09/06/1950-CC-Minutes-RegularSeptember 6, 1950 The City Council met in regular session 6n '6he above date. Those present were Mayor Bailey, Lounclmen Chapman, Cooper, Acker, Spratt and Hampton. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and accepted by the Council. The monthley bills were read. 5pratt made a motion to pay all bills. Oha.pma.n seconed.the motion. Motion carried. The Valley View Nat'l. Bank ask for a7®50 per month raise for collecting balls in Valley View. This will make a, salary of 115.00 per month. Cooper made the motion to give this raise. Hampton seconed. it. Motion carried. With no fathur blas,=a .ess 'co attend to, pra.tt made a, mota,on to <ad, itrn. Hampton seconed it. Motion c_,rried® Mayor _ sec. 1