 P. M. Mr. Tieg, of Teig Construction Co., met with the council to sub® A a bid for rebuilding the d.isturbution system, the same being 16,000.00e After much discussion the council decided to talk to the City Attorney before they gave Mr Tieg a definet answner. The Sece Ls to call Mr Tieg at 90600 Wed. 26 to give him aawner. With no dater business to attend. to, Cooper made the motion to adjurn, Sprott seconed it, Motion carried. Sec.