08/21/1950-CC-Minutes-Regulargo 7� 1950 The City Council met in regular session on the above date. Those present were Mayen II B Bailey, 'jouncilmen II h Cooper, J P Ilanapton, R.oy Sprott, E M Acker and C R Chapman. The minuues o: the previous meting were read and accepted by the council. The First business to come before the council waa the buying of the wench truck from Joe Cobbler. Miter much discussion Mr rocker made the motion to byy the truck from Joe Cobler. Spratt was put in charge of buying the truck. Hampton seconed. the motion. Motion carried.. Tl�e rnonthley bills were read. Cooper made the mo'Vion. to pa,y all bibs. Chapman seconed_ it. Motion ca.rL ied. The council decided to meet Wed. nidlit Aug. 9, 1950 to equalize the 1950 taxes, the time being 70*30. Mr Peabody had asked for a. raise for hailing the cams. After much discuss on Iklj'r Chapman made the motion to pay Peabody a,5.00 per month more. This will make his salary $35.00 per month. Cooper seconed the motion. 114otion carried. lair t^.cker made the mot�.on th.a:t Kln�; one? Steady sh=�11 write the spec® ifica.tions for the partial rebuilding of our distrubtion system. Them O re to be advertized in the local paper for three weeks. The bidders ar: to submitt one bid where they will furnish the wires• and one with labor only® Chapman seconed the motion. Motioncarrled. �i i th no Coo-oer father business to seconed. it. Motion attend to Sprott made the ia�otion'i,o a.d�.urn. carried. dug �l, 1950 I�layor the City Council met a.n �^eg�a��,r session on. the abo�'e date. Thos© presen.fi� were iiayor N B Pa,il_ey, Coux�.c],lmen. Cooper, ila,rnptan, �pra.tt, Acker and, Chapman. The minutes oB. the previous meet:i_ng were read and acce�otdd by the council. The telephora.e situation. was again discussed key tl�a.c council. It is hoped that the ot,rner ca.n meet witl�� the council within the near future. In regu�nrds to hireing out the wench truck recently bought by the City, Cooper made a motion to charge p6.00 x�er hour, that also being the min.umn charge, and any -part of an hour thereafter will be charged for a. full hour..Spratt seconed the motion. Motion ca.rriedo �3ept. 6, 1950 was set for the next meeting night of the o�.uncil. The counoi7_ wi7_l_ also meet with tkie people whose taxes have been raised. With now f7-ith.er busness to attend to Cooper made a, motion to ad-jurne Spra.tt seconed it. Motion carried. r