08/30/1950-CC-Minutes-Special49 �?g 30, 1950 The City council met at a. call session on the above date® Those present were Mayor H B Bailey, Councilmen Cooper, Spratt, Hampton, ^.nd Chapman e The Durpose of this meeting was to open, the bids received from W® J® Thomas & Co®, C C Teague & Son. and. Re B® Stovall Co., for the partial rebuilding of our distrubition system® The Mayor opened the bids which were as follows W J Thomas Co® 25,500®00 tilternate bid. 19,9500000®��C C Teague 016,714*80 ®H B Stovall Co. �23,340®00® ,after much discussion, Hampton made the motion to accept the C C Teague bid of 16,714oSO, the same being low bide Spratt seconed the motion.® Motion carried® Speefica.tions for the rebuilding program are as set out below. With no father business, Chapman made the motion to adjurn® Ha,ttipton seconed It. Motion carried. mayor