08/07/1950-CC-Minutes-Regulara u . 7, 1.950 The City Council mo , in regular session on the present were May 1-I B 13o.iley, councilmen I-i B goy `3pra' t, E T Acker .nd C R Cl: .apman. .bove date . Those Cooper, Ilampton, rl'hc minuues of the 19.revious me tinF were read and a,cceptecl by the coLtncil. The First business to come before the council wn the buying; of the wei .ch truck From Joe Cobbler. ?after much discussion Mr i cker racle the motion to bey the truck i'rom Joe Coba,er. Spr +.tt wa.s put in ch. .r e of buy ,n the truck. lis.rn:pton seconed. the motion. Mohan carried. The monthley bills were rea.d_. Cooper made the motion to p ,y all bills. Chapman seconed. 3.t. otion cn,rried. The council decided to meet ? Ied. na a.t u . 9, 195o to equa.li e the 1j50 taffies, the time being; 7a30. T Ir Bea.bod.y ha.d asked far a raise for ha Z .in the cans. ;after much discuss ,on r Cl a,prnan made the motion to pay 1'eabod.y } 5.00 per month more. This will make his sa,la,ry 35.00 per month. Cooper seconed the motion. motion carded.. T ir cker oracle the mot ,on that Kind anc heady shall write the spec® ifi a.tions for 'Ghe partial rebualdin of our distrubtion system. Then. re to be advertizecl in the local paper for three weeks® The bid.d. s arc to submitt one Paid where they will furnish the wire, and one trrith labor anly. Chapman seconed the motion. i Iptioncarried. r lith no Cooper fa.t i. r business to attend to Sprott made the motionto ad urn seconed. at. Motion carri _cl. . nL l, 1950 the City Counci:L met in re t. , ,r s®sson op. the <a.bove date. Those oresenfi, were mayor I -I B Bailey, Cour. .cil_m.en Cooper, %ia.rnpton, Spr n.tt, ; .cker and. Chapman. The minutes off. the previoLLs n .ectin were read anal a.cce atdd b;;r the,. col ncil. The te1,c-,phan.c si iva'vion w<a.s again d scusr ed ley the counoil.. :It .s hoped that the owner ca.z1 meet wri th tla.e council within 'she ne a,r future. In rewards to hirein ou'u the wench Muck recently aou k .t lay tka.e City, Cooper tn +.de a motia to ch .r e 6.00 oer 'Haar, that also iaein, the mini, mn cha.r e, and_ ar y ps,rt of z,n hour the re ,fter wall be ehar ;ed for a, full hour.. Sprat , seconed, the mo'uion. Mahon ca,rrie . Sept. 6, 1 50 was set for tl:ae :r e t mecta.n ; n.i l t of the c .uncil. The council wi7_l M also tilee t with the people v rho taffies have been raised. hlii.h now f7a.ther busness to attend to Cooper made a. oration to a,d_jur n. Spra.tt seconed it. l otian carried. Ma.yc> ^